All internet, including obviously this image board, is controlled by government agencies such as CIA, NSA and others(MOSAD, MI5, FSM, Chinese agencies, etc etc), who allow only specific information to be posted.
There is no real way we can trully deliver the real truth for public attention.
In real life as well, you can publicly speak without prior registration and complience with government policies. Once you publicly speak about anything that is not allowed - you are reported, police comes and arrests you(or in the best scenario asks you to stop speaking and leave immediately)
Any public gathering that police would deem as unwanted would be immediately dissmised either verbally or by force.
There is no freedom of speech as such. Only what is allowed to be spoken of is premitted to be spoken. Literally there is a BAN ON TRUTH.
Even if you speak about the truth in the privacy of your own home, and it's found out by the government, then action will be taken against you. You will at the least be including on the list of "threats to the government" and depending on the subject you were engaged in discussing - there will be a corresponding punishment all the way up to death sentence.
The court system is just a circus which purpose is to scare the public, to subjugate the will of a person. If the government needs, there is no need for any court deceision - all is needed - one word from someone in higher power and the verdict can't be undone or indefinately avoided.
There is no hope at this point, since the system grew and established itself in such a way - it's indistructible. Even in case of theoretic fall of the system, it's constructed in such a way as to bury everyone under it's collapsing weight, with the exception of those in real power, who will rebuild the exact same system after the collapse of the previous one.
Are fighting the system? No. We are not even pawns on the chess board. We are specs of paint in each square, either black or white.