
Is she a Satanist?
Is she a Gnostic?
Is she a Hermetecist?
A Theosophist?
Some random death cult?
Please, offer serious discussion and post any source you have on her ideology

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Other urls found in this thread:


for reference

its not just performance art.

it is ritual.

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There must be a cosmology/philosophy behind it all. Is she just a female imitation of Crowley?

Just a democrat.

She's Jewish you retarded boomer now get the fuck off my website faggot.

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sabbatean-frankist satanist
in complete opposition to faith based society
believes she is a deity and no other exist above her.
performs the most heinous acts upon nature and humanity in order to teach the universe to create the perfect being.
>The Sabbatean-Frankists: The Luciferian Sect of Judaism
>Sabbatai Zevi & Jacob Frank

satanist/crowlyite O.T.O golden dawn shit

there is no reason to defend her, really. and she is serbian, and was orthodox. everything she does in antithetical to judaism.

what happened to the last post

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>not understanding difference between jewish factions

She's a charlatan who faked it so long she started believing it's real.

Fuck up you little heeb or I'll have your entire family fuckin' put in a box and buried alive.

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there is NOTHING jewish about marina. she is not part of an esoteric jewish sect. she is a serb.
>sabbatean-frankist satanist
can you explain how these two things are related at all?
>believes she is a deity and no other exist above her.
any source for that? that seems to be the satanist part and i can agree she is a bit luciferian. where is the esoteric jewish stuff?
ill watch the videos.
thx, wll look into. any sources connecting, or just a feeling?
she is nuts and thinks she is special, while actually she is just a very smart deluded person.

Guy looks like a freak. I'm glad he's dead.

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are jewish people vampires?

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it got deleted right as i was about to post my OP question in the thread

yeah but i forgot, i think she's related to some occultist or some shit

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Satanic, possibly Sabbatean.

she is a serb.

Whyd the mods delete the last thread? So it doesnt archive and be google searchable?

Who is ordering them to suppress public knowledge of a worldwide elite cult?

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my guess would be that there is a "firm" of some sort that very powerful and secretive figures use to keep themselves outside of the overton window. it figured out how to pressure mods here.

Ah, so you mean an establishment death cult.

The real Vlad Tepes would have had scum like this impailed with the other trash like Islamists.

(or just became the mods)

What the fuck do you think, dumb ass?

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This guy ate children which is a traditional jewish practice Abromovich teaches which is why his grave should be thrown in the ocean.

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Strong digits in this blessed thread, also best posts/answers


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checked. but she is serbian and was orthodox christian. i dont know why i have to keep posting it. she isnt jewish. if there is a jewish connection at all, please post it. i dont want videos on sabbateanism, i want even the slightest connection between abramovic and esoteric judaism.

No she is Jewish you retard, that is why spirit cooking she advocates is a traditional jewish practice for eating children which is normal just like how they eat foreskins.

Poisoning the water with such filth, absolutely disgusting. I think we should pray to the Almighty to smite this witch.

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>Poisoning the water with such filth, absolutely disgusting. I think we should pray to the Almighty to smite this witch.
hmmm thats probably true user, we dont want those inbred genes in the water.

Instead of focusing on the esoteric nature of pedo cultists beliefs, we should instead focus and the web of blackmail and corruption that they run. Their beliefs are too weird, better to just assume its a richfag LARP to cover for crimes like bribery corruption, treason and trafficking.
They are all psychopaths, and they fear and loathe normies, so to work together the elites all have blackmail on each other, worst of the worst

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no matter how many different meme flags you post under, you still will be just rambling nonsense. jews do not eat foreskins. spirit cooking is not related to judaism. she is serbian. post proof or leave this thread.

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She's Jewish you fuckin' piece of shit. Get the fuck off my god damn site you motherfucker.

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good shit, user. hopefully we can start some investigation into her ideas instead of the bullshit currently in this thread.

>she is nuts and thinks she is special, while actually she is just a very smart deluded person.
Wealth and wealthy sycophants made her feel "special." I don't believe any of this conspiratard nonsense but she is the avant garde artist of the 1% who feed on the lifeblood of everyone else, so I'm glad the exposure is fucking up their evil program which has nothing to do with mysticism but economics. They arent eating babies, they are devouring the American middle class which while it is far less sensational, is much worse. Dont lose your mind on creepypasta realities, autistic warriors. The plain truth of the hardships of good common folk these days is nightmare enough

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She worships saturn. These things are said but no one cares.

