There is no freedom of speech. All information is controlled by the government

All internet, including obviously this image board, is controlled by government agencies such as CIA, NSA and others(MOSAD, MI5, FSM, Chinese agencies, etc etc), who allow only specific information to be posted.

There is no real way we can trully deliver the real truth for public attention.

In real life as well, you can publicly speak without prior registration and complience with government policies. Once you publicly speak about anything that is not allowed - you are reported, police comes and arrests you(or in the best scenario asks you to stop speaking and leave immediately)

Any public gathering that police would deem as unwanted would be immediately dissmised either verbally or by force.
There is no freedom of speech as such. Only what is allowed to be spoken of is premitted to be spoken. Literally there is a BAN ON TRUTH.

Even if you speak about the truth in the privacy of your own home, and it's found out by the government, then action will be taken against you. You will at the least be including on the list of "threats to the government" and depending on the subject you were engaged in discussing - there will be a corresponding punishment all the way up to death sentence.

The court system is just a circus which purpose is to scare the public, to subjugate the will of a person. If the government needs, there is no need for any court deceision - all is needed - one word from someone in higher power and the verdict can't be undone or indefinately avoided.

There is no hope at this point, since the system grew and established itself in such a way - it's indistructible. Even in case of theoretic fall of the system, it's constructed in such a way as to bury everyone under it's collapsing weight, with the exception of those in real power, who will rebuild the exact same system after the collapse of the previous one.

Are fighting the system? No. We are not even pawns on the chess board. We are specs of paint in each square, either black or white.

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Other urls found in this thread: Real

Jesus oldest ally you really got the Monday blues.

Go for a walk or something. Governments are mostly incompetent because they don't draw from meritocracy

we can tell the truth most of the time but we're under constant surveillance, well maybe we should surveill them a little

>Governments are mostly incompetent

Oh my sweet summer child.

What about coding it and leaving clues.
Like the internet puzzle games people make.

yeah this one always gets me, along with the whole "everything wrong with our society is just caused by colossal human ignorance." ... enabled by it maybe.

Imagine how hard you laugh when you think about the goyim drinking poison water, food, everything, and they pay for it on 12 levels. Oh the laughs.

dear diary: today Canada was kind of okay

Yeah, life's a bitch, ain't it?
Just know that they literally cannot take away free speech unless you let them, you can be near dead, and facing it, and they still could not take away your free speech unless you allow them.
They first break your spirit so that you already think your rights are gone, then they easily take from you what you don't even believe in anymore.

Coding would only expose you to those government agents that sniff out such coding on the internet, but the public would not even notice such stuff.

I thought about investing into a Quest\RPG game, where a player(obviously a young one) would step by step lead himself to discover the reality of things, but after a rather simple enquiry into the business itself I've found out that it's vertually futile to even try since there is no way to distibute such a game. It will be immediately banned. Same with books.

Have you ever thought why there are no books about the core truth? And what is the core truth?? No one knows. Well, I kinda know but I can't tell you, since from experience I know that the core truth can't be accepted on such a short scale notice.

You can't just assume people will believe the core truth.

One would need to either write an extensive literature piece or create an interactive game so the person would lead himself to the core truth. Otherwise you would only be hitting the brainwashed mind of someone who didn't even ask for the truth at all.

Also 2000 characters post limits. Could this shit get more obvious? They are preventing from volume to spill out. The want everything to be spilled in little spits.. so they can quickly damage control and make it hard as hell for total volume to get into the public view.

The larger the per hour audience of any platform the shorter the limit. For instance Twitter has 140 characters. Well.. you get the picture. Coding shit doesn't work

Dear diary, i looked at a man's crotch today... it filled me with varying emotions. Mostly i felt the urge to be comforted between the legs of this gentlemen, and feel the sumptious warmth of his loins. Also i forgot to go to church last sunday.

>CIA, NSA and others(MOSAD, MI5, FSM, Chinese agencies, etc etc)
Well. You do have different factions and countries battling it out.

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They all work for one source. Simple logic dictates that the power is always singular. There are no real sides, only an illusion.

Like in sports there are teams, but they all work together to fuck with everyone's mind. Essentially they are all on one team.

I mean how funny is it that billions of men get hooked watching 22 men in their underpants running around kicking a ball. That's kinds of subversivly gay as fuck as well.

