Medicare for all

Is it as simple as Bernie says? We just change our private health care card for a medicare card and everything is fine?

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Yes, it's that easy*!

*Also your taxes are going to double

Medicare will be insolvent in 5 years. No it isn't that easy.

No, it is hard, but the goal is easily and clearly preferable to your current existence.

Health care in this country is never going to work because we have so many god damn leeches. From the hospital jews who charge 6,000,000 to fix your broken arm to the doctors who only care about getting paid to the fat fucks who drink soda all day long then cry about diabeetus.

This entire country is fucked from the top to the bottom.

did he ever say it was simple?

Trillions disappear from the pentagon, bloated military spending every year and you fucks dont bat an eye. Spending on your, and your fellow Americans’ health an you go batshit. It’s like you want the american experiment to fail. Are you that much of an angry, self-hating incel?

Spend lessin your bloated military and you can afford it, but nah youre too much of a brainwashed fuck to see this.

>if you don't approve of Medicare expansion you're a virgin
Why are women allowed to vote again?

jesus christ this guy gets it

I live in a country with state funded health care. Let me tell you: It sucks.

medicare is for old people
medicAID is for poor people
The kike means put everyone on Medicaid. Why won't he say this?

Amazing how no one ever talks about dismantling the NSA or any other organizations that goes against the american people’s interest but they always feel the need to go on about healthcare and other redundant bullshit.

Kinda, he said "well you're going to change not in terms of the doctor you're going to, you're going to change in that the color of your card will be different. Instead of clue cross, blue shield it will say medicare."

This. Cut the fucking military spending an stop fucking raising Medicare funds to import shit skins

>bloated military spending every year
Yes its needed to run an empire. The "military" is basically what bernie wants for everyone. Free healthcare, a job no matter how useless and benefits.

We already have welfare and medicaid. What more do you fuckin leeches want?

10 percent more taxes

it's not about affording it schlomo
the euro fags do same or better results for less. the real trick is that it's not just the payment system that yields the price differential (usa healthcare is half socialized already) but how we do medicine and how we take care of our own bodies. I'm not supporting socializing and institutionalizing a shitty way of doing medicine and a nation of fatties who are too afraid of getting old, entitled cunts who want the government out of the bedroom except when it comes to paying for their hormone pills,

They do it just never gets any traction because it’s too easy to stage some event that makes them seem super necessary. Then when you point out their shenanigans you’re a conspiracy nut, your reputation will be destroyed, and your destruction will be trumpeted from the rooftops by agency assets in the media.

The ‘deep state’ basically has to be run by illiterate niggers in order to fuck up so badly the populace would rebel against it. Luckily we had that happen with Obama. If these agencies aren’t broken up/hobbled in the next 3 presidential cycles they’ll have another 100 years at the helm.

Who here defends ZOG wars? Who here defends the MIC? We understand the Kojima War-Economy - but do you? Do you honestly believe that we would be able to divert funds from this into universal healthcare?
Throw in Big Pharma and unhealthy eating habits in this country (EG Meat addiction) and you'll see how much of a stupid nigger-kike-faggot you all are.

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>Don't want to spend money on others, just yourself
>You must be self-hating! (You couldn't possibly hate the useless lazy dregs of society or anything)
How does this make sense in anyone's head. How can you be this lacking in self-awareness? People might give a shit about other peoples' healthcare if they were worth saving. At present time there's literally nothing that Tyrone and Paco do for me or society that warrants me giving a fuck about their healthcare sorry. Has nothing to do with being self-hating and everything to do with hating people who would rather panhandle and make $80.00 instead of put in an honest 8 hours of work for $120.00.

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>It’s like you want the american experiment to fail.
Sub-humans need to go.

someone post the bernie v. cruz debate

>Spending on your, and your fellow Americans’ health

I can spend what I need to in order to mind my health. I don't give a shit if your mom can't afford her diabeetus meds though.

My grandad went from paying nearly $800 a month, with co-pays and deductibles to paying only $140.

So bring on the 10% tax.
found it

The VA was Medicare for Veterans.

(Spoiler--- Bernie was on the oversight board for the VA when everyone was dying on waiting lists)

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forget about looking out for others then, what if you're getting screwed for costs anyways with private insurance? medicare would be an enormous negotiating block for provider prices, and no shareholders taking a cut on the insurance end

People will have even less incentive to live a healthy lifestyle and get a job that requires more than 2 brain cells.

Yeah but fuck your grandpa

Shit, you're right. Lockheed Martin bled us of over a trillion dollars to develop the stupid fucking F-35 Lightning 2. F-22 was already such a good fighter.