If you arent going to post even the smallest fragment of evidence for this, please stop posting at all.

post any evidence at all relating the two please

>good shit, user. hopefully we can start some investigation into her ideas instead of the bullshit currently in this thread.
Thats easy she is Jewish, and as we all know Vampires were based on jews hence their fear of crosses. Its well documented how jews eat people and drink blood, even today they eat children regularly and its still practiced openly where they eat parts of children like foreskins.
Abromovich just teaches with spirit cooking the old Jewish traditions of eating children and people which was normal in the past in their communities.

Short answer is: Yes.
Long answer is: look for "blood libel".

Fuck up boomer or I'll fuckin' roll out there and drop you head first onto the fuckin' cement you little faggot motherfucker.

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Because I spoke the truth in that thread. These folks don't want you to know that there's more to things that this material world.

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okay. thanks. i dont think you understand the concept of "evidence". you are still changing your memeflag and reposting the same gibberish. back up your claims with ANYTHING.

>jews do not eat foreskins
Yes they do rabbi. Stop being a liar, is that all you people do is spread misinformation thinking it works because you run the News, Banks, etc.

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that's nice. bye, now!
post it again in this thread?

Can we meme ecologists and environmentalist leftists into protesting against the dumping of that faggot in the ocean ?

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Yup, Uncle Vlad is getting real tired of this shit.

so you are using a bullshit theory image to back up your bullshit theory text?

are you going to link me or do you think me seeing the words sabbatean and frankist is going to convince me they have nything to do with marina

You're getting really nervous about her being a kikess or not.
How suspicious.

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she's a bitch. that's her ideology.

Fuckin' FAGGOT. FUCK you BITCH. Get the FUCK off my site.

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Modern form of Astarte worship which was common in ancient Judea. Female worship. Jewish witches.

"Uniquely in the history of rabbinic Judaism, which exempted women from much of its formal cult, and which generally barred them from all positions of public office and authority, Sabbateanism displayed a particular interest in women and was especially attractive to them from the outset. It empowered many by acknowledging their prophetic inspiration, thus often turning them into the movement’s most ardent and effective propagandists; it identified women in their own right as a target-audience for its redemptive message; it granted them access to rituals and esoteric doctrines traditionally considered an exclusively male domain; it invested the wives of its leading protagonists with the aura and authority of messianic-divine consorts, and in one case it even promoted an unmarried woman to the status of “Holy Virgin’—its messianic figurehead and female incarnation of the divine. Almost everything that has been attributed, without justification, to Women in Hasidism during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries can rightly be attributed to the women who took part in the heretical messianic revolution of Sabbateanism. Admittedly, the evidence for this is fragmentary and much of it comes from contemporary polemics directed against the movement, suspect as these are of exaggerating women’s involvement precisely in order to denigrate Sabbateanism, since the very association with women was enough to suggest licentious morality and to expose the movement as totally alien to normative Judaism and its values."

not at all, the entire point of the thread was for anyone to post any evidence. i havent gotten the slightest bit.
>hurr durr she is a jew
she is serbian
and was orthodox
>hurr durr she is a sabbatean
okay, now post anything connecting anything she has ever done and anything having to do with sabbateanism. shouldnt be so hard, right? if she is a jew or a sabbatean?
i honestly think those are all shills posting that shit to hide the real truth.

>everything she does in antithetical to judaism.
oh no, sweetie.

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The fact that we watched them scrub her bios when we found out
She is severely wickedly Jewish

James Francos a jew too, remember he and jew Seth Rogen made that North Korea movie to start trouble

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I've made this connection numerous times and Jow Forums constantly dismissed it. And I bet it's also because Neanderthals are mad that they were ugly and couldn't get Cro-Magnon women and mad that Chad Cro-Magnons cucked Neanderthals out of their own ugly women. Since day one, all of the subversion and sick shit Jews push is one massive "beta uprising" which is why they also push race mixing upon goys and also treat white women as cattle.

Fuck up little kike or I'll fuckin' crack that head open like a fuckin' egg you little bitch. Fuckin' shit into the wound afterwards too, motherfucker.

