Is punk the most degenerate, leftist genre of music ever created?

Is punk the most degenerate, leftist genre of music ever created?

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No, punk was a legit expression of anger and rejection of authority, then kikes turned it into a money making genre just like disco

English punk was mainly a creative outlet for bored hairdressers and ugly chicks.

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Kikes hated disco. Learn your music history

actually rap/hip-hop is

only after the queers took it over in the 80s

Punk girls are not ugly tho. Actually I like them.

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You really don't know your ass from your elbow, do you?
Quite a bit of early hardcore was extremely misogynistic. There was also a lot of hatred for fags, too.
There's also plenty of racist punk if you want to cross that line.
Hey man, if you want a punk song that doesn't conflict with your beliefs, it's out there, but only listening to viewpoints that reflect yours is for the weak minded.

they're possibly among the most sjw people alive

>kikes dindu nuffin
Kikes invented, produced and wrote lyrics for disco. Kikes propped up Donna Summer, Gaynor, Anita Ward, Chic and the like. Kikes produced SNF. Kikes owned studio 54.
If a music genre promotes degeneracy, bet the farm that kikes are behind it.

but punk gave us GISM, who call themselves far-right anarcho-nazis

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From the late 70’s to the early 2000’s punk was about real anarchy, overthrowing the government and calling out corporatation on shit like waste dumping etc.

But nowadays punk has become a safe space for fags and trans. It has turned into a shit show and it kills me to see what they made it into

Punk is dead

I dont find the old punk to be as degenerate , but as always with third wave feminism , whatever it touches it twists and makes it a perversion of humanity.

No, it's airb'n'b

I can't be the only guy on this board who was a punk up until around 21, saw through the lies, and started going right.

This nigga knows what's up. ENDLESS BLOCKADES

Could have turned out better but kikes took over it

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I was always right leaning from a kid. Cant even explain why. Lots of friends in to all of the genres of music. You fool yourself and play along, smoke the doobies and what not but yes eventually you see it for what it is and eventually hate it.

I was always reactionary, but never really "right." I stayed out of the drugs, I really just loved the chaos and madness of the music. Loved the idea of burning it all to the fucking ground. Good for a young guy filled with piss and vinegar. The punks I knew turned into complete SJW types and I just saw that as another bullshit thing to hate. Around then I grew up too. Don't need to burn everything.

All the way up to thr 1990's and then you FAGGOTS associated it with niggers like billy jo and that junkie from nirvana


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But did kikes hate money, brainlet?
Fuck outta here

That faggot needs some Lee Ving and Skrewdriver to wash the billy jo fagbois from his mind.

I sometimes wish there would be some sort of youthful rebellious music akin to punk, only inspired by Jow Forums views. Maybe if things keep heating up and when guitar music makes its cyclical comeback in the 2020s (2000s nostalgia, garage-rock revival-revival, post-punk revival revival, dance punk revival, New wave of the new wave of the new wave etc., maybe an actual punk revival?)

If it has 'anarcho' in the title, in the trash it goes.

So fockin wut?

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Stop buying and DIY!!!

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Some of the old school punk rockers are pretty woke

Daily reminder punk classics such as white minority or guilty of being white now trigger the left.

Doesn't matter, because the Right has no culture at all.

Can't find good Fear pics on google, Wonder why?