So.. as you can surely see the CIA MI5 MOSAD FSB are only the teams that work for one "FIFA".

illuminati royals and bloodlines, there are even jesuit agents and knights of malta in the CIA

None of that internal strife will ever lead to the deconstruction of the globalist system or to reveals of truth to one population from a hostile element seeking to undermine its counterparts. Why the fuck didn't the Soviets blow the whistle on obviously faked footage distributed by NASA during the space race? Because the US would have turned right around and blown the whistle on the obviously faked footage the Soviets were using to lead their people by nose as well.

Even if we consider that there are staunchly opposed factions vying for absolute control of the globalist system, none of them are going to truly undermine the others in such a way that the system crumbles, because that would be tantamount to suicide.

The one thing they all agree on is enslaving you and hiding the truth.

>illuminati royals and bloodlines, there are even jesuit agents and knights of malta in the CIA
anything that you have heard of is only Tier 1

and the real control is like at Tier 3, which is literally invisible to the naked eye

basically Tier 1 is nothing but decoys.. everything in the public view\access is only a decoy or even worse.. an actual path with synthetisized meaning and extensive lore that would fuck up your mind like cults\occultism\mysticism and shit like that

Mostly they just ban pedo material which is the only change that matters.

Quite the contrary. All the pedo shit is not banned at all. It's only removed from certain sites but is in abundance on the other outlets.

Look all the "controlled posts" and a shitload of bumps per hour. That means these posts are carried by some agency.

Any independent post is doomed, ignored or simply delited or quickly archived.

Have you noticed?

People won't understand the bigger picture or reality of things until they make contact with their higher self (higher self decides that) which doesn't even happen in every lifetime, and purposeful overpopulation has led to 70% of the world being born as base animalistic abominations with no connection to a higher omnipotence. Thus, monkey brain mental illness is the order of the day, since the matrix has in large part been designed that way. Also I'm only aware of tops, 2 alive people in the entire world who have activated their higher sensory organs and empowered their nervous system enough to achieve the vaunted "enlightenment".

Ban Deez nuts nigga

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total mystical bullshit. confusion for the role playing thrill seeker who wants to live out his life in some sort of fairy tale borrowing himself in lies never reaching the truth

the truth itself is the absence of light completely. it's dark. the light is the lie.
light is what blinds all people and the enlightent are the ultimate fools.

this is only a simplistic allowed bullshit for the masses to eat up.

your average user might suspect something is wrong.. and he is fed this crap.. occultism.. some bloodlines.. satanism all that shit

i mean by simple logic it would become obvious that such contruct is to mystified and glorified to be anywhere on the same board with the truth

our system is closer to an automated system then some hierarchical bullshit

hierarchy by itself is so primitive and only fed to general masses because general masses so not to disturb their minds which are programmed to simply work. as in cycles.. work in cycles

you want the mechanism to be lubricated with oils and shit. well.. all information fed to the public is like oil.. it's not the truth

the truth would break the mechanism instantly. that's why it's supressed

well.. a mechanism can tolerate some grains of truth but not the whole scoop.

do you seriously believe that all these allowed "conspiracies" that have like 1mil+ views on the internet is the actual truth? lol

even the simply unwanted info is blocked as fuck. simple nazy march is blocled while it's not even truth

and here you have whole internet filled to the limit with these "satanists rule all" or "jesuits rule all" or "jews rule all" or "vatican rules all" or whatever the fuck else.. as if any of these two legged half brain dead automatons can even rule themselves kek

the visible "rulers" are nothing but manikens who only engage in some weird shit like fucking boys and BQQ yound girls liver.. shit like that

they don't rule shit. they are only there so the lower classes look at the with awe and jealousy

it's very effective. the lower classes are so dumb to even consider that basically the same beings only dressed differently and living in different houses are the rulers kek

it's like the bees think the queen bee is the ruler while the real ruler is the honeybadger. there is not much of a conspiracy

so fucking dumb. Its bringing light out of darkness.

Its observing the hidden aspects of nature

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did you even read the meme? total fucking spaz you are....

