Depression is NOT REAL

People are just too fucking self absorbed. We need a global war. Human DNA does not change that fast to account for the # of weak faggots

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Sorry but I am not convinced.

>Human DNA does not change that fast
What does that have to do with depression being real? Let’s grant that the increase in the rate of reported depression has nothing to do with genetics. So what? Do illnesses not effect you unless they are genetic? What’s your point?

Have you ever considered that depression is real but it stems from narcissistic self absorption, a loss of community, secularism, and a lack of self-fulfillment? Depression is something that has always existed, but the modern worlds degeneracy has brought it on to the masses at rates we have never seen before.


>Codex Alimentarius
>Lowering Magnesiums levels to dialy intake of 150 mg
>Pushing Calcium levels up to daily intake of 800 mg
>Calcium is used to contract muscles with your nerves
>Magnesium is used to relax muscles with your nerves
>Calcium deficiency will lead to dopy, relaxed, lazy, chill people
>Magnesium deficiency will lead to stressed nerves, causing depression, anxiety, anger, irritability, fatigue, etc. etc.
>Foodkikes and pharmakikes work together to screw you and get you on antidepressants
>A recent example is Monsanto merging with Bayer

It is simple malnutrition by design that causes depression.

Only concrete, objective, factual information matters.

Go fuck yourself.

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It is all in your head. Just shake it off

not to Jow Forums

light pollution has killed the human spirit

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Ok, you’ve localized the problem to a particular part of the body. It’s in the head. That’s true. But how does that make it any less real? If anything, that suggests that it is real- it’s a real problem with a real organ, namely the brain.

If you broke a bone in your leg, you probably wouldn’t appreciate someone telling you to “Just shake it off, it’s all in your leg.”

Depression IS real and the cure is a bullet.

You can't think your way out of a broken leg. you can think your way out of depression ("therapy").

If I said I had depression, can you prove I dont? I can't fake a broken leg.

Same thing with the anxiety bs. kids taking drugs for feeling

But depression has an effect on the kinds of thoughts you think. Many people would be unlikely to think depression-curing thoughts without therapy and/or medication. (Likewise, they would be more likely to think depression-inducing thoughts.)

If you think you have full control over your thoughts, then I would invite you to try to NOT think about pink elephants, and see how far you get.

Depression's always been about lmao

Obviously you've never been depressed to the point you can't work or sleep. Either that, or you have no idea what depression means, and you're depressed yourself.

>global war
yeah that'll make depressed people much happier I'm sure

Also the only reason a depression claim is much harder to falsify than a broken leg claim is that the brain is a much more complex organ than your bone. A sufficiently knowledgeable neuroscientist could in theory look at your brain (and maybe parts of your endocrine system as well) and determine whether or not you have depression.

Depression is real, and it's a bitch, but you really have to be a useless fucker to let it develop. hit the nail on the head. I can tell you I had a nasty bout of depression for about a year and a half. Thing was I want taking care of myself, I wasn't doing anything productive, and I wasn't anywhere close to the person I wanted to be, and i wasn't making an effort to change and of that. Never tried therapy or antidepressants so I don't have anything to say about that but I can say this: if you are depressed, fight back. Do everything it keeps you from doing- go outside, be social, make friends, stop watching porn, eat healthy, get a job, get off your computer, get a hobby. All that shit your dad annoyed you with, now would be a good time to start listening

depression is real but ur right we have too much time to reflect on it. Not our fault tho, we just will always have depression and ever increasing time for to reflect on the feels.

>Too fucking self absorbed
The illness you're thinking of is narcissism, leaf.

Self narcissism is not the only cause of depression. Probably not very often.
It's actually narcissists who create depression for others often through abuse and selfishness.

Tell me. Someone claims they have depression. Anyway I can tell that person they dont?


Literally all u have to do is say u have it. Not falsifiable.

Therapy only works if it's not actually depression but just situation sadness or past trauma. Clinical Depression is caused by a lack of neurotransmitter serotonin or in some cases brain tumors disrupting proper functioning. Left untreated, Depression can cause a physical reduction in size of the Hippocampus.

Therapy did nothing for me, but Zoloft changed my life. I had no reason to be depressed but I was. I have a home, a job, a girlfriend I love, and enough free time to do what I want, I still felt miserable and empty, emotionless. Lack of Serotonin or Dopamine does that to you.

