Trump doesn't hate minorit-

>trump doesn't hate minorit-

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Based supreme court

Yes, we should care about what minorities and shitskins want and protect them even though they want to kill us. Good goy

>they out number us 4 to 1
>they're still minorities
Why does leftist ideology hate reality so much?

How does being a minority mean you can't vote?

most niggers are felons and can't vote anyway. who cares.

>has nothing to do with minorities

If you actually read into this the judge says that about 24 million of registrations are highly inaccurate or outright invalid. also 2.4 million are registered in multiple States.

Merrick Garland, the legitimate supreme court ninth justice, says no.

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>> SC makes the ruling, OP blames Trump
>> Assumes that only minorities will be purged
Go eat a bowl of cum, fuckface.

bye bye all the dead voters, fake name voters and illegal voters
suck it libscum

>how will we rig the vote if they remove dead people from voter rolls

Trump had nothing to do with that.

>unironically blaming Trump for a decision made by the Supreme Court in the current year


Translation: Ohio will never be blue again since the dems can no longer count on bogus/illegal votes.

Important note: as the SC passed this decision in regards to states rights, it applies to ALL states should they choose to follow Ohio's lead.

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Will this stop leftists from bussing in Somalis to vote? When I went to vote early during the last presidential election, I saw a fuck ton of those ugly fuckers getting off of buses at Morse road in Columbus to vote. Ive worked with Somalis for 10 years and I know those fuckers don't have identification or the ability to speak english.

This, pretty much admitting they had a voter fraud problem.

Stop treating non-white adults like they're young children. This is how fucking white men have screwed up the entire world.

What are you talking about? It seems like every week he's doing something to virtue signal to niggers or kikes or women.
>muh wall
>muh ISIS
>Muh black unemployment rate
>muh spic unemployment rate
>democrats r da rayscis
Do you think any of these subhumans give a fuck about what you say? No. They will never vote for you. They barely vote unless there is a nigger running. White men are your base. Do something that is unapologetically pro-White, just one fucking thing. I'm sick of inferior people projecting their shit onto the my people and my values and my traditions. I voted for you because I am sick of DEFENSE, I want OFFENSE. If you don't start doing it, we are going to have to start freedom fighting. Aye, fight and you may die. Run and you’ll live — at least a while. And, dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they’ll never take our freedom!?!

True; young children are nowhere near as malevolent as niggers.

Holy cow, I knew Obama killed OBL, but never knew GEOTUS was a SCOTUS justice.
More winning than even I thought was possible.

What is the Biden Rule?

Thank God!

We screwed up when we started giving in to the feminist agenda and gave women the right to vote. Everything leftie after this is a byproduct of this first mistake.

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Stay salty, faggot. We aren't tired of winning yet.

She said yes, didn't she?

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>this was a 5-4 decision
think about how close we were to losing everything anons

if the GOP ran their usual cuck we would be truly beyond saving

Ohio always had the right to adjust it's voter rolls.
Since the Constitution does not give the federal government control over the elections and voter rolls it is the responsibility of the state to do it.
The Supreme Court got its nose under the tent flap courtesy of the jew lawyer.
And the jew lawyer just got rebuffed.

5-4 decision

This is how much trump winning mattered.

The main argument against voter ID is black people are too poor and stupid to figure out how to get one.

Too stupid to get an ID = too stupid to vote responsibly.

Yeah, and so what? It's a positive development.

>Trump did this.
It's not even the same branch of gov't.


How does purging the voter rolls discourage minority turnout?
Unless they're counting the dead and multi-district registrants as minorities


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