What is European politicians' endgame?

Why are they so desperate to ship over migrants from Africa and the Middle East? Never a mention that we could send them back to safe ports in Africa...

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Why are you so desperate to destroy Europe again?

Germans aren't even white, let alone human. kys freak

One is a Maltese Brit, the other is a Dutch guy.

Securing their pensions at all costs

They should honestly hang those politicians who are actively trying to destroy a country based on their misguided sense of "solidarity" (what the Fuck does that even Mean in context? What does shipping in a bunch of Africans to Europe Ha e to do with solidarity? Solidarity in destroying Europe?)

>german for mountain
nice try, he's 100% kraut like merkel

>>german for mountain
Nope, dude, nope.

Why are you bothering to respond

stop confusing him
of course Stadt means mountain.

At this point i'm not really sure anymore if the average bullshit americans say is just trolling or really the effect of their subhuman genes....

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y didn't they land them on libyan coast

>t. western jew


WHY the FUCK is this our responsibility? if a bunch of foreigners want to go off on a shitty raft, that's THEIR responsibility. stupid fucking politicians blaming us for the mistakes of others. liberal ideology in a nutshell.

>Verhofstadt is Belgian
>Stadt means town or city in German

Happy to contribute to your education.


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I actually feel sorry for you

they will do what I used as a joke in 2015 they will fly everyone to Europe or they will safely carry them on a fairy that travels between Erope and Africa.
They won't have to pay money for tickets and they don't Need to prove they are refugees. Because that will cut off illegal Migration and the criminal human traffick mafia won't earn more money. Problem solved.

germans need more fuel for their power plants aka crematories

crashing this Europe with no survivors, I thought you knew this

I thought Malta was based, wtf

Shut the fuck up and stop making us look bad.

Burn the coal..

It’s because Euros are so chic and suave. So sophisticated.

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Malta has been pozzed for a while. The people are generally cool, but the politicians suck EU dick so hard that they basically bend over whenever the Commission wants.

Malta has a sweet deal in the Rapefugee Water Taxi service. It provides the harbour and temporarily houses the migrants that do make it to Malta, only to have them shipped within a few months to mainland Europe. In exchange, they get sweet EU checks which the government misspends and squanders.

why do you faggots let these people live?
that's the real question
why are you not gunning these motherfuckers and hanging their loved ones?
Oh that's right, guns are bad. Violence is bad.

Dutch? kys
We had no part in this, he's from our half retarded little brother Belgium

I think it is a general question. Why did America let in 15 million illegal Hispanics and the liberals in America are fighting against every border measure to keep illegals out.

Same in Europe, the right wants to deport illegals and keep them out, the left wants to import them.

If I had an answer to the question, I probably would get killed by the CIA or Mossad.

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To accelerate the undermining of patriotism, they cannot have those who feel attached to their nation, history and culture slowing down the march to progress any more, at this stage they are in full panic, they see nationalism on the rise so they are literally flooding the continent with arab and black scum in order to bring about literal chaos, and from the ashes shall rise their islamo-marxist utopia

///which will then merge seamlessly with the middle east and north Africa, bringing into being the planned supercontinent of eurabia

Poor brown trash loves the big government nanny state. They'll worry about getting them the vote later, the goal is to get them in the door now in as large a mass as they can get away with.

It’s something like