What would happen if the United States of America formally declared war on Canada?

What would happen if the United States of America formally declared war on Canada?

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Canada would surrender immediately no blood would be spilled.


Then we'd attack Israel together, and create world peace.

Daily reminder that pol was, is, and always has been, a Pro-Israel board

But what if the United States refused to accept all unconditional terms of surrender because maybe a little (or a lot) of blood needs to be spilled for a lesson to be truly learned?

absolutely nothing. you would all get tired and leave.

we would kick their ass and cuck their women

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This site has never been pro-Israel. I've been here since 2007. You kike revisionists need to fuck off.

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>cuck their women

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You know for a fact Africans and Mexicans don't do that good in cold weather

What are we going to fuck their husbands ??

Jesus dude get your shit together

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Day of the Leaf Blower. Fuck the Rake.

we would just pick you off Finnish style

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Neither do Pakis and faggots so it evens out.


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Stick to wasting bombs in the sand and shooting at allys Canadas Anglos would dream roll your taco army

Your mobility scooter doesn't have long enough range to reach Canada OP.

Bro have you seen our military budget, you must be delusional to think we don't have armed militarized mobility scooters that travel at record speeds. And Insulin that give our soldiers super strength.

The United States of America would be crushed by the sheer determination and ferocity of the Canadian volk

Their country is ruled by a literal faggot. Stop sucking their dick, nerd.

I'm kidding Dude. I'm certain your military has the most advanced mobility scooters in the world... and could reach Canada with battery power to spare.

>sheer determination and ferocity of the Canadian volk

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He's not gay you fucking retard. Trudeau has a wife and three children you Amerisubhuman. Trump on the other hand is literally a Jew

Canada would immediately apologize.

Cockburn will rise again.

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Just because he got a guy to fuck his wife doesn't mean he's not a flaming faggot.

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The am*rican dogs would die of congestive heart failure before even getting the privilege to engage the Canadian warrior in battle

well you had a nigger for president for 8 years so eat my shit

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But if you kill us we win.

US would start killing Canadians, which means they win.

How do we make Canada US territory so we can enjoy some pretty mountains without a border in the way?

Fair enough canacuck

okay it's settled then mutt

Mate I have no problem defending a country populated with white people against the dribbles of you ugly brown bastards mongrels don't beat pure breeds

If it was a REAL war. The US would easily roll into the major towns and cities with zero resitance.

And then they would deal with sniping and IEDs for about 30 years. And the entire world would boycott and do everything in thier power to scuttle you ...And you'd scratch your heads and say....why the fuck didn't we just keep *buying* all the shit in a normal fashion like we did before.

Your companies essentially have the same access to Canadian resources NOW as you do on American territory.

Just because Canadians don't cower before your might, and they are incredibly irritating because of that fact...... it's just not a strategically sound reason too invade.

Canadians lose

It's not even a real country anyway!

We must form a full assault, it's Canada's fault!

Canada's white population is smaller than ours.

I don't know, would the Canadians just surrender right away like the cucks they are or would they fight for cuckoldry?

Canada would win

Canada is full of chinks and poos mate, plus their entire population isn't even equal to one third of our white population

Syrup all over the place

No, their dogs.

Half of your country would literally give 0 fucks if we invaded.

With airsoft rifles?

The west would join the Americans

It would be the first war in the history of the world that started for absolutely no strategic reason whatsoever but sheer, unbearable IRRITATION and butthurt from Jow Forums banter


>big strong mutt comes accross the border
>unconditional surrender
>lets me fuck him in the ass

plz invade

>Syrup all over the place


they would wave a white flag immediately or get divided up between russia & the usa

this applies to leafs as well

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Many wouldn't. All immigrants who arrived after say, 1979... would just EVAPORATE!


Twisting history again, schmuley? Like that one time you did with the Germans, huh, no one believes that here.

Spent some time with Canadians downrange in Afghan.

Pretty solid shooters. I say we just leave em be.

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humanity will get rid of all anglos and their mutts in a large war between usa and allies vs commonwealth

yeah they would evaporate from the missiles bro

Canada would immediately surrender faster than France.

