Japan accept 500,000 immigrants

>Japan declared the acceptance of 500,000 immigrants

>source(in Japanese) j.sankeibiz.jp/article/id=3326

Do you think accept only 500,000 immigrants untill 2025 is sufficient to improve current Japanese economic situation?

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Yes. Make sure all of them are male, african and muslim.

There really is a countdown on the world. Every country is inevitably fucked, it’s just a matter of time.

2020 is the date of Japan’s turn. They’ll be thrust into the spotlight and be forced to change their culture to suit the international jew

if by improve you mean destroy then yes.

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i only welcome female refugees

Glad to hear. It's about time you caught up with the 21st century. Konnichiwa!

any info on their ethnic origins?? from what i can understand from the article they're only gonna take in people who can speak japanese proficiently, so that already rules out pretty much all africans and muslims since those retards can barely speak their own languages properly let alone learn a new one

>implying syrians and other sand niggers could ever sufficiently learn moon to fit into society

yeah but

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Do immigrants really wanna come here?

send them to that reactor site and have them clean it up, sounds good to me. send 2, report 1, so if you lose 1, you're good.

those are people only with working skills

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as long as they can squease free money from you they don't care.

and not non working engineers,lawyers and doctors
also most of them will probably come from other asian countries

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syrian refugees need home!

We can be their second home

For comparisons sake, Canada does 300k a year, and wants to ramp it up.


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They want to let in that many low skilled workers, but they'd be on 5 year visas and can't bring their family I believe

somehow I doubt Japan will go negro, but if they do, it'll be like the end of apartheid but worse

Japan is based and is recognizing importance of having Indian people in their country. It's small number but it's a start at least. Gj Japan.

>Inb4 butthurt whiteoids

Japan is overpopulated, and Canada is pretty much empty.
Fuck off We are literally full.

They need to pass the exam(which is over 90% people can pass)

So I think this is dramatic policy chyange.

Good start. but not perfect. we need more


Indians are always welcome. Hard working and talented people are the source of strength

Are you a kike or do you not remember when they told you that the human trash Merkel is importing we're going to be your new doctors,engineers, and lawyers?

also friendly reminder
that means you weeb ass gaijins can take up the spot and live in nihon
you will never be japanese tho so don't dream

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Aren't they ugly and smelly?

immigrants are poor, retarded and genetically inferior. what do you think?



what religion are you? or non at all
can you elaborate on the exam?
what is it about?

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fuck off squatemalans are beautiful

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You'd have to be pretty fucking stupid to willingly let in immigrants after seeing what happened to Europe. Immigrants means NIGGERS and ARABS. Thats a NOPE from me.

he's obviously shilling lol

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It’s about time you do too. Open borders for Israel!

Importing a bunch of niggers will never improve economic situation.

I know, but then again, indians are so fucking retarded I can't tell sincerity from irony because of them. Idk why they're allowed on our internet

It's just basic language test.
Writing Japanese is difficult. But speak Japanese is relatively easy for gaijin.

Most of people can speak basic Japanese if they learn 3months. And They can stay over 10years for it.

It is general idea of new policy

Calm down there, I never said it was a good thing. And us being empty makes it even worse as we are essentially adding 1% of our population as immigrants annually, like if Japan accepted 1.2m immigrants a year.

I met one paki at work which was kind of ok,wouldnt be buddies though,his dad was in the airforce
anything else from there is just disguisting smelly sht
hmm,shits fucked up senpai

Neither country needs any. Don't be like us and just roll over and take it up the ass Japan, organise educate and protest before its too late.

pakistanis are trash, they're muslim brown people lol. I'm sure there are some individual good people in those countries, but they should fucking stay there then. I flat out never want to see the lower races. It's gross. I'd go to Morocco if I wanted to see them. The Japanese have the right idea

im an atheist
90% of who, though? japanese test takers?

This makes Tokugawa sad.

not with this ofc, idk wtf this is. Olympics 2020 UN shit

This is what you are in for. Mark my words.

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Who cares about the fucked up working culture if they're not going to work?

NO. The foreign students

We have to expel 500,000 migrants so we got you covered nippon.

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A lot of countries took in foreigners and said that the solution was "temporary" as well. Turns out the foreigners stayed. The Turks in Germany grew. The foreigners in Saudi Arabia remained (though they are beginning to leave thanks to pro native tax policy). The Frenchies still have Algerians. And so on.

I'm not saying it'd be impossible for Japan to manage this migration properly properly into the following decades. But humans do procrastinate and they do sometimes underestimate problems.

500,000 down. 3 million to go. Never forgetti.


it seems like they'll only be allowed to stay for a maximum of 10 years.

They can definitely help impregnate your women since tmyou Japanese males are too busy jerking off to anime

Japan's got a rigid culture at least, with a lot within being about uniformity -maybe even conformity, and a sort of shared identity in a way. Might be able to fight this shit a little longer at least on the back of that.

You can naturalize if you stay a certain amount of time, I believe

You're fucked

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It's true

If you stay over 5years. you can apply Japanese version greencard.