>,comprised of diverse, interconnected networks of worldwide adherents

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as it bothers me to think its that simple, if theres a small group of people in power, and people just keep denying this, and the ones in power just keep trying the same flawed system, then its not wrong, its logical

if something is hidden you can't observe it. that's what hidden means.
if something is not hidden, then it's seen and you can see it without any effort.

you can't bring the light out of anywhere it's not something you can carry. light is an impulse. it's produced and transmitted. very simple shit.

to make this short.. you are insane. thus the religious bullshit. there is a tonn and a bucket of people like you. you are an essential brick in the system.

you see i haven't even started to tough the truth and you are already losing you shit posting automatically what you have been ordered to post. what a perfect machine.

the next step - they order you to pick up a gun with a bayonette and shove it up someone else's asshole coz you gotta "bring the light out son"

right? lol

Just showing how ignorant you are. Pay attention to retardation newfags... I did not paint religion in a positive light once.

>how ignorant you are
i'm not ignorant. i'm quite conscious and explained myself clearly. wtf didn't you understand? kekekekek. i understood you. my logical conclusion - you are insane. very simple.
>I did not paint religion in a positive light once
"repentance" in font size 72 says otherwise. son, you are bat shit crazy.
all signs are there. i'm telling you.

I'm not very "tech literate" but things like what OP is talking about does concern me. I also notice Jow Forums (and occasionally Jow Forums) talking about it sometimes, but the fact that we're not even "secure"/"private" on the fucking HARDWARE level is what really gets me paranoid.

Someone please correct me if I'm mistaken, but unless you have loadsemoney to spend, there really is no such thing as "non-backdoored"/"non-zero-day'd" hardware (esp. processors) available on the consumer market.

do I need to buy a fucking 286 and start learning how to program my own microcontrollers or what over here

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also, this ironic thing.. any post concerning the truth instantly attracts crazy people.. as if the government "breeds" them specifically for this purpose.

what a better way to derail any attempt for a sober discussion

do you all see how tricky this whole shit is??? kekekekekekekek

the government doesn't even have to ban certain things. they just allow their insane drones to shitpost the subject with insane shit..

and only if the subject somehow evolves into a coherent discussion which actually starts to make sense for general public, then they simply delete the thread and send the hounds searching for the infiltrator.

paranoia is a very interesting subject. i can tell you that much.

Time to leave plato's cave, user.

>correct me if I'm mistaken, but unless you have loadsemoney to spend, there really is no such thing as "non-backdoored"/
if you are riding on a bus, there is no place you can hide even if you think you are hiding in the baggage compartment and general public can't see you directly. the driver can always open the door and look.. even if you have one trillion dollars in your bank account.

literally in the case with electronic communication only magic can hide you. nothing else. to those who need - you are like a frog on the table ready for disection.

>only magic can hide you

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>the real truth
You may not know it, but the moment you utter those words you reveal you're already fucked by psyops.

There is no such concept as 'the real truth'. Period.

do you know where the exit is? please share

>There is no such concept as 'the real truth'. Period.
real truth is not a consept
"the truth" is the conpest since it's a lie but presented as truth
that's why there is "the real truth". it's not a consept. it's like reality maaaan. the real deal dude.

>but the moment you utter those words you reveal you're already fucked by psyops
aren't you clever lesser agent smith.

You're hilarious and should seek mental help.

You live in a dualistic reality. We all do. That is why 'the truth' is a non-existant entity. This really isn't difficult to follow, even for someone who's watched a few too many 'Word Spell' YouTube videos (not that a few of them aren't pretty good).

Now run along child, adults are talking. Mainly to themselves, but still.

lol nigga plz. your intellect is like below average maaaan. really not interested in talking to a brainlet.

dualistic reality

Sure thing, child. The moment someone breaks out with the 'maaaaaan' tripe, you can identity the Other in action.

Don't you people ever try anything original?

Dualist: mind and matter are separate
Monist: mind and matter are one

It's philosophy shit son, whenever you see a word you don't understand, just highlight it and do a search to get the gist of it

Stop embarassing yourself joão... please

shiiet.. i feel like i'm talking to Siri or something like that.

