America vs Canada

What would a war between Canada and America look like?

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It wouldn't be against Canada. It would be against all its allies.

It would be more devastating than 2 emu wars, put it that way. I don't even like to think about it.

I think you are underestimating leaf gorilla warfare tactics

It would be quick, in the same way the Iraq war was initially quick.

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I'm sure the Euros would rush to arms in your defense.

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like vietnam in -40 weather and 10 feet of snow..good luck

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Dude the whole world would support us against the great Satan that is the US

>europe is going to risk destabilizing and fighting the strongest military to ever walk the earth over some maple niggers

Kek remember that we allow you to exist.

america bombs a few roads.. Canada surrenders. have you ever been there m8? thick forest everywhere that isn't a road.

I think if the USA and Canada where at war it would be well beyond the pussy footing you see in conflicts like Iraq, because things would have to go ham so badly for it to even happen.

Your population is too pussified to do guerilla warfare. After 3 days they would be crying about not having any water or food. I'll give the gooks one thing, they are tough unlike maple niggers

American military is of course vastly superior, but something you need to factor in, so many people have close connections on both sides of the border. Fighting and dying alongside my southern brothers in america, i could do that... taking up arms against them? I can't even fathom the idea. There is the standard rivalry and shittalk between usa and canada, sort of how brothers will banter with eachother or the big brother might smack the shit out of the little brother now and then. But there are just so many people who have relatives in canada, or usa, we're closer than some people think.

>Canada surrenders
Only Quebec

artilley strikes on Ottawa invasion of Ontario, Vancouver ports blocked until surrender.

pretty easy.

>I think you are underestimating leaf gorilla warfare tactics

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Haha after they killed our canadian geese meme airforce it would be casualty free for the Americans

The american military wouldn't be fighting the civilians dumbass we would be fighting your military and government. Hearts and minds and all that nonsense

Operation Maple is a very real thing however

Hahha okay buddeee

Thinking any country wants to be attacked by the US

No one would put boots on the ground for Canada. You might get arms and funding but that's it. Look around you and evaluate the caliber of fighting men in your midst and then judge your fate based on them.

If Americans offered free citizenship to all Canadian volunteers, the government will fall in 48 hours.

>thinking guy in the middle of nowhere is where the war would take place.

Liberty prime marching over the land leading men in power armour and airborne vertibirds.

Prairie provinces would join the Americans in attacking the east

>my southern brothers

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How so. We don't have an obese problem like you guys. Gun ownership is pretty high.
The average canuck is in far better shape then the average burg.

In spirit, sure. But I’m practice? Never. They’d throw useless sanctions at us as we steamrolled you, but that’s about it.

this rivalry of shit talk does not go much further then what is here. This is a very small group on /pol and most of the users never leave their basements.

This. Alberta is our Texas.

All warfare depends on logistics. If the Americans pursue a non-politically correct total war policy and destroy the crops any guerilla war would be short lived.

Again you wouldnt be fighting the burg.

Has it been so long since you actually participated in a war you dont know how it works? People here at home are going to carry on their day to day lives while our hardened men in multicam stomp your country into oblivion

It would be really weird, kinda like Afghanistan where the cities could be occupied but anything outside them would be uncontrolled and dangerous. The country is just too big to occupy and control, and there would be a lot of snipers.

USA is in fact to the south of canada

>Don't have an obesity problem
>Guns Outlawed
Even I'm cringing

Rake leaves small leafs behind... Think you should use napalm

>literally water and food everywhere here

we have 50,000 troops. They have over 2 mil. Do the math shit head.

this looks like a normal Canadian weekend to me. Going hunting, nothing special.

I'd gladly plant an IED at your doorstep for a green card.

Canada will implode if there was any serious conflict.

- Injuns
- Nigs
- Chinks
- Indo-Pakis
- Frogs
- Newfies

This country is a rickety piece of shit, a strong gust of wind will topple it over.

This also looks like a normal weekend. Gone hunting, now drank a few beers and shooting off AR

>We don't have an obese problem like you guys
>something fat people say

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You guys got BTFO by a bunch of starving jungle farmers...

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I'm not sure if it got to the point that this was necessary the US army would be cohesive any longer. If there is a real breakdown, I would envision bands of militias running around rather than real armies.

Th us Army is going to be 60-70% non-white by the time things get to this point in any scenario.. there will be no cohesion left anywhere. America isn't going to last long under any leadership that even contemplated such a dumb action.

(but admittedly there are a lot of dumb violent white Americans)

Man you sound like the Iranians. Ayatolah leaf

To me it's everyday

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Half of canada would willingly secede.

When was the last time the US won a war?

>not a damn clue

What is Alaska for $500, Alex?

>Mutts secure border and relevant land
>hahahaha you will never secure leaf siberia
>mutts don't bother securing leaf siberia
>realize that you are in a shithole wasteland with no resources, and that you are fighting attrition and not the other way around

We lost that war at home.

And they thought that war would be

You couldn't beat jungle niggers, you couldn't beat sand niggers, yet you think you can beat snow niggers?

