Women are whores

My roommate a liberal and openly flaunts his support for groups like antifa. My girlfriend of 3 years knew how much I disagreed with and even hated him, and she still ended up in his bed having sex with him while I was at the grocery store. i'm fucking done

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Nice cuckpost bro

Women are like children, emotionally, all their lives.

shoot them both, then rape their corpses

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Sad indeed, but why is this on Jow Forums? It's not political and it certainly isn't news.
Jow Forums or Jow Forums would be better choices. Here, it is just another slide thread.

Holy shit. If you are very upset you should murder them.

It is fucking political, the woman question is more dangerous than the JQ. She literally went out of her way to have sex with my enemy, my ideological opposite. sound familiar?

Maybe you need to learn how to fuck.

If you have a girlfriend and a room mate living together they will eventually fuck.

How much were you paid to post this psy-drivel?

Slide thread

Betacuck, you should've beat the kids ass and none of this would've happened... probably.

Retain your honor by either killing her or giving us her phone number

Give us her info then


number nahw plox


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>Tfw roommates with my brother
>he's 6'5" but my dick is bigger
>we know and acknowledge these differences because we dgaf and will share hooas when we're bored of them

Women go through puberty until menopause

>girlfriend of 3 years
found the problem, why didn't you marry her?

I'm female and would not sleep with a liberal or cheat
but what is wrong with people today? When I was young that would not have happened so easily? I blame it on Tinder culture which made sex a fastfood asset

did you beat her? please tell me she didnt leave without a concussion. if she did youre a pathetic man. idve shot the dude and beaten the bitch until she toppend moving.

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Lol, where did you find such a whore, and that fucking piece of shit roommate, just beat the shit out of him and dump the filthy used whore.

Typical wamenz behavior. No self control. In all likelihood though, she was probably sleeping with him before too, it seems odd she would just do it all of a sudden though. I hope you feel better.

>I'm female and would not sleep with a liberal or cheat