-Hey Siri what is truth?
-Taking your meds is the real truth
-Thank you Siri
-Don't mention it. Do you want to see what's new on iTunes?

nigger i'm not joao.. you really think that some half arab mutt would even try to delve into such matters? obviously not. so don't interfere please. i'm only treveling in these lands

That's not dualism. Dualism means that there are two sides to everything (and this is like first-grade demonstrability).

and on until infinity

>Sure thing, child
nigger pleaaase. tho thanks for bumping the post tho. you are waaay too dumb for this subject. sorry maaaaan. i'd really love to continue but kinda bored with your larping ass

LARP general

Ok here you go Real

>It's philosophy shit son
philosophy is nothing but giving your general unit an justification for his enslaved life. it's all a bunch of bullshit in a shell.. like really insane shit son. you'd shit bricks if you saw it.

there is no dualism. there is no monism. these are only words for a retard to repeat so his sorry ass life would appear more then it really is.. a regulated life of an obedient slave who does the exact same shit every day for the duration of his life.

ain't it a bitch right?

commie faggot would obviously know about reality kekekekekek

>our system is closer to an automated system then some hierarchical bullshit
>hierarchy by itself is so primitive and only fed to general masses because general masses so not to disturb their minds which are programmed to simply work. as in cycles.. work in cycles
>you want the mechanism to be lubricated with oils and shit. well.. all information fed to the public is like oil.. it's not the truth
>the truth would break the mechanism instantly. that's why it's suppressed

This is spot on. There are fuckloads of kosher conspiracy videos on youtube and the good ones get shoa'd.

the post subject is literally derailed by agents.. voluntary useful fags or hired agents.. who knows

every time there is any post worth real discussion.. it's derailed. everywhere on the internet. like never ever have i seen a genuine discussion.

shiiet.. maybe it's neuronet talking to me. who knows. the bottom line is the truth is forbidden and no one is really interested

seriously. very ironic. like talking to yourself kek

Yeah you're right soz, that's the broad definition, the narrow definition I posted falls under it

Look up antihumanism, and maybe skip back to nihilism

vanitas vanitatum omnia vanitas

Trust me, you're smart but you gotta understand that many smart people came before you and a lot of things you think have been thought before

Check out libreboot & read up on flashing 3.3v & 1.8v flash chips. CH341A programmer, 1.8v adapter, SOIC test clip, flashrom, etc.


I don't want to fall into a crazy larp but srsly amigo, even on top of the pyramid they fight for the first place. Sure the system is well organized and fairly, at the end, remarquable. But come on, there are so much backdoors you couldn't even imagine. Take a particular look on the energy put on taking away guns from the americans, this is a kind of failure the system wants to update but confronts its own weaknesses : guns are a big business thus forbbiding guns would be painful for the system on short term.

Infrastructures, people, everything can be hacked and used for a purpose, that's the other side of the coin.

>the bottom line is the truth is forbidden and no one is really interested

Or maybe it's simply occult

Don't rush to conclusions with this because you think magic supernatural gobblygook, look up the etymology of the term

Yep, normies are products of the government. They are symbiotically connected to it's lies and can't exist without them.

>Look up
i don't have to. i already know. keep on larping into shit that doesn't matter. i know you need it. i don't.

>Trust me, you're smart
ohh that's nice.

>many smart people came before you
are you the one of those many?? kekekekekek

>a lot of things you think have been thought before
well, i'm not claming that i'm special. my post was quite clear.. the truth is forbidden

whatver there was thought is not delivered to the public.. if it concerns the real truth.

whatever else besides the real truth that have been thought of is literally a bunch of horseshit aimed at manipulatin the slave into being a slave

everything is simple. don't have to be really smart ot get it

that is the ultimate irony. it's not i who is special or smart.. it's the masses that have been dumbed down to such automatic state of having no perception of anything but what has been programmed into their mind

it's kinda fucked up and makes any discussion kinda pointless.. well... sometimes the discussion can be interesting, but still pointless since never leads to actual actions

>that is the ultimate irony. it's not i who is special or smart.. it's the masses that have been dumbed down to such automatic state of having no perception of anything but what has been programmed into their mind


>>it's kinda fucked up and makes any discussion kinda pointless.. well... sometimes the discussion can be interesting, but still pointless since never leads to actual actions


It's the sheeeeple maaaan

>it's kinda fucked up and makes any discussion kinda pointless.. well... sometimes the discussion can be interesting, but still pointless since never leads to actual actions
Speak for yourself

>It's the sheeeeple maaaan

yeah, it kind of is desu

Is it wrong ?
If we learned cultural things it helped us to go forward and survive in a better way. If we are here it's only to make things better and there are multiple ways to do it, or you go full nihilism and that's the most retarded choice considering the datas we have on life and Universe, Pascal's bet.