Their fucking birth rates are ridiculous. Mixing to make halves in a culture that hammered in on identity though. Heard some shit about what kinds of images halfus have. Reality is I have no fucking direct idea though.

show flag

fuck that. if you let them stay they will never leave. the only reasonable policy is to have them work for a fixed period and leave.

It is good for Japan to have skilled workers.

Why do I have to make them leave Japan? if they fit in Japan.

It's amazing and fine!


Only criminals can save you now.

Yes, and that certain amount of time is less than 10 years.

According to current rules, they can probably stay forever as long as they don't commit crimes and support themselves.

I'd bet he's American or British. Every fucking time I meet one of those hypocritical lefties here it's an Anglo or a jew. If you like multicultaralism so much, why not go to a more 'diverse' place?

If they don't try and run somewhere in order to stay -if that's even pheasable. Didn't Germany somehow just lose tons of their migrants?

They're on an island here -but there's a countryside and plenty of places to go. If it becomes enough of a problem police might check foreign looking people on the regular.

>Who cares about the fucked up working culture if they're not going to work?

Sounds about right.

Unfortunately they won't accept anyone who cannot speak fluent japanese. WTF Japan, why are you so bigoted?!!!

they won't, they'll vote for leftist trash and your racial and ethnic harmony will be shattered forever.

It won't be amazing and fine for long as they let more and more migrants in.
Rapes and crime skyrocket drastically, everything goes to shit, but it'll all be amazing and fine right?

Speaking of - How's organized crime in Japan these days?

I think a poo or monkey would be easy enough to find.

If you're even posting from Japan and not using some proxy like a faggot

This is exactly what the visa is. Short term work visa for 'skilled' workers (nursing, construction etc.) Japanese language ability essential. Visa can be renewed once then you have to go back. The idea is that workers will take back Japanese working methods to their home countries and it will help with global development.

If you discrimate them, they will be criminal.

If you embrace them. They will be part of us.

Look at Canada.

Diversity and multiculturalism work in there!


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I hope it stays that way. in America a short visa is an invitation to immigrate. we had some like 629,000 last year.


With skilled workers you mean Indians that lower the salary in the fields they work in, discouraging Japanese to choose for a career in engineering and IT? Then when Japanese employers discover that Indians are actually really shitty workers, the shortage of competent labour is ever bigger, and you a million of those ugly and skinky subhumans in your country that are now citizens and you can't get rid of anymore.

That works both ways, it's often criminals that provoke discrimination and prejudice, often rooted in reality and they'll never be "part of you"; what happens is both traits are instilled in new generations and they warp as the native and migrant lose portions of themselves along the way, specially true for the host nation if it really gets that bad.

I'd argue it's naive, but what do I know?

Not if based Abe has anything to say about it.

>If you discrimate them, they will be criminal.
Many Japanese Americans were discriminated against in America (before and after the war). Did they become criminals? You're retarded so I'll tell you the answer. No, they didn't become criminals.

get as many immigrants as you can, i mean literally millions and then self destruct the island for greater cause
i mean you japs are used to suicide this is the great chance to be remembered for ever as the people who saved planet and ensured exploration of galaxies

you goddamned fools. you've forsaken your country to savages.

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This is happening under his rule.

It’s over for you. Thousands of years of civilization, gone in a blink just to appease people who want you dead. Good job.

>absolute stupidity: the post
Its true multiculturalism work, when you suck invaders dicks. But if you are not a cuck, it doesnt.
Really makes me think....oh wait, even when submitting to invaders, it usually doesnt work either.

It doesn't work here at all. You'll be alienating your own and turning your country into a garbage cess pool where no one cares anymore.

No thanks. Japan could never catch up with the UK and Sweden anyway.

I doubt this is true at all

Depends on what you're expecting from multiculturalism.

Down in the Torontoish area (Ontario), here, we get along well enough day-to-day in the big cities like Toronto to function. Is some tension at times, but really it's an everpresent focus on identity and your own, how it stacks up to those around you, what theirs are, etc.

Individual communities fall back to their own cultures and make majority towns and seem to make friends with similar or the same cultural values as them. Interesting in that way. Will be a light tension when in a place majority not your kind.

A lot of the tension shit is subjective so trying to compensate for that.

>"We rearry need more immigrants user-bozu, ret the brack man have your imoutosan".
>can't fuck your own women
>won't fuck immigrant ones either

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If being tolerant mean "cuck" , yes.

But Look at Canada. It's best performing nation.

Everyone want to be Canadian and envy them.
It's WORKING in Canada.

If you do not discrimate them, They will be part of us!

> japaneseschoolgirls.jpg
no, it's AKB48, the most famous band in japan

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>Japan accepting tons of black refugees
When pigs fucking fly, they are fucking racist and xenophobic against white people just wanting to work there for a few years

no they didn't. you're full of shit.

It amazes me that this still gets (you)s
when will the influx finally stop?

Canada is doing terribly.
Why don't you move there if you think differently?

hahaha 500k davido kuns, good luck with that

If you are not ethnically Japanese and born in Japan you are literally legally considered a foreigner. That's how racist and xenophobic Japan is (and it's wonderful).

At least they're not rapefugees.

Just read the article, the plan has only been proposed and is under consideration.

Because I am a patriot and it is duty for me to introduce successful idea into Japan.