
If there even are any on this board.

I ask you this one question.
What do you regret the most? What is your advice to people in their 20's, no memes, only true meaningful helpful advise that will help us.

I'm 23, very old for this board, and my advice is to throw your computer out of your window and become aware of what is with real experiences. Also sports are more important than you want to know. Internet and vidya are a jewish invention created to enslave us. Hitler didn't have internet.

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Work hard, save, invest, dont let bullshit feelings invite setback into your life. and yes by setback i mean women

Devote your 20s entirely to yourself. Travel, earn credentials, build experience, work toward being completely debt-free, and don't make major life choices like having kids or buying a house. Those serious life decisions are for your 30s.

Oh and stay in great shape. Gaining 5 lbs a year adds up over time.

The older folks - the ones who said save sex for marriage, the ones who said not to masturbate - listen to them. They don't know why but they are right.

yeah. This. Take this > true meaningful helpful advise

>I'm 23, very old for this board
very new for this board is more like it amirite
kys newfaggot
>in all fields

Stop fucking the farm animals you stupid kiwi

Waiting until 30 to have kids puts you at 50 by the time they are out if the house. Have kids while you are young if you can so you have the energy to keep up with them when they are older. You dont want them to see you as a weak old man by the time they are 20. I regret waiting until 30 to get married and have kids.

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I had kids mid-30s, I don't regret that at all. I regret not travelling a bit more when I was young enough to get a lot more out of it, though

Lose any excess weight. Don't eat food to feel better. Flit with cute girls. Get a good one and have kids.

Best advice: Don't be afraid to speak what you speak on Jow Forums

There are FAR more people that are aware of the JQ etc. than you realize

All of their power is predicated on us staying silent

Speak your mind to family and friends

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Invest in your education. Ensure you have a way to make a living. Do not disregard this advice. I’m 37.

Travel if you can, if that is what you are called to do, but avoid it being a masturbatory action of self service and hedonism. Our culture is being ripped apart by generations of self indulgent behavior like this.

You children will view you as old, weak and out of touch. Your advice to not follow the idols of our time will be disregarded. You will not be able to shield them from the wolves who lead them down the same mindless consumer culture that wants to drain your shekels. Your warnings will be ignored as the ramblings of an old man passed on by time.

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>What do you regret the most?
Not 100% invested in housing/stock.

t. 19 year old boomer

>I'm 23, very old for this board
advice for you faggots: y'all need to fucking read. Find the Jow Forums library and read nigga, read.

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Boomers are the ones I speak out against in that post you plebeian swine.

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Getting married.
It was bad, bad, bad. Should never have done it.
I'm 35 now.

32 year old boomer who has been here since forever

my advice is to read and post on POL 24/7

arguing with other geniuses here is the best use of your time

work, family, money, etc are all trivialities.

no familial legacy can compare to having your shitpost archived and turned into image macros for future generations

Pre-nup. Every time. No matter what.

Plan for your children. If you can't afford them don't fucking have them. My family has children in their late thirties because you have time to plan for college and leave something behind. They want to take care of you when you're decrepit and failing because you made sure you were mentally and financially ready for the responsibility of a family.

Only have children if you're ready to give up your life for them.

27 year old ancient fag here, been around since constanza.jpg was big.

>What do you regret the most?

My budding self-awareness.

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Buy a home as fast a possible. Renting is throwing your money into someone else's pocket.

You have your children early so they have more time to get their crap together and have their own kids before they have to face the burden of caring for you in your old age.

vape dmt
meditate on lsd
dedicate your life to intellectual pursuit and self discovery

>I'm 23
>I'm 23

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Try to stay put of prison.

