Guys, is this real ?

>"I think it looks so ridiculous and impossible," Musk said. "You can tell it's real because it looks so fake, honestly. We'd have way better CGI if it was fake. The colors all look kind of weird in space. There's no atmospheric occlusion; everything's too crisp."

Attached: musk.jpg (660x440, 42K)

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wha-what if he did fake it and isnt telling yet to prove how the moon landing was a hoax?

4D South African Chess

how are you so fucking stupid as to not know that's the inside of the payload faring? there are literally hundreds of pictures of it

Attached: 39225582351_401779fe3a_b[1].jpg (682x1024, 204K)

Of course it's real, user.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-02-08 at 9.39.30___.png (1289x831, 676K)

Attached: rocketdome.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

Attached: 1527798394120.webm (1280x720, 1.53M)

The car is inside a shroud which is jettisoned at the right time. Admit this or question your own sanity.

No it's not real. He needed to put on a show with the 10s of billions he wasted of gov money.

>Launching a car into space

Isn’t this grotesquely irresponsible? Imagine if in 100 years this piece of junk is what ends up alerting hostile alien life to our existence?

The Earth is flat.

The payload fairing cleared the rocket in like a tenth of a second, did they use nukes as separation charges or something? Also all those markings within the rocket seem unnecessary and suspicious. Musk is a self-promoting narcissist with an army of basedboys to impress with such unnecessary stunts, wouldnt surprise me it was all bullshit.

he had to test weight, so he used a car. do you have any idea how much spacejunk is orbiting the planet? a chinese space station fell out of orbit recently. i doubt a single car will impact much.

He's making billions off govt subsidies, saying "it's got to be real because it looks so fake and ridiculous" is him just laughing all the way to the bank.

You are 115% retarded.

Attached: tesla.webm (1920x1080, 2.6M)

the rocket is moving at mach 6 you stupid faggot
that's like throwing your intelligence out the car window while doing 90 on the freeway and being astounded it couldn't keep up

It's a gullibility probe to see how naive everybody still is.

If there is alien life between here and the asteroid belt, they’d know we’re here already

its so fucking fake you can see insects flying around.

Attached: 345345645765467.png (612x491, 88K)

im sure its just space-bugs that are totally not extra-terrestrials.

Attached: 234324546456756.png (1172x675, 53K)

it's real, user

Attached: 1517976455019.jpg (1920x1080, 542K)

lazy shoop, couldn't even remove the earth reflection from the car and helmet

Its Stephen Hawking's dead ass body flying through the cosmos in a spacesuit.

were waiting

Attached: Neroon02.jpg (574x382, 17K)

Next one will "fly" by itself!

Attached: tesla-fly.png (1385x870, 246K)

When will you fuckers wake up and realise you’re being LIED TO!!!! Look at this cartoon shit. You will never take flat earth seriously because anything outside of your expectation is impossible. You cunts don’t know what’s possible. You’re stuck in your wage slave cuck lives not noticing anything around you. LOOK OUTSIDE FUCKERS. It’s all there to see. You cunts are just afraid

The moon landing is real, they place mirrors on the moon. You can send a laserbeam and it will bounce back to earth.

I took two years of video production in high school and this looks like 90s style CGI

Suicide by extra planetary jettison

You don’t think they might have just found a good spot to reflect lasers and just pass it off as mirrors? For all you know it could be ice?

Fucking thank you based orange. I don't understand why spaceflight--one of our race's greatest achievements--is passed as a hoax on this board. Fucking kikes and christcucks.

Nope because its consistent, people do it for 40 years and the results are always the same. Offcourse the mirrors could be placed by a robot, but if you can send a robot to the moon you can send people as well..

Well if they're reflecting it off the same part of the moon the results would be the same too.

This is the most concrete evidence moonlets would have for the Apollo moon landings, but it turns out to be fucking nothing.

Attached: soviet-bounces-laser-off-moons-surface.png (1218x791, 2.76M)

>yfw Elon's Space Cowboy ends up spotting the alien base on the dark side of the moon and suddenly Saturn AWAKENS

shit's gonna get really real

Yeah. I don’t get this argument

Well as far as i know the surface of the moon is dust, if there is ice on the surface they wouldn't have so much trouble looking for water on the moon.

Meant for

That’s the thing user. If you start from the premise that they never went? How can you trust their description of the surface?

Scientists have successfully bounced a laser off the Soviet Union's old Lunokhod 1 rover, which trekked across the moon's landscape more than four decades ago.
Also bounced of a human made object.


>our greatest achievement
so you've been to space, then? no? you achieved nothing, and the only "proof" of said achievement is the statements of government employees.

the cat's out of the bag ever since we had radio broadcasts strong enough to leave the solar system

a tiny car won't even factor in.

Maybe other species don't appreciate litter bugs and they kill us for being trashy

Attached: NASA.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

>Durr (((pictures)))

Why are you even trying to argue Jow Forums logic?


>point your laser here
>points laser
>thinks he’s pointing it to a physical object millions of miles away
>really just bouncing it off the dome

How do you know?

if they are space faring, they'll be routinely lifting much more stuff around than a small car.

why does only a very specific point on the dome reflect something that happens to line up with the exact position of man-put retro reflectors on the moon?


You can't, but a planet without a atmosphere it's highly unlikely to have ice on the surface, also with the telescopes of today it should be noticeble

why does the great pyramid have a location in latitude that equals the speed of light in meters per second

Bro. Expectations of results depending on past recorded data. How do you know that the exact results you’d get from the dome, are the results you’d expect from a mirror on the moon?