American way of life is based upon Greed its deeply rooted in your Society no offense to Americans.

It's always funny when you have Nationalists talking about how great it is and when the time comes to take care of your own Population its apparently a jewish trick understandable though if they don't want to support Blacks and Arabs. i wouldn't neither

>but fuck your grandpa

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I still like my private health care though. If anything, I'd approve of less public services. Maybe your insurance provider could provide you with private police and paramedical services.

>everyone gets whatever they want!
>don't worry about where the money for it comes from

Medicare doesnt have that kind of money to maintain it and it also sucks you only get covered for 80% of the bill, you don't get dental, Eye glasses, or Prescription coverage. All those are supplements you have to buy. It's better than nothing but it doesn't solve any of the problems with the healthcare systems costs. Find a way to reign in the prices and people will be able to go to the doctor and fill medicines with no trouble.

I don't think Freud was gay though

The US is basically the only developed country without a healthcare system. We spend more on healthcare than any other country, too.

Anyone that says a national system wouldn’t work is a retard who can’t look at other countries.

I already pay like 30% of my income for a low deductible health insurance play with my employer. I don't see how that's any better.

the tax increase would be less than the amount of money you currently waste on private healthcare plans

Fellow Americans dont deserve healthcare. Most of them are complete leeches. I'm not paying for a fat guys 50k stay at a hospital because he had a heart attack, fuck him

please cite your sources

Taxes, you dumb fucking retard. I like it how this is how conservatives argue, as if they know zero about fiscal policy.

We're a country of 350M+ people, you idiot. I'd like to see a public service that could tend to that population size after the Obamacare debacle. And we keep on having these stupid fucking illegals pouring in who for some reason get the same benefits we do. We have to get rid of the aliens first

>private health care card for a medicare card
Yup cause you wait longer at bank teller than you do at sec of state. Im sure health care would be better if gov ran it /s
Banks should be public and hospital private IMO
End the Fed

You would collectively probably spend less on healthcare than you do now, so even though you would be technically paying for some fat ass, you yourself would save money.

how much are you willing to give from your paycheck to a universal healthcare system?

Do you know what sarcasm is?

We spend way too much money already so your answer is “fuck it let’s spend even more?”

Obamacare failed because half the country thought it was socialized, death panel bullshit that morons like you believe. Also, good luck deporting 15m people, the financial costs of that alone will be stupid. It cost $11k to remove an illegal immigrant in 2017, multiply that by 15,000,000 you jackass.

Medicare is going insolvent in 8 years though. We're already tens of TRILLIONS in debt because of this.
Social Security is also going insolvent in 15 years. We're also tens of TRILLIONS in debt because of this.
These two alone make up more than 50% of the US budget every year. What the FUCK is Bernie on about?

It has nothing to do with "taking care of your own." If there were a ballot tomorrow that said "White people taxes will only go to white healthcare and we'll pay for everyone" I'd vote yes tomorrow. But don't tell me my money that I earned working at my career is going to the healthcare of some nigger or immigrant who's just going to march in the street and cry about white privilege at me. Why the fuck would I care about white-hating pieces of shit and why would I give a fuck if they die young from health reasons? Give me one single valid reason I should care about them. It's not greed it's literally apathy. I do not care about minorities until they decide to get their shit together.

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>the cost of deporting illegals is stupid
>but the cost of universal healthcare for all of them is infallible
the american left, ladies and gentlemen

As much as a I spend now on healthcare, the collective amount would be less.

Was this your entire argument? “Oh, are you willing to not be a piece of shit and pay taxes?”

I would literally not give a shit if I lived in Denmark or something. But, because I know my money will go to welfare leeches, the answer is fuck off.

My source is any comparison of per capita health care spending between private and socialized systems. Socialized is always cheaper.

I think you parroted every Obamacare lie and talking point in one post

You dense fucking retard, everyone will pay in collectively. Also despite your retard views, immigrants add to the economy. So we’d basically lose $200b in economic and deportation costs to deport illegals. Great job retire.

>The cost
Is actually a secondary concern. The BIGGEST problem handing over total control of the Healthcare system to a radical kiked elite who will take all the funds for themselves, and literally have you killed. And you really will be fucked because Private Care will either be completely outlawed or be such a regulated mess (sorry you need approval from the magistrate to see a private Dr; it takes 6-9 months) as to be unattainable for most. It's exactly how it works in the UK, except now there won't be a Free American system for people to run away to.