I regret being a nice person. I should have been an asshole

Been here on Jow Forums since shortly before the zimzam trial, was on /a/ for years before that

Friends and family are important, don't hide your power level completely with people you care about, just adjust the output, they deserve to know you
Don't be afraid to be rough with your woman, respect on both sides is necessary, your woman needs to understand when she goes too far, and that as a man you will not take it from her, she needs to respect your masculinity
Always admit you are a racist, embrace it and make a joke about it

REEEEEEEEEE get out degenerate

Get married, have kids and spend as much time as possible with your parents before they are gone.

the older you get the more everything gets less interesting. 95% of the things that you enjoy now you will gradually lose interest in you'll come to realize friends don't mean shit. having fun and going out to do things becomes a chore or just bland. so have fun while your young. getting older sucks mostly.

unable to really redpill people. most think trump is their big savior now, the complete opposite is true - he will lead americans into ww3 and their end. but hey, maybe that's not so bad. other than that? nothing. this world ends soon enough.

suck my dick faggot
you deserve death

What is DMT like? An intense dream?

it's completely otherworldly
and shows you the framework we live in

wish i had my kids earlier. im 38 with a 5 and 2 year old. one good thing is they made me change my life, get fit, stop smoking, weed and bars. sad to think i wasted my 20s.

>he will lead americans into ww3 and their end
More like Civil War II, but at least we can rebuild in the rubble. There are many that thirst for blood, but many are eager to leave it all behind and rebuild, although they probably won't forgive what has happened to them.

Take something that is useful to other people in post secondary, not bullshit like political svoence or sociology. Fact is even carpenters and plumbers make more than most arts grads with less dept.

Find a religious woman.

Yeah, this is a Millennial-Gen X board. These uppity little scrubs think we can’t do internetz even though I had AOL and Windows ‘95 in the house when I was ten.

Respect your elders (Gen X and Millennials), and may God unite us against der ewige Boomer.

Spotted the Gen X Boomer lite 90s kid.

The 90s really were just a more pessimistic, surreal version of the sixties. “Gotta find yourself man.”

35 old fag here.
Some good replys so far.
The spend as much time with your parents is a good one.
Have kids - my son is my best friend.
But choose the mother of your children carefully -
Don't give a fuck about what women say or think. Do things for YOURSELF and your children.
Don't focus too much on shit you can't control

It's like any other tryptamine psychedelic except with no come up period if you smoke it. You go from 0-60 in 5 seconds flat. Other than that I don't really get the hype.

From time to time, you will fail in life. Learn to pick your ass up off the ground and figure out a way forward. That's really it. I'm 42.

Dont get married

I wish someone had told me to stop being such a damn pussy. MAN THE FUCK UP.

I would have to agree with this assessment. The 90's were still better than what has come since though sad as that is.

Do psychedelic

Can you answer a question of mine? Most of the people I know irl that post here were on /b/ back in the mid to late 2000s. Did you migrate here from /b/ or have you been on pol from the beginning?

/pol is one of the lowest iq boards
From day one

you didn't break through then

Make your town better, don't move, don't let your friends move. Stick together, be honorable, and volunteer time to improve your communities. Don't smoke, don't drink. Always take your swim trunks when traveling, don't forget to brin a towel.

Why? I'm 22 when would you recommend I get married and have kids?

Find happiness in yourself. Don't rely on anyone else, especially a woman, to provide it.

Stop asking for advice and live your fucking life. You can't control shit and you will either die young or get old and no one will want to fuck you, so get busy now, faggot.

When you stop feeling the need to ask others.

women marry a man thinking, I can change him - but she can't
men marry the woman thinking, she'll never change - but she will

Sorry but I don't take german advice user.

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don't marry.
if you want kids go fuck around

>Being weak at age 50


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Just asking for advice I'll prob have them at like 28-30

And hitler lost

No. You plan and take care of your children because you are ready to sacrifice your goals and time to foster a better generation. Haveing children young just to 'keep up' is what is currently destorying our society. There's no forethought to any action. With age comes knowledge and stability.

"Never urinate uphill while you are barefooted."

these digits dont lie.

Leave the drugs and booze alone. You can be happy sober.

