what do we do about the female man-child? I have a friend, she's in her 30s, plays videogames in all of her free time, doesn't go out and does't meet new people, l'm affraid she'll die alone, she's a good person, l've talked to her many times but nothing ever changes
What do we do about the female man-child? I have a friend, she's in her 30s, plays videogames in all of her free time...
nice flag faggot. your "friends" are not politics.
she does, she just doesn't tell you about it because she doesn't want you tagging along.
>meme flag
>meme thread
fuck off
can I have her number? She sounds perfect!
My past couple girlfriends say they hate video games yet will waste 2 hours on stupid mobile games like candy crush without seeing the irony.
>she's in her 30s,
she's gone, dead. Move on with your own life
Sounds like my gf.
I know many women like this
they will die alone or with cats, possibly a late-blooming lesbian
don't try to be captain save-a-ho, user
move on
i know, but it just feels like a loss man
that's obviously your room, nice try tho
That's keeper material for me. 100%. That's what I want.
All I've had is girls who want to GO OUT all the time and SEE PEOPLE and DO THINGS and it's fucking expensive and exhausting and they're really a handful.
I just want a nerdy girl who likes coming home everyday and just wants to play vidja games and sit on my dick when she gets bored of that. I'll even cook dinner.
I can only claim ownership of the bears.
>she's in her 30s
Nobody wants to meet new people after turning 30.
Is your gf 12, mohammed?
I have a friend like that too, she keeps buying toys in amazon, and like to dress like a child, is a tomboy dyke, autistic actually
>OP pic
try again
she is 29 o something
>not having a computer desk and chair like a real adult
fucking gas yourselves
Find her a man = problem solved. (not hard to find, saying that she plays vidya all day long would easily make them hard)
Is she pretty?
I bet she is an ugly landwhale.
Pretty girls are magnets for dicks.
No room
How fat and ugly is she?
See the dif between men and woman is your "friend" will just claim to be lesbo, and no one will question it. No self respecting male will do the same (altho I do claim to be a lesbian) and then she will get a few cats, bada bing bada boom! You have a suffegette
she's decent, not ugly but not hot, idk i can't force her to go out and date, she's a cool person, i can talk to her about games and sports an everything, she's just broken i think, i don't know how to help her, i already have a gf
try getting rid of all the dumb shit
then you'll have room
even better, move the fuck out of your parents house
What the fuck, do you, your wife and your kid(s) live all the same room?
$5 says he's one of those "late in life" "chads" who didn't get laid until he got his $85k/yr STEM job at 30 years old so he hooked some dumb mentally ill 19 year old girl on /soc/ to be his live-in fuckslave in a "DDLG" relationship
>t. knower
I'm not an expert on diapers never had kids, but those look way too small for a woman, even a tiny degenerate one from soc.
Also on a side note there's only 3 types of girls I've ever talked to from soc that weren't extremely toxic garbage fires.
Lesbians, Asians and the best category girls with some type of physical illness that for some reason actually have a soul
You know she doesn't have to be specifically from /soc/ but the archetype still applies
>hey guys my name is kevin im 31 and this is my gf I just met her last year conveniently after I started making $700,000,000,000/hr at my pentesting IT security job for raytheon
>she's 19 years old (she turned 18 after I met her) and shes unemployed but she lives under my bed in a cage and she shits in diapers and plays with stuffed animals and video games and arts & crafts until I get home
If she had more than a minimum wage paying job she could afford to do more and go out instead of playing video games. The problem is employers and unbelievable expectations.
yeah, i agree with you there, that's also a problem
Pony thread?!
present her a big balled bull
I mean you could always be a degenerate and convince your gf to let you adopt her as a concubine, you know for the goodness of the white race
People are free to be hikkikomori if they choose.
Can't do it. Moved out of parents a long time ago.
No kids. They're reborn dolls.
Nah man. I don't make that much. Wow that's quite a story, but it's nothing like that.
change a few of those variables, but on the overarching scheme of things, you're so damn right
i hope i don't make that mistake though
I'm still probably close
>you're 31 and you make a decent living
>she's in her early to mid 20's and her occupation is being your fuckdoll
We need more Acid Splashings of Tolerance to occur, to be desu
If she's attractive she should start streaming and get $ from thirsty betas.
If she's not, then, get some cats, and play more vidya.
yeah, i mentioned the streaming idea to her, she says all those girls are sluts and she doesn't want to show boobs for money, maybe i should help her find a decent job and more money, then she'll go to events and shit and meet new ppl
Is your GF single?
She doesn't need to be a show bob streamer, just be happy playing games.
Implying that there is something wrong with dying alone?
hm, you have a point user
give them to me, that i might evaluate their quality as partners