>Therapy did nothing for me, but Zoloft changed my life.

tbqh i'd rather just die than be so dependent on the pharma jew.

generally, i don't see any reason to push myself for the sake of a system that isn't working for me in the first place. there's nothing for me here. i'd rather die than get a 9-5 programming job and i just don't care how unreasonable that sounds to anyone.

Hey, it's your life man, do what you wanna do with it. I thought the same way as you up until I caved in and started taking meds. The first two weeks were a hell of anxiety and nausea but now I feel like I finally have my life back. I'm out of the hole now and life, while not perfect, is okay again. I can enjoy it.

i'm glad you recovered, but that kind of "recovery" isn't for everyone.

People dont have depression. You can be depressed but depression is not an illness it is a fucking state of mind. My ex dumped me and recently shacked up with a new guy and I'm not handling it well but I don't have depression. Shit sucks and I'm depressed.
>we need a global war
It is so sad how badly we want this. Global war is always seen as horrible but I would gladly welcome it if it meant our world was shook even just a little bit

You are right. I don't share that experience. I have no idea what depression is like. Thank god for my DNA and thank god I don't share that experience. Sucks to be you dude. Really.

>Human DNA does not change that fast
EXACTLY. Human DNA hasn't changed to adapt to modern conditions. Hence, an epidemic of depression.

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yes. we are TOO spoiled. I agree. That is why we need dire environment

using a pic a retarded low IQ nigger who claims to be a genius and makes money off right wing uneducated hacks to make them feel superior

oh shut up. it's not the depressed who have stone-age DNA.

it's the rest of you dumb niggers who make life miserable and not worth living with your stupidity and pettiness

Depression is not real.

It is easily demonstrated.

"I have depression"

That is all you need to have this "illness"

Name one other disease where u can claim it one hour and not claim it the next.

It is like genderfluid BS. All fabricated in your mind

>yes. we are TOO spoiled. I agree. That is why we need dire environment
That's not how I would put it. Modern economic conditions have brought about social alienation. Even people who have "friends" don't have particularly intimate relationships. Even nuclear family members are alienated from each other. The condition we existed in for hundreds of thousands of years was living in a large extended family unit.

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So stop incentivising single motherhood. Almost all these "depressed" weaklings come from broken homes.


Well that's the crux of the issue right there. Sometime, long ago, some group of kikes got people to start calling mental problems "illnesses" and we completely forgot the fact that unlike real illnesses, you can literally think away mental "illness". Now we think we need doctors and drugs to treat them as if they are actual illnesses.

All I know is that I'm consistently good at making poor life choices.

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Yes it is. Study and read more, ignorant faggot. Neurons get stuck firing in certain patterns and cause hormonal/endocrine problems. Belittling people doesn't help them. Help them so they can help you help us help you help us all.

Until the modern work, people had real problems to deal with and they didn't have he luxury of being depressed. Sitting in a basement surrounded by your own demons meant you starved to death 200 years ago. If it meant the same thing now, we'd have a lot less depressed people.

The "# of weak faggots" isn't that large comparatively speaking and it seems to be endemic only in developed countries so ask yourself WHY THAT IS.

Depression is real but it's a sickness that comes from over-civilisation and a loss of drive.

These Neurons became sticky very recently? Hmmm.

If I say I have depression, can you prove I don't?

>Lack of Serotonin or Dopamine does that to you.

No, being an ungrateful faggot with little appreciation for how good your life actually is does that to you.

The neuro transmitter bullshit is just a further effort to legitimize the made up diagnoses.

If you you think you're depressed, you are. If you think you're not depressed, you aren't. What did serotonin have to do with that? That's right, you don't sound like such a pussy when you can blame your made up problems on a "chemical imbalance"

You're a bitch too. You live better than most kings did a few centuries ago and you complain the system does nothing for you. A decent human being asks what he can give, not what he can take. It's pretty clear you're not one of those.


if depression is a "chemical imbalance", is there a test for it? and If a "depressed" person fails that test, does that mean he is not depressed?

Depression is just like gender identity. U can make it up and claim it is "biochemical" yet people won't support scientific testing for actual diagnosis.

i don't give a damn what you think.

I was depressed and I am not depressed now, though my life is mostly much much worse.
I can tell you that it is real. Among other things it is like a kind of mental retardation.

I think people would be more or less immune to it if they were simply raised properly. No abuse, good nutrition, exercise, solid two parent homes.

