>user why do you need weapons again? It's time to hand them over
User why do you need weapons again? It's time to hand them over
Okay, Hitler. Sure thing, right away.
Alright Taylor, but what do I get in return? *Winks*
Why is TayTay literally a 10/10?
Are all German girls like that?
Nope, tay tay's never been raped by an immigrant.
She is still pure
She'd never say this
taytay would never say that
I am Jewish and I am terrified of the Nazis everywhere in 2018 and Trump voters with assault weapons. I am not going to let my people be murdered again
You wouldn't take them from me would you?
I discovered an asian TayTay. and she does porn
pic is her
Shut up and bring me healthy children you woman
okay, when you stop sleeping with everyone in hollywood
I'll gladly drop my weapon in your bin, love.
>woman speaks without permission
But tay tay likes to shoot...
Leftist OP faggot BTFO
To kill niggers and socialists
why does every retard think Hitler wanted to disarm Germans?
He wanted to disarm Non-Germans and any German with Jewish blood
not sure if the curtains matches the carpet
No. Come try to take them you whore
To protect you tay.
How else am I gonna be able to fuck Taylor Swift if I don't shoot he first?
I just refuse sex to any guys who own firearms
Guys who own fire arms probably arent gay anyway so you dont have to worry about that
I'm a girl
>internet virgin pseudoscience
Guys with firearms can literally take sex from you in a multitude of situations.
That's rape
Or has swedistan redefined what sex is?
why do retards think mao wanted to disarm chinese when he armed more people than anyone else
Yes, it is rape. That doesn't mean it can't happen.
Here, have a (you)
No titsuntil you get rid of your guns
nobody wants to see your manboobs fag
>I discovered an asian TayTay. and she does porn
your beauty must be protected
Sorry, they're cute trap tits
that's what i said, nobody wants to see your manboobs fag
>>user why do you need weapons again?
Owning firearms is our inherent right. Need doesn't factor into it.
>It's time to hand them over
Isn't it intersting how you demand we give our property over to the government with no compensation? Almost as if you're saying we don't have any rights and the government can take everything we have away from us at any moment...
Just an FYI, Judeo Communists don't belong on Jow Forums.