Day Of The Whip

How do we fix this broken financial system?

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Other urls found in this thread:

yeah, fix the (((financial system)))


You can’t goy.
t. federal reserve

I really shouldn't waste more time talking about this but I can't help it. Some turbo-autism to follow, sorry for the spelling mistakes.

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Allow too big to fail, to fail

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TL:DR points:


Real Estate


Equities (Yes, sorry - financial crashes don't always affect equities if they're the only thing to go into.)

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1.1. Gold was used as money in cycle between production and consumption in an economy.
1.2. It becomes expedient to vault it to keep it secure from theft.
1.3. Receipts issued for ownership start to circulate, considered "as good as gold".

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2.1. Vaulters who counterfeit are quickly discovered as fake receipts exist in excess to vaulted metal.
2.2. Only vaulters who learn to avoid this malpractise survive onwards.

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3.1. Vaulters realise they can make money available as venture capital to bring forward productive potential to enterprises with ability but lacking means.
3.2. This is agreed with clients to share profit from interest.

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4.1. This is used to invest in productive capital.
4.2. Manufacturing, building, logistics, agriculture, R&D, mining, etc.

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Basically this text claims that the whole genesis story of the bible relates to banking and usury through puns and wordplays.
So is Cain a wordplay on "purchase" and the snake decieving can mean "loaning" "hiring" "Indebting" or something along those lines. So when Eve said
>The serpent deceived me
it means Eve was loaned something, from which cain, the serpent seed (this text here makes a really good case for the Cain being the offspring of Eve and the Serpent while Abel is from Adam and Eve ), the purchase was born. The same wordplay between decieve or credited/loaned also fits "snakebite". This means the deception is the loan/credit which is the deadly venomous bite of snake/creditor. The word "Canaan" is also related to Cain and means as much as "commerce" or "trade". The Canaanites are as I believe off spring of Cain. So the snake indebted Eve and Adam, which created the purchase, cain, which resulted in Adam and Eve leaving paradise. The purchase or trade, Cain, also becomes the first murderer. The land of Canaan, the land of trade and commerce is where todays Israel is. Canaanites by this definition are everyone who fell for the greed of the commerce, and these are also the same people the God told his people to completly wipe out.

When later Noah got drunk on wine making Ham see his Nakedness (Usually seen as either raping Noah, his father, or fucking Noahs wife/his mother) this is also a play on word meaning that he was hired. By hiring/loaning his father he raped him. Later when the bible speaks of nations or persons getting drunk on the wine it implies them loaning money, which makes them feel like drunk, euphoric, resulting in degeneracy, blasphemy and evil in general through the spirit of commerce that dwells in them.

However while it makes a lot of sense, I believe this is just one of many meanings of Genesis which are all right and important

Pic related on banking and money

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5.1. This productive capital increases standards of living.
5.2. The currency is finite and thus deflationary.
5.3. E.g. A quarter ounce of silver buys you one loaf of bread today, 5 in 5 years.

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6.1. This opportunity to loan to generate surplus provides an opportunity for counterfeiting.
6.2. This is because there is not adequate information feedback on surplus.
6.3. E.g. How would you know if a quarter ounce of silver only buys you 2 loaves of bread in 5 years instead of 5?
6.4. Counterfeiting begins in the form of loans to siphon surplus.
6.5. Counterfeiting in this fashion incentivises issuance of loans for its own sake instead of for viability of the investment.
6.6 Which eventually creates misallocation.

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7.1. Adequate allocation in a complex system requires full information feedback for it to maintain an optimum homeostasis.
7.2. If you imagine cars on a road (be it a 30mph or 70mph zone) it's desirable to leave adequate room between cars to compensate for micro-misallocations to maintain optimum transit.
7.3. Similarly if you imagine:
7.3.1. The speed of the cars as the money supply circulating.
7.3.2. The distance between the cars as inverse to the money not circulating and thus set aside for productive venture capital formation and investment.

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8.1. Counterfeiting to finance productive capital is akin to placing "more cars on the road".
8.2. Unfortunately because it is counterfeit it is cut off from the information feedback mechanisms of the market which pricing is supposed to provide.

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9.1. This situation turns micro-level misallocations into macro-level misallocations.
9.2. This in turn creates business cycles wherein businesses fail.