I regret partying as much as I did. Drinking and some mary jane. Took a long time to admit I had a problem. If I'd gotten into AA in my 20s or 30s and stayed there, I'd have had a completely differently life. Still have had a blessed life in spite of my addictions, and have been clean now for six years. Follow the example of Trump, don't drink, smoke, or do drugs. SxE

A still tongue makes a wise head.

that's what you say know...

51, female here. Advice. Switch off your TV, take at least 20 hours of each 24 "off" from using the internet, take every "news article" with a grain of salt, question racism but also question progressive demands that you question racism, go to church once in awhile, but join no religion, vote against anything that will support or enable gays, remain single as long as you can if male, marry as soon as you can if female, raise healthy children but be aware they will be the greatest financial investment of your lives, be a touch cynical, but never forget to just reach out and help someone different from you at least once every two weeks, maintain a belief in the God of your choice, investigate European paganism, reject (((anything they offer you))), not all blacks are bad, their diction's a clue, ALL Hispanics are bad, Asians are awesome, invest in real estate, keep some cash on hand at all times, never put all you own in a retail bank account, try to stay as libertarian as possible, view Republicans and Democrats with equal cynicism if American, listen to oldfag music, ignore any music recorded after 1980, kill any pedo you see, Jow Forums is correct, plebbit sucks, stay strong, support your race, be good to widows and orphans and the poor, watch a few astronomy shows now and again, always read a hard cover book at least once a year, take a walk in the woods at least once a month, boomers are evil, Generation X was back-stabbed, Millennials are dauphins chosen to mislead the world because they are weak, you now know this, know the value of a good day's work, volunteer 10 percent of your work and income, good fences make good neighbors, always pay yourself first, read and own The Last Rich Man In Babylon, white women are not as good of sex as you have been led to believe, Jewish men just think they are and want you to believe it to, money really does solve a lot of problems but not ALL OF THEM, and finally you were lied to, the end.

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dont waste your life kid
its that simple

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Eat your vegetables.

Trust no one.

bee yourself

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Learn to shoot and get some guns. Start saving as soon as you possibly can and save hard, although it won't matter because the world ends in

Oldfag here, 42 years. Buy guns, lots of them. Clean them, love them, be firm but gentle with them. Above all, become an expert marksman and spend as much time in the woods practicing as you can. Browse Jow Forums once a day and there's always oldfags giving good life advice and weapon advice.

Might I add to this wise user's post, cultivate fresh drinking water. Now.

find a good woman and build a strong family. top priority.

Don't do drugs or alcohol. Get into religion just enough to catch a pure innie girl.
The most destructive thing I ever did was play around with roasties.

I see your trips, but gotta disagree. Had my kid days before my 30th birthday. I'm 45 now and am probably in better shape now than I was then. Playing ball with my son keeps me active.

Put money away. It doesn't matter what or how, just get into the habit. All the little stupid shit you buy adds up.
I'm not saying don't treat yourself to a nice meal or something now and again. Take the money you'd spend on a night drinking and put it in a can. For a couple weeks, do this - just as an experiment - and put all your spare change in it. The money you'd spent on a quick fast food meal. A coffee or beer. A candy bar. Then, after a few weeks, count out what is in the can; you'll be surprised at how much you spend on frivolous stuff. Then take that money and make the jew-magic work for you.

I think the two main things I regret is not telling my deadbeat parents to fuck off earlier and not investing in Bitcoin. Now I'm 35, don't have a wife, will never have kids, working retail for the past decade, have no savings, and living through the Grim reality of knowing that this is how my life is going to be in till I die. I had a shity start with homelessness from majority of my best years so like everybody, I'm an unusual case

Learn to meditate. Make it a daily habit. Stay out of debt, pay cash for everything. Save as much as possible, keep a good portion in precious metals. Stay away from any and all commitment. People change...

t. 37yo oldfag

Anytime someone tells you they want out of a relationship, this isn't working, I don't think we should be together anymore, etc. Don't ever waste another single second of your life or mental energy trying to rescue that relationship or ponder what you did wrong, what you could do better etc. Just say, okay, mourn it quickly, and get back out there and getchya dick wet son.

when you find a good woman

Get on as many welfare programs as possible. Sleep through WW3 and the bad economy. Only awaken when it's over. Trust me, you're not missing anything.