Ice can be made of many things other than water

Because a space industry is a requirement for interstellar travel. You won't be lifting the materials and construction crew for an interstellar space ship straight from the planet. You need an entire infrastructure in space to even build something that even comes close to a spaceship. This means factories, launch assist systems, mining operations, etc.

Because you pick an arbitrary large coordinate system and shave off decimals at the end until it works out. You could pick any point on the pyramid and line up with the first couple digits of the speed of light, which is what this retarded theory is doing. If you refine your result you'll find there is no correlation.

Because theoretical calculations give us a baseline value of the expected light level of a reflected laser on a retroreflector on the surface of the moon. It's only a few photons anyways, the fact that you pick up anything at all is proof already, normal moon surface doesn't nearly reflect enough light to even pick up a single photon at that distance.

Attached: nose-tap.jpg (1385x870, 204K)

>the exact position of man-put retro reflectors on the moon?
The laser beam sent to the moon spreads to about 2km by the time it reaches the moon. So they cannot pinpoint any small object. The light they send could easily be reflected back off the moons surface.

>normal moon surface doesn't nearly reflect enough light to even pick up a single photon at that distance.
wrong. In 1961 MIT bounced a laser off the moon's surface, and Russia did it one year later.

I explained this here: A 2km spot at this distance is still quite a small area, however you're right that they don't need the exact location of the retro reflector. But the existence of *any* return is proof of its existence. If you pick a regular spot without retro reflectors, you get nothing, that's what they use for control.

Full video:

Attached: longdistance.webm (854x480, 2.97M)

Attached: moon-min.png (2278x958, 1.66M)

Attached: helio.png (1142x953, 2.01M)

Wrong. Look up the Lunar Laser Ranging Experiment. It was done years before the Apollo mission, using the same protocol/methods except using the lunar surface to reflect the light

Why does literally every curvature calculation use the wrong formula?

What do you think is the correct formula?

It's real, guys. I was driving the car that took the pictures.

Are you retarded

Attached: flattards.jpg (1288x1016, 87K)

this is the saddest webm of all time.
the greatest achievement of the white race is all a lie.

Attached: 467567657.jpg (401x401, 32K)

They are designed to clear the rocket very quickly because in most cases the rocket is still accelerating when the fairing is jettisoned.
If they didn't clear it quickly the rocket would bump into them, potentially causing damage.

Not exactly the same but related

did he catch something, i don't get it

Bigelow and Musk are Bond villains.

Diamonds Are Forever

oh. guess they didn't need the magical space mirrors after all.

fake and gay.

tires would blowout instantly in so called vacuum of space. Hyperloop guy should know that. Temps would be melting the abs and melting the trim at 500 plus degrees.

Moon hoax, Nasa bubbles, FakeX. All a big satanic lie.

Attached: 015-e1308237781492[1].png (450x450, 306K)

The idea is he was wearing a harness

Have you considered the possibility that they deflated the tires?

Also some deformation of the rubber/plastic bits around the doors/windows was visible toward the latter portion of the stream if you looked closely. The upper stage was spinning too, so it spent half the time in the shade which slowed any melting.

that vocaroo is cringe.

the only reason you can see things is becuase of the atmosphere.
you couldnt see shit without any colors and the only reason there are colors is becasue of the light reflecting
>visible SP E C T R U M

Attached: dollard.jpg (596x368, 99K)

So Jow Forums whats he listening to while hes up there cruising around in the void?

no idiot. they dont stay up there in teh fucking retard space station or blimp floating around the earth all the time

his pinky gets caught in the other guys pocket

Guy's hands never move. Looks like someone unbuckling an invisible wrist restraint.

Attached: 1528236471111.png (362x259, 105K)

The car is spinning and those insects are distant stars.....

Attached: e4fXDuM.jpg (550x404, 40K)

They put reflectors on the moon. While technically mirrors, reflectors always reflect to the point of incidence regardless of where that point is (two corner reflections in a square). If you have a normal mirror or ice, the angle of reflection is different depending of your point of incidence, and so your probability of measuring any returning photons is pretty much zero. Yet, regardless of where you are on earth, you can do this experiment and get some photons back. This proves in the very least its not ice or some other natural mineral structure, as these do not produce the effects that we observe. However a man made reflector does fit all we observe, and a reflector does not form naturally. Therefore, at the very least, someone must have put it there.

Attached: 1523261334098.gif (261x300, 241K)

yeah, it's literally clear as day, but brainlets can't comprehend it.

Elon Musk wakes up tomorrow with this car and spaceman parked in his driveway.
A special investigation team of scientists is assembled and they prove beyond a doubt that the car is the same car that was launched towards the asteroid belt.


thats NOT what happened, his fingers wherent under there

fucking faggot shill godamn faggot jew lover nigger lover piece of shit
why do you even bother to come online when everybody already knows what they want everyone to think then look at that not see shit then lie. about what you seen? and tell everyone else this, with nothing. everybdoy has already heard the jew gubmint wanting everybody to think something else. plsu you name call and join with your other jew gubmint cocksucking buddies to talk more shit
whats teh point go sit down and do what your told on tv
if the tv wasnt owned by a bunch of morons too, even smart peo9ple would tell you what to do too. like go feed the dog, water the plants. go fuck yourself

I saw Heavy Metal too

moon only 250k miles away

cuz ppl are tryhards when it comes to flat earth theory. they are literally retarded.

this is what schizophrenia looks like

Attached: wirer3.webm (884x552, 2.78M)

>watch this vid up close for once

WHAT THE FUCK??? Goosebumps...

Has Elon/anyone commented on what that shit out there is supposed to be?

Looks like a TR-3B or whatever its called