All the major cities would be easily conquered and could later be annexed. Wilderness regions would hold out but could be left alone to rot.

Then we could offer them paths to statehood in exchange for peace


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bunch of Canadian bitches in New York!

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>Iraq has 4th largest military in the world
>single handedly whip their ass in 24 hours halfway across the globe

Gee, I wonder what would happen to someone who is literally next door, has a fraction of Iraq's military, and is filled with SJW faggots/trannies?

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imagine not understanding this is irony stop larping like you have been here since 2007 you fucking sperg

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Citation needed

I wouldn't mind lifting her tariffs.

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The battle of Quebec, if it had gone Right, I would have been an American. Fml

>4th biggest
by conscripting everyone and giving max 1 week of training
non existant airforce and weak at best armor
>single handedly
it was a coalition of 32 countries
including most of first world and middle east

Nevertheless, it's a remarkably accurate image.



>implying China would let the US invade its soil
It would be World War 3, no question.

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And I think the US was in Iraq a little bit longer than 24 hours.

I distinctly remember moments of what seemed almost like panic at the time, that things were getting a bit out of control.

literally bombed it for 13 years +economic sanctions

Literally would never happen.

First of all, it wouldn't happen because Congress will not vote for it

Second, it would be worse than Iraq and Afghanistan combined. Not a single Canadian trooper would die in the initial "invasion" and you would see the biggest insurgency known to mankind.

Lets say it wasn''t quite as easy as the American had hoped ...although it went probably EXACTLY how the Israelis had planned.

The other half is Quebec and people who would be voting Democrat. Wait, that's a lot more than half.

>muh conscription

I guess that "elite republican guard" was just a myth, huh?

>a coalition of 32 counties

Sending an advisor and saying, "Hey, I helped!" means nothing. America pulled all the weight of that invasion, and the results show.

We raped your sandcoon ass and we'll do the same to any uppity snowcoons.

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I think the US would leave Quebec to their devices. I think Quebeqers would FREAK. They are a bit Anti American to begin with and they are deeply attached to their land and culture

Only the Newfoundland and The maritimes are comparable to this in English Canada.

Tiny PEI would probably fight to last man,, because they truly love thier culture and Newfoundland too... if they couldn't negotiate some sort of independence.

>Sending an advisor and saying, "Hey, I helped!" means nothing
i'm talking about 1991 war here, which is the real start of the war where iraq's army was 4th largest
many deployed large forces beside usa
in 2003 iraq didn't have the 4th largest nor even the 10th largest army

I don't think this is bait

>Lol fuck all of those foreign troops who died for us
With that attitude no one is going to help you in the future.

Nothing. Canada has like 300 soldiers and a rowboat. They will surrender like docile little faggots.

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And respect to you, too.

>muh deployment

Again, means nothing without involving action. Sending a token squad of soldiers who cheer from the sidelines gets no respect or acknowledgement.

>in 2003

Gee, I wonder which war I'm talking about when I say 4th largest military? Sandcoon reading comprehension at its finest. Might be a result of how hard we fucked over your country in the past. Sorry bro.

Well the army wasn't the issue. Of course the US will just destroy any standing army. Nobody is going too gather in a large formation and try to do a battle of the bulge.

They are just going to go into sneaky/snipey mode. And that get wearying for anyone after awhile.


Day of the rake when ?

I'm wondering myself?

When will this happen?

Anyone with the ability to fight the Americans in rural areas would side with them.

Every time we post in these brother war threads, a Jew laughs. A slight political hiccup and all of a sudden we are at each other’s throats. This is all it takes to fall apart? We need to remember that Canada and the States are unified in our struggle against the kikes. Don’t let Moshe win.

I would happily volunteer to run a death camp devoted to gassing all of you T_D faggots. Please stop coming to this board and pathetically and transparently attempting to re-write history so you can feel nice and comfy here like you do on your cancerous subreddit.

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>means nothing without involving action
you're stupid they did have plenty action
just a classic braindead american with 34 iq

You killing us would only make us stronger

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