Evening fellas. Hope you're all doing well.

>Overwatch League sets eyes on Melbourne as city-based eSports contest heats up

>The Australian Games Industry Needs More Women

>NZ PM takes dig at Australian media

>Defence inquiry uncovers evidence of possible homicide by elite Australian soldiers in Afghanistan

>Queen's Birthday honours: Greens' Christine Milne among Tasmanians recognised

>Green producers take vertical farm system to the world

>WA Government bid for Australia’s first space agency

>Dying refugee on Nauru barred from coming to Australia for palliative care

>Man extradited from NSW for grooming 13yo Mackay girl he met on gaming app

>ASX set to lift despite G7 uncertainty

>Environmental Protection Authority won’t assess proposed Melville wave park on Swan River

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Other urls found in this thread:

Evening mate

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Reposting my comment from the last thread because I'm certain that half of you cunts are casual-chaning wagecucks:

Jesus fuck, how many normies do we have here now? You all WANT to fucking work? 8am-6pm, yeah? 65k per annum MAX, yeah? Till you're 70 years old, yeah? Without a pension, yeah? Fuck outta here with your (((system supporting))) BULLSHIT. You're the reason the west is crashing and burning, you're fucking COMPLIANT. You're setting your children up for the same AND worse; just like you're currently experiencing. I thought people who come here were supposed to be smarter than the average joe-halfwit. I may not know the solution(s), but I sure as hell know that perpetuating the problems and just continuing to dig our own graves IS NOT the way to go.

Fucking hell; wake up.

What do I want to do?
Have a homestead and raise a family until things change/civil war.

I wouldn't mind owning a business as well or some sort of passive income.

Attached: FamilyGardening.jpg (1024x682, 337K)

also and of course I try to minimize as much as I can to "support the system" currently in place.


I'd love that, I'm only part time.

>The Australian Games Industry Needs More Women

We have a games industry?

>Have a homestead and raise a family until things change/civil war
sounds good, take care of yourself and watch out for your own family/children; will you ensure they are properly educated, or, (((educated)))?
>I wouldn't mind owning a business as well or some sort of passive income.
nice one; this is what I'm currently working on; nice pic too

>Supporting any current system of anything ever.

The western world is on the brink of cultural collapse through the seceding of responsibility for the direction and intent of the human species. Either you make things better by shitting on anything that doesn't combat this, or you accept the destruction it will wreak on your virgin butthole.

this is VERY HIGH on my priority list; educate myself and be conscientious in making decisions

Cunts fucked

hmmm what are my options.
1. get a job, and have a chance at living an ok life
2. sleep in my car or in a shitty commission area until i die from liver failure or get killed by a crackhead/shitskin
3. kms

>putting links about overwatch in the OP

Attached: tradie-sign.jpg (607x960, 165K)

>properly educated
Yea of course, I'll look into hiring a teacher/tutor if I can afford it and possibly then split the costs with other parents with children as well (whenever that is in the future)

It'd be great if I get prepared in time and can be self sufficient and "armed" to hunt "animals"

>the western world is on the brink of cultural collapse
unfortunately, this is true..
>shit on anything that doesn't combat this
nice post, burger, this is great advice, just make sure to go about this in an intelligent way; educate yourself, lurk here for a few years etc.

false trichotomy; educate yourself

Resigning yourself to the authority of others conversely poisons your very concept of agency, and will, and autonomous decision making. You're always limited by self constraining boundary parameters, imaginary but tangible.

And you'll wither, in all ways, and die, with nothing. The only upside is you'll have no responsibility, and can slip into the void as you lived through it; completely irrelevant.


Just because pakistan isn't getting their own Overwatch league

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cant think of another option can ya m8?

you won't have a choice, mate; no pension + you'll be lucky if your super lasts 10 years

t. is clever but still lives with mum and dad, doesn't know how real life works


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To your mother.

t. paki who can't play overwatch

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>your mom dude lmao

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you should be so lucky that our american friend is kind enough to provide some illuminating/polarizing information here ; I personally don't know if it's worth trying to help those who don't know thyself.

Well time for some reading


you're a fuckwitt, and you live with mum and dad.

>implying there are pakis in t' north

I live with your mum, that's for sure.


What % of your friends are essentially SJWs? 80%+ reporting.

>having friends

Yes. We saw this inane gibberish a couple days ago.