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>Or maybe it's simply occult
no. the real turth is like really simple maaaan. it's not occult and has nothing to do with any kinda of initiation or being a hard ass intellectual to understand

the real truth is ironic. people don't wish to see or understand it since even at the initial attempt of looking at it.. maked a person so demotivated and depressed, strippping him of hope, putting him into a state of helplessness, that any usual person would stop even trying to understand the real truth at the very beginning

imagine two pages of real truth.. not much right?

after you read them.. you'd be so depressed that you'd call the real truth some kind of bullshit meant to upset you, to make you feel bad, you would think that whoever wrote these two pages is a fucking insane asshole who is out to destroy your life, that you worked so hard for to achieve

you all live on some kind of an ideal. some more rational then others.. but noone really lives according to real truth because the real truth dictates either escape from this world or the destruction of one. no other choices

no one really nows where to run from this world. no one can really destroy it

so the real truth is naturally protected by the system alone.

it's not occult. it's just very unpleasant to understand by default

as i said.. a book can be written or a game can be created to interactively immerse a person into real truth.. make the real truth not as depressing as it would if i plainly told you in short real form.

a person from young age is programmed to have an interest with some kind of a reward at the end. this makes a person available to be fuled by hope.

real truth will take away all hope and you will not be fueled by it anymore.

if you know the truth.. the real truth.. what are you gonna be fuel by?? what would be your motive to live?
exactly.. either escape or destruction. but you don't know where to run or how to destroy this system

thus you'd be like really depressed maaaan..

>Is it wrong ?

"it" being mind-numbing propaganda? sure does seem that way. we've been brought to ruin because of it.

>if you know the truth.. the real truth.. what are you gonna be fuel by?? what would be your motive to live?
>exactly.. either escape or destruction. but you don't know where to run or how to destroy this system

Shut the fuck up and do what the aussie said you fucking newfaggot, you're nothing but a kid who discovered that the moon was a satellite.
You're not the last and not the first.

>a person from young age is programmed to have an interest with some kind of a reward at the end. this makes a person available to be fuled by hope.

see, i'm fueled by prescription medication. my interest is knowledge.

if only the world had more geniuses like you.

how do we go about solving these problems, sire?

(fuck off, brit. you know nothing. kill yourself and then your family. britain needs to have a nuclear bomb dropped on it simply for allowing faggots as gay as you a chance a life. i hope your knife ban works out for you while the rest of the world is laughing at you and mocking your cowardice. you need an entire nuclear arsenal rammed up your country's asshole)

Mass population controlled by dogwhistling modding.
I don't know if any of you remembered this but there was a thread of south korean president scandal when someone raiding forums had ties with him.
Just like that.
The freedom of speech rights are made as a decoy. It serves nobody.

If it's all controlled, why did they let you post this?

"it" meant the natural human behavior and the masses sociology. Times are changing if you haven't figured out, conservatism re-birth and the post-truth era is acted. History is singular but follows a circle patent considering peace and war, degeneracy and escalation.

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lot of fancy words to describe what's really just series of obnoxious media stunts.

>Speak for yourself
this is like should be the goal of everyone. you like came real close now to seeing the real truth..

like only for yourself you can speak when you understand it

i'm exactly speaking for myself. like literally.

most people don't speak for themselves at all.. only repeating what the group they belong to thinks

you know.. like commies kekekekekek what the party says is like the truth right??

by the way i always wondered why commies believe that rich people are bad??

i always root for bad guys in the movies coz they seems so genuinly truthfull.

i mean who would want to do good shit in this fucked up world of slaves??

i think fake heros like superman or batman.. besides having curiously jewish sounding names.. they plainly act like assholes.. while having all these superpowers they can't just build paradize for all and instead they run around poking their noses into other people's business

like batman against mr.penguin.. to me.. that's like two jews fighting for a turf.

have you noticed how much shit they destroy in the process??

also they never show how many people were killed while the fight was happening

i'm just sayinf maaaaan... we should only speak for ourselves and don't listen to superheroes .. they are all fags

being rich is nice tho.. i'm rich. )))))
not nigger\trump rich but moderately well off

>no such thing as free speech
>freely posting your opinion online for all to see

Pick one, OP.

This is scary and real:

Easily dismissable. Its a sound theory, but he is one person, and has not provided any hard evidence to support his claim.

>one source
You mean One Master lmao

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Fancy for you, mutt.

Dude, you're french Your country is a giant laughing-stock

You cowards are literally the most pathetic mutts of all of europe.

