Why are far lefties pro gun control?

why are far lefties pro gun control?

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no ideas about this discrepancy between marx and modern commies?

>the people must pay land rent to the state
Garl margs

They aren't at least not Leftist anarchists, I'm post-leftist myself but I find both statist leftist and libertarian leftists sickening.


Lefties are all Jews.

Jow Forums really needs to move past this identitarian attitude, it's not doing us any favors. we should be strictly against those who trample on individual liberty.

> "Whoever will be free must make himself free. Freedom is no fairy gift to fall into a man's lap. What is freedom? To have the will to be responsible for one's self. "-Stirner

you're new here. i'm guessing. i give you month before you turn into a nazi, following that line of reasoning.

They are not though?

Nope, I've been here quite a while, and I have posted many threads regarding libertarianism and I have taken on quite a few Neo-nazis, I'm saying we are denying ourselves allies by being nazis also anarchism is pretty red pilled considering it plans to take away all power from those who wish to govern, such as capitalists and the state or really anyone who plans on impeding on individuality.

> To be governed is to be watched over, inspected, spied on, directed, legislated at, regulated, docketed, indoctrinated, preached at, controlled, assessed, weighed, censored, ordered about, by men who have neither the right, nor the knowledge, nor the virtue. …

statist lefties are.

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Liberalism, Socialism and Conservatism, the three 18th Century religions were still dealing with are separate and distinct.
Don't confuse Socialists with Liberals, it looks very unintelligent. Like you've got your info from American Republicans

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see statist commies.

They know they would immediately lose an armed conflict with the right.

>my fat rolls will easily absorb those nazi bulle-

Because communism is a genocide machine but no one will admit to it. If they want to genocide a population so they can steal all their stuff, they need to disarm them first.

I guess walls work!

they are pro gun control to lead on the useful idiots.

> muh white race

Fashism/natsoc is soo fuckin stupid, and i agree with the concept of white genocide, however, you arent your race friend, you are something that is beyond comprehension, you are limiting yourself to something arbitrary, not to say the systematic oppression of whites in the west is a good thing, all oppression is unjustified and is still a step on individuality.

>far lefties
all leftist except for a few of the drooling retards running after illusions are for gun bans for the population and anything else to oppose the ruling clique

some pseudointellectuals and armchair to be commisars make false promises or put up a farce as they want useful retards to pick up arms against society
some openely advocate for gun bans from the other side
some are retarded and believe in a future of le communist fredumbs where they wont be culled by loyalists to the whatever clique claimed leadership of le revolution and thrown into a pit with their own victims for their disobedience

I swear gommunists don't even want prosperity, they just hate the rich and those who make something of themselves

Those who trample on individual liberty are the Jews. Why should I, a rational individual who is aware of the history of Jewery, extend rights to the Jew when he will not extend the same rights to me.

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>tfw OG Nazis would've gassed your unwashed mongrel ass

>those who trample on individual liberty are the Jews

It's really not, there are jews that have been trampled on by other jews, and really it's not that they are jews its that they hold authority, literally any race in that position would have a similar or equal outcome.

Dumbass you are a leftist, Hitler himself was an identitarian idiot who hated the free market, im against capitalism but hitler was clearly a leftist.

> We are Socialists, enemies, mortal enemies of the present capitalist economic system with its exploitation of the economically weak, with its injustice in wages, with its immoral evaluation of individuals according to wealth and money instead of responsibility and achievement, and we are determined under all circumstances to abolish this system!- shitler.

> the rich made something of themselves.

Yes and no, agreed gommunists are jealous idiots however there is an overwhelming amout of bourgeoise who are either born with a spoon in their mouths or took out a loan to acquire the business they use to "make something of themselves" from their other bourgeois friends.


Im a centrist homie, I chose that picture because they look pretty lame

What did I do? Im not a Fascist, that falls under the conservatism segment

Oh my bad dood just re-read your post .
Love you senpai

karl marx was his alias
any guesses?

Always, your excellency

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Communists usually aren't pro-gun control, but they'll tend to line up behind democrats anyway because they're considered less racist.

that is rather rare

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It's one of the final steps before total control

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but he was notoriously anti semitic.
and how would being pro gun be a kike thing to do?
i'm confused by your implication

While whites were in power we saw a reduction of the working day from 12 hours to 8 hours. We saw the end of child labor. We saw abolition of slavery. We saw improvement in working conditions. We saw workers share in the benefits of industrial productivity increases through higher wages.

What did we see while Jews were in power? We saw the destruction of unions. We saw the deliberate atomizing of the working class. We saw stagnation of wages while the cost of living increased, especially Jew controlled housing prices. We saw lower fertility rates among the working class thanks in large part to the lower affordability of babies by the working class. As a result, we saw higher immigration to fill the labor gaps created by workers not replenishing themselves over generations. Higher immigration in turn created higher atomization and in-fighting between the working class.

Go peddle your Jew loving nonsense elsewhere.