You do realise your post is asinine, right?

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>uses plebbit spacing
>calls other people normies

I have 1 friend it’s a cat
And it’s black so I’m not a Nazi, but it could be Jewish


>tfw wife is an anti-feminist anti-sjw, pro-second and first amendment bitch.

Friends are everything. Connections are how life works, from job opportunities to free shit like concert tickets. Make friends.

connections != friends

who are you quoting?

>having a job
>going to events
>lecturing strangers

Go back to your normie club and discuss girls, fag

>>tfw wife is an anti-feminist anti-sjw, pro-second and first amendment bitch.
I bet its a fucking pig mate

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You're a filthy paki and I know it
1, kinda, he was indoctrinated by his gf's sister who was part of Socialist Alternative, but over time he has realized he was just some giant faggot and now doesn't care so much. He still wants to change the date though. The rest of my friends are happy saying "nigger" and strongly oppose immigration and hate the Chinese and foreign ownership.

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I posted this for the first time yesterday you dumb cunt; you think it's just plain stoopid yeah? cool, you're dumb as fuck, if you weren't you'd have ANYTHING to say in rebuttal to it; pic related, asshat.

Attached: Graham's_Hierarchy_of_Disagreement.png (375x281, 49K)

The problem is, OP, that you probably aren't seeing all the posts. If you are just viewing [s4s] through the /s4s/ board, you don't see the green posts, the posts with letters in their ids, or anything numberless. Together, those make up about 40-70 percent of [s4s], depending on the day. So conversation will appear disjointed and spastic, because you won't be getting the full picture.

I actually just flipped over to the /s4s/ interface to make this post, and it's pretty funny how unintelligible [s4s] is like this.

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Ive never liked this Jow Forums specific, logically specious troll response to being attacked.

It has the stink of narcissism about it.

>You're a filthy paki and I know it
fake news

My cock smells like narcissism

>impying "false trichotomy; educate yourself" was an arguement
hypocritical pal!

Lets talk about that brown skin of yours, Omar

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Yeah it's narcissistic to respond to an insult with an old /jp/ joke, neck yourself burger.

>brown skin
Fake news.

Jeeze, I didn't realize that Paki's came in midnight black.

Attached: smug_anime_girl 16.jpg (736x592, 42K)

>implying that black skin exists



Attached: smug_anime_girl 20.png (307x307, 107K)

just got called racist in greggs

Well, no. I don't think it's "just plain stupid" - I think the way you communicate your position is short-sighted and naive with respect to a lot of the realities of living in this country.

You'd do well not to bark back like a belligerent idiot with nothing but strings of insults as soon as somebody offers a reply, too.

kys retard.


How does midnight blackie get called racist
>complains about anime on a chinese basket weaving forum

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For anyone interested in furthering their understanding of our solar system, consider watching this (part 1 of 3)

No fucken qanda bingo you cunts!

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God, I hope I can get this job interstate. I just need to fucking get out of here.

yeah, im aware of what website this is.

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>Overwatch is a team-based multiplayer first-person shooter video game developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment

I'd rather play Sim City.

>tfw no aussie bf

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You're the type of person that drinks Strongbow

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no one cares about your video games nancy

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this simcity or that simcity?

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>implying there are black people in greggs

did they let tommy out of jail yet?

>video games
We weren't talking about vidya. You were upset about anime
lame picture try again
>you're there so yeah

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>lame picture try again

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>no, I don't think it's just plain stupid
that's what asinine means, and that's all you said, retard
>I think the way you communicate is bad because reasons
implying when I throw you a bone I want to know how it tastes; shut the fuck up mate, keep working on slowly climbing that pyramid in my previous post post above; you're currently on "responding to tone", kek
>more of the same
colour me surprised, yawn

>We weren't talking about vidya.
>You were upset about anime
smug-anime-girl.jpg is not "complaining" or me being upset but nice try.

Attached: images (77).jpg (479x307, 15K)

>posts even lamer pic
are you serious user

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>images (77).jpg
>posting on your phone

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That's a lot of cocks

not for me

Finally some quality content

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dont you have some emus to be fucking right now

edgy cool dude located

It wasn't intended to be one. I was pointing out that you have taken the cake for cringeist poster itt.

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Anyway, g'night lads. Cya tomorrow.

im sensing anger from you

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How do we solve the bogan problem?

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