Every post of theirs is autistic screeching about Brexit. We don’t even know where they are on a map.
Why are these countries so butthurt about Britain?
They are?
Brexit means brexit
Why do you make this thread 4 times a day? And why do you think Finland gives a fuck about you? I DOUBT they even think about you, you autistic faggot.
Whut? I think you're just imagining this, bong
did you just pick a picture with random european countries?
I don't know a single austrian who's bothered by Britistan leaving the EU, in fact people are only wondering why you still haven't left yet.
Bongs just want to feel smug and talk shit about the horrible mess they are in. It helps them with the pain or something.
Im not angry about your country
I swear, OP is just playing bingo with each thread he makes.
why is this shabbos goy always making this thread?
Well, we arent.
Altho we like to pick UK as better example than Sweden
fuck off with this gay D&C thread, you post it every day you goddamned faggot
Come on I want a full set. Get some Belgians, Croatians and Slovenians in the thread.
Hurr durrr filthy brits, I am so butthurt
What exactly am i butthurt about again?
Brexit is the best thing to happen in years. I want Finland to E X I T as well.
I don't know about other countries but Britain has screwed us over countless times.
>brits don't know basic geography
doesn't surprise me to be honest. Thats kind of what generations of inbreeding does to your population
Britain get back in the EU