He was a rabi.

becouse whoever has iron has bread faggot


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What about crossbows. The cowards kill you with poison, gmo food, flouride, drugs and likker AMIRITE? Meth killed the cool man Luke

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moses mordechi levy
a kike from the priest class who turned against the religious of his own tribe to create his very own religion
a classic example of a devious subversive if i ever saw one

marx was also a racist who talked shit about the jews
times change

Retard, he was a Jew and Rabi, he said some nonaense against jews for some purpose

Does Swiss have lefties? What is their opinion on guns?

I'm pretty sure the only reason leftists hate them is because righties love them. Leftists know they can never get their way if people subversive to them are armed.

the people subversive to us are called police


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Im far left and fucking love guns. Marx said it best, the working class should have the right to own guns, and any attempt by the ruling class to take away this right should be met with force.

>"Statist lefties are."
Im only against giving guns to anarchist shitheads like you

1. The disarmament of the bourgeois guards,

2. The armament and organization of all workers into a national militia.

There are doubtless other indispensable measures, but they will grow naturally from this first act, which is the preliminary guarantee, the only pledge of security for the people.

Not one rifle must remain in the hands of the bourgeoisie. Without this, there is no salvation.

The diverse doctrines which today dispute among themselves for the sympathy of the masses can one day fulfil their promises of betterment and well-being, on condition they not abandon the prey for its shadow.

Arms and organization, these are the decisive elements of progress, the serious method for putting an end to poverty.

Who has iron, has bread.

We prostrate ourselves before the bayonets; the disarmed crowd is swept aside. France bristling with workers in arms means the advent of socialism.

In the presence of armed workers obstacles, resistances, and impossibilities will all disappear.

But for those workers who allow themselves to be amused by ridiculous strolls in the street, by the planting of liberty trees, by the mellifluous phrases of lawyers, there will first be holy water, then insults, and, finally, grapeshot. And destitution forever.

Let the people choose!

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You also saw the rise of an authoritarian state, the government of Germany spied on the populace, as well as taking away the arms to prevent dissent.
Dumbass, Communism turns into anarchism after all of its stages are complete, which is impossibe considering giving power to the "dictatorship of the proles" never works.

Totally agree, the only thing I have a problem with is disarming the bourgeoisie, first I believe it needs to be a fair fight, and it is likely that many of the private armies may turn against the bourgeoisie, also we cannot allow communism to be the primary form of exchange, its simply a utopian pipe dream that can never work, people are inherently selfish.

I'm all for free speech, but bunkerchan does exist

You aren't an anarchist if you wish to limit an individual to any form of trade, be it barter or market, some individuals may choose barter between individuals while others will choose the market, both are acceptable.

Yeah, and they are shitheads who believe in an ideology incappable of change.

> platformism
> capable of change.
>free territory
> failed
> Catalonia
> failed

Your best options are a combination of Insurgency, Espionage, and sabotage as well as propaganda of the deed (not assassination, however)

Are you claiming that the German government is outside the influence of the Jewish lobby?

Who is pressuring European leaders to take in refugees from Syria?

Who is creating the conflicts in Syria?

Who was funding al-Queda and ISIS rebels in Syria?

Notice as soon as CIA money to al-Queda terrorists got restricted, Assad started winning his country back from terrorist rebels. Interesting...

Who does Assad's victory hurt? Whose plans are foiled? Hint: Greater Israel/Oded Yinon Plan.

You seem to be really unwoke about the extent of Jewish involvement in geopolitics.

They are in a business agreement with Corporate interests, they are willing participants and I was mainly referring to the German government of the 1930s-40's but they are still just as corrupt. Again it's not that their jews, its that they hold authority over others, and authority corrupts. I'm actually against refugees moving in particularly because it allows capitalists to pay their workers significantly less as well as migrants, and I'm against all war besides class war. To answer your question on who is creating conflict in Syria, its pretty obvious its the military industrial complex, you could say its run by jews however it has nothing to do with their race and everything to do with authority the majority of what your talking about is just so countries can spend munitions so they can buy more from the m.i.c, please for the love of god look at things pragmatically, its easy to point fingers however, if everyone refused to work, and everyone refused to pay taxes, debt and buy shit besides the essentials in combo with insurection, espionage, and sabotage you take all the power from an authoritarian nation/oligarchy.

Are they? Reading Brecht, you will find that he was in favour of the worker being armed. I'm not sure whether Marx commented on the issue.

Its mostly modern statist lefties, although id says both the statist and libertarian lefties are incapable of change and only end up limiting peoples right to trade which in exchange must be met with resistance, rights are nothing without action.

I just noticed how short these people must be, I own an ar and I'm 6'4 and the rifle has an extended barrel and stock and I still can't put my hand on the sight like they are.

>they are statists
>useful idiots are brainwashed by the state

Yeah exactly, it's nice to see other anarchists on here.

You're talking about liberals.
I'm a communist and we want to arm worker.

This quote is false lol, christ do people actually fall for this?

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No you want to kill them, fuck off statist.

Yeah commies are idiots so are really any statist who doesn't recognize their getting fucked by the long dick of authority but yeah.

I fought alongside the uia, not bad guys for nationalists still against white supremacy or any supremacy for that matter.