Good job on staying clean user. Six years is something to be proud of keep it up.

Dont fall for a bad relationship. Dont lie. Go for that degree you want and work hard for it. Dont let your body go to waste, exercise and reap the benefits. Be kind but not stupid. Respect your parents. Dont get addicted to drugs. Dont cheat. When in a relationship, work on it and take nothing for granted. Dont give up. Listen only to those who matter and care. Dont rush into marriage or having kids but dont wait too long. Save money. Invest a bit of it. Support locals. Defend what's yours. Cook, dont order. Have eyecontact when discussing with people. Smile more. Stand by your opinions. Be thankful.

Google adhd and find out if you have it. If you don’t great, if you do, getting the right medication will save you decades of misery and failure.
Also, buy a small affordable flat or house in a not too shit area. In 15 years time when you want a family this will put you on the housing ladder, it’s an easy plan that’s unlikely to backfire. Try to plan for you wife not having to work full time after kids, a stress free wife with plenty of free time leads to a happy, well cared for family


I'm sorry you have a silver daddy fetish and read tom clancy books in your spare time bc you're alone but come on
Fuck off

Welfare degrades both spirit and mind. Avoid it completely. It's an easy trap. Strengthen yourself to the point you not only believe but you know to accept welfare is to trade the captainry of your soul. Many do not believe this. I am of Black and German descent. I know better and was raised better. Here also is what my German grandmother taught me:

1. First thing in the morning when you get out of bed, make your bed. A straightened bed greets its master at the end of each workday like a butler on his toes greets his employer. Its sight's a boost to the blood and soul. Test this and see if it's wrong.

2. Here's where many niglets go wrong. Comb one's hair every day, each morning and each night. Poorly maintained and uncombed hair leads to destruction of values and habits and the destruction of character and the soul. Damned if this lady wasn't right. She had many more but.......

3. Good fences make good neighbors. Was she a coalburner? Not necessarily. It was one of her daughters who intermarried - not she. She noticed early I took after the German habits in the family and took me aside and taught me more of them. Now out of four dozen niglets I am the only one in the top earning bracket, happy with my life.

Learn from old Germans. The first rule is life is hard. We Americans have become soft and strayed away from this basic philosophy. Abandon debt, shy away from convenience and embrace what is hard. Pain toughens you. Anything that says differently is evil.

are you trying to be condescending?

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>very old for this board
What gives you this impression? maybe its the Time Zones but when I am on here in the US I see enough older posters to allow me at nearly 55 to not feel like I am a toy store or secondary school by accident.

As for your question I have a major regret .. I chose to walk away from the convetional way of life of my peer group in an upper middle class suburban life and was never able to recover my footing in life . I would probably be in very desperate circumstances had my older parents not left me some little money with which I bought a home some 17 years ago but I have no savings for retirement and large debts relying currently exclusively on self employment income to get by while many of my old schoolmates are very, very well off indeed.

part of the cause for my diversion was a personal family tragedy and I suppose I was overly melodramatic in my responses and became an iconoclastic bohemian loner while everyone else was in College building careers and families.

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>ALL Hispanics are bad

kek true

Dont knock up some bimbo and get stuck paying child support to a kid you never see.
Go to burning man at least once and trip balls.
wear sunscreen.


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Don't stop challenging yourself
No really, even if youre in a shit deadend job take up a hobby or go for a promotion at work
I got into a really good sales job and spent years turning down promotions and smoking weed every night and i live comfortably but im bored down in my soul and it sucks

32 years isnt boomer

it gets worse

no ones asking you boomer ho