Who the fuck does this spic think he is? I don't agree with pat little losing his cool, tactically laughing off this little spic would have been better. But just what the fuck is this little christcuck spic think he's doing? Watch vid related
It's time we talk about nick the spic
Yeah I didn't know who nick was before seeing this video but. His point of "optics matter" and then to go on to say "fuck the troops" was absurd. Then to completely disregard how well little actually did in the race despite funding and vote fuckery was very dishonest discourse. like fucking retarded. He seemed to be a less articulated, more smug version of ben shapiro. I would've lost my cool too.
Hey nick. I know you browse Jow Forums all day looking for ideas for your show. I'd just like to say, take your optics and shove them up your ass, faggot... optics don't matter for shit when real crisis is happening. truth is all that will matter. And the real crisis hasn't even happened yet.
He is clearly owning and embarrassing a PTSD retard who willingly destroyed his life for a failed senate bid
Only people who like him are
1) papists
2) spics
3) leftists and jews who find his infighting useful
was that actually your interpretation of that? good lord.
Is it possible to have an overbite and an underbite at the same time?
Controlled Op. He hangs out with a Pedo and some Jew.
Nick is a sociopath; someone who is able to charm idiots with his charisma but is callous with everyone, unable to form friendships, dehumanizes anyone who slightly disagrees with him, doesn't treat people with basic respect, enjoys causing harm to people to increase his place in the twittersphere highschool popularity contest. He doesn't function like a normal white person because of the 15% amerindian genes.
It's a shame people like millenial matt, mike enoch, richard spencer, and other alt right figures want to play nice with him when he has viciously insulted and attacked them in the past on the slightest disagreement or criticism of his views.You may want to be friends with he doesn't want to be friends with you.
This faggot needs to be pushed out of white identity politics. Nick, your only political future is selling out to israel.
>t. GITD Nigger
he's ben shapiro without the intelligence, without the experience and without the college degree but with 10x the smugness
Little spic nick
Happy Christmas!!!!
fuentes = ms-13
google it.
>Jesuit educated Catholicuck
>"America First"
What a joke. 99% chance he was planted by the CIA Georgetown folks
Ms-13 = MaSonic 13 most likely
Why else do cartels larp as Templars?
Are you kidding me?
These "Trad Catholic" e-celeb types are Textbook CIA
this is an e-celeb cringe thread now
t. Someone who used to spend a lot of time on Trad twitter but left it cold after realizing the truth about the Whore of Babylon
I reckon hes gay with david hogg.
>mfw I hear a Catholic Spic named Fuentes talking about American First.
>He doesn't function like a normal white person because of the 15% amerindian genes.
This is clear. He doesn't act white despite the fact he looks marginally white. He behaves like a nigger and obviously doesn't take the threat jews pose to whites seriously (because he's not white)
Nice pic, given how relevant it is (Microsoft uses the equal sided cross like Templars because Gates is in the Club of Rome/knights of Malta)
CIA has actual standards and wouldn't touch these fucktards. fbi might use them as patsy informants
you rage quit you lose
>82% of Americans are "Christcucks"
>18% of Americans have Hispanic family
>70% of atheists are Democrats
That leaves you a target audience of 5% that might agree with you and they probably don't. So all you are really left with is about 1.4% who agree with your opinion which means you should kill yourself for dick riding patrick little this long.
Tradthots are either openly Jews (like Ashley Rae and Lauren), Catholic or Mormon (wife with a purpose)
Who? Did it vote for Mittens last time? McCain b4 that? LOL haha what a blackpilled fag he must be.
that was everyone's interpretation above iq 80
What a fucking faggot.
Friendly reminder it's easier to feign intelligence and E-celeb narcissism that to have true bravery
Fuentes hasn't done dick and worst of all he's a defeatist retard
Faith Goldy another example who blatantly uses a mix of Catholic and Masonic symbols
"Trad Catholics hate Jews" says the idiot who can't see how many of them work for people like Ezra Levant
autistic screeching isn't bravery
Fuck this literal who, and fuck OP, the huge eceleb worshiping faggot.
Sage this retardation. Go the fuck back, summerfag.
Patrick Little had good points, you're just a defeatist retard who saps any progression our movement has
he didn't say fuck the troops you fucking liar that was hubris not fuentes.
We know. Everyone knows. He laughed like a weak-minded pussy who reflexively went along with the majority inertia of the conversation.
