when are we starting another crusade lads ? we need to drive the heathens from the holy land once and for all.
When are we starting another crusade lads ? we need to drive the heathens from the holy land once and for all
Bump to crush yids
after we turn the jews to soap
>jew flag.
Okay let me let you in on something.
That land? it is not our concern. The Lord has given his word on what will come and so it will happen. Who the fuck are we to try and fulfill his promise?!
The true holy land is the land where the faithful dwell. Where those who use their talents for the glory of God and their people.
they're actually the ones keeping the fag parades out of jerusalem. i think we can let them stay as long as they accept our rule over the holy land.
our main enemies are degenerate culture-destroying atheists trying to push faggotry and degeneracy from tel aviv .
Never, because (((you))) will find some way to rationalize it away as non-Christian. I’m so soaked in heretical liberal Christianity the only faith I have is from what I’ve seen of the Christians of old.
we're echoquoting christians now ?
What did the khazar kikes do to the knights?
Well, they told their cousins on the French throne to charge them with heresy!
This way their property and gold seized as spoils of war would go to the Jesuits in the Vatican.
So then your King of Jews was born from the old Bauerberger name, the Rothschild.
Also, you're fucking Khazar's, worthless backstabbing mutts that will use anyone else's kid to fight your battles, and here you are.
Go fight your domestic dispute on your own with your ancestral cousins the Iranians, you both share an 88% ancestry match, you fucking turds.
And BTW, Palestinians are true Semites so cool it with the antisemitism, Khazar
Why not? The only time I hear about it is to justify some liberal faggotry with scripture.
>we need to drive the heathens from the holy land once and for all.
Careful what you wish for heathen.
,heathen. Aw important coma here.
No crusaders exist anymore scholomo.
You'll have to start in Europe this time.
im catholic, fuck off
im saying we should become the new ones .
That would be your kind Jew.
Go ahead and be one I will not serve a Jewish deity.
says the man whose entire religion was bTFO by a pictue of a fat man with a hat
What's a catholic doing in my people's homeland?
Need is a really strong word. Want is still too strong a word. We meh to sort of coax our adversaries off of their infertile patch of sand is still to strong a phrase, Zeke.
I am also catholic fellow United States citizen. It is time to invade and save the holy land.
conference for work + staying to visit some holy sites and do some backpacking in the negev\eilat mountains.
im thinking the massive upcoming backlash from the islamization of europe will be the perfect opportunity to revitalize european christianity . have massive pilgrimages to jerusalem to redpill christians as they see fags kissing in our holy sites.
>im catholic, fuck off
>sees flag
Wew jew lying as always
tbqh I don't mind Orthodox Jews. Still we will take Jerusalem. Deus Vult
No , YOU are the enemy
because IP range tells you what religion a person is while not being able to even tell geographic location, sure.
its the zionist\atheist ones that are the problem. they're subverting weak soya-christians to fund their tyrannical degenerate murderous state.
You do realize that yall are heathens too?
during the original crusades, we killed kikes and muslims.
Israeli Arab, convert, or tourist?
mainly here for work a few times a year so tourist i guess .i might move here (my wife is half jewish and eligible for an israeli citizenship.and we both served in the army so we wont be conscripted to the IDF.(although christians here dont have to serve but its probably due to most being arabs,many do serve int he army tho)