Would a state enforced Muslim/black gf program make you not a racist?

Would a state enforced Muslim/black gf program make you not a racist?

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With ten bitches of peace I could start my own landscaping business.

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I'm not a racist.
And wouldn't that be like slavery? Imagine if the government comes to your house and forces you to be the sex slave of an old fat ugly nigress as part of a "diversity redistribution program". Don't even imagine that, the government telling you who to fuck and live is orwellian as it gets

entitled incel neckbeards arent capable of feeling empathy. the thought that someone might not want to fuck their greasy autistic ass doesnt even register. they are the heroes of their own story

I don't think with my dick


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It would make everyone, male and female more racist, you need to think of another plan Moshe

I am not an animal

She looks fairly white. She must be Turkish.

i don't think so turks look different

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> Implying Muslims is a race
Better luck next time

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even the muslim girls are thots now, doesn't matter what outfit she wears, all women are whores

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Yeah might work

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There are lots of different ethnic groups in turkey


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having a nice body ≠ being a thot

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I'm not even sure what a thot is. I only read it on here.

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I dated a muslim. Now I hate them even more.

They already do that if you won't fuck a trans "girl" then you're a bigot. If you won't suck "her" cock then you're a nazi.

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doesn't exist

No, it'd make me pissed off. Race mixing is what (((they))) want

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>You will never bleach a naive Albanian QT and raise your kids to be staunch Christians and anti Muslim.

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I think you're using it right this is definitely the picture of a thot if I know my kid speak it means that hoe over there or basically a basic bitch but I guess basic bitch is out.

Isn't that already the plan? It's almost like you live in a fictitious world, where Soros' mass immigration program doesn't exist. Take me to that planet.

Oof it smells like rotten humus and ground up dead British children.

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>Race mixing is what (((they))) want

depends on the type. they rarely promote eugenic combinations, it's always black/white miscegenation. a whiteish middle-eastern muslim would probably be fine. an 85 iq african, not so much. there's a difference. we are vulnerable because we don't acknowlege this difference.

Does that even make sense to You?
Where is the logic?

Not my proudest search.

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That’s the point in a shitpost faggot

>Would a state enforced Muslim/black gf program make you not a racist?
how would giving incels and std make them less racist?

I drew that lel.

>ground up dead British children
brainlet actually thinks they put a kid in a kebab

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Nice work, faggot. Show me other drawings..

Don't worry I think they do the same stuff here I think the Jews and Arabs both think if they make us eat human meat that we'll go to hell.

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No, I'd just beat her in the dungeon

>implying I don't know the story
Nice "proof"

nice little form fitting niquab...

Have you ever had kebab? Have you ever tried to make it at home? It has a certain special flavor I can't seem to replicate it must be the long pig. Why do you think they're always Jihading it's both how they spread their religion and ensure their food supply.

The pakis got off on a technicality like OJ, faggot.

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They're mostly lamb actually. They come frozen from the factory in big blocks, i used to work in a chippy.


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I had a friend who worked in a donnar factory. He never ate kebabs.

Guaranteed a signifigant portion of the world's population has acciodentally ate human before, greasy spoon restaurants and abatoire's are favorites of the mob. I used to work at a meat shop, it would be too easy

They're always full of pieces of bone, i only get them when I'm fucked up drunk

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No one gets them when sober

looks like he's scared of something blowing up.... in his pants

wish i had blue eyes

fuck off back to plebbit fag
they ALL have to go back
and o do you shlomo

on the contrary
i will scream schild en vriend louder and louder

in french we call this un deux chameaux

Are you that guy that inherited 4 million that day? Did you follow through the advice to go to Bermuda?

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>that flag
>that post
Where was she from?

Would you be willing to draw pregnant Anne Frank and a Confederate soldier engaging in passionate lovemaking?

Attached: Anne Frank-lifdrs_001.jpg (511x850, 508K)