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10.1. These failures can result in the failure of the banking institution financing them.
10.2. Where they do not they can set-up a situation for such failures to affect banking institutions that survive this stage.

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11.1. Upon failure of a business its outstanding debts are settled via the sale of capital and stock.
11.2. Enterprising institutions will realise in the process of derangement and reorganisation which the market is forced into via their counterfeiting they can sell such capital and stock for a higher price if they time it properly.
11.3. I.e. they create a cycle of derangement and re-organisation which can be gamed both by the derangement produced on the down-swing and misallocation creating enhanced demand on the upswing using excessive lending.
11.4. Speculation becomes profitable - i.e. buy low sell high.

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12.1. Buying low and selling high is profitable however it isn't clear where the actual value for this process is coming from.
12.2. After all there is no actual production of value, no new creation of goods or services in this process, merely speculation.
12.3. The question is thus: Is it extractive or productive in terms of its profits?

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13.1. The truth is its value ultimately comes from pressure on the value of labor in the cycles of derangement and reorganisation of the economy.
13.2. I.e. it comes out of you.
13.3. This creates a vicious cycle of problem, reaction, solution where the bank profits. They loan too much, creating misallocation from, which they speculate on at the expense of labour.
13.4. It's as though over time they are a casino. Whatever speculation takes place it always ends up with them winning at the expense of the people less able to weather this disorganisation.

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14.1. This sort of rigged-casino style gambling / speculation is seriously profitable at the expense of those without capital or information. It's a game they always win.
14.2. As a result all such banks develop "investment" branches which start to speculate.

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From last thread:
SJWism and Wall Street connection

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15.1. Because it's a game they always win over time, there is little disincentive to borrowing money from each other to increase leverage on bets made (given they always win).
15.2. Fees are paid for the use of borrowed capital to increase speculative bets.
15.3. This leverage is exactly akin to counterfeiting in its potential for creating misallocation.

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16.1. Leverage turns good bets into great bets.

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17.1. Because some leverage is good, more leverage is better.
17.2. Banks are prone to take leverage from anyone who will offer.
17.3. Because wins and safety of capital are guaranteed it's money for jam so everyone does.

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18.1. But counterfeit of value via leverage is the same as any other counterfeit, it creates misallocation.
18.2. It's akin to taking building materials from the base of a tower to build more storeys on top (hence the Jenga analogy in the Big Short).
18.3. Eventually it fucks up.

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19.1. For creditors there are multiple options to this collapse.
19.2. One is to insiste the institution backing up the investment arm pays for the amount staked.
19.3. They carve up what can and can't be paid.
19.4. Unfortunately whilst this leads to squabbles it also leads to secondary feedback.
19.5. The public at large loses faith in banking institutions and may start withdrawing their capital - which is no longer fully backed up.

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20.1. One means of resolving this is for all parties to bail out the offender so the gambling game (siphoning from pressure on labor) may continue.
20.2. e.g. This happened in the case of Long Term Capital Management.

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21.1. Or in the case of the sub-prime mortgage crisis, everyone is so inter-leveraged with everyone else there is no possible way for them to bail each other out.
21.2. So ultimatelty via TARP and QE (which has myriad effects on you) labour pays. Plebs pay. You pay. In order to bail this shitty system out.

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22.1. Envitably some institutions will fail.
22.2. This has disastrous derangement effects on the economy and cycle between consumers and producers banking with these various private institutions.
22.3. The average citizen (you) doesn't know any better and is pissed off.
22.4. At best they blame the government for this damage to the economy.
22.5. The politican knows fuck all, they consult experts.
22.6. Guess where the experts come from...?

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23.1. The expert portrays a picture of banking as though it operated on a productive, industrial Hamiltonian model of finance.
23.2. Whether they are doing this and lying intentionally or they've been lied to and absorbed it as part of their "education" is up for grabs - most education on this subject is horseshit.

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24.1. The expert portrays a model of balancing the risk of investments for productive enterprise by using interest as a means of risk compensation.
24.2. So they propose a "central bank" which will operate on the same basis - charging interest to manage risk from failing financial institutions.
24.3. In return for this they have control over issuance of the money supply (outlawing all other issuance by banks) and thus total control over those institutions.
24.4. They also offer the prospect of lending on favourable terms to the government.

