Hallo, Angela. Wir müssen sprechen. Erste is erste, du kriegst Danzig nimmer züruck, verstehen Sie das? Zwei. Sie mussen reparation bezahllen, und das bezahlen must schnell sein. Wir haben zu lange gewarten schon. Heute, Deutschland musst Polen bezahlen $1.500.000.000.000 in Amerikanische dollaren, nicht deine Weirmar Scheissemarks aka the Euro das Sie konnen fur immer drucken. Wir wissen besser. Und dritte, Polen ist besten Freunde mit Donald Trump und America, and wir willen die Amerikanische hilfen wann Donald fickst ihre ekonomische aschloche so schwer das der hund von die Trudeau familie wird ängstlich sein.


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Other urls found in this thread:


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pay for your crimes, you teutonic bastards

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Well I'm guessing this is why EU is demanding Poland pay the EU for crimes against Jews. Which I'm sure the EU will give to Jews who were in the holocaust.


Trump gets half the money or the deal's off, subhuman.

>Deutschland musst Polen bezahlen
you forget to say please. You'll stay in kurwaland wihout ANY shekels soon stanislaw.
Be polite anyway.

Attached: wales.jpg (300x300, 31K)

half for trump and jewanka half for us

I must say it, I must.

Why? They’re literally not the same country anymore? They’ve gone through no less than two regime changes (three counting the east/west split)

it's the allies who owe reparations to Germany!
The west got kiked, really fucking kiked!

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You owe Jews over 1 trillion zloty for your Polish Death Camp shenanigans.

old news - D&C thread

there were no reparations. They'll tell you we got their east lands but simultaneously we lost our east and in greater area.
Anyway, we got betrayed by allies, sold to Soviets, left with no reparations and the whole thing pisses me so much I just want you to fuck right off. Would trade 1 trillion in reparations for NWO to leave us alone with their stupid agenda.

Why? For the lulz you incredible faggot.

Pay debt

Why do morons on this website constantly respond to those bait threads?

>why there are brainlets on Jow Forums
Gee really hard question

Again. Modern Germany is not the same country that existed back then. There have been THREE total upheavals of power since those days. They don’t owe you shit because Germany as we know it is not the same country.

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Okay, based on that 0 shekels for Israel from Poland, they're not the same country anymore either

Poland kikes, fucking parasites they are useless, so inferior, everybody needs the german superiority to survive, they can't do anything by their own.

The polish are sandnigger level

nice deflection achmed

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yay let's be niggers of Europe and scream for gibs

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eat shit pooland

Ffs i want out of this timeline

Germany owes Poland some refugees.

Germany should put half of their refugees in Poland.

Polish women love big refugee cock anyway. It'll all work out well.

is this an india hate thread now?

Wouldve loved to have been in that court room. Would've yelled "common you gassed the jews for less."

It's justified they all stink of shit

You could at least use deepl for the translation from English to German. I'm personally offended that you didn't actually try to create a good B8.

I'd love to see this happen. Remember the treaty of Versailles? Prepare for another invasion in 20 years, but hopefully this time they will finish Poland for good.

>You could at least use deepl
hmm is it better than jew translate?

Deine Mutter ist ein altes Sofa
just little test

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thats how the ungrateful eternal pole thank us for letting them join the EU

>backstabbing cunts

>thank us for letting them join the EU
it was france

It seems so. At least for the stuff I have used which was mostly German to inglese

>american calling anyone subhuman

Well, try to take it, Poland. Good luck, guys.

PS: You got "saved" by Stalin in WW2, the guy who annexed half your country 5 years earlier and after that forced you into communism. Who are the real cucks? :D

>Who are the real cucks? :D

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considering you just erected a statue to karl marx

pay up hans give the poles what is owed to them

Except even Polish millitary is better than G*rman joke of an army.


your country burns the coal, nnow you must pay the toll as a whole

That's because we aren't allowed to have a good one.

all these failed states come to us and beg for cash because of greed and jealousy

>still butthurt ivan? leave the vodka alone get your shit together

Attached: polish-butthurt.jpg (750x884, 148K)


imagine being so assblasted you save a picture on your computer dedicated to shitting on another country

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>EU flag.

Fucking kill yourself you worthless cumstain.

>we got betrayed by allies, sold to Soviets, left with no reparations
Amazing how you could had avoided all this simply by not being smug cunts

The German "Army" isn't even trying. You really think that if Poland and Germany were to fight, Germany wouldn't invest more into their military? If anything Poland is at its max potential and Germany is at, what, 10%?


