Get out of Degeneracy Free Card?

I'm a black haired german, have a blond wife and a now 2 year old son that has blue/green eyes and is still blonde. I'm a loving father, entrepreneur with over 60 employees and help my community via donations wherever necessary.

I also strongly believe that we need to have more white children, i'm renting out all my flats only to wmwf couples.

Due to complications at birth my wife became infertile after my son was born, so I myself can't father more children, unless we adopt another woman into our relationship. My wife, knowing that I always dreamed of more than 5 kids, proposed the idea that as long as I can financially support the whole family it would be okay for me to find another wife to have more children with.

Would I be degenerate, or is having more white well educated kids worth that bit of unorthodox lifestyle?

Any Femanons that would want to become fulltime second wifes, fully financially taken care of?

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Why do you want your offsperg to grow up in planet of the apes? it was a stupid idea to have children so late in the game.

>black haired german,
No such thing

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No takers?

I wish you good luck on your journey. being german and being this dumb

>buy a Ukranian girl
>lock her in the basement
>father as many kids as you want
>brick up the basement when you're done.
There's your solution.

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Get a surrogate mother. Dont just fuck a random whore

Sadly my wife isn't into slavery and murder, and she'd have to raise the kids in your scenario

Surrogate mother's are illegal in Germany and cost 50k€ per child in Ukraine. Too pricey for 5-6 kids...

can you do like a test tube baby thing? if not then do a surrogate but don't get another wife.

IVF doesn't work for my wife because her uterus isn't fertile anymore from lack of blood flow.

Adopt some non white kids and raise them to not be failures

Found the jew

That's kind of your wife, she must be a highly empathetic person, but to find another woman like her? Who doesn't mind being a second wife? Who isn't going to cause drama and rip your family apart?
I suspect that's highly unlikely.

Show flag


That's the biggest problem I see. Took me long enough to find one woman that's as great as my wife, a second one that's both open minded about this but trad in all other departments feels impossible. But I want more siblings for my son. :(

>breeding with a white woman
>breeding with a german woman


You can rent an uterus in India and Thailand. It’s her egg and your sperm. The uterus just acts as the incubator

There you go

Thanks, hate meme flags

I wish I was a jew, maybe I'd be rich and not a wagecuck

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From what I saw this was just as expensive as in fthe Ukraine. We're currently unsure if we can harvest more eggs of my wife since she still hasn't got her period since giving birth.

Good idea. Rent a uterus in India.

Learn to build things other people need, charge for it. If all else fails learn programming.