Fuentes laughed right along with them when they said it and didn't bother to admonish them. He showed his approval for what was being said.
fuck the troops and fuck you too
This isn't league of legends you actual child. Whites are being genocided, it may not be a hot genocide YET so you little shits might feel safe and comfortable talking shit behind computer screens, but the war IS coming. Give up the optics cuckery
oh i am laughin, patrick little is not helping anyone
t. JiDF
He might not have said fuck the truck but he laughed heartily and didnt say anything afterwards. You won't be able to just sweep this under the rug. People have the clip and it's not going anywhere
Troops** stupid spell check ffs
Shut the fuck up SPERG
>optics are important
>hangs out with those basedboys
Like I said in the OP, I dont fully endorse ANYONE in this embaressing video. But nick the spic fuentes is in the wrong here clearly.
>le 79% face
Because attacking right wing political figures is based. Your not even trying anymore schlomo.
Speak truth to power. Period. Anything less is optics cuckery and these antiwhite spics need to be purged
>does nothing but attack people that have no issues with him
I dindu nuffin!
it was dey fault n shieeeeet
there is a difference between constructive criticism and straight up attacking people on your side every other day
The CIA and FBI are filled with Catholics because Protestants are too fucking poor and dumb to even qualify.
Fuentes sucks and has brainwashed himself hard into believing in catholicism.
Also, he got shut the fuck down by little. You could see him get all insecure at being called a skinny bitch, which is clearly what this manlet skeleton is. This faggot got too fucking cocky after btfo like 3 easy opponents in debates, and it really shows. He thinks he’s invincible now and is doing the kikes work for them by denouncing and insulting everyone pne the right except his basedboy friends.
Btw hes friend with Halsey now in case you guys had any doubt hes secretly pro jew and pro neocon
Is nick the spic rightwing? He's a Catholic cuck. You want to talk about bad optics, associating yourself with the catholic church is bad optics. They fuck little boys and the Pope is licking the feet of niggers. It doesn't get much worse than this
Makes sense the most evil security agency ever to exist would be full of catholic fuckers.
Fuentes is a right wing figure schlomo.
Go back to leftypol
>Jow Forums was good in 2016
t.Nick the magapede newfag le 79% civic nationalist Fuentes
Fuck Patrick Little. Anyone who advocates for blacks to get reparations from the US tax payer needs to be humiliated and then discarded like yesterday's trash. I don't care how many nice things they sprinkle in, like cutting aid to Israel.
Spanish people are White, especially ones like Nick who are clearly not the aztec variety. Race War now is a meme. Hunker down and in 100 years or so a real Nordic ethnostate will be entirely possible in space. "Purging people" mentality is usually indicative of kikes, glowniggers, or idiots who have zero vision of what the future will be like.
Giving niggers gibs > giving aid to yidsrael. Kikes are a much bigger threat to the existence of whites than niggers could ever hope to be. Also slavery was fucked up so pat has a point there
Lmaoing @ you faggots for propping these idiots up. Keep making these bums money you fucking losers.
I never denied that spanish people are white. Look at his 23 and me. He has actual 21% nonwhite dna in him. He's a spic/mongrel
I don’t have to worry about this kind of shit anymore. I joined the NSM. “WN 2.0” jerk off sessions are completely uninteresting to me.
>Cutting aid to Israel requires paying reparations to blacks
People vote for their own special interests in late stage democracy, its best to use their pets against them
This, Patrick "1.4%" Little is a fucking embarrassment.
How else would you raise awareness in the black community about the Jewish problem? Theyre not going to listen to logic and reason you have to promise them gibs.
>m-muh "optics cucks"
Literal glowinthedark opinions like that are why Patrick Little lost. Keep on hiding from the truth, child.
Good evening Everybody,
My name is Nick, and I despise every single one of you. All of you are uneducated, low IQ black-pillers who spend every second of their day looking at racist ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever went to church? I mean, I guess it’s fun making fun of mixed race people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than LARPing on a chineese cartoon forum. Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I’m pretty much perfect. I was captain of the chess team and founder of my online community. What sports do you play, other than “arguing about who is white and who isn't”? I also had straight A’s, and have a holy virgin (She just blessed me; Shit was SO sacred). You are all loosers who I should block on all my platforms. Thanks for reading.
Pic Related: It’s me and my madona.
Surprised he looks as white as he does. These results are fucked up, when I did mime I got 100% Europe ancestry. 80% of that was britain and the rest was neighboring euro countries
>someone with fucked up ethnic roots latches into the catholic church
Imagine my shock
>Whites paying blacks reparations for Jews owning slaves is using the Jews pets against them
>Appealing to 6% of the state population will make him win
You Patrick Little reddit fags are unable to muster up a single rational thought - Not that it matters because he got less than 1.5% of the vote. It's almost as if pandering to 6% of the state population is not how you win elections. Really makes you think.
