She had one job


>is she trying to be black?

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Half assed blackface is more offensive than full blackface. She should be ashamed of herself.

Ayyy!!! That is corny AF Larping as a nigger. Top KEK!!!

Formula 1 is a reddit cuck's sport

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>When you don't steal for week.

She waved the flag one lap too early, right? I bet she did that to try and trick Vettel because the bitch wanted Hamilton to win.

Need to see the cooter.

Wish Michael Jackson had her courage.


>she blamed white guy

Attached: 8DDFB233-6450-4D24-ABFA-6D1B513BBCB4.jpg (290x508, 46K)

Both her face and cooter lips are bright pink surrounded by white skin.

One of her asscheeks is white and the other is black. Same as her boobs

What do you do Jow Forums?

That’s some incredibly lucky vitiligo placement honestly

looks like leprosy is back on the menu boys

I bet she gives horrible head. White bitches give shitty head and she got a white mouth

half fuck her of course. what are you, retard?

She's still undergoing her transition to white, give her a break

She's the ultimate mutt.

why does she wear the mask?
>inb4 her twitter gets baneposted to fuck

Eat, beat, repeat.

She's legitimately hot as fuck. Only an incel permavigin would disagree.

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That ass says she's white.

half good boobs

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She's like a reverse cow

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Would suck dem utters....

How fucked am I, if I think shit like this and ridiculous amounts of freckles is fucking adorable?

When you haven't stolen or appropriated someone's elses cultural achievements in a week.

Tfw no cow gf

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Black girl goes to nascar....

Starts to turn white.

thanks user

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That's kinda hot but she looks like she's wearing a superhero mask.

>the only motor sport they tried to nigger proof
>I know guys, how out we only turn left, cant be that hard r-right?
>still crashes
lel nascar

what is this abomination and why have they not been shot and put into a blender?

serious question.

Tbh it's the flag marshal's fault. There's no way they let her do that on her own initiative. The leaf marhals are known for being shit, they fuck something up nearly every single year

i can hear jews triggering

Attached: excelent.jpg (836x1092, 306K)

as fucked as me user, as fucked as me

ok now i call bullshit - there is 100% makeup involved unless she got the luckiest placement on earth

we need to breed these out, cow humans would be cool as fuck and could be the defacto negotiators of affairs between races

i dont know about you cuts, but i think i want a kaffir latte

She looks like a luchador.

I dig it. Super rare. Nobody got that and her facial symmetry is awesome.

Who cares about this half albino nigger , she isn't white.

la creatura...

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>ridiculous amount of freckles

There was this girl in my school I went to elementary, middle school and high school with. 12 years in same classes. She and her little brother had this skin thing where they were pale as a ghost and had MILLIONS OF FRECKLES. Like a freckles everywhere.

She was the most bullied person I've ever seen. I bullied her to just to make my self feel better. We did awful things to her. Just awful. I partook in it. I seriously think she has killed her self. I found her brother on FB but I can't find her (which would make sense)

But holy fuck I want her to be alive so bad. I want to see her again some how some day, I need to apologize to her. Even the fucking teachers bullied her in front of everyone, man. I hope she is okay. I hope she moved of that little city where everyone is a terrible person and has moved to somewhere like Toronto or Vancouver and I just hope she has found happiness. She never had a chance, I want her to be happy so bad.

I've seen Indians with Vitiligo and it's weird as fuck. Maybe it's exposure to white countries?

>diplomats during the race war to negotiate with each side

Sometimes I love this place. Holy fuck I laughed so hard in the middle of the night with everyone sleeping and me being a chuckle fuck

>when you're only 20% qualified to wave a flag

Literally a human cow

>she fails

fuck this shit, fuck everything

Lel. How did they fuck this up?

(The flag not the nigger)
> the flag and the nigger are the same colours

Just pray for her user

>how it feels to blow a white guy.

She is registering like a 5% on the furry chart. I'm extremely unhappy furfags have likely been dabbling in meme magic with /x/ to make a bovine succubus.

>hello mrs. skellington

what does her labia look like?

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Whites can apparently also suffer from vitiligo

Attached: vitiligo.jpg (634x438, 41K)

True my arm is like half pale white half mexican. I'm a pale as fuck white guy.

>Med gets vitiligo - Turns scandinavian

Attached: vitiligo 2.jpg (1080x1080, 106K)

She’s like a dairy cow without the milk jugs. Meh... if she had massive milk jugs and some cosplay cow ears I’d be hard as diamonds.

This is what happens when they stop stealing.

Here you go, guys

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>cranberry nipples

no thanks

This is gonna be a tough fap, but a sure one.


sweet jesus


Checkered girl fucks up the checkered flag... what are the odds?

Looks like a quokka or a quoll

how come her vitiligo is so aesthetic

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different cow

She's pretty much the only model famous for this condition. What do you think this does for her placement on the "you're fucking lucky" scale?

Yes, she lucked out. There's maybe 2-3 other famous models like her, but none to her level afaik.

Was the best I could do on such short notice

The symmetry is from birth.

white, black, just pick a fucking lane

Only stick half my dick in her.


What the fuck

>tfw she looks like those old bubble nudes from /b/

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This thing would be ugly even without the skin condition.

She's actually kinda cute.

Jesus what an ugly bitch.

So she hasn't stolen anything for like, what, a year now?

niggers should not be allowed on a white men race track


yeah no, not super hot but to call her ugly is kinda retarded.

Is vitiligo caused by friction or something?

This was leaked last week.

Attached: in-heat1.jpg (362x266, 35K)

It's auto-immune

Lads in all seriousness, you shouldn't downtalk or discourage people who have this. (((They))) treat it as a disease and fungal disorder, but in all actuality, it's a symptom of the soul. White is the color of purity. She is no nog. She has been meek enough in this life that her purity is shining through.
I know this sounds like bullshit to most of you, but I'm dead serious.

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Nice to meet an oldfag on here for once...

Christ it seems like such a long time ago, little over a decade
Where has the time gone user?

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Too add on, if you really pay attention it's not even white like the skin tone. It's just white. As in white as snow.

You can see that she likes to give blowjob to white dudes

Who are you?

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