I don't give a fuck if you do or not. I'm harsh, but I'm giving you the secret to solve your problems: gratitude and service to something greater than yourself.

You're the one here that would rather die than have a job.

You're right. It's crybaby disease. We all know who the biggest crybabies in history are. Let's start telling them to fuck off.

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>flag doesn't check out
wonder if you think schizophrenia is real?

>is like a kind of mental retardation

Can you be mentally retarded on Monday but not on Tuesday?

Because that is what depressed people are literally claiming.

>Depression is NOT REAL
It is. We observe it on injured animals. Its function is to prevent injured animals from going out looking for food and worsen their injuries.
Just because the diagnosis is abused by self-diagnose-by-google faggots and lazy medical professionals it doesn't mean its not real.

Its observed in captive animals too.

This is true. Depression is just a scam (((doctors))) use to get their patients addicted to anti-depressants

Depression is real. Sorry champ.

Define schiztophrenia in terms of a multidimensional universe in which Hell and demons actually exists that a person is able to process but a normie can't conceive of. That's not a disease, its brilliance. The idiot is the person who believes there actually is a thing called schizophrenia.

Psychiatry is another fucking disease of the kike.

It's why Iran will soon dominate the Middle East. That's not crazy, that's a fact.

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Deal with it and move on. You think that you only male who got dumped? I've been dumped and I have dumped. Jesus, grow a pair of balls. Don't you have pride in yourself?

So you not only deny that depression exists, but insist that the entire category of “mental illness” is a sham? Great, I guess all the schizophrenics are lying about those voices. Autists just need to start acting normal. And retards just need to study harder. It’s “all in their head”, right?

very nice Timmy

>Its function is to prevent injured animals from going out looking for food and worsen their injuries

What kinda pseudo-evolutionary biology is this?

>My jeans were evolved to fit my legs. How do I know? because my jeans fit my legs.

pretty much the nutshell of all the storytellers of evolutionary biology/psychology. no scientific proof. NOT FALSIFIABLE.

It's complete bullshit. The Phrenology of the new millennium.

How do you explain the long lasting nature of depression then. I'm pretty sure kike doctors won't even diagnose depression if you've only been feeling down for a few days or weeks.

Further, your evolutionary explanation seems to forget why the animal goes out and searches for food in the first place--because it will starve if it doesn't. Coupleing that with the long lastin nature of depression seems to call into question your argument.

Further,how the fuck does one observe depression in animals. Even in humans diagnosing depression is a subjective game. It seems like it would be even more ridiculous with a creature that can't communicate with language.

Really. You’re gonna bite the bullet on this? All mental illness is a lie? Of all the organs in our body, the brain is the only one which never malfunctions in any way?
>All those old people with Alzheimer’s and dementia are just faking it bro

most "evolutionary" biology/psychology/sociology is Complete BS. It is literally storytelling. Not testable, not verifiable.

Same with Freud. Circular reasoning.

>How do we know depression is real?
because animals don't venture out when they are injured.
>Why don't animals venture out when they are injured?
because they are depressed.

Rinse and Repeat.

Nice thread OP; can I offer a different understanding?

>Depression, as characterized by a melancholic state of mind/being, is real. People suffering in this state, who may wish to change, may want to explore the possibility that they are either too self-absorbed, or, not self-absorbed enough.

I'd appreciate any feedback on this explanation.

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Depression is the new "gender identity"

No evidence required. Just tell the doc you are depressed and you will be given meds. No testing.

My problem is with faggots claiming depression is an "illness" and they need special treatment (both medical and societal).

It is complete madness. I can literally wake up tomorrow, go to the doctors, and tell him I am depressed and he will give me meds. THEN I will use his diagnosis to claim disability benefits (I know someone who did this).

OP is a faggot

If depression isn't real, then why does it cause people to commit suicide?

I don't think you're being completely fair to evolutionary biology/physiology. What if a new behavior was observed that called into question the current mainstream explanation? Wouldn't that be falsification? Evidence is observed and the model is modified to best fit all the evidence we have. That's a core part of science and sometimes there are not experiments that can be designed to test a model (as is the case with evolution). If the only thoughts we're going to entertain are ones that can be proven by science, we're going to know a lot less and what we know will be a lot less interesting.

everyone who has depressions wants to get sympathy so fuck them they are like psychopaths only caring about themselves and not their people

You really don’t understand how the brain and body works

People murder and kill themselves because the "devil" told them to do it. is the devil real? or are they batshit crazy?

