Unrestrained capitalism is state-sponsored usury

Change my mind.

Protip: You can't.

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>protip: you can't
Then why should I bother trying? You won't listen.

>t. usury practicing jew

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How are you arriving at that?

Capitalism and its ‘return on investment’ is clearly the successor of medieval Jewish Usury. This is an extension of the ‘time value’ of money, which is the central tenet of modern economics. Capitalism is unthinkable without banking and banking is institutionalized Usury.

Usury is Plutocracy. Compound interest makes it unavoidable that the very richest own everything in generations.

Already the poor lose up to 50% of their income to Usury, mostly passed on by producers in prices. The middle classes are somewhat better off, but they are being decapitated everywhere. Usury only benefits the richest 10%, while most of the money ends up with the ‘fabulously’ wealthy.

The enslavement is total: most people work the first two and half days of the week to pay off the bank. Even if they have no debts.

And we face not only enslavement, but extinction. Mass immigration, combined with the demographic catastrophy caused by the trinity of feminism, the not-so-gay lobby, and sexual ‘liberation’, is now threatening to actually destroy the white race. Whites are expected to be a minority all over the West in 2050/2060 and irrelevant by the end of the century.

Capitalism is the core of the Jewish Question. All their other depravities, including Zionism and (Cultural) Marxism were built and financed from the Capitalist powerbase.

The Jewish Question can only be reasonably resolved by reforming money and ending its rule through Usury.

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So nothing should ever be done for profit (your return on investment)? How do you plan on making a living then?

Or are you about to come out as a full blown commie?

Are you coming out as a full blown usury practicing Jew?

The solution was clearly stated in my post: Reform money and end the practice of usury, which has nothing to do with removing the rights of citizens to own private property (communism).

If you are defending usury then you are a useful idiot of the Jewish oligarchs.

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You are apparently against profit as a means to sustain yourself. The only other system I can think of that would "work" without it is communism where you just hand shit out rather than earn and buy.

Is that your "solution"?

You sound like a kid that just discovered the word usury, so now you use it to sound educated while posting your edgy threads.

usury is considered sinful or illegal in most societies in history for a reason. it destroys society through the economic crises it causes.
pretty funny that so-called conservatives today support capitalism, they fell for cold war propaganda programming them to believe that everything is capitalism vs. communism, you must be a capitalist to oppose communism. in reality both systems are failures.

Usury is lending money at interest. It has nothing to do with capitalism or communism, unless you just abandon meaning entirely in favour of what you think sounds impressive.

it has everything to do with capitalism as a system, because of lending and debt

That's banking. You have banks in every system.

banking is the foundation for capitalism

No, private property is.

no. modern capitalism aka capitalism is based on mercantilism ie state capitalism, which is based on the flow of goods and banking.

Why does Jow Forums believe that the very concept of a person a state a company a bank a whatever lending some money to a person so he can build up something and pay it back with interest is some all encompassing evil.

Oh wait yes its because the whole muh kike stuff, I hate kikes but mostly cuz if they didn't exist people would stop whining about money lending

The flow of good and services, of which banking is one.

Based E Michael Jones

Isn't that why everyone here is a national socialist?

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Interest should be outlawed and replaced with a flat fee. The muzzies are already doing this.

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mercantilism wasnt a flow of services at the tine. it was entirely goods and currency such as gold.
banking was a private/state enterprise that allowed kings/lords to leverage capital that fueled expansionism.
without banking, you cant have capitalism. banking provides the liquidity.

You can be trading cows for beans. It's still capitalism. Money makes it easier, but it does not define it.

banks charge interest on capital they dont even actually own. they write you a paper with a number on it then charge you interest, but everyone believes it. this is the biggest scam of all time

>Protip: You can't
K faggot lol

>ignores historical circumstances
before the industrial revolution, capitalism ie private ownership was basically feudalism. you had landlords owning serfs/slaves.
capitalism was born when the european feudal order updated themselves into industrialists but they still effectively own everything.

T. Low iq subhuman.

You also had banks lending people money at interest. Oh whoops, I thought that was capitalism...

The Muslims have developed a work-around. Usury by another name.

usury was banned throughout the middle ages

Nope. It was not allowed for a Christian to do it. Jews though were not so restricted - Which is why they became the bankers.

Only for anyone who wasn't Jewish.

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>You are apparently against profit as a means to sustain yourself.
Where did I state anything of that nature?

How is practicing usury tantamount to creating profit to sustain yourself? Do you even know what usury is?

Not an argument. I bet you don't even know what usury is.

>they fell for cold war propaganda programming them to believe that everything is capitalism vs. communism
Yep, they are useful idiots who now defend Jewish usury because their minds are trapped in a false dichotomy.

>build up something and pay it back with interest is some all encompassing evil
Usury allows a tiny few to extract all wealth from a nation over several generations. It is so evil it is forbidden in the bible.

Correct response.

One possible solution is lenders holding an equity stake in the venture. Venture fails, they do not recoup investment. Ends predatory lending permanently.

Unrestricted capitalism in its current form is state-sponsored usury. The state not only permits usury, but protects banks practicing usury from the consequences of usury (see 2008 banking bail outs).

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under charlemagne.
successor emperors banned it and kicked out the jews

>Where did I state anything of that nature?
By your shoehorning of ursury to mean capitalism. Lending money at interest >*squint hard*> extracting value over what you have laid out >*squint harder*> profit.

Your actually somewhat right you stupid loli poster.

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Third option, Best option

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Everywhere. The Jews did not vanish into thin air, they just moved on to ply their trade elsewhere. That trade being money lending.

The state is not a requisite of capitalism and hence cannot be innately bound to it.

they were repeatedly kicked out of western europe. thats why they all ended up in poland

Why do Leafs wear false eyebrows? Is it a side effect of the dog fucking?

Kick out, let back in, kicked out again, and so on and so forth.

>By your shoehorning of ursury to mean capitalism.
Your reading comprehension is terrible.

I specified "unrestrained capitalism" as the context. In the modern age, unrestrained capitalism allows private banks to practice usury. It's state sponsored usury because the state protects these private banks.

>Lending money at interest >*squint hard*> extracting value over what you have laid out >*squint harder*> profit.
Lending money at interest is not the same as working to create profitable value. It's creating money of thin air and siphoning off wealth from others while contributing nothing. It's parasitism.

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>Capitalism and its ‘return on investment’ is clearly the successor of medieval Jewish Usury.
No it's not

Pure capitalism is more evil than Communism.

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you make it sound as if capitalism is the only economic system the West operates under which is utterly false. Capitalism real only kicks in at a corporate level. Beyond that it cannot function. The start/run capacitor for any economy, is always the industrious individual/partnership. Without the nameless entrepreneur, the economy falters. Heck, I know folks that lived in the Soviet Union, and they made their money in illegal for profit ventures, within the underbelly of communism.

It is within the context of accruing interest. We're not talking about buying $5 of seeds to grow $200 of cucumbers, here.

>you make it sound as if capitalism is the only economic system the West operates under

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ITT: unfuckable incels