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dialysis should be a bridge to transplant. if we stopped keeping every diabetic nig/spic on dialysis for their entire lifetime we could do medicare for all and still balance the budget without increasing taxes.

I can't fucking wait until this joke of a fucking empire collapses. Some more time for preparations is all we need. Stockpile fellow burgers. America was a mistake.

Like said you aren't one European country. It would probably doesn't work having to make it uniform over all Europe.

Plus your system already suck balz, why do you think going all public will solve anything? By making it global and compulsory you just assure that everyone has the same system that sucks even the one that were previously lucky.

PS: Also Switzerland has a private healthcare and we have one of the best system that doesn't need public money and have many stranger come to get healed, guess everyone just has to go full private. (Irony obviously, one system cannot be just copied in a country with different culture and population. This illustrate the stupidity of the just make like them argument.)

I like it how you both focus on costs of health but not the fact we spend $700b on our military each year. You’re the ones collapsing our country, you inbred morons.

If we cut military spending by 200% (as in all money going to military is dropped to zero, then we magically dupe it) we still wouldn't match what we spend of Medicare and Medicaid RIGHT NOW. Now imagine is instead of servicing one fifth of the country, they serviced 100%. And yes, I know that half of all medical expenses incurred by a person happen in the last year of their life, so realistically Medicare/caid are actually covering about half of all medical expenses in the country, but we'd still be looking at doubling our medical expenses to do medicare for all; which is to say, we'd need everything we pay into Medicare/caid now plus no military times two. Wanting to care for everyone is a novel goal, but the reality it, the numbers aren't there.

>My source is any comparison of per capita health care spending between private and socialized systems. Socialized is always cheaper.
Still no source.
>An argument made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

Taxation. It’s like nobody took any sort of economics class before they dropped out of high school to fuck their cousins.

honestly i'd prefer the american system. here we have """""free""""" healthcare which means i have to pay around 2k€ every year - whether i use any medical service or not. when i think about the last time i had to go to the hospital and the surrounding costs..yeah, i could have around 10k on my bank instead now.

taxation is theft, prove me wrong

Because he means Medicare, faggot. It's the one run by the federal government.

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We spend the most per capita on healthcare compared to other countries. Look it up right now you dumbass, you have the capabilities.

still doesn't account for population

Reminder that it was Republicans who passed the law forbidding Medicare to negotiate for prices with pharmaceutical jews for drug costs under Part D.

You agree to taxation as a part of a social contract instituted by the state. If you disagree, you can leave or attempt to go through channels of public policy.

The second we stop collecting your taxes, you’re gonna enjoy your lack of basic infrastructure and roads.

Wrong and bait

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I would spend less on that too you retard. Stop making unwarranted assumptions. I don't want this giant globo-homo empire. I don't want our soldiers all over this God-forsaken planet. The military and all public spending are a disaster.

>uses FY 2016
>can’t bother to look up current info action
>calls me wrong because he uses the wrong info when I was only odd by $75b on wrong info

Are you 16 years old? I feel like I’m in high school again.

>it's only 75billion dollars, who's counting?

>per capita
>doesn't account for population

So this is the power of Jow Forums

No it is not. Here, we still need private healthcare companies because the public healthcare doesn't cover everything. If you have need basic medicine, the public healtcare doesn't cover all the costs. You need a private healtcare company to do so. The life threatening operations are always covered by the public healthcare, but the costs are abyssymal. I don't even want to look at my salary slip necause of the ludicrous costs for something I rarely use.

>t. Retard

I also want to spend less on military though. You despite $50 trillion in debt between medicare and social security want more spending on these programs. You're a braindead retard

>If we cut military spending by 200% (as in all money going to military is dropped to zero,
$400billion is going to interest on debt to federal reserve. Make it a public bank set interest to zero, confiscate gold put them back into Ft Knox take the money for universal basic heath care and cure research.

Military is also technology research. It keeps sandniggers in check. Healthcare won't work UNLESS certain restrictions are in place. Like being within a healthy BMI range, no smoking (including weed and vaping) and yearly physicals.

The problem isn't really the tax. If i was american i'd be willing to pay a little more tax so everyone can have healthcare (even though i'm libertarian, but as long as we pay tax then it should go for the right people).
The problem is that socialized healthcare is SHIT. It reduces the incentive for people to seek better private healthcare, so there's less competition in the private sector and in turn private healthcare prices skyrocket.