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My guess is that she's mostly just an edgy/New Age artist/performer/hustler. The satanic stuff is just theater. Underneath it she's probably a typical elite leftist atheist, out for status, money, and power.

Why don't you do your own research and stop being an entitled faggot?

I still cant believe Wilhem Reich was right.

I mean, I knew how a theremin works, and I have a background in martial arts, stage and chaos magic, biology, psychology ect. but those CIA documeents about remote viewing and stuff, that was supposed to be a joke, but they were secretly taking it very seriously, thats what worries me

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She's an anti-Cosmic Satanist also called a Chaos-Gnostic. Same shit that Aleksandr Dugin practices.

Thanks. Can we connect any of that to Marina, though? There are tons and tons of goddess-worshipping sects. My feeling is the massive anti-jew bias of this place is blinding them. What you just posted describes a sect that aims for HOLY, RIGHTEOUSNESS, GOODNESS and not any of the stuff I see from Marina. You cant say is going for the female incarnation of the divine, or really jewish at all, considering the shit that she does. No--- this is related to secularism and worship of the individual. it could be a distorted sabbateanism. If it is a theology based on licentious morality, then it is removing itself from even being associated with Judaism.



I haven't found a direct ideological link but this is what I think she's emulating

Fucking rad, mang.

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because it's off-topic /x/ bullshit that's not politics

Sabbatean-Frankism = Cultural Marxism

i cant find shit. Jow Forums usually has good sources for this kind of thing.
Please post any sources or evidence, for the purpose of actually making a dent in this discussion.

You read this before?

She doesn't seem like a real satanist, more like an edgy hot topic poser all grown up

its not like it wasnt going to happen.
thx, will check out.

>threads about a cult running shit
>not politics
>south korea's face when

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Feminism was a mistake.

aesthetically yeah it does seem like that. but if she is getting influential people to do self-harm, there must be something more sinister behind it. id like to know the ideology of these sick wealthy people. they just keep offing themselves.

The cult of LARPing edgy cunts.

>What you just posted describes a sect that aims for HOLY, RIGHTEOUSNESS, GOODNESS and not any of the stuff I see from Marina
Unlike traditional Judaism, which provides a set of detailed guidelines called "halakha" that are scrupulously followed by observant Jews and regulate many aspects of life, Frank claimed that "all laws and teachings will fall"and following antinomianism asserted that the most important obligation of every person was the transgression of every boundary.

The Sabbatean/Frankists practiced pedophilia, rape, wife swapping, daughter swapping, transgressing all moral boundaries. Frankists/Sabbateans were encouraged to violate all 10 of the Commandments. Orgies and blood rituals feature prominently in Sabbatean ritual.

Anti-Cosmic Satanism is heavily based in Sabbatean/Frankist thought and Kabbalah. It's consider part of the Left-Hand Path or "Sinister Tradition." They believe this world must be destroyed through chaos so that a new world may be produced (which is the same philosophy as Tikkun Olam). These Satanists erly almost entirely on the adverse Kabbalah, or Qlippoth: demonic entities and realms they believe assist them in Sinister magical operations. To sum up this tradition just think of it as a mix between Sabbateanism, Kabbalah, Thelema, and the Left-Hand Path as practiced by the Hindu Aghori.




Any questions I'll lurk a minute

The cult is composed of politicians, that actively use Satanic dogma to rule and are still in power

Same as that NXIVM cult, same as Weinsteins trips to Epstein island, same as all the humanitarian Haiti charities

The rich use child sex slaves as currency, its the glue that holds them together

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In traditional Sabbatean doctrine, Zevi and often his followers claimed to be able to liberate the sparks of holiness hidden within what seemed to be evil. According to Michaelson, Frank's theology asserted that the attempt to liberate the sparks of holiness was the problem, not the solution. Rather, Frank claimed that the "mixing" between holy and unholy was virtuous.


At least you got some search terms, do your homework, don't take what Jow Forums has to say at face value (lot's of shills) and for the love of God: Do your fucking research, user.
Good luck.

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well i am trying to now, but it is a bit hard to take seriously.

The Jewess who made the video is pro-Marxist. Be aware.

I'm on it.
thanks, will check to see if there is any creedence to this.