I found you nazis via Vice

I found you nazis via Vice.
The racism here is truly horrifying.
The violence at the recent Tommy Robinson protest really opened my eyes to how dangerous white supremacy continues to be. Originally, I thought that the far-right's hatred for people of color only manifested in words, and occasional acts of terrorism by extremists, and while this is bad enough, the violent act of groups of young white men attacking agents of the government has made me concious of the fact that the threat of the KKK and Nazism continues to be very real and is a direct result of letting this ideology fester. I, as a Jewish female, have had experiences with anti-Semitism in the past, but never have I feared for my safety until this. No one in a Western country in 2018 should have to be concerned about their security because religion, ethnicity, gender identity, and sexual orientation, as I now am. According the Equalities Act, we are all entitled to the same rights as any other man. It's always been that way even if certain people didn't believe it at the time. Diluting this immortal declaration with fascist rhetoric, even jokingly, will only cause more pain and discourse for not only minority groups, but white people too. Equality is the only path to a truly happy and successful world. Now, despite all things, I don't dislike anyone here as I've been taught by the Talmud to love all, I just hope that you learn how dangerous your behavior is. Consider yourself in the shoes of a person of Jewish descent and how you can't escape the racism (and sexism) even on a political discussion board, and while I know that sounds really cheesy, it is a helpful exercise if you take it seriously. Ending here, I want to thank everyone who actually took the time to read this even if you are a troll, and to POC in particular, I apologize on behalf of all white people for these embarrassingly outdated and insensitive posts.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Yeah so don't antagonize us you pussy

You’re a faggot. EDL is Zionist controlled op. When the Nazis come, you’ll fucking know about it


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you will be here forever


really tho

and this would of get you cruxified here


honestly its not a big deal

just look at /v

almost 80% of /v posts come from r/gaming’s front page these days and literally more than half of /v cross posts on r/gaming

you know
its kinda crazy

many people cross post from reddit to herenand vice versus

infact these websites are almost the same except for user ids post history and post voting

ive been here for almost 2 months and really besides the excessive racism and women hating that goes on here it’s basixlly the same but i guess so of its inevadible with the anonymity here

i just dont know why the hate of reddit exists here. something must of happened before i started using these sites i guess

irregardlessly, we can work to move past this i feel

Post more kittens

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>Jewish female
>apologize on behalf of white people
You can't have it both ways, sweetie.

tick tock

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Either you are a LARPER and need to piss off or you are genuine in which case understand that in this world all races including your own express tribal mentality and in group preferences. Demonizing us for doing so will only fan the flames of rage. Good luck during the next pogrom.

>Faking reddit spacing to bait people into calling you reddit
Mondays, am I right OP?

One of us.
One of us.
One of us.

tits or GTFO

too obvious bongbro

Kill yourself.

Actually, even if people are naturally racist, that just shows the need for extra programmes to allow people to move past that. Just in the same way that we have taught men to not be violent and not rape women.

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You don't happen to have a Menorah lying around your home, do you?

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You're going to get a lot of hate for this post but let me make an actual somewhat coherent message to you. First off, far left "activism" has created this new breed of KKK members and neo Nazis. I'm from the deep south and the KKK was fucking dying on its knees, then SJWs came in and forced their extreme values on everyone. They claim to work towards progressivism yet silence people they don't like, talk about quality but constantly say all white people should kill themselves and say they aren't communists but want to restrict things they don't like and constantly protect against stupid things like unrealistic standards for women in video games. I voted for Trump out of spite,not because I agreed with everything he said. It's gotten so bad to the pint where people who were moderate conservatives are becoming Nazi cultists that hate everything even remotely criticising them and thus become just as bad as the leftists that drove them to become what they are. This is you're fault. Social justice used to be a noble cause but is dead thanks to all those idiots, like yourself, that take in everything Vox says as truth and refuse to look at the other side of the story because you don't like it. Most people protesting in the UK are deluded I will admit, Tommy Robinson is a Jackass that broke his parole rules, but are protesting for free speech not Nazism. Most of them.

>no greentext

Just seriously fuck off til you know what youre actually getting into next time

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Also this

Sooner you faggots realize you created your own demize the better chance you have of stopping it

Now kys

Your time is over. You destroy nations.

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1. Once you go to Jow Forums you never really leave. At the very least you take the red pills with you. Most people never leave though, so I won't be surprised if you stay.
2. All groups express in-group preference, Jews are some of the biggest racists around.
3. Not all the people you see posting hate here are actually real - there are many, many paid and unpaid shills who post things to provoke reaction or "raid" to make Jow Forums look bad.
4. This is now a red pill thread, everyone post racial crime statistics and assorted RPs.