>I also want to spend less on military though.
Why not end the fed take the interest payment of $400billion/yr instead of cutting defense budget

No, for two reasons. First off, Burger bureaus are champions if it comes to financial inefficiency. You would probably have to spend six times the taxes per head for them to create a healthcare system even remotely as useful as the ones found in European countries. Second reason is that US Liberals are batshit crazy. They would make sure to abuse the public healthcare system to the point where you pay taxes not only for the necessities, but instead for stupid shit such as abortions (not from rapes, but because the whores would rather get a free abortion than to take fucking birth control), birth control (pay for it yourself if you want to fuck around like some animal; sleeping around is a "luxury", not a basic right), counseling sessions for Internet-"mobbing" (read: someone has opposing opinions) or "Sex"-changes.

At least you could have real competiton. But the "freeride" with cheap meds from Canada and Mexico is probably over now. 500% rise of medicine because globalization, muh over, why not.

>bloated military spending
When will this meme die?
US military spending is less than 10% of the federal budget every year. Meanwhile Social Security and Medicare make up over 70% of the federal budget. Bloated military budget? No. More like bloated gibs budget faggot.

>We just change our private health care card for a medicare card and everything is fine?
It's literally that simple to implement. Now, the consequences might be complicated, but that's alright, you just keep electing Bernie and his friends and they'll work it out for you.

Wrong - oil rich socialist countries of 5m and few deviants can't make it solvent spending zero on military. It cant work in 56% illegal land.

Your math is extremely erroneous and full of holes. First, 80% of healthcare is consumed by 5% of users. Pic related. Healthy people don't especially cost much.

Second hospitals cant turn away that 5%. They know it and abuse it. My ex wife was a surgeon and used to deal with people calling in ambulances to get rides to the hospital for script refills. One time when I got angry at the hospital was because a nog had fallen asleep in bed with a lit cigarette, lit the bed on fire and required a 30hr surgery to correct. I was aware of this nog because my wife had to pump his stomach out once a month because he'd OD. She did burns and this guy stayed in the hospital for TWO YEARS of recovery before he was healthy enough to release. During that time he also molested a night nurse. You think he's gonna pay that back?

You aren't arguing to not cover those people. That horse has left the barn. You are arguing against covering people who want to work and be productive and have the bad luck to have a chronic illness. If ypu have even a shred of patriotism google this shit and see that it happens 24/7, 365 a year and whether you withold or not from everyone else because hospitals are legally obligated to not turn anyone away even if they are garbage. I haven't seen my wife in two days and its because shes checking ABGs for a bunch of fatties that were immovable so long their outer skin has rotted and their lungs are so fucked from cigs they cant breathe except via mechanical ventilators. You think they have a job? Have health insurance? They are KEENLY aware hospitals have to eat their cost healing them.

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Do it like us, not like Canada. Canada's healthcare sucks dick! It's 'free', but if you want to get something done you have to wait 6 months.
Do it like the Dutch with a basic insurance plan and force all insurance companies so they have to accept everyone for this basic insurance (everyone has to have at least the minimum insurance). If you want extra insurance you pay extra. This is done out of solidarity. It's like a hundred euros a month here, plus if you're a student you get 100 euros deposited into your bank account directly from the government to pay for that shit. Also, if you have cancer or something and it will cost you 5 million, everything will be paid, except your 'own risk', as we call it. Everything will be covered by the insurance after x amount, per year. Usually around 350 euros. So if you have cancer you pay a grand total of 350 euros and the rest is paid by the insurance company. The 350 is once a year. If you only have 200 euros of medical expenses in the year it will cost you 200 euros. You will never break the bank and everyone has access to fast and good healthcare.
Why don't you do this 'muricans?
>inb4 'muh freedom' or 'I'm not paying for X!'

we're not importing dutch we're importing mexicans

I've been to the doctors twice in the past 25 years and I don't plan on ever going back. I haven't had health insurance for most of my life and I dont plan on buying it. I haven't filed my Federal taxes since Obamacare passed and I won't give a dollar towards the healthcare system. If they start deducting money from my paycheck, I will quit and work under the table or rob Jews.

>discussing health care on a board full of death squad fantasy role players

they already have pretty much free 'planned niggerhood abortion' system in place

but its true, they would get inefficient low q shit like NHS or Quebec healthcare in US if it goes state-funded

Because of the current government health care we have. Look at the death clock. Medicare is in the top 2 of our debt. This jack ass wants to increase this number:

The meme that "free healthcare" done on the cheap by the government is better needs to die. Sure it has fine outcomes, they'll keep you from dying, for the most part, but forget having quick and accessible care. You get what you pay for.

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