And helping achieve peace in our time....
Where is Dennis going next guys? The Middle East?
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Fucking based, unironically
Imagine years ago if someone told you Dennis Rodman would be playing a role in North Korea.
Life becomes a movie
>Turn on Fox News
>Everybody is sucking Trump's dick
>Turn on CNN
>Look how stupid Drumpf is
>Turn on MSNBC
Goys, I want real news.
Obozo is hiding
When I turned on CNN Dennis Rodman was about to burst into tears.
And then...he did.
Fuck off assblasted shills
You are losing big time
>Donald Trump, after firing Rodman on the Apprentice, with Eric and Ivanka in the boardroom
>I see great things in his future.
>Yes, father.
>Yes, father.
I'm not shilling, I think it's great, but I can't pass up the opportunity to use the "le based black guy" meme. Who would have thought in this timeline this would happen?
there really is something up with that kid
>"hurr rodman did all of the negotiating and convincing to Kim Jon Un"
>wears a MAGA hat
commies btfo
Dennis also gave complete credit to Trump
>Dennis Rodman has LITERALLY done more for world peace than Obama
can someone translate into english please?
He's been working on this for literal years.
Based. This whole thing definitely isn't some kind of staged illuminati jew manufactured reality charade.
>all those diplomatic answers to loaded jewish questions
Rodman is no dummy. This interview is actually pretty interesting.
>Cuomo: Do you think he understands English?
What kind of a stupid question is that? Why does he think Kim brought translators?
Thank you for the info.
0Zongo BTFO
I always loved the Blade movies. Thanks Blade.
Sweet interview. Rodman 2024!
Yeah. He's the son of a Stable Genius
and he ass fucked camren electra.
You should be scared
Someone please put the "Just" hair piece on the interviewer omg
i will be an old man someday and i'll give real serious thought when i remember my old memories
I'll come to the conclusion that i must've went senile or my memories have to had been all fabricated
because how can a time like this exist
>YFW you realized Rodman's codename is Fire & Fury
He's mocking you
>the man who supported necklacing has a peace prize
>the men who brought peace to North Korea won’t get one
fuckin Jews
>Oh no this sucks
It all comes tumbling down (((elite)))
Good North Korea propaganda. Safe in NK, but as risk when at "home."
You don't even have to defend the Nork government to realize that it's a petty and unproductive line of questioning. Most people really don't know anything about North Korean culture, and now Rodman kind of does. But the political agenda comes first.
>A time portal opens up in 1993 and a man with a red Make America Great Again hat appears, he screams to the shocked onlookers,
"I'm from the year 2018, President Donald Trump after already stopping the Korean War, is about to ensure world peace with North Korea with the help of none other than Dennis Rodman!!!"
>gets Baker Acted
I remember when Rodman was in Newport Beach he had a Hummer with naked chicks painted all over it which really pissed off all his old stuffy neighbors. The guy is a legend.
Who will play him in the literally inevitable biopic?
there are black people who don't want tax increases?
Absolutely based
congressman Rodman?
fox is the closest youll get
magic numbers confirm, it's all just a Truman show
what better way to 'move society forward' than a cathartic moment where everyone feels that justice has been served?
North Korean Ambassador Dennis Rodman on behalf of President Donald Trump
you guys spend the last 8 years going on about how you are the superior race and now a bunch of dumb black people support the same guy as you and now they are highly intelligent, on your level and BASED
Dennis was the only connection America had to NK for years
that's just a fact. He didn't bring this together but he is somewhat symbolic to a degree
This. He should absolutely be the first ambassador. Not only does he have better relationships with the norks rulers than anyone else, but it's also a big fuck you to the elite who think only they are capable of such things, but always fail anyway.
>Jow Forums mentality that all blacks are bad BTFO
Prove me wrong. Protip: you can't.
Dennis Rodman is a lunatic for sure, but he was the only guy from America on North Korea's good side.
You have to realize that Rodman probably was able to go between Trump and Kim Jong-Un and tell both of them that he "knows the other guy and you can trust him".
Unironically, I think he had more impact than most people realize.
This is how the majority of us Trumpers think. We ain't racist, you are.
>Jow Forums
>one person
Fuck you shills and fuck Rodman i wanted Kimmy boy to nuke California
Redemption arc for Rodman?
>one person
Newfag that hasn't been here long detected. Try defending someone like Malcolm X or Thomas Sowell on here. Less than two minutes before "lol based nigger gtfo shill".
This meme was ruined when normies used it as if Trump is worse than death
>fox is the closest you'll get.
Kys, 30 year old boomer.
Good North Korea propaganda. Safe in NK, but is as risk when at "home"
>Dennis Rodman is a lunatic
unless the media just play that angle up because they are liars and it makes a good story
Drink sprite with a shot of hydrogen peroxide.
>i will be an old man someday
I'm an old man now-52- and my fucking mind is blown by how scared the world is of President Trump. I have never seen the shit I am seeing now, calling that eyebrow dick suk a liar...even Reagan didn't have the balls to personally insult other leaders like that.
No even trying to condescend but most of you are to young to really understand what has happened in the last two years for our once great nation... Donald J Trump really is going to make America great again.
Maga-hat niggers can't be trusted.
ethnic cleansing is not racist when it is performed on your behalf by negro death squads
Dennis Rodman?
Rife is granger than fucktion
based black guy in a pink dress
user... Um...
Based blade
is dat real
to be fair trump did NOT go to north korea, he went to SINGAPORE.
and trump was not a politician then, so why would he have wanted to go to north korea in 2014?
checkmate libtards!
That’s Dennis “Based Messenger of Peace” Rodman.
>put some respek on his name
>mfw when Dennis Rodman turns out to be Q
>Better than Jow Forums at basketball
>Better than Jow Forums at politics
It's called irony and life is full of it.
Most people aren't aware that the ultimate final evolution of the European white male is to 180 and become a crossdressing straight black man.
yes it is real
CNN are fucked. Acosta attempted to sabotage the meeting by provoking Kim. They are officially treasonous, Trump can officially go after them.
i hope he does and fucking calls them out big time.
I don't get the hate with crossdressers (straight). Fashion is literally a social construct.
I've worn a tight latex dress once in my life and it felt good but I never had the urge to fuck a man.
he should go back to the usa and solve african americans
>say something won't happen
>it happens
Trump is a genius
the bridge too far
The stories Billy Corgan had about Dennis rodman on the Joe eotgan podcast have made me like him alot.