Liberal Will Be Unhappy

Losing the ability to keep dead peopleand pets on voter rolls to commit voter fraud.

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I will leave this crazy shithole country soon. My homecountry is calling me...

Ohio master race reporting in

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You can’t divide yourself

so Ohio is generally Democrat?

I never hear anything about Ohio.

>aggressive process

It takes six years of not voting before they remove a name from the list. I mean, whew lads. Slow down.

Ohio is like the "literally who" in state form.

Ohio is a key swing state. Was the only state that mattered in 2004

Wow it's almost like you should be required to register for your voting right every year to prevent fraud and give the public real participation statistics!

Idiots on twitter are not happy, not that they ever would be. Haven't voted in six years and also haven't notified the post office about a change of address? Now you might have to fill out a form election day to vote. Shock! Horror! Such suppression, just like Jim Crow!

These fuckers can/will never differentiate between laws that are racist in design, and ones that happen to affect one group more than others. Moreover, seeing leftists complain that their vote-slaves cannot possibly have the time or interest to fill out said form would be hilarious if it wasn't quite so sad.

>These fuckers can/will never differentiate between laws that are racist in design, and ones that happen to affect one group more than others.

In the deranged mind of the average lib, this goes against their cult-like belief in equality. Having any law or policy that affects a group more than others is automatically heresy in the Leftist religion; a denial of their god Equality.

>Having any law or policy that affects a group more than others is automatically heresy in the Leftist religion
... unless you need a government-issued ID to buy a gun cohencidently.

Gee I wonder who the (((four))) were....

You can't vote on election day if you haven't registered to vote.

>Supreme Court Gives Green Light To USA's Leftist Purges

>Niggers and poor people are too dumb to respond to letters

Nice rhetoric, lefties

Grove City/ Columbus reporting in.

This rain is so comfy :3

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>Sam (((Levine)))

>18 page dissent
If you need that many pages to prove your point, then you are probably wrong.

Hello, brother. Clinton Township reporting.

I'm sure noted dirtbag and political loser Bob Fitrakis is punching his hat today.
Dead people can't vote. Happy Pride, faggots.

Oh shit. Gc bro



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Adios Pablo.

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bye faggot, hope you leave today


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Dems can't use fake registered votes and illegals anymore. Blue wave just fucking died.

oh shit, people have to register to vote if they haven't voted in 6 years?????
This is gonna destroy democracy!!!

Literally this. I can wait to see what California voter turnout looks like after this.

There is a special election in Ohio's 12th district in August. Watch pundits move the race from Toss-Up to Lean/Likely Republican.

>This is ICE open up!
The sound of user's country calling him back
sorry about you losing your vote, Juan

And republicans will rejoice because they have no principles and think that people being disenfranchised is a good thing.

Honestly if you're civic engagement is that fucking low to where you go six years without voting at all then I don't really give a shit if one day you suddenly change your mind and decide "You know, this time is different. Candidate Shekelrubstein really speaks to me and inspires me to get out and vote."

The only thing that can motivate someone out of that level of apathy is the promise of more gibs. Fuck that.

>resistance hole
there's some great shit here lmao

What people?

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Right user? I wish my state was just like California so I didn't have to fear going to prison for knowingly infecting my multiple boyfriends without their knowledge with my AIDS, all because of those mentally unstable and irrational Republicans with their immoral laws. I just don't understand why there are not more people like us?

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lol they sound so much like us sometimes

>Lol who fucking votes, voting is for losers
>wtf don't remove me from the voting rolls MUH RIGHTS
Vote or die faggot

i bet these are the same people who seriously wanted the electoral college abolished in 2016 and have been circulating op-eds about how populism is bad for democracy the last few months

fuck off, the chad faggot is /ourguy/

Three GC bros in this thread.

>this was a close case
god damn it when is ginsburg going to fucking die already

She knows we want her to. Which is why she will live to 130 somehow.

Why do the most evil people live the longest

it's important to love your work

Because evil is a potent force and good people are at peace by the end of their life and accept their passing knowing they've done alright by the world.
Evil, by contrast, feeds on itself and the people who derive their lifeforce from it are constantly prolonging the inevitable out of fear.
Plus evil people get off on making the rest of us suffer throught their bullshit. It's one of the few things they have to cling to. See John McCain for a good example of this.


>and no one is standing up to them
What fucking planet do these people live on?

How do you expect brown people to vote if they have to fill out registration forms in advance?!!! It's hard enough to bus them to the polls on the right day. You're basically making sure they will never vote again! Fucking nazis

City-dwelling troglodytes are democrat, rural and suburban retards are republican.
It's a big swing state, last time a president won without Ohio was JFK

Bourgeoisie on suicide watch

Hilltop Bro checking in from Ohio's capital city. This is good news. Columbus had a lot of shady politics going on at the city level. Franklin County actually has several voter fraud cases working their way through the system (all involving immigrants who signed up to vote and lied about being American citizens). One woman Illegally voted in several primaries and presidential races and is trying to argue she was "confused" when she repeatedly signed the voter fraud statement. This is a good sign. Dems have been itching to steal back Ohio for a decade.

>America has a historically low voter participation rate especially compared to other democracies
>handful cases of voter fraud shown across multiple bipartisan studies

>GOP continues to stress that there are too many people voting

It's cute that you guys shill this fucking hard to idiots. You could literally tell most conservatives mouth breathers anything and they'd go along with you on this lie. It's not like they'll actually research or look at anything outside their confirmation bias.