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>I, as a Jewish female, have had experiences
with anti-Semitism in the past

So you harassed some Palestinians?

You Khazar liars aren't even Semitic. Your whole race is a made up abomination.

TL;DR: I'm a pussy who is scared of people in a chinese imageboard. Fuck off niggerfaggot, people like you get the rope first.

Reported to the metro police for not having a loicense for posting in this white supremacist board.

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Find a hiv poz asshole being fucked. Suck that fuck you Kike.

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>Sees file name


Shut up nigger

Lmao good one

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Heres some stuff i got from TGSNT

Germany Invaded Poland as punishment for the slaughter, rape, and deportation of ethnic Germans in their own former territory that was lost in ww1.
During invasion, Hitler offered surrender to the military leader in Warsaw on three different occasions. He refused all.

Jews had almost complete control over the Weimar Republic in Germany despite making up only two percent of the population. Berlin was also known as the sex capital of the world in 1930 with the first homosexual theaters opening in the 1920s in Berlin by Jewish intellectuals. This began the burning of books. The burnings were fueled by hatred for the democratic parties that could do nothing to get Germany out of depression. And hatred for communist parties only looking for control. Porn was also burned alongside these things.

In Russia, Jewish owned banks (an odd group to ally with communists) funded communist movements in Order to overthrow the government.

Before raising the concept of concentration camps, there were two ways Germany wanted to get rid of Jews. The Madagascar plan; sending the Jews en masse to Madagascar. Or the Palestine plan. Sending the Jews en masse to the soon to be Israel. These were negotiated with Zionists until they stabbed Germany in the back. Declaring that Judea was at war with Germany. In response, 3 days later, Germany boycotted Jewish products. Thus the writing of ‘JUDE’ on Jewish owned businesses.
With Jews obviously not wanting to cooperate and rather wanting to take Germany by storm, the only choice Germany had was to place them in concentrated camps. Thus the hiring of Heinrich Himmler and mass killings.

“Secret government documents reveal that the British received over two dozen offers of peace between 1939 and 1941. Hitler greatly felt that Britain was too similar a country to invade or bomb. Seeing he had no other choice but to bomb Britain, Hitler insisted they only bomb military installations. However, on the 4th of September, he explained to the Reichstag why after months of British bombers targeting German civilians, he had to respond in kind.

Despite having 1 million Australians, 1 million Canadians, and 2 million Indians at their disposal, Britain will still push for the USA to enter the war. Yet polls show the US has no interest to enter yet another European conflict.

The Soviet Union committed multiple racial atrocities shortly after coming to power in 1917. One of these minorities were the Cossacks (eastern Ukrainians) . thousands of Cossack soldiers ban together on the eastern front under axis flags. Being lead by the German, Helmuth von Pannwitz.
When he found that multiple mass executions and rapes were caused by his troops in Croatia and Serbia, he made and order. Dated October 20, 1943, that any soldier to commit such crimes was to be executed.

Hundreds of thousands of native Russians/Ukrainians willingly fled from communism and road with the fleeing German army. The refugees knew that if they stayed behind, they would either be executed, raped, or banished to Siberia/a gulag. One interview with a female refugee said “they never let us down. Ever.”

In the British 1991 war crimes act, Russians who committed horrible atrocities upon poles were granted immunity in the Isle. Because according to the paper;

“War crimes in definition were only committed by Germans.”

After the fall of Berlin, Thousands of nazi soldiers and sympathizers were held in POW camps. In Buchenwald, Germans are all forced to view things that the allies had claimed to find when reaching Germany. These most namely were the thousands of corpses of people who died of tuberculosis in the concentration camps. Only months before, the Soviet Union announced that it had found shower rooms used as gas chambers on the eastern front. Germans are now led around the camps. Shocked and dazed at what they see. It was the beginning of de-nazification.

The Americans claim they have even more evidence of atrocities. A lampshade made out of human skin, the shrunken heads of two polish prisoners, and pieces of tattooed skin are displayed to a sickened crowd.
In time there will be accounts of soap made out of Jewish prisoners. And of systematic gassing on both fronts.

Admiral Dönitz and the NSDAP leaders are placed on trial for supposed war crimes. For the first time since the Middle Ages, government officials will stand trial for their lives for losing a war.
Recently released documents prove decades of denial. And that Germans suffered horribly in British captivity. Thousands through a unit called the London Cage, Run by lieutenant Colonel Alexander Scotland. The London Cage was just one of a series of nine cages in which Germans experienced torture.

