
I’m transgender. Ask me anything Jow Forums.

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""""""transgender"""""" lel what a joke that you can switch genders on a whim. What are you crazy shape shifters going to do next? Change species?

If you have two apples and you take two away, how many apples do you have?

When was your last suicune attemp

leave this board and never come back.

How's the bipolar disorder?


Go away.


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How do I find passing trans women to date? There aren't any in my town.

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It’s raging

Make me tranny lover.

pokemon crystal was so cool tho u suck

Serious question: if everyone else vanished tomorrow and you were the only person on earth, would you still bother getting prettied up, or just wear clothes that are functional and comfy from then on?

Check tinder and OkCupid.

When do you anticipate you will kys?

Go attention whore somewhere else, faggot.

what gender are you and what biological sex are you


I'll be to the point as a fellow tranny:
Do you let your identity inform your politics?

My gender is female. My biological sex is male. That’s why I’m a transgender woman and not a cisgender woman.


>Do you let your identity inform your politics?

Very much so but I’ve always been a very liberal mainstream Democrat. That hasn’t changed.

So you are just a faggy male that wanted more attention? I think most of us here can understand that deep down..

I have a few questions. Do you still have a pp? Does it still get hard? How long have you been on hormones? What is your sex drive like?

Ok. Next question:
Why do you place your identity above your own values?

Why are you a democrat? Could you see your self becoming a log-cabin republican?

when did you start identifying as female?
have you cut your dick off yet - why/why not?

>Do you still have a pp?

unfortunately yes

>does it still get hard?

not really

>how long have I been on hormones?

8 months

>What is your sex drive like?

rekt but also just really different

So you chose to look like a woman in exchange for your sex life? That's a high price to pay. It must be really important to you.
>really different
What do you mean by different?

>Last suicune attempt
It's been quite a few years since I last tried to catch a suicune but damn he's a slippery fucker

No you’re not, sage this garbage

what does it mean to identify as a woman in an age when feminists have coopted gender roles to make women no different than men?

Here's what you are:
You're a dude who never got laid and never had any luck with the ladies. You always envied the attention they got and secretly wanted to feel loved by everyone just like they did.
Once the Cultural Marxists started pushing for "sexual exploration" and introducing the concept of picking your own gender as if life was a role-playing game, you went for it.
You started slow, maybe with a fucking name change to test the waters. Then you tried to grow your hair out long, but that took time, so wigs became the Final Solution (tm) for you.
Then you went on to crossdressing, and in the right light, if people are drunk enough, you may pass for a 2/10 female 200 yards away.
This gave you confidence to move on. You're now seeking hormone therapy, thinking that if you pump estrogen into your body, you will magically become a woman - if you're patient enough.
Here's a wake up call for you - you'll never have a vagina. You might get fake tits or even grow a pair of man-boobs, but they will never be real. People can always tell.
No one want to fuck you. You think a cleaved cock turned inside out is attractive in any way? A puss filled hole that stinks to high hell? No.

You had a chance to become something in life, but you fucked up. All you had to do was not be a cowardly pussy and start lifting weights and improve your life instead of taking the easy way out as the fucking kikes wanted you to.

In short; kill yourself. There is no way for you to have a good life ever again. Trust me when I say that you _will_ die with the rest of the Cultural Marxist scum on the Day of the Rope. I promise you that.

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you mean normal famalam
>in all fields

Do you really believe people on the left care about you or do you realise that you're nothing more than a chained pet to be paraded against the right? Also, are you worried about the surgery being no better than mutilation?

when you kys urself?

Are you passing and can I pack your fudge?

>I’m transgender.
No such thing. You're a psychotic eunuch.

>Why are you a democrat?

LGBTQIA+ rights (specifically trans rights)
foreign policy
immigration/border security/refugees
climate change
economic policy & trade
reproductive rights and women’s health
gun violence
criminal justice
net neutrality

>Could you see your self becoming a log-cabin republican?

Not after how Republicans treated Obama and Hillary. Never after Trump, his campaign, and his presidency. Never after what he has done on transgender rights and Charlottesville. Never after they ripped families apart. Not after how he has attacked the press and U.S. allies. That is against my values.

This isn't Jow Forums gayboy

I agree with all of those things accept for foreign policy, immigration, and trade. I voted for Bernie, and I would again, but I'm now on the Trump train and you should be too. There's room here for LGBT people.

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>So you chose to look like a woman in exchange for your sex life? That's a high price to pay. It must be really important to you.

It’s so important to me. It is worth it to me.

>What do you mean by different?

I get lady feelings now down there now even though I don’t have a vagina. I get more stimulation from my breasts now and my penis sort of functions more like a clitoris. I have anal sex but it hurts. Still it’s worth it to have a guy like me and feel like a woman. It’s all about that validation.

How does what you think/feel/experience differ from a cis male? Has the mental experience of being female changed since you started hormones?

I cannot support Trump after he reversed Obama era protections for transgender people.

And when muslims throw you off a rooftop there won't be a peep from the Democrats because that would be islamophobic.

>How does what you think/feel/experience differ from a cis male? Has the mental experience of being female changed since you started hormones?

It is so different. Makes me wonder if I really was a woman before because it’s just so different. I don’t think the same way at all. I wish I could elaborate further but it’s sort of difficult to explain. Even who I was attracted to changed.

All he did was stop them from being able to join the military. Which yeah that's pretty bad, but it's not like there will be black-shirts in the streets hunting down transwomen.

Do you have any ideas on what causes this? Anything anecdotal you'd like to share? Is it environmental? Social? Genetic?

Obama is married to a transgender so we would be partial.

You don't need protection. Learn to stand for yourselves and stop getting humiliated in parades etc. Be nice people and no one will bother you.

>And when muslims throw you off a rooftop there won't be a peep from the Democrats because that would be islamophobic.

Muslims that come here are pretty well assimilated.

post boypucci.

when will you kys ?

Sees flag. Not surprised.
Aren't you afarid that trying to push unfair shit to accomodate your interests will create a backlash that could have been avoided if only progressives have actually cared about equality instead of positive discrimination and marxist inspired ideology that criminalizes people as oppresors not for their individual actions but only on the grouds of their belonging to certain groups?

do you think a certain segment of people have always felt trapped in the wrong body or do you think it's something environmental -- i.e. due to modern civilization?

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what the fuck does this have to do with politics

No there’s a lot more. He reversed Obama era protections for trans people in healthcare and in public schools. He banned the word ‘transgender’ from the CDC. He reversed Obama guidelines on trans inmates in federal prisons. Sessions Justice Dept. said we weren’t covered by anti-workplace discrimination. He’s nominated anti-trans justices including Gorsuch.

It’s fucked up. Not to mention endorsing Roy Moore and speaking at an anti-LGBTQIA+ conference. So much more. He chose Pence as his VP. Betsy DeVos, Mike Pompeo, and Ben Carson are all anti-trans bigots. He loves Putin.

>makes me wonder if I really was a woman before

And there's the problem. Did you not even try to take testosterone treatment to actually treat the cause of your dysphoria then? Sounds like you just jumped the gun and was bought into the trans meme like too many others in the 45% statistic. It's infuriating to see these lefty doctors push for this bullshit when it's merely treating the symptoms and not the actual cause of your problems. Had a roommate who had severe gender dysphoria until he got testosterone therapy in high school, after which practically all feelings of being wrong and detached and suicidal disappeared.

It has everything to do with politics.

a not political larp

I think it could be both.

post bp

No, it doesn't it's a gender issue, not a political issue.

>tfw being locked in chastity is a better alternative to that
I'll stay locked up I promise

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Not him, but people have done this for millennia. Look up third gender people in India for example. It might be becoming more common due to environmental factors, but it's not uniquely caused by them.

>I’m transgender. Ask me anything Jow Forums.
Why don't you post this shit in /lgbt, faggot?


>satanic trips
>leaf flag
>locks himself in a chastity cage

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Do you know how to commit suicide?

I think it’s a combo but genetics are most at play.

Relax sweetheart. Are you on tiddy skittles yet?

How often do you have to shove a dildo up your disgusting, festering wound to stop it from closing?

When is your 'period'?

What age did you start hormones at?

why don't you kill yourself?

>Not him, but people have done this for millennia. Look up third gender people in India for example. It might be becoming more common due to environmental factors, but it's not uniquely caused by them.

Her and yes third gendered people are very common in South Asia. Not to mention the ancient world and naive peoples in the Americas. We also were having a big hay day in Weimar Germany.

26 and I’m 27 now

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I don't have gender dysphoria. I saw your post from page 0.

Being in a chastity cage is preferable to self-mutilation. But you should've just stayed a twink instead of messing with your body's chemistry.

How can you not see that
A) Transgenderism is highly correlated with higher suicide rates
B) You’re not special because you’re willing to cut your dick off
C) There are many better things to worry about than whether 1.5% of the population can be subdivided into 60 genders
D) Transgenderism has nearly identitcal symptoms as many mental illnesses?

I thought you were somebody else. So nvm that. Also I'm not on hormones and I don't ever want to be. Also, if I had dysphoria it would make sense to take testosterone instead of estrogen, since I'm 90% male. So instead of going all the way toward female I'd rather go the short and easy way to male.


Is your van Transporter or Transit?


Just be sure to have white kids once you're done being degenerate in your 20s.

Are you gay or lesbian?

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Not even if Trump wins his second term?

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why haven't you killed yourself yet? a rope will do

Why don't you have principles?
Have you figured out how your gonna kill yourself yet?

I won't deny, those are bad. But I have to ask, how will any of these things make your life as a transgender woman worse? Has this presidency made your life more difficult or oppressive in any way? If you just dress and act like a woman, contribute to society, and don't act promiscuous/degenerate in public then no one will care what you choose to do with your body.

Pic of bulge in panties (no nudity) for proof of course

When are you gonna kill yourself?

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How come trans people do not realize that gender dysphoria can be treated by other means than actually transitioning? And most children statistically outgrow dysphoria...

>A) Transgenderism is highly correlated with higher suicide rates

Because we haven’t been fully integrated into society and still face a lot of discrimination.

>B) You’re not special because you want to cut your dick off

That’s not how it works and yes I am.

>C) There are many better things to worry about than whether 1.5% of the population can be subdivided into 60 genders

Doesn’t mean we can’t do the right thing and protect transgender people including trans youth.

D) Transgenderism has nearly identitcal symptoms as many mental illnesses?

No we have mental illnesses due to the trauma of having to repress our true selves.

source on that? literally first time hearing something like this.

>How come trans people do not realize that gender dysphoria can be treated by other means than actually transitioning?
Because of a widespread disinfo campaign in the media and online, and apathetic or immoral physicians/therapists who don't care enough or are moral enough to inform their patients of all the available options.