As a Canadian, I laugh at the cowardly french.

Kill yourself, frogman.

your three-ring circus does not deserve a cordial or attractive description

>Dude, you're french Your country is a giant laughing-stock

That's exactly why you should listen to me when we say something, french, swedes, germans, we live what's up while you think you know, you talking about laughing stock is ironic btw, Canada is a non-country.

Either his words risk damaging the alleged censorship or they do not. If they do, they would surely be censored.

If they do not, he is speaking without reason.

Either way, he's a raving lunatic.

>If it's all controlled, why did they let you post this?
they want to see where this will go.
i haven't opened the real truth yet. or haven't done any real damage or anything
they may allow for innocent small talk.
to be honest i thought this post may get deleted or quickly archived
plus.. they want to know what people know. l
it's like when a mechanic first has to listen to an engine to hear if something is wrong.
you see?? they do damage control and fix it.
plus there are different levels of damage control.
as i said.. first of all they use shitposter who derail threads and also they use insane faggot who post insane shit in the thread making the whole thread look like a bunch of idiots talking shit
it's like.. the more we talk the more we are in trouble.
the .gov doesn't have aproblem with shutting this thread down at any point. it may happen at any time.
plus as i said.. no cover hve been blown yet. only innocent small talk about literally nothing
i've only kinda hinted at the real truth but how many will actually be willing to expand on it?? i doubt if any

plus the way i write.. shiiiet.. not many would read such aesthetically unpleasing format

so i do it specifically to let the big brother know i mean no harm bro.. i'm just fucking around with your units a little bit coz im kinda bored )))

but maybe who knows.. i may open up the truth and you all be like.. daaamn this faggit is insaaaaane

>i'm exactly speaking for myself. like literally.

people are in the habit of mimicry because they don't want to be the odd one out. this must be psych 101. i never took psych, but it's obvious why people behave as such. we all learn from others and repeat behavioral patterns, and it's not always a bad thing.

but with mass media, it's a tendency that's easy to exploit.

Interesting story you have to tell, But Seriously leave something or stop teasing Because if you dont you wont be any different from those distraction agents you were talking about.

>You mean One Master
well not one person but yeah.. essentially it's one group of.. i can't tell you who tho.. it's kinda classified (((not the jews tho don't worry))) kekekek

If they really wanted to see how much you knew, they'd have blocked off the thread and had a team pretend to be other posters.

>s up while you think you know, you talking about laughing stock is ironic btw,

Your country is ruined. You have Macron. Check and mate, nigger.

Have fun hanging out with only refugees and the faggoty frenchmen that your country is known for.
the types that wear goofy black and white striped shirts under the eiffel tower.

Stuff a croissant in it, pierre. I know that all your faggot ass has to croak in response to that is "jacque le bleu" or some other kind of french idiom that sounds disgusting.

your culture is like a really really smelly fart in an old classy museum.

>But Seriously leave something or stop teasing
i knew it would come to this. i'm not teasing

i already like said one of the fundamental qualities of the real truth - espace from this world or it's destruction.

i can't really tell you more coz this thread might get shitblasted or even deleted like instantly.

>If they really wanted to see how much you knew, they'd
and you must be like the spokesperson for the government right?? lol

no maaan.. that's not what they do. they control the crowd. you knoooow.. like manipulaaation and shiiiiet.. to fuck with your brains is most important for them.

they already know what i know.. kinda. but they want to see how you all react and what i will write to make you react also..

it's like really confusing mindfuckery

So what of the thread gets blasted or deleted? Many of us will read what you have to say anyway.

So you're essentially saying they are a bunch of retards sitting there saying "Let's see how they react..." and not doing anything. I'm sure they've seen this sort of shit a million times.

They'd already know how people would react.

i think most people are too set in their worldview by the time they become adults. most of the brainwashing happens when you're a kid and all this other bullshit is just maintenance.

>It's all hopeless anons, just give up. Please?
Yeah, fuck right off.

>Many of us will read what you have to say anyway.
read the thread.. i kinda told a lot already.

>Yeah, fuck right off.

nature favors hierarchy. this is how it would end up anyway. in a sense, it is hopeless, because brainless will forever be tricked, manipulated, debased, and dispossessed.

>just give up
give what up?? you don't got anything nigga.. lol

there's no such thing as a fair fight, but it pains me to see degradation and decay in any form

kek, show flag