Russian government media:russian men are weak and poor, russian women should blanda upp with chinese male
Russian government media:russian men are weak and poor, russian women should blanda upp with chinese male
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look at the dislike button on that vid.
Ivans butthurt but they have no right in Russia. Tsar say it's ok to racemixing
it is a dangerous development though. Un ukraine it happens too
The Russian men aren't weak but poor. Chinese are often wealthy.
Being a macho and drinking vodka is not enough.
Putin's daughter was dating a Korean guy
>but what about Ukrane
>LIES! Russian men aren't weak but poo
Hi Ivan
Putin only has two daughters and neither look like that.
The older one is married to a Dutch guy and the younger one is married to a Jew from Moscow.
Chinese are close Russian buddies, it's not an abomination if you make family with your best ally's countrymen.
Did my part. Remember to stand with all Europeans of any ethnicity against this shit.
who said that girl in the pic was Putin's daughter, it obviously isnt. Did you see the link posted?
Oops, good news, she recently divorced from her Jewish husband. So if any of you Asians are interested in her, please be my guest, because no Russian guy is going to touch this.
>hohol mong
It has been well documented that many of the leaders of the early Communist Party of China studied in Russian univerisities and had Russian wives.
Remember that it's Ukraine who is selling all their women and Antonov to China:
Wanna date her? Be my guest.
On the other side of the conflict, the leader of the Nationalists in China also had a Russian wife.
More often chinese are poor. The ones that you meet in the west and that look wealthy are a tiny minority.
Most Chinese are literal slaves. Their tourists are their upper-class most of whom are corrupt retards.
Asians love Slavic men.
>Asians love Slavic men.
Slavic men dont love Asian women since they have Slavic women.
That's why asian girls never breed, and Asian men have such a high suicide rate.
but the ones that can afford to go to Russia for women are not.
I was a Topic on pol a few tiems
You're aware Ukraine has these "date an Ukrainian woman" services since 1991 right? This chink just copied the idea and made it for Chinese betas. Ukrainian girls are smart and most go to these things just to eat and drink.
>thread about Russia and China
>But what about Ukraine! Ukraine! Let's talk about Ukraine! Ukraine! Ukraine! Ukraine!
Everybody is don't give a fuck about Poorcraine Ivan
for me this is basically the same when it Comes to the matter of Chinks marrying local women
>That's why asian girls never breed
What the fuck are you talking about? Are you that delusional? Looks at the world population. "Asians" are the largest population in the world. When broken down further, East Asians are the largest ethnic group by-far in the world.
ASIANS = 4+ Billion
EAST + SE ASIANS = 2.8+ Billion
>have such a high suicide rate.
I love you post this like is an insult as if Asians follow Abrahamic religions which teaches you that suicide is 'sin'. East Asians dont follow these JEWISH religions that the West does and in Asian philisophy / religions from Bushido to Confucianism, self sacrifice (which includes suicide) is acceptable & moral in many situations.
What Russian ethnic group is she from?
With her mom
Nuke us already. Its better to die slav than happa
eastern europe is such a shithole their women are willing to marry chinks
thats so fucked up
La criatura con nariz ganchuda de los urales...
Your entire country is filled with hapas.
>tfw no WW3 in future, only slow degradation
I just want to burn in nuclear fire