ITT: Things yurapoors will never own
ITT: Things yurapoors will never own
Other urls found in this thread:
>electric toothbrush dont exist in europe
are you burgers for real ?
I can own a gun anytime I want.
My potatoe peeler liscence expired now i cant peel any spuds
>literally a European gun
Also pic related.
There’s a warrant for your arrest for possession of a deadly weapon
Yea but you have to buy it from slumlords and it’s probably been through like 10 hands
>buys soda by the fucking can at restaurants
>some euro countries dont even give you free water
Imagine if this was your life.
Czech weapons are based
ITT: Things Mutts will never own
the fats ruined unlimited soda fountains in europe for everyone
diabetes ridden fucks can't even control their sugar intake
I prefer site related.
>Pay Each Pennies to Save Israel
Fell good being european.
Need to see a license for complaining about an expired license, sir.
Joke on british teeth
Nibba, I own several.
Europe =/= EU
fucking burger idiot
i have more weapons than the entirety of california and new york city
Oi bruv, paid your $200 dolla tax mate?
>not using granulated saccharin
fucking faggot euro-poors.
How did we ruin it for you? Are they illegal or something?
>the fats ruined
Fats ruin everything in general. I swear despite the increased awareness for health in the US, more and more burgers are getting fatter. There seems to be this widening schism that divides between a very small minority of Jow Forums people and a horde of scootypuff fatasses.
Do you guys target practice in the woods?
Why do you have back up iron sights mounted underneath something you need a tool to remove?
>Things yurapoors will never own
a fucking Zbrojevka, you realize it's czech pistol?
you are a living meme
read this
the paper work is an alternative to not get finger printed and put in a data base.
Yoyo wassap wassap ma maaaan burger you sure got that extended magazine permission from the ATF?
My dog is German
My coffee is Colombian
My IT is Indian
My car is English
My food is Italian
My TV is Japanese
My diamonds are South African
My licorice is Australian
My computer is Chinese
My wine is French
And I am an American.
Why can't you losers understand that Britain was created for everyone, not just white people?
The amount of bigotry towards Muslims in this thread is far worse here than anywhere else on reddit.
H-ha ha y-yeah!
all those are shit besides italian food. But simce you're americam, italian food you know is also shit
>says made in America on it
Irony my friend
Sorry you can’t own a pistol Ahmed. Maybe if you pray hard enough Allāh will bless you
The g33 magnifier mount is qd
There are no federal restrictions on magazine capacity. Only certain states have limits
you got your toothbrush loicance m8 ? that could be used as a weepon
I doubt most Austrians/Germans/Swiss are allowed to own Sig Sauer, Glock, and Heckler & Koch guns (maybe Swiss are an exception).
ahmed probably has auto weapons and grenades, which is better than you actually
its honestly not that hard to get a firearm in germany. just get a hunters license or join a shooting club. there are certain regulations about how many guns you can own and outside of pistols and hunting rifles there isnt much but if you want to you can get one no problem (as long as you are a citizen). there is just no real gun culture over here.
Good! Hopefully a gun culture develops.
Hmm... I own an cz 75. And there's no magazine restrictions here, so I can get a high cap if I want. I can also get an suppressor for it, no questions asked.
That may be the gayest gun I've ever seen. KYS.
Silencers are harder to get over here, which is shitty, but at least my women aren’t getting gangraped by mudslimes
How does it feel to live under Asian sharia?
yeah, they get gangraped by niggers instead
Thanks fellow mutt
Oh hey there mike.
>not showing an S&W Magnum or a .45-70 pistol
gun plebs at work.
I'm Gary
You just happen to have the exact setup as GarandThumb... “Gary”
It's not His set up. Similar, but built my gun. Mike bought his.
White than you, Xavier
>still can't buy one
Uhmmmm Bataclan? Australia?
Do some research on gun violence in the world before you get your memes loaded
i have the legal right to own firearms subject to law.
same as you to a degree
>1 post by this bot
me and my little brother joined a gun-club last Friday. You have to meet alot of requirements to owning your own guns, but when you can hide your powerlevel its not a problem.
>you have to be a german citicen
>you have to own a gun safe
>you need a seperat safe for the ammo
>you need a reason to own a gun (hunting, sportshooting, collecting, etc.)
>dont be criminal scum
>dont be retarded (thats the hardest one)
>dont be a nig
Meh. I have my vodka and axe,also if you want to get fancy just use your lovingly crafted finnish traditional knife.
>Says the Europoor with the meme flag
Awesome, happy shooting to you and your brother.
and what use is it if you cannot legally use it to defend yourself or your family against rapefugees?
you can use a gun for self defense you fucking idiot. the self defense law itself doesnt limit your options one bit and the courts will only want a warning shot or non lethal shot first if it doesnt put you in more danger. if a nigger runs at you screaming infidel and wielding a machete you can put an entire magazine in him no porblem, every court is going to let you walk.
you mean legaly?
lol i don't give a fuck about paper if i need a tool to do a job or to protect my loved ones or myself.
when shit goes down nobody is going to ask you if you got this fn fal or ak legaly.
americuns with their 2nd amendment faplarp
hahahahaha ...
you all just a bunch of kids who never left the schoolgates
implying brits are european.. even feel european
they have their island.
Beautiful, I’ve always got mine handy
I have a rifle
Speaking of machetes, large blades can also deter would-be attackers, just make sure you read up on the local laws first. I knew a boondocker who slept with a machete next to his head (for clearing brush, of course) and waved it at anyone who tried to break into his van at night, kept him out of legal trouble.
step up, nigga
zoinks scoobs you yanks have it all im so fucking jealous
and better make sure you arent carrying anything illegal along with a blade. i know a girl who got 1.5 yearrs prison without any priors at 18 y old because she sold weed and carried a taser with her. she would have gotten a fine or at max 3 months probation without the taser.
I like it
I own two.
Sure you do. What, did you buy them all with your dirt coins?
Nah Serbs are armed to the teeth so they can remove kebab
ex yugoslavia was a warzone 20 years ago. do you think the weapons just vanished?
Not knowing what a magnifier is
How do those usgi mags work out for you? I've thought about getting some
things mutts will never have: Universal Healthcare
>you goys need more debt so (((we))) can have you by the balls.
we aren't falling for you're ruse rabbi, we see how shit it is in those nations and even in our decently socialized system it's a total failure.
>A child coffin after another school shooting
Oh yes because I wanna wait 6 months to see a burnt out state doctor and still have to pay a monthly fee
We are allowed to own these in the house (with a permit to prove you aren't a looney ofc)
We just aren't allowed to take them to schools
That ProMag extendo is gonna jam son.
School shooting happen because schools are designated as “GUN FREE ZONES” so no one can go in and stop anyone
Yea I know but it was like 15$ online so I couldn’t pass it up
I took out the highest deductible (lowest premium) so that I wouldn't get wiped out if I needed to go to the hospital, everything else has been out of pocket. Have always enjoyed quick, convenient, top quality health care, and my government didn't need to kill a little boy either.
Okay Lucas.
>having children
just saying