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>Every day is a fucking nightmare.

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>buhu dead people and illegals with stolen identities can't vote (D) anymore

>it was so bad in Michigan they had to not only purge their voter rolls but also instituted Voter ID
fucking hilarious, dumbass democunts

How easy is it to get there and what do you need to bring to prove "you are you?" You hear some smearing shit stories of people having all the documents and then sending back home on technicalities (eg. being the "wrong" voter)
It sounds like someone is deflating the ball here to win the game.

of course Jow Forums doesn't care about this important shit
you fucking niggers

people tend to hang around so long as they have shit to do. there's an endless supply of evil shit to do.

I don't know how it is in Ohio. Midterm and off-year elections usually have pretty low voter turn out. Think about it. People who only vote in presidential elections will be purged from the rolls each time they miss just one.

oh fugg, my Doberman voted for Trump, and so did the cat

>Is there any recourse to this ruling? Can a challenge be filed?

Either these are bots or flaming idiots who should not be allowed to vote.

Every state should purge its rolls

NE Ohio here.

>thinking that fake kike nation Israhell, which is a permanent occupation force, is an actual nation


Only concrete, objective, factual information matters.

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Liberals on twitter screaming about how niggers are too fucking stupid to vote without whitey's assistance is the funniest part of this

We should spread this to other state governments.

Purge the rolls, stop the "Blue Wave" before it even starts.

>In the deranged mind of the average lib, this goes against their cult-like belief in equality. Having any law or policy that affects a group more than others is automatically heresy in the Leftist religion; a denial of their god Equality.
Like, I don't know, tax law? Or how about SNAP?

I'm all for keeping Ohio red, but I'm not entirely sure this is a good decision. Here's how it works...

1. If you don't vote in two years, you receive a notice.

2. If you don't respond to the notice and don't vote in the next four years lose their registration.

I think this decision creates several problems, not the least of which is that there are only specific instances where you can be stripped of your right to vote.

I'm all for getting the dead off the roles, as well as people who move, pets, etc. I'm just not sure that this exact procedure is a good idea.

> get unregistered
darn now I gotta register to vote again

Fuck off, you Somali cunt

Oh no, now I have to go to town hall and register again, whatever the fuck will I do?

that shit takes like 10 minutes :(

Remember when Canada invaded you?

Yeah, that's obvious the plan with voter disenfranchisement. Are you new? There is a reason the Right doesn't ever strive to get more American citizens to vote.

Everyone can read demographics.

Being removed from a voter registry is not the same as having your right to vote stripped from you. Conflating the two either makes you look completely incompetent or like you're specifically trying to misinform, neither of which is particularly flattering.

Born and raised outside of Dayton, recently moved to NC. You will always have my heart.

>handful of voter fraud cases

Well that's it boys, looks like this faggot just solved it! It's not even a real issue, hahaha, aren't we dumb. If there were any problems with our ridiculously lax voting laws they would almost certainly be right out there in the open!

This is not designed to purge the idiots who vote. It's to prevent someone from voting fraudulently under the name of a non-voter. We need to purge those who are not mentally capable of voting too.

>not being able to get an ID an register to vote

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Not when it comes to elections. We’re a key battleground state and we’re overwhelmingly red.

Ask them what Jim Crow means

Why have none of you niggers linked and archived the article?
For fucks sake nu-pol, get your shit together.

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>You will always have my heart.
and yo wallet

Yeah this guy is correct. They're basically the political barometer for the US.

It's honestly pretty baffling. Requiring ID and proof of address is the norm up here. Anything less is just asking for fraud.

You guys need to think this through and play a little 4D chess. In the long run, this will be good for the democrats and bad for the republicans or conservatives. Hear me out....

1. If someone doesn't vote in the mid-term, they get a notice.

2. If the dems run an unmotivated candidate like Hillary, and they skip voting (which is what they want), they know they will be dropped.

3. So, everyone will start to vote absentee, so they never miss an election (and legislators are already going lax on absentee rules).

4. In other words, the net effect of this ruling is that the democrats can now guarantee that everyone in their party votes. This is good for them since they have numerical superiority, and because the only time the Republicans ever win Ohio is when their voters aren't motivated. This ruling takes a lack of motivation out of their hands, and forces them to vote.

I will say that I am in favor of clearing the rolls. You should have rules where people are automatically removed when they die, or when they have a change of address, but this method is going to create more problems (for the right at least) than it will solve.

Whether the left is registered to vote or not doesn't matter. What matters is keeping them from voting.

You consider liberals to be people?

It's amazing how your most important buildings have Greek classical arcitecture. You love us.

I disagree. The main advantage the democrats have is the non-citizen vote. Making it more difficult for them to stuff the ballot box will only hurt the Dems.

Nah man, I lived in Beavercreek.

Dead people should be disenfranchised. I know its one of the main Democrat voting blocs but I guess you will have to find a new demographic to target.

lancaster reporting in

There are multiple ways to register, and multiple ways to vote, including by provisional ballot.
Leftist scum are upset because it will be harder for illegals and dead people to vote. Boo fuckin' hoo.
At this point the Modern Left is basically the Communist Party of the United States, and their members need to disown the Party or be shot dead in the streets. Communists are not people.