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We should put up posters in Germany with all your big tittied Czech pornstars demanding big refugee cock now.

That will convince some of the refugees to relocate to the V4.

Sounds liek it could be springtime for a new Hitler!

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So much kurwa butthurt in this thread XDXDXDXDCDXDFFHGSJJABD

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Are you on crack? No one reasonable wants Danzig back. As for your payment fantasy, good luck Pooland lol

>5% compound interest since 1945

Let's calculate that
for a grand total owed of
> 52,833,586,000,000


$52.8 trillion dollars, US.
plus an additional 5% for every additional year it's not fully paid.

Germany is fucked, their GDP is $3.5 trillion dollars a year, roughly. They debt they owe Polska grows by 2.64 trillion dollars next year at 5% annual compound interest.

It will be impossible for them to ever pay this.

We're going to go full on treaty of Versailles on their ass all over again. Go Poland.

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maybe 10 more years of commie infection and our big industrialists might sponsor a new one

Nice try Kikenstein. I wish we actually killed the 6 gorillion joos so that there are no more left. Keep spewing dumb subversive shit, it's in your nature.

Hey germany, debt is measured in USD now, not the douchemark, you can't inflate your way out of this one.

If they're to fight Poles would roflstomp them before they'll have time to invest.

Are poles even intelligent enough to pull a trigger?

Yeah like last time... hang on

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I'm pretty sure that if Kraut tried to grow a pair all of the sudden, we'd liberate the fuck out of them.

this is a true son of Rzeczpospolita


you are politically even more split up than us, they'd pull a second 'nam on ya

Well, I for one believe the poles should just take what is owed.
You know Germany only has 4 functional fighter aircraft at the moment?

Also, I think Germany might actually need a humanitarian intervention and peacekeeping forces. There is a literal insurgency going on and Hans is too drunk to do anything about it.

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>bring some democracy

Are you an Italian American?

Germany has wrecked Europe twice. Germany's destiny is to be a cow to be sucked out of its money and wealth. Better that than let it try to be a hegemon again and ruin everything.

>Muh German economy is the biggest in Europe!!!

Well Fritz, that means shit when you have a shitty army and no nuclear weapons like France and UK. So go back to work Fritz like a good bitch and shut up.

wider than you

Pretty sure Polacks already got their debt repayed when they ethnically cleansed a third of Germany and created a fake country out of it.


good luck distributing the wealth when all that's left is dust and ash

Our populace may be divided, our all-volunteer military isn't. We'll liberate our leftists too.

Maybe Germans can go looking through the history books and calculate the interest to have Poland owe more.

>All volunteer
Desperation isn't exactly volunteering.

What do you mean by Liberate? For the second time. You mean kill innocent people, invade their privacy, and steal their resources all in the name if democracy and "liberation."

First of all, even asking for money reopens our Eastern border to renegotiation. Putin himself said you were being dumbasses.

Secondly, pay the Jews their trillions of zloty first in property and asset compensations before you even think about claiming anything yourself.

It must really suck to be forced to learn shitty school German that you will never get a job with because you can't write an intelligible sentence. I guess that's what happens when even every nigger speaks English and Polish has no future. No wonder you cucks hate us so much. Kek!

That window closed. Now go back to making Cyberpunk: 2077

Poles are the real niggers from Europe

Meaning what? Joining Hotler? We both know it wouldn't work.

They're pissed their funding got cut while the EU is writing us fat reimbursement checks for 2015-2016. They'll be forced to eat every last nigger in our asylum centers if they want to see another dime from the EU.

the Danzig question, mate

Niggers are the niggers of Europe

How about not attacking our population in three Silesian uprisings? How about not attacking our radio stations? How about leaving Czechoslovakia the fuck alone?

Poland is a rogue state and it got handled like a rogue state, and you will end up getting handled again like a rogue state.

Poles... niggers... same difference.

Poles are the niggers of Europe

In your case, it's specifically referring to being liberated from the claustrophobic confines of a helicopter mid-air.

Excessive war reparations was the cause of WW2. Read some history faggot.

British are the niggers of Earth

Wanting to get muh reparations for torturing (children, women and men) to death is much lower than what niggers are doing.
Niggers got the taste of the whip meanwhile Poland fucked up and they still want reps because they fucked up.
All they will get is 5€ for cleaning my toilet, that's all.

imagine not having images to specificly fuck with other people

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lol gib money

I hope your Mexican boss calls ICE on your ass, toilet-cleaning Polack diaspora scum in the USA.