At Nuremberg, 1946, the allies “star witness” was Rudolf Höss. Former commandant at auschwitz. Which the allies claimed he had confessed to the murder of 3 million Jews.
The allies knew that the films they used as evidence showing the dead in concentration camps were mostly victims of Typhus disease. And was intentionally misleading.

1 4 8 8 DOTR soon

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This was revealed by the British sergeant, Bernard Clark. Who bragged about torturing Höss and threatening his family. Modern science will determine that the horrific claims from Buchenwald and Bergen-Belson to be allied propaganda. Propaganda that many, if not most, believe to this day.
The lampshade would prove to be goatskin. And the shrunken heads would conveniently disappear before they could be tested.
And though other things, such as the articles of human tattoo skin would prove equally false, it still remains embedded in holocaust mythology to this day.
Today, at Buchenwald, there is a sign saying no gassing ever took place there.

Yet the only places that would apparently have had gassing would also be the only places where no such investigations were allowed to take place... the Soviet occupied eastern front.
As for what is possibly the most dubious piece of holocaust trivia, the humans made into soap, Deborah Lipstsadt would admit in an article for the holocaust museum that it was a fabrication.

With no video footage, photographs, or even an autopsy of anyone who was a supposed victim of gassings, it can only be relied on the Soviets and witnesses who weren’t cross examined at Nuremberg to get any account of such events.

However, some inmates describe conflicting accounts of their times in the eastern concentration camps. Including, but not limited to, the creation of a weekend band, the installing of a grand piano, the creation of a movie theater, the creation of team sports, wall paintings in children’s barracks, and the creation of a children’s play.
(NOTE: sadly I don’t know in what camp these took place in or if they occurred in separate ones. So take the idea of this being normal for all camps with a grain of salt.)

In the 1980s, a brilliant young Jewish revisionist named David Cole made a groundbreaking documentary about the holocaust. Called “Cole in Auschwitz”, it can still be found on the internet... hopefully...

In one scene, Mr. Cole goes into a large empty room. A room which one of the tour guides explains was a gas chamber. However, it can be seen on the floor that there was once walls. Even a bathroom. The room was, in fact, five. However, that doesn’t explain the reason behind the giant holes in the roof through which Zyklon B crystals were dropped. However, a senior official later admits they were put into the roof later. Why this was done is not explained.

In Canada, 1988, Ernst Zündel stood trial for holocaust denial. He hired American Fredrick A Leuchter, a court certified expert in gas execution technology.
After secretly conducting scientific experiments at camps Auschwitz, he returned and published his findings in “The Leuchter Report”.

“I told Mr. Zündel and his defense team prior to my going that if I did in fact find facilities that could have supported execution, not only if they did support execution but whether or not they could have sustained gas executions, I would make that very clear in my report and that is what I would testify to when I would testify in court.
* Fredrick A. Leuchter

Mr. Leuchter goes on to explain how the facilities must not have any openings whatsoever for the gas to leak out. Nullifying all candidates with windows, trapdoors, or non heavy metal doors. It also means the idea of dropping it down from above would also kill the guards standing above. Furthermore, the makeup of the buildings was brick and mortar. If any light or electric switch was powered nearby, the entire building would explode leaving a massive fire.

David Cole would mysteriously disappear after getting several death threats from Jewish extremists. He has not been seen since his 1994 appearance on the Phil Donahue show.
Mr. Leuchter would end up losing the case and would be condemned around the world by those disagree with him in the name of political correctness.
Mr. Zündel would be sent to jail for 8 months.
He would later wait for 2 years in solitary confinement in a Canadian jail until being deported to Germany to stand trial.
Fredrick Leuchter would ask to have an extensive investigation into the holocaust. But would be stopped by jewish extremists after more death threats.

(This is my own writing after concluding my writing of many redpills in TGSNT

During the writing down of things I found important from the Greatest Story Never Told documentary, I have had my entire worldview about not just the first half of the 20th century, but all human history turned upside down. Unlike the typical conspiracy theory, the subjects raised are real and tangible. And the effects of the events of ww2 and beyond effect me and the world I know everyday. It frightens me to some extent to realize just how much we don’t really understand and how many average people on the streets and in the high rises don’t want people to know. I hope, that one day these times that are awfully reminiscent of the book “1984” will pass. I understand this may last centuries, and I understand it may still yet be the beginning, but I know it must not be permanent. And I wait for that day. Until then, may God help us all.

You don't understand our ideas.
We do understand yours. It's easily available.
That's how we know that we are right and you are wrong.