Most of the lefties I deal with have atrociously limited knowledge of what they're preaching. I always get the ball rolling with this:
> Q: What's the end state of lefty politics?
> A: equality for all
> Q: how can you have equality for all when you have a two tier system, those with guns and those without?

I ask the same thing of lefties who support communism. How can you have a communist system, when in socialism you have a two tier system, with a big fuck-off government, and then the people. I'd argue a free market with 10000s of small businesses, is a lot closer to communism than one huge ass government.

> when in socialism you have a two tier system, with a big fuck-off government, and then the people.

socialist here, also an anarchist (obviously) but marxism is really the retarded cousin of Mutualism, its a joke. Im a post leftist so i advocate anarchism/socialism moving past the boundries of the paradigm.

A.well Under mutualism, people make different amounts of money which has inherent inequality however we purpose equality of power, meaning no individual has any power over another thus advocating for co-ops and individually owned business, who employ freelancers instead of your typical employees.

a. I dont im an anarchist so this dosent really apply to me.

it's not, you moron

> market with 10000s of small businesses, is a lot closer to communism than one huge ass government.

This is what I actually advocate for while maintaining the title of socialist.

Meh, regardless Marx was an idiot, who just plagiarized a bunch of other philosophers and mixed them together in an incompatible ideology.

>def not an anarchist user

Oh sorry m8, you should consider it though if at least your a libertarian, not all anarchists are a bunch of retards, and many such as myself present alternative and viable systems to the state and capitalism.

I like this thread.

You asked why far lefties are pro gun control when it's quite apparent Marx was pro gun...?

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Didn't Marx also say something about feminism, gay rights, etc. being bourgeoisie issues and not important?

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Feminism is a joke, but Gay rights should exist, so long as they fight for them, not a Marxist but still a socialist.

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socialism is the symptom of capitalism, not the opposite.
marx was right again.

i fucked up. i meant modern far lefties i.e. antifa ().

Yes and no, however, Marx kinda stole that from Proudhon, so it wasn't Marx but Proudhon

> proudhon was right again.


We must disarm the goyim cattle

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Because you cannot oppress an armed population without a fight.

It's not the jews its authority.
It;s happening in the u.s

We are not being oppressed.
We are being marginalized.
There is a big difference.

Take the food away and see how long it takes for bullets to start flying.

but the lefties are against the status quo, the government, army and the police. how are they planning on doing their revolution if they advocate taking people's guns?

lefties are retarded

Progressives and "liberals" are because they fell for the big society meme where the bureaucratic class takes care of them and their police force keeps them safe (all while still not understanding why the police become increasingly militarized and overbearing on common affairs). They are weak, and they want the rest of the citizen class to be as weak as they are.

Which leftists? The stupid population/seatwarmer ones or the masterminds?

I disagree, the citizens of the u.s are certainly being oppressed, police shootings, pepper spray during riots it's only a matter of time before food becomes too expensive or lacking.

> the masterminds.

The masterminds are a-political they only care about their own profit.

Because conservatives tend to like guns, and liberals hate conservatives.

Same reason why conservatives support the ban on marijuana.

I'm not being oppressed.
Tell me how you are being oppressed.

> conservatives support the ban of weed.

So do some far lefties such as the Nazis.

antifa types.

I'm not allowed to do anything with myself or my property without going through a huge bureaucracy or paying some fine or going to jail, you don't either try putting an oil filter on the end of your rifle and go shooting at a public range or smoke weed in a state where it isn't legal. that is oppression in my eyes, oppression is the ability to take away your self-governance, therefore any state is inherently oppressive.

Pawns. Stupid or paid or both.
No logic required, they just do what their handlers tell them to do.
They have "community organizers" with clip boards of instructions and they organize the members.
Antifa isn't an organic movement. It's a funded and orchestrated movement.
Lookup the definition of terrorism. Antifa are domestic terrorists.

I'm against capitalism too, no one has the right to control you in anyway whatsoever be it communism or capitalism of any kind, I much more prefer mutual aid over the two systems which does not exclude market exchange just capitalist hierarchy and usury.

Marxism divulged wildly from Marx's vision both as a result of Western (Cultural) Marxism that became the norm among (((intellectuals))), and Maoism contributed.
It really is quite brilliant what they've done, get the population to demand to be unarmed slaves.

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it never made sense to me either

>Let the people choose!

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Don't speak for Marx you cunt. How could Marx have spoken about homosexuality and feminism and multiculturalism and all that bullshit if all of those things didn't exist. Industrial nations were mostly homogenous ethnically, only problem was the ethnocentric Jews, and we all know (hopefully) what Marx thought about the Jews. Read Marx's 'On the Jewish Question'.

Marx was a nationalist (in the short term). He was for abolishing all other identities besides the national identity because separate disparate identities in conflict with one another is antagonistic to national cohesion.

In the long term Marx believed there would be convergent evolution amongst different nations and national identities would naturally fade away. But, that's over thousands of years, not over decades or centuries, and it would happen naturally, without force. That's his hypothesis, you can agree or disagree with it. He was not a globalist.