>Whites paying blacks for Jews owning slaves = Raising awareness
The bulk of his campaign wasnt pandering to blacks you fucking smoothbrain
He is right about patrick little being unintelligent.
Who is hiding the tRuth though? Little is naming the jew and nick the spic is covering for them
Pat shouldn't be dealing with irony bros and he should have kept his cool. Not a good look
Yeah, we only hang out with winners here on this anime "political" "conversation" board.
>Pat shouldn't be dealing with irony bros and he should have kept his cool. Not a good look
Honestly this. He came on and obviously thought it was going to be a serious debate or something when these s o y boys really only care about memeing
The percentage of disastrous policies is irrelevant, kike. It's a big enough problem that all of the rational promises he made became irrelevant, which is what plants do when they want to muddy the water - They say a bunch of sensible shit, and then go full retard like Patrick Little did when he decided that white Americans are responsible for paying for Jew crimes.
American movement drama is the gayest shit on earth and anyone who's heavily interested in it is a brainlet. Fucking kill yourself.
A literal faggot spic boomer who uses Jow Forums for ideas and plagiarizes Ben Shapiro DEMOLISH videos for his rhetoric, delivered with giggly xbox insults
How the fuck this faggot got any semblance of fame is beyond me
>some 5'2 Catholic Chicano claims to know what is in WASP America's best interests
how fucking retarded can you be to not understand the logic behind that game plan.
its literally redpilling niggers in to understanding that 1 whites are not jews and jews are not whites. 2 jews started the slave trade, 3 jews owned many more slaves than whites, 4 white people made slavery illegal, we literally invented freedom FOR ALL HUMANS [not including prisoners because hey they aint human no more right?] 5 the more niggers that know about the jewery used to manipulate them because of their low iq moves the hatred from the whites to the culprit. 6 youre a faggot kike that needs to kill yourself or your a shabbos goy in which either way you still should probably kill yourself before your jew masters do it for you. self hating cuck
>Whites paying blacks for Jews owning slaves teaches blacks that whites aren't Jews
Cool story, kike.
Patrick is too retarded to being a fed.
As he said, he was ready to die for Israel, he ate the whole propaganda without question and now he does a flip and enters in this conspiracy madness where everything that happened in history is because the jews.
Not very smart individual, and then threats to beat a 19 yo for pointing out his retardation.
I hope every identitarian group around Europe stays away from american figures, they're stupid. Just take a look to french or austrian identitarians and compare it with the alt-right.
Why is everyone a kike to you. Do you know where you are? Jews rarely come here.
>stfu kike
GET IN HERE Little Army
Hello, Shawn. You FASfaced FASbol faggot.
>WASP America
Toppest kek. Protestants aren't remotely competitive with Jews or Catholics anymore. And only 7% of the country claims English ancestry.
Don't mess with the FASbois.
Because no self-respecting white man would be advocating for their own tax dollars to go to blacks because Jews owned slaves. If I asked every white person I know IRL, none of them would independently conclude that cutting aid to Israel requires paying reparations to blacks. It's a non-sequitur that only kikes would come up with, knowing that once this bill reaches committee, they will just remove the cutting aid part and keep whites paying reparations to blacks. Reparations would be the final nail in the white man's coffin. I don't care how much foreign aid is cut.
Patrick little was on point until he started talking about how jews outlawed duels
I get where he was going with the demasculinization of america but you win this war of attrition by naming names and legislation
>continuously shits on pro white people and calls them a jew
hi kikelord
no ones going to pay blacks you stupid retarded fuck lol
protestants come from the original roman catholic church, they protested certain things the catholics did, hence their name....pastor anderson does a rly good sermon about this you should check it out if your a christfag
Duelling nationalism now. Convert the American senate in to an arena in which all policies and political decisions can be decided by the righteous & bloody judgement of the duel.
i bet tons of bullshit would stop if we went back to that though. how many dems do you think would lock up the house/senate with bull shit and neocucks talking all that shit about everyone if they could be challenged to a life or death situation because of their behavior
No shit, retard. He got less than 1.5% of the votes. My entire point was he was not trying to win. His job was to muddy the water and take a few votes away from Feinstein's opponents while planting the idea to suggestible retards that whites paying reparations punishes Jews.
White Americans are ALREADY paying jew crimes by giving that money to israel. What do you not understand about that. Giving money to niggers is preferable to giving money to zionist kikes because the niggers are here and maybe they'll take that money and stop stealing so much of our shit that they think we owe them (when in reality the kikes are Moreso to blame)