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25.1. This is a great position for a financial institution, being cosy with a government with the ability to tax.
25.2. Remember, financial institutions operate on a model of siphoning of surplus via lending to promote growth which must come from human energy, ingenuity, productive endeavor and ultimately the materials they use from the planet to do so.
25.3. In this position they may lend to the government.
25.4. This is favorable to the government because they can borrow from the future to get elected on platforms of goodies now, paying for it via future taxes.
25.5. This occurs by pledging bonds to the central bank - a promise of future interest taken from tax revenue.
25.6. This is why today governments borrow their money from central banks in exchange for bonds backed by siphoning various sorts of tax from you.

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26.1. The relationship this creates between the central bank and the government is akin to that between a symbio-parasite and a host organism.
26.2. The symbio-parasite embeds itself into the host organism's functions in a fashion such that it cannot be replaced or pulled out without the immediate damage being worse (or even fatal) by comparison with servicing its wishes.
26.3. As a result it demands an enhanced amount of growth - of income from the material environment.
26.4. In return for as long as there is the prospect of growth there is still the speeding up of the deployment of human energy and ingenuity in the form of capital brought forwards.
26.5. As with all good symbio-parasites, it's better to not be entirely negative in your effects.

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27.1. Unfortunately as with every other attempt at illegitimately gaming the system, the M.O. of a parasite has issues.
27.2. If you exist via sponsoring unhealthy growth via the formation of industry, eventually you'll hit limiting factors on growth.
27.3. E.g. In the formation of industry there is a finite amount of land to your need for infinite growth.
27.4. This applies pressures for example on agriculture, which pushes up the price of food for an increasing workforce.
27.5. You can't have a workforce if they can't eat to survive, so you must pay more.
27.6. This creates the push for imperialism and exploration to acquire more land to feed the workforce at lower prices to increase productivity and thus infinite growth.
27.7. The parasite seeks to use the defensive military of its host political entity to increase its scope for growth to sustain itself.

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28.1. Unfortunately imperialism for new resources merely postpones the compression of limiting factors on growth, it does not anul them.
28.2. The world is most assuredly (save for one or two places) entirely under the control of a global financial empire - it's just culture and politics is still not quite administrated to reflect that.
28.3. As a result the same limits on growth as with before are eventually encountered.

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29.1. Where there are such limits on growth alternatives can be found. After all, what is being capitalised on is not material itself but human energy.
29.2. Human beings can easily be riled up to hate each other over specious horseshit.
29.3. Their desires accordingly can be financed by creating growth which is in itself immediately offset by human destruction.
29.4. Provided this game is balanced and you fund both sides you siphon surplus and extract not from pressure on wages but via death. Military-Industrial-Complex style.

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30.1. Unfortunately as with everything finite limitations emerge.
30.2. You cannot profit from wars which destroy yourself and the planet and people you siphon off of.

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31.1. With growth via imperialism or war neutered, the only option left is using strategic control of what resources exist to maintain a monopoly by force to keep your system of extraction operative.
31.2. This is then used to extract more and more via taxes to fund money issuance via loans.
31.3. It starts on the outside then it draws in.

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32.1. Money issuance via loans made by a central bank in the form of the exchange of fiat for bonds is something everyone knows about.
32.2. It's exchange human energy and ingenuity in the form of bonds for fiat, which is what, at this point unhinged as it is from gold?
32.3. Fuck all - which is why it's theft and extraction via an elaborate historical con.

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33.1. The mode of extraction wherein there is no prospect of growth is a net loss to the borrower.
33.2. It brings forward your life's earning potential minus interest.
33.3. Like a drug - feels good now, eat shit later.

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34.1. In other words you're at a net loss over your whole life - the symbio-parasite begins to switch from promotion of growth to siphon to extraction to cannibalise from you because your appreciation of time is poor.

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35.1. Bringing forward earnings using debt can be useful if it is being used for productive endeavor with effort and ingenuity, this can increase your personal value production over time in excess of the costs of the loan.

