How to save California

I love California, the weather is great and the land is beautiful.

I fucking hate the government here. I fucking hate all of the spics and niggers spreading crime and drugs. The urban areas are becoming shitter and the nice places are becoming more expensive. I am looking at Gavin Newsom and he wants to raise MORE taxes and let in MORE illegal immigrants.

How do we save California?

I think back to the revolutionary war and think how did people do it. How did people muster the strength and resistance necessary to overthrow the british?
I really wish something would happen that would allow patriots to storm our government buildings and throw our government leaders out of power. Fuck these democrats shitting on my beautiful state.

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California can't be saved. but don't worry once that slump in Hawaii gets bumped then the California coast and all its sins will be swallowed in a tsunami.

that wont solve the problem. That will just destroy all the nice real estate and white people. We need to build that fucking wall, enforce immigration laws, and lower taxes.

Stupid fucking kids shoot up their schools but what they really should be doing is learning how to shoot a target 2 km away and assassinate political leaders.

Want to force the hordes home? Parch them.

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You can't. White Californians just need to leave and let the minorities have it. They'll run it into the ground and then we'll have to rebuild it.

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This. I'm currently in the Bay area for work and California is an unequivocal lost cause. To save it there needs to be something extremely drastic to occur, something that simply can't happen at the ballot box

if any of you cunts move north i will personally find you & alert the other local rednecks in your area to get their banjos tuned

Have you been to the nice parts of California? I live in Thousand Oaks and everyone is white here. but these fucking democrats are trying to raise taxes and whenever I drive through parts of LA I am shocked to see it look like a 3rd world country.

I honestly wish a group of oath keepers would storm a capitol building and kill all these politicians.

I fucking feel sick to my stomach thinking of Gavin Newsom being our next governor. FUCK that guy.

It just takes a few brave patriots ready to make the sacrifice. This concept is lost in modern times

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Amen, but faith without works is dead.

I can arm my entire neighborhood if shit hits the fan.

I grew up in North County San Diego. It used to be a lot different here. Really, the problem stems from too many people. Make of that what you will.

My parents bought their home 2 miles from the coast in 1981 for ~75,000. Home was built in 1970, and is approximately 1540 sqaure feet. Standard construction. The market price for that home today is upwards of 1 million due to the view of the lagoon and a little bit of ocean. Their neighbors are renting their home for about 4500.00 / month. Unreal...but the demand is there.

I live about 5 miles east in a nice community in a 1200 squre foot condo with a nice view. That home was bought for 514,000.00, and is appreciating nicely. it used to be that you could move inland and savfe some $$, but not anymore.

I have no idea how I am making it here. When my son turns 18 I'm moving to Washington.

Deep down I wish I had the strength to do something but I have a wife and a baby on the way. I am just so FUCKING frustrated.

It wont stop at California. Once the spic-nig cycle is complete and California looks like a favela, it will spread to the next state.

I am under the opinion that 99% of our government leaders, state and federal need to be removed. Trump is the only president that I kind of like but I suspect he is just in league with the jews.

My game plan is to just accumulate enough money to build a bunker somewhere sustainable and prepare to protect my posterity from future calamities, but it is just so sad to see America turn to shit.

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appraiser user here

The main factor driving home prices like pic related is demand from an influx of over 120 million foreigners in the span of 2 decades thanks to free trade and open borders. You could find a similar home in most states for a quarter, or less of that prices

So cal, Jew York and most of the East Coast has super high home prices because they contain the extreme majority of foreigners (120 million), are already urban hotbeds, and are also major economic centers

Should Trump actually stop free trade, close immigration, and deport ALL foreigners, home prices in cali, and urban areas would see serious reduction, which the populace would benefit from immensely

demographics are turning to shit.

Do it. DEMAND revenge for 6/14/17.

I don't support the faggots who are moving to Colorado or Texas and are shitting up other states. They're a plague and I'd be right there with the rednecks and their banjos tbqh. They shouldn't be allowed to vote or voice their opinions.

Yeah been to lots of nice places in California. I just wouldn't be able to afford to buy a 2 million dollar home and live in a comfy ass area. Plus when the middle class leaves the state completely, the rich will leave as well. They're already being taxes like crazy and it's just going to get worse.

Fug, yeah the bay is on a whole other level of fuckery and poz. I'm down south so it's a little bit better but there's so many minorities. Whites are bailing out even in the rural areas and as soon as they leave a family of 8 Mexicans moves in, very sad to see ethnic displacement in real time.

Housing is expensive BECAUSE of the foreigners (increased by over 100 million within a few decades). Deport all the foreigners in California and suddenly 20 million apartments/houses will open up and rent will go down.

sublet apartments or houses and cram 10 people into a 2 bedroom apartment.
mexicans and indians are used to living in squalor so they don't mind packing a house or apartment with 10 or more people. since theres millions of them they scooped up most of the available housing so normal families got priced out. I lived in thousand oaks once in a $1500/month studio apartment and I was the only white guy there besides the landlord. It might as well have been mexico.

