Alaska Bros stock up on food and water. On project near volcano. If it blows I will stream until the end.

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When was the last time it went yellow?

The Ring of Fire AWAKENS

There was a massive boom over there, and a mushroom cloud of steam shot up a little bit ago.

It is to the north of the Aleutians, way the fuck out in the Bering sea.

Are you on a ship in the ocean? You should not be able to see 300 or more miles over the horizon.

where were you when you realized we're living in a late 90's disaster movie with 40 days left on earth except there's no cast of huwhite heroes to save the day

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Check the wind patterns. An eruption would bury Anchorage Wasilla, The Valley, and Fairbanks in ash.

to lazy to look it up . post a map location ? I have friends up there for Salmon season.

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So much global volcanic activity. Wonder why?

Volcanoes sure are lively lately

Judgement of God.. vials of Wrath poured out. Repent and turn to Jesus

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It is on OPs pic related: 54°4'n 176°6'w for the instrument and Great Sitkin Volcano for the activity.

>tfw read sitkin as shitskin
I've been here too long.

Some people saying pole flip coming or molten core wobbling, nibiru all kinds of /x/ shit. Haven't had time to look in to it. Shits definitely popping whatever the cause

I guess it's to do with the mantle and lava it contains

Every. Fucking. Time.

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This you user?

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Every solar minimum we have increased volcanic activity all over the planet. We are entering a deep minimum, probably a grand modern minimum. Solar cycle 24 was the lowest since we started keeping accurate sunspot records in the 1750s. Less precise estimates, from before the 1750s, indicate solar cycle 24 may be the lowest in several thousand year.

We've already seen greatly increased volcanic activity over the past 8-10 months. Mostly the reawakening of several east and southeast Asian volcanoes. No major eruptions yet. The west coast of the Americas is also starting to wake up. This is in addition to the fairly frequent activity in Central America, Mexico and Alaska. Now we're starting to see signs in the pacific Northwest and northern California. Though the activity is still very minimal.

I wouldn't be surprised if we see continued increases in activity culminating in our first VEI 6 eruption in a longtime. Probably in the next 12 months. I'm also guessing it'll be in Southeast Asia. My guess is that it will be in Indonesia, near the island of Bali.

uH, CRACK-UR-TOEA?? hmmmmm

I live in Anchorage and heard a really loud pop sound outside kinda like a gun shot earlier would that have been it?

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Isreali GeoThermal Meltdown

its a new game im crowdfunding. please send shekels.

It’s not fair! Summer has been really nice so far. Why must God always punish us for Canada’s mistakes

The (ring of) fire rises!

Same. I just want to go back

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They named a volcano Shitskin?
well there's your problem

It's a Volcano of Peace, hopefully unlike the sneaky volcano down in Guatamala. There was an OP there that thought he was dead, but then survived, but then it got him hours later with a second larger eruption.
Clever girl.

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Na, that is the Muldoon thugs shooting at each other. They just started early.

SAGE these threads. They are shill slide threads and nothing but a distraction.

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Stay safe

Why would solar activity be linked to tectonics?

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