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Racism will never disappear roastie because it's a survival mechanism to fight against invading tribes that want to genocide your tribe. You are a roastie so you might have a chance to not get killed and maybe be Muhammad's sex slave as he kills all your male relatives and rapes and sells your younger relatives too.

>I, as a Jew

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Enjoy your stay, shitwit.
Next time learn the language before thinking you know well enough to post.
Wake the fuck up to yourself.

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have you posted your 23 and Me yet?

basically, i'm curious what percent Semite you are.

btw did you know that the family who owns 23 and Me also owns Youtube?

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If only you knew how bad it really is

Fuck off nigger kike spixican. Throw yourself into someones oven at 350

>>the racism here is truly horrifying.

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Good pasta should be a bit easier to read.

Keep browsing friend. We have reality on our side. You'll be one of us soon.

btw Robinson didn't deserve to be arrested

>hooman rites

Rights are a childish fantasy, HEIL HITLER

You are aware that Israel is constantly being attacked? And that women is pictured holding a gun. So it is the death of a combatant (the woman) and a fetus. I'm not defending it but trying to draw a moral equivalency between that and what is posted here is ridiculous.

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This would be called "the new socialist man" or something.

It has been tried before.

The point is you support literal fascists. People who have no regard for human life or free speech. What about all the young girls who are raped in your country by Muslims? Stop being such a hypocrite. Most people on /pol never harmed a fly.

you will be saying, "Hitler did nothing wrong!" in a matter on months.

Welcome to Jow Forums

you are here forever.

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yeah, you need to watch the documentary Defamation and then tell us how white people are being irrational and paranoid.

PS it's a documentary about the ADL made by an Israeli who came to America to discover anti semtism.


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Arabs are absolute shit. They can't fight except against themselves and are shit poor allies. Keep Israel and Fuck off the rest. I would however court Iran as an allie, and tell Saudi and the emerits to fuck off.

Shut up nigger

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Heil Hitler. I hope I make you nervous

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go back to licking your pussy, summer troll

LARPing faggot with random picture of random normie cat. I'll feed your cat to my hungry /ourgirl.

Are you aware Israel want to deport black jews? You should push for more black jews to be able to live there comfortably and not get deported.

Forgot gif

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>I, as a Jewish female

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I love cute pussy

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This is the most obvious white supremacist trying to be a Jew I've ever seen.

You even added the "as a white person I apologize for white people" line and these retards are believing it.

Holy shit. Are you poltards this stupid?

She used literally every single Nazi talking point, even adding shite like POC, "safe", Talmud to love all, and best of all the "as a white person I apologize on behalf" and you retards STILL bought it.

If this isn't enough proof that poltards and natsocs are subhuman retarded hicks, I Don't know what is lad.

Lmao Jewess your khazar milkers have no power here.

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This is some good datamining Mr. CIA, but I don't buy it. As always, I wish I could own not only black people (ha, people, as if) but spics and jews as well. Sorry for poor grammar, I am tired.

>I found you through
How did you figure out that you need to start shit with a photo?

cat looks like a wood statute.

lurk moar and then u will understand

>Brittney eating a pussy
It's true!

it's a bot

8/10 bait...if you are real welcome home....sweetheart

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Most likely. The wording is rather b8 like, the subject is strange, and the overall AMOUNT of buzzwords is staggering

>> that women is pictured holding a gun
>> pictured
It's fascist propaganda, of course she will be pictured holding a gun to ease the conscience of the IDF stormtrooper as he splatters women and children into cranberry sauce.

"Fascism" is merely Semitic culture projected onto European culture.

Fuck you nigger

Hahaahha your cute but the tide is turning you are losing the culture war...also racism is not an insult and most men don’t rape ...you did not teach us a fucking thing

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>as a Jewish female
Why did you have to reveal that you are female? Now you must post time stamped pictures of your tits, or leave and start a new thread where you don’t mention your gender.

Read about the Dutroux affair and the franklin scandal. Both sides are corrupt beyond aid. You have much more than racism to be terrified of. Plus over fifty percent of the posters here are coloreds.

The terrifies me is lefties are more racist than most racists here. Go fuck off

God it’s been a while since I’ve seen her cute mutt face. I’ll be fapping tonight.

oy vey indeed
10/10 b8 tho

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8/10 you got some bites.

brainwash them enough and racism will go away

If you want examples of Israel killing non-combatants, there are plenty. Take for example the recent sniping of a Palestinian medic:

by nu/pol/ standards this is 10/10

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What's funny is you think you're such a clever skeptic and then you share a video with that title.

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are you using google translate for the hebrew or did you learn kike to make this b8