(((THEY))) are at it again. ANOTHER movie about the Shoah and the kike's attempt at revenge

(((THEY))) are at it again. ANOTHER movie about the Shoah and the kike's attempt at revenge.


you know what we have to do

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Jews in general are very neurotic. They live in the past and can barely keep up with the present.

Bump, to get the likes down and the comment gold up!

Too many ppl forgot about the 6m
So every 5 years or so they have to make film to remind everyone.

>no erotic film about a horny nine month pregnant Anne Frank shooting Nazis from rooftops


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Wait a sec, is Eichmann being played Ghandi?

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they have to make the nazis look like complete maniacs only driven by senseless killings, too.

i wonder why there as so many movies about the holocaust, yet almost zero movies about other atrocities like the nanking massacre, armenian genocide,

Yeah, Ben Kingsley is finally playing a hero.

>Hitler escaped to South America

Gotta keep the boogie man alive!

>ohno another shitty movie
pls gtfo
who the fuck watches movies anymore faggot
this is Jow Forums

top kek

>nazi movie
>straight bolt mauser

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if you think this movie was not released intentionally given trump and "muh right wing take-over", think again sweetie

this is calculated shit to promote white genocide and hatred

the jews are still trying to change america's foundation myth

Despicable, just like your *3Mb* .png
>learn to 800K .jpg

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>tfw jews turn into hardcore right wingers so much in Israel that Hollywood makes Jew sympathy movies that have nazis that look like Jews

This timeline is ok, other than trump

Only half decent thing about the movie is the jewess

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that comment section

What does a movie about Israelis kidnapping a Nazi in South America have to do with America exactly?

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Comments are amazing.
Need redpill copypasta

If your father owned a beauty pagent, do you think any other girls would win?


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Gotta to keep reminding the goys of the 6 million Jews killed in the Holocaust. We wouldn't want them to forgot and start being anti-Semite.

Can't argue with that.

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That dude looks really fucking Jewish.

Oy vey we wuz nazis an sheeit

Well, he did play Anne Frank's father 20 years ago

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more like judgy kitty

I already have a Judgy Kitty

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but you don't have the best one

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Anne Frank porno when?

there is one about the armenian genocide if you don't know, called 'The Promise'. Played by the same actor that plays the Nazi catcher in this one.

Looks good.

Isnt he half jew half poo?
Is this insulting to eichmann?

Jews are fucking obsessed with the holocaust. How many years must we endure countless holocaust movies dehumanizing the German people and making the Jews out to be helpless victims who totally didn’t run the German communist party and try to take over the country via a bloody coup?

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>“...and we will warn off any who may wish to follow his example”
Better not try and stop us again goy

This. Kikes haven't really caught up to the internet age yet. They don't understand that nobody wants to watch their shitty Hollywood Jew movies anymore.

Modern origin myth. Remove christ replace with holocaustism. Giving whites original sin because hitler. Make being jewish sacred, and to speak poorly of jews/holocaust is blasphemy that will get you excommunicated from modern life and labeled a heretic.

Bamp some more!
The dislikes are growing, remember to like our posts and stamp out the blue pilled normies and jidf. Go gogogogogogogo

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jews are such neurotic drama queens. You can see it in every movie and TV show. Drama. drama, drama everywhere you look it's drama and always some superhero saves the day. Retarded goys eat this shit up, the dramatic music and all. They think it's real life.

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its a soviet rifle, even stupider. mosin nagant

>They live in the past and can barely keep up with the present.

How can you say that? Have you not heard of usury?

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Wasn't he Ghandi first, though?

A lot of really triggered snowflake Nazis in the comments who can't handle a movie portraying them as the evil wastes of skin they are. Why don't you all cry about it some more you pathetic little man children?

Pretty sure the whole reason this movie exists right now is because we need to be reminded that Nazis are bad, and nobody should tolerate them. Some of the comments I'm reading here just prove that.

I literally have the names and pictures of family members of mine that were killed in concentration camps, and my Grandpa has told me story’s from his own childhood about how is auntie was taken by the gestapo, I mean there are people who are still alive ffs who were in those camps and have their number tattooed on their arm. Theirs no conspiracy for world domination, that’s delusional to think that. I encourage u to do research that doesn’t consist of YouTube conspiracy videos.

Hitler got away with it and they can't let it go.

Can't wait for it to really happen and see world peace brought about due to all races uniting to get their own lampshade, kike.

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Was this from the movie by that child rapist Roman Polanski?

The Pianist i think

Did anyone download the full movie?

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Nazi played by a big (((nosed)))
>Gen Z dont care, i have family who are young and they dont care.

We are done with holocaust BS goys, the new generation doesnt give to shits.
It only took 75 years, do you think they'll just produce 2× the propaganda now?

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>Best comment here

No Ukrainian hollywood moguls...kek

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No it's not. You can clearly see the safety.

This link makes your computer sneeze

is this the Spielberg one? I know he's making yet another

lying sack of shit jew. Nice try schlomo.

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Gas yourself.

Not Another Holocaust Movie
I Know Who You Killed Last Shoah
Gas Who's Coming to Dinner
50 Lampshades of Gray
Zyklon Bee Movie
The Six Millionth Sense
Strangers on a Train to Auschwitz

This is the worst part about Jews running Hollywood. It's not all the disgusting propaganda, it's the fact that with all the amazing history in the world that we could be making movies about Jews are obsessed about a period of 6 years in Europe in the mid 20th century.

Fucking move on already there's so much history out there. I mean for fuck's sake they could at least make a movie about Jews at some other period of history besides WW2.

Make a movie about some other period of Jewish history at least, ffs.

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The holocaust happened like 80 years ago now

How much fucking longer are they going to keep re-making this movie. It's getting ridiculous, even by normie standards

should've done a better job at executing your ancestors so you wouldnt be here today you communist scum.

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>they could at least make a movie about Jews at some other period of history besides WW2.
They did, pic related.

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big if true

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I got suspended from high school for making a short doc about Japanese and German camps in the US borders and calling the US military leadership and Christians traitors.

He went to Antarctica stupid newfaggot. He is reincarnated now.....guess what country he's in

underrated comment

oh wow
despise annie frankenstein but the porn is too good of her

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>teenage girls in the comments
>all of them are praising Joe Alwyn's looks
>aka Chad jr. aryan actor who plays Eichmann's son

And Jow Forums tells me white women were a lost cause?

This is actually decent

A Nazi soldier saved my Slav grandma’s life when she was a litte girl after kike partisans started shooting a machine gun down the street without any regard for civilians and children.

Also, after the Nazis took over the country’s industry, they promoted my grandfather to head engineer in his department and gave him a pay raise.

I'm angry, angry about pinched eyes for aiming.

Mel needs to make a TGSNT hollywood version

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Look at the Youtube comments.

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Echoed word-for-word out of the JewTube comment section.

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