>everyone who has depressions wants to get sympathy

I don't think that's the case at all.

Depression is real but it's just a very natural response to a hopeless meaningless world. Things are beyond fucked in every way and the eternal jew has already won. Take the blackpill and taste truth, taste the bliss of letting go

You can do the exact same thing with schizophrenia. Go to the doctor and tell him you hear voices, and they tell you to do dangerous things sometimes. Fill out some forms and answer all the questions in the right way, and you’ll get some meds for the schizophrenia you made up.

But unlike depression, I’m sure you’ll acknowledge that schizophrenia is a real thing because it has a scientific-sounding Latin name, right?

Feels real.

they should stop talking about it and get a therapist instead they make youtube videos about how depressed they are to generate the income and get sympathy

Your ignorance is honestly shocking, do some research before you start spouting shit like this online.

the evolutionary branch is still too intellectually dishonest for me to put any serious weight to it.

Especially if someone is using it to support that depression is evolutionary feature we need to deal with and respect it.

I don't think anyone disagrees about the realness of depression in the sense you're talking. Clearly, the states of mind we describe as depression exist. The debate being had here and more gerally are about the causes of and what to do about depressed mental states, which is closer to your idea of aborted v. not absorbed enough.

On that, I find it difficult to attribute depressed mental states to someone for not being self absorbed enough. What does that look like? I suppose you might mean someone who thought of others so much that he didn't think of himself, even to the result of not eating and dying. Even then, though, he wasn't depressed, he starved.

I disagree, I think it is real but much more rare than people think. Everyone says they are "depressed" but self diagnosis doesn't mean shit and most people are just experiencing sadness like a functioning human and figure they can take advantage of it.

I agree that the example you put forward is pretty low but I would say the majority of depressed people don't behave in that manner, a symptom of depression is guilt so many depressed people tend to hide or cover up their depression.

When people say they're depressed they usually just mean sad, depressed really means apathetic.

I can agree with that.

Here's one I like:
Humans who evolved in norther climates had to wear more clothes to protect themselves from the weather. However, we still need sunlight to thrive so people who has lighter skin in these norther climates survived because they were able to absorb more of the limited amount of sunlight that actually hit their skin. Northern climates are also tougher to live in due to the seasons. It takes larger brains and more intelligence to plan for food through the winter so you don't starve. Hence, light skin is associated with intelligence.

Yeah depression is much more than being sad, it's a complete lack of interest in most things or the inability to experience anything positive in life.

good point.

We as a society has created an "illness" out of a normal emotion: Sadness.

It is NORMAL to feel SAD.

Social media has warped what is a realistic expectations. You tend to see vacation, party, marriage, etc pics and you start to think that is how your life should be 24/7.

You don't see that most of them feel sadness like you and 99% of their life is not on social media because it is fucking boring.

Self diagnosis is really prevalent these days. We really should have a medical test that can show clinical depression. We are currently just going by people's words.

Thanks Dad you have such great advice. Point I was trying to make is it's a fucking emotion you dumbass and no one can 100% control their emotions. I was literally saying it's a frame of mind that anyone can pull themselves out of so thanks for the good advice that I definitely never thought of before

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Please explain this disparity with the "depression is a physical illness" lens.

You can't control your emotions directly. But you can set the stage for them. Anger is typically triggered by unexpected situations, so if you start to expect situations that make you angry (like a car cutting you off) you'll be less angry when it happens

And when your woman left you you can focus on what's still good about your life and you can go to Jow Forums and win the breakup. Both will make you happy in the long run.

That's bullshit. You can control how you can feel its fucking easy. Want to feel happy? Do something that makes you happy. See. It's that fucking easy. The only reason you're 'depressed' is because you're a do nothing bitch who whines about being sad instead of doing something about it. Grow the fuck up and stop being a faggot.

I just want to say to everyone who is "depressed" reading this thread.

WE are the ones who care about you. If people are coddling your self destructive behavior by framing it as a "disease" and there is nothing wrong with your mental state and it is "biologic" and you need meds for it, they are not on your side.

Stop being a faggot. I mean it.

Are you retarded? Female brains are different than male brains, so it makes perfect sense that they might get some illnesses at different rates. For example, boys are much more likely to be autistic. (I hope you at least accept that autism is an illness.)

If you need meds for it, then ther is something wrong with. That’s why you’re taking meds.