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36.1. For example you can see the distinction in student loans.
36.2. The notion was as we hit the limits on growth that that's what we'd do. We'd unlock people's ingenuity, "mana from heaven", and they'd become more educated and produce more value.
36.3. Unfortunately borrowing and then using it to study useful things is hard work and requires intelligence, most people are lazy idiots who never do anything productive or intelligent in their lives unless someone else has set it up for them to do.
36.4. So most people just borrow on the basis of consumption - the "fashion statement" of having a degree and being ever-so-intelligent. When really all they're doing is wasting time for a few years and borrowing for the pleasure of doing so, whilst studying incoherent nonsense which they can use to blame others for their stupidity, whilst inflating the qualifications necessary to get a job at Starbucks so now everyone has to get into debt just to get a job as a fucking sandwich artist.

37.1. Surprisingly and equivalently governments are equally short-term thinkers and just as likely to use money they borrow from your future children or grandchildren (given the debt service is so high your children might not even be able to afford children - UH OH, I think we have to help those poor refugees right guys? The ones right next door to the country we're also bombing) and waste it on unproductive bullshit. Unfortunately however the scale and timelines governments borrow on are intergenerational.

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The all seeing eye, I believe, originally is a christian symbol of God, however it should not be on money. All of genesis for example is a parable (among other meanings) on how moneybusiness is utter bullshit Putting his symbol then on money is already heresy. However regarding the symbol
One eye > mono eye > money
Money is (((their))) new God, money the embodiment of materialism, satan.
Furthermore all money is worth is believed on faith that it actually is worth somethig when actually there is nothing of worth behind it except for the believe.

Back in the day you had money of value in your hand in form goldcoins or whatever and believed in God. Nowadays you have to believe in the money and hold God in your hand in form of (((money))).
The revearsal of natural order, making the lie the truth

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Shit sorry.

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38.1. Unsurprisingly as this extraction kicks off in full swing the generation that benefits from the borrowing is loving it, meanwhile their kids get a little pissed off - make sure you teach them to hate each other so when they start getting mad they're not studying you, your system or how to fix it.

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And this is crucial.

Is is for this reason there is so much anger and anti status quo sentiment starting to emerge, and it has been intentionally scattered, distracted from the actual cause and hijacked in order to make sure the livestock turn it on each other instead of using it to solve the problems with this system.

Attached: d&coccupy.jpg (2744x2672, 1.3M)

Jow Forumstards are also angry people seeking answers and being distracted by illusive things, don't think you aren't.

You hate feminists but you don't see that the increasing debt services on bonds is what has lead to all of these increases in taxes to service them. You don't get that the reason women were encouraged into the workforce in the first place was because half of the population wasn't working to service the increasing extractive need for debt service siphoned directly from income.

You don't get that the destruction of the family, marriage, and the derangement of relationships between the sexes was instrumental to this.

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You hate the fact you can't afford a house but you don't see that as taxes can only go so far you have to create a "wealth effect" by inflating the value of houses using credit to encourage people to borrow and spend money they don't have or shouldn't spend. It bids up the house prices and people speculate and follow, but it does the owners no good in the end because unless they plan on sleeping in a tent, all the other house prices have gone up too. The only people who benefits are the banks who take a longer and deeper siphon from your life's work. Soon you just have a landed class who own everything and everyone else just pays in rent or mortgages a tithe of their life's work. You know what the point is called where it hits subsistence? Serfdom, and you're already passed it because you're in your mother's basement. You can't afford kids, you can't afford to even create a place to attract a woman to have kids.

Attached: House-prices-rise.jpg (400x300, 254K)

You hate the destruction of your "white countries" but you don't get that in the first place the reason all of the work was outsourced to cheaper places was for the same reason agriculture was outsourced in slide 27 or for the same desire to put pressure on and extract from labour in slide 13.

The boomers had a great time because government short-term thinking (enabled by (((experts))) as in slide 22, anaesthatised them to this by borrowing from your future output. Don't blame Boomers for being stupid though, you're just as stupid and your children (if you can afford any) will hate you for your stupidity and selfishness even more than you hate the Boomers for their stupidity and selfishness.

Of course, you might not have any, half of you can't afford it, that's why birthrates are chilling - you still think you can have the same standards of living your parents had. But the financial system is extractive now, you can't do that - the banks are cannibalising now instead of encouraging the host to consume more. They want to consume your children's future and you can do nothing other than spot and complain over the symptoms instead.

Attached: Birth-Rate-Down.png (357x210, 70K)

Don't worry about the banks' debt service though, they'll be just fine. Now they've put pressure on wages by outsourcing the labour externally and anaesthatised it by borrