A man who wears fake eyebrows doesn’t get to say “I won’t get pushed around”

A man who wears fake eyebrows doesn’t get to say “I won’t get pushed around”

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>fake eyebrows

Take your shitpost to or better yet, >>>/reddit/


CIDF shills out in full force


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>50 threads about a fake news story spread by cuck shills
>calls other people shills

Stop spamming the board with this shit. This is like posting dozens of threads about Trump's small hands. It's not a Jow Forums thread.

Attached: Justin_Trudeau_November_2015.jpg (758x1106, 107K)

poor leafs putting blinders on and desperately trying to ignore the truth

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You're gonna need some cream for that butt-hurt.

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Wonder if he's getting some cutting edge treatment that results in hair loss

Hhehe good point


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>Stop spamming the board with this shit. This is like posting dozens of threads about Trump's small hands. It's not a Jow Forums thread.

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COmparing the images, Justin doesnt even look like himself in the newer images.

Has he beenn switched out by a double? Is he a reptiloid? :0
Evrything is staged?!

I hope Trudeau dies in a train derailment. Good luck, comfy hats. The annexation is coming. Just hold out a bit longer.

how dare you compare trudeu to the magnificent reptilians

The difference being Trump's hands aren't actually small, where as Turdeau really does wear fake eyebrows.

Attached: trudeaudisrespectfulbrows.png (1200x628, 201K)

Fucking brainlets

Those are just his eyebrows. Yes, they’re fucked up. No, they’re not fake

Those digits. Annex noowwwww

>Fucking brainlets
>Those are just his eyebrows. Yes, they’re fucked up. No, they’re not fake

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Fucking leaf

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Exactly, and why are they shilling so hard to say this is fake. There's more than meets the eye(brow) going on here.

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Gayest world leader ever


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show me a video with the exact moment in which it moves
otherwise, I am calling bullshit. the dude's eyebrows seem to always have be weird shaped

That's pretty pathetic.

>Prime Minister of host nation during G7
>Wearing fake fucking eyebrows

This is about as much of a political embarrassment you can get.

Drumpf is a 70 year old guy with comb over hair, but this is a whole nother league. A man, a prime minister, in his 40s wearing fake eyebrows. Something that most women don't even lower themselves to wearing.

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How about you go to youtube, search Trudeau eyebrows and inspect one of the hundreds of videos yourself?

OK so WHY do Canadians wear fake eyebrows can't even find an answer online

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Just annex the west and the maritimes. Toronto can rot in its own filth

Also kick out commiefornia while you do it

This is a 40 minute video of him in a press conference and the eyebrow progressively comes loose toward the end. youtube.com/watch?v=V56odsuYAxw

On a lighter note, watch Turdeau's dance moves as he tries to do the bhangra

Attached: trudeau dancing bhangra.jpg (480x360, 19K)

>tfw your politician doesn't have manly bushy eyebrows
Stop drinking s-oy cum faggets

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>Fake eyebrows fall off
>fake eyebrows
what de fug is dis shit

Attached: Fuggggg.png (140x117, 12K)

Looks like cgi

>shave eyebrows off
>paint them back on
Trudy Trudeau is a Latina.

>t. Butthurt leaf

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Yeah we're actually talking about a politician from a government. That's more on topic than most of what Jow Forums is capable of.

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absolutely not. Trump was born with small hands. trudy chooses to wear fakebrows. It is pertinent to pol, especially after his actions after the meeting.

why do leafs deny the truth. Trudeau wears fake eye brows

If Trump had been caught wearing fake hands to the G7, you bet your fucking ass we'd laugh about that too, you absolute embarassment of a country.

I want to fuck Marion Le Pen

And yet he did, so what now? Seems the whole world is siding with us, writing up tariffs against America.

I didn't even know fake eyebrows like that existed that's really funny how unfortunate for him oh my knee is getting sore from the slapping oh how amusing oh

>I didn't even know fake eyebrows like that existed
I didn't either, but Amazon sells them. I guess that Turdeau bought the cheap ones with bad glue. I wonder why the Chinese call him Little Potato?

Attached: Trudeau little potato.jpg (460x805, 66K)

Why the fuck is he wearing eyebrows

>attack trump
>start falling apart on camera

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Remember Cruz ate a booger during a debate with trump

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Not even a comparison.

He's a small fry

Leafs are getting salty

Is this one of those deepfakes?

deepfake video

Lel well ur bitch ass drumpf got the smackdown laid on her by Merkel


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He has boxers eyebrows.

The glue came undone on Justin’s eyebrows

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The glue fell off

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gonna happen....

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Staring at this picture I can actually see where the real brow ends and the fake brow begins

Would you say that Turdeau is sort of a low brow?

Attached: trudeau eyebrow.jpg (480x275, 12K)

Is this real?

It's not a fake eyebrow, it has low density in the middle and the shadow from the eye socket joins the lower part and it makes it appear that it's a fake eyebrow.

It’s NOT glue you idiot! We call this cement

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It's real and it's all over the internet. You can watch the eyebrow slipping off at his press conference here

It's the smoothing algorithm of the video compression.

Reddit - LMAO my sides. reddit is the home of faggot defenders for Trudeau, you're in the wrong place user.

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Jesus christ this is sad and embarrassing

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I don't see how this could happen really. Brow glue is extremely sticky.

Is that one leaf still around saying the eyebrows agent fake it's just the lighting?

justin is a deepfake

If they had a tv show, what would it be called?

The FagtTards?
Will & Grace?
The S o y Boy Hour?

He has been using semen

>holy shit
>it's real

holy fucking kek, this is incredible.

He's haggared. The job and the perpetual lying is killing him.hair list and scratching.

Justin? Is that you?

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It looks like a caterpillar is trying to escape his face. A couple more months it would have been a butterfly. Who would have ever thought a man as 'manly as Justine Trudeau likes to wear costumes?

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World leaders.

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Trudeau is a flaming homo and I hope he has a stroke.

pic related; it's his fans.

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Fake news < Fake Brows

Not to mention it would be blasted all over MSM for weeks and CNN would devote a one hour segment to it and why it means impeach

Oh you got us there faggot.

Contact Justin at pm.gc.ca/eng/connect

Let him know that his real eyebrows are gorgeous and that he doesn't need fakes.

>Marion Le Pen looked amazing--nipples protruding in her white blouse before Parliament. Very very arousing. Hot!

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The original is great. Trump calling bullshit on Merkel. It's all over the body language. Everyone is exasperated from listening to Merkel. Look, she tries to hold the room. Hands on the table trying to look bossy. Cunt off, Merkel.

that's very strange.

No Barney Frank is actually disgusting.

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Hard winter is coming if Wooly is getting out of town this early.

He should have mixed it up a little. Wear the British officer oufit when visiting India, and the French Musketeer outfit when visiting the EU.