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I think we stand a good chance considering we don't have an entitled millenial problem.

Japan would be on our side for sure.

A lot would and a lot of American would be fifth columns in the US ...everything would be a clusterfuck. probably some warlord would emerge in a given region and impose some sort of order.

To be honest Canada should have been apart of the US all this time.

Guns aren't outlawed you Toronto faggot

Justin Trudeau lets the US soldiers in.
The US wins the war with 0 casualties on either side.

The samurai would die to defend Banff, burger

>What would a war between Canada and America look like?
It would immediately devolve in to US Civil War 2.0 + WW3. Every one of Canada's allies and every one of the US' enemies (which, between the two, is basically the whole planet) would join in on the party to some degree. So real messy real fast.

This thread will be longer than the war.

What comes after would be the question.

This would unironically be the day of the rake - finally.

america is WEAK
ruled over by an orange dictator DONALD BLUMPF
a vassal state of RUSSIA

Most leafs a pedo enablers

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Those jungle farmers were tougher than your citizens will ever be.

>politicians wouldnt let invade north
>only reason there was to milk defense contractors
>muh hippies

We won every battle of that war and killed over 1 million of those gooks. Our pussy politicians wouldnt let us march through the north to finish of Ho Chi Minh because they were pocketing money from the defense industry and didnt want to drag China into a war because they were negotiating opening their borders. It was all bullshit and our politicians fucked us over.


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>Fight with legal handgun/hunting rifle

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>no entitled millennial problem
Never been to Toronto, Montreal, or Hongcouver, eh?

it would only take 1 guy and pic related to wipe them out.

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it would look like the occupation and annexation of canacuck. MAKE IT HAPPEN!

Us patriots would be high off raiding their maple reserves and we would then proceed to cuck (by their permission) enmass their women.
In a single generation we would produce the most amount of concentrated chads in any world region.
Lifting weights, importing trucks, beer, fireworks, guns, eating steaks.

We even make better lumberjacks.

Little Trudy was too ashamed to ask our help for our superior and world renowned firefighters.
Instead he wanted his refugee african fighters who let the fucking forest fires go for a month.

No, you're right. But i don't think its fair to base the assumptions based on stereotypes created by /pol
Jokes aside, Canadians do own firearms. And the ones that own firearms own a lot and this is not rare. The average Canadian spends a lot of their time doing out door activities and could easily fend for them self in a situation where there was no power, shortage of food or some kind of emergency.
Realistically not a lot of wars have gone quick for the US when it came to gorilla warfare. There is no doubt in my mind that the US would ultimately destroy Canada if it was just the two countries going at it with no outside intervention but I don't see how it would go quick unless they wanted to completely destroy every city and refinery and let all the resources go to waste.

The North Vietnamese were on the ropes in 1968. The only reason they didnt sue for peace was because LBJ quit as a result from Lefty pressure stateside. If you leafs get Hanoi Jane to do some propaganda work you may have a shot.

2 million enlisted.
I'd say at least 500 thousand non-enlisted civilians would take up arms as well and head north.


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I'm sorry, I only talk to contries that have ever participated in a war. Where is your father Britain at?

Cmon man, do you really want me to describe a rape?

>itt: Canadians unironically think they could win a shooting war against the us.

kek. Let's see how you lot fare in the trade war first.

what guns are outlawed? You could make a list and it would not be very big.

Honestly, it would be like when Germany invaded Poland in 39'.

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please end Canada as soon as possible before this cancer gets to my beautiful nation

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What would it look like?

An opera of comedy mate.

Yes jungle farmers are more rugged than modern Canadians (and Americans) but We are probably smarter and more sophisticated. And a lot are (truly) powerfully hostile to America. They will certainly risk themselves to make IEDs and snipe . They would operate on pure, uncut America hate

>US military

Are you stupid? The US has the best logistical capabilities in the world. We control the skies and airdrops are something we are very good at.

Are you retarded?

On a serious note, you might be right of you live in Yukon, but most Canadians, which live in the border are shitstains, all the ones I know at least.

just leave man. If you don't like it leave. Nothing is worst the a coward and a traitor. At least just be a traitor and fuck right off :)

>No obesity problem
Ok user

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Forgive me I read that wrong

If you get conquered by your enemy, you win

What guns are illegal in Canada?

Non-restricted: regular shotguns and rifles, and some military-style rifles and shotguns. Prohibited: most handguns that either have a short (less than 105 milimeters) barrel or are 32 or 25 caliber, full automatic weapons, guns with sawed-off barrels, and certain military rifles like the AK-47.

Good goy, let's have all the great white countries of the world fight amongst themselves.

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>The average Canadian spends a lot of their time doing out door activities and could easily fend for them self in a situation where there was no power, shortage of food or some kind of emergency.

LOL stfu.

>Canadian population
>36 million
>US population
>320 million
Canada would have to make finland blush to put up any fight at all

Nothing, just because our Leaf bros are going though some stuff doesn't mean we would attack our closest allies. Once they throw that imbecile out of office they'll be fine.