My aunt was in the Marines for 20 years and bought property wherever she lived. She has a few homes in San Diego. One time a tenant was extremely late on rent and my aunt couldn’t get a hold of them. She had a property management company visit the house because she lives in Texas. 14 people were living in a 3 bedroom 2 bath home and not one was the original tenant. The original tenant was renting out the place to Mexicans and price gouging them. Unlike my aunt, the tenant wasn’t running their credit or criminal history so they were okay with the price. All Mexicans of course.

This. Slump Dump incoming.

whatever you do don't leave

We just need to stop letting in all these foreigners. Trading with them is fine.

120 years ago there would be militias of Americans driving the invaders out.

Are we so sedated with our vain entertainment that no one gives a fuck? The demographics are changing, white people are no longer having kids and are no longer religious.

The only people having white babies are mormons.

When our entire industries went off to China (((they))) told us we'd be a 'smart goy' economy. We're just a bitch whore economy.

locusts swarming our real estate is how we get back some of the money we gave them to buy the things they make that we once made. It is called trade.

and once they've bought our estate we can buy it back for 1000 times as much.

real smart.

Except they get our land and permanent residency in our countries and we get disposable plastic chink crap that breaks in a few years and ends up in a landfill.
also they buy up our farms and export the meat to china so they get the profits and meat and we get the pollution.

>we give them our houses, businesses, jobs, country, and land
>they give us iphones

What a trade!

The boys of colonial America protested daily and demanded change for years. The British reacted by making things worse. It wasn't until they shot at groups of protesters that revolution happened.

So my advice to you is march in the face of your enemy and prepare to die by pig for your beliefs.

I work a family business with my father. It would be hard for us to leave. We are insulated for the most part from all the bad stuff that is happening due to our affluence but, it is just sad to see a place you love be destroyed by our FUCKING GOD DAMN PIECE OF SHIT POLITICIANS. ]

I am a 3rd generation Californian.

Patrick Little gave me hope for California. He only spent $5,000 on his campaign and received 50,000 votes while running in the most jewish/nig/spic infested district and made it to 10th place out of 31 candidates against Diane Feinstein all the while stepping on an Israeli flag and being openly pro-white. I’d wager that a lot of his votes came from non-whites. If Patrick Little knew the right places to hit we might have a chance at taking back California.

im worth more alive. I need to figure out how to use my families generational wealth to make an impact.

If only they had recreational nukes...

I agree, it's time to cut the crust off this shit sandwich. I am of the opinion at if an event were to start it would gain massive support from the american public. All it needs is someone to lead it

>what country before ever existed a century & half without a rebellion? & what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? let them take arms. the remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon & pacify them. what signify a few lives lost in a century or two? the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. it is it’s natural manure.

It's like we were left with very explicit instructions on what to do in the case of our government becoming what it has become. It just needs the fuse to be lit

NAFTA/Trade destroyed US

the deinndustrialization of US started with Nixon/Rockefeller's globalist shift to China. the steel belt became the rust belt in the 70s due to their policies.

the clintons continued rockefeller's policies (including NAFTA)

the "Rust Belt" is a term that gained popularity in the U.S. in the 1970s, resulting from Rockefeller's globalist policies.

Since the 1960s, the expansion of Rockefeller's worldwide free trade agreements have been less favorable to U.S. workers. Imported goods such as steel cost much less to produce in Third World countries (china) with cheap foreign labor

Beginning with the recession of 1970–71, a new pattern of deindustrializing economy emerged.
Nixon/Rockefeller China project went to full swing in the 1980s.

Nixons China policy resulted in gradual expansion of the U.S. trade deficit with China in the 1980s. In the ensuing years the U.S. developed a massive trade deficit with the East Asian nations of China, Hong Kong, Taiwan. As a result, the traditional manufacturing workers in the region have experienced economic upheaval. This effect has devastated government budgets across the U.S and increased corporate borrowing to fund retiree benefits.

This. Take out Hoover damn and California will be reborn

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How long until states start succeeding from the US?

I feel the same user. The last election was a joke here, and I am really discouraged about the future. I still refuse to leave.

That is what I was alluding to.

Less people, less demand, lower prices.

Will also drive the property values down. Real estate has been bloated here for a long time.

Vote Patrick Little.

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During the Revolutionary War you had nearly unanimously popular anger in Massachusetts against a limited number of government soldiers, and in Virginia a well-established oligarchy of slave holders with unanimous anti-Parliament interests. Outside of these two colonies, America was almost 50-50 on the Revolution, and it was the shit show you'd expect until:
Benedict Arnold kicked ass at Saratoga.
The French came in (which incidentally caused B.A. to treason).

California is gone. Pray God sends drought and earthquakes and sends it into the sea. That's the only positive outcome there.

Perhaps N. California can be saved, but frankly there's too much weed.

it's too late. it is also too late for the state where all the commiefornia expats ended up.

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demographic succession away from a White majority is under process. This is ((their)) stealth succession.

The old pioneering families who established the US have been replaced by pogrom refugees of eastern europe. US is under new ownership and the population is being gutted and renovated to appease the new owners.

The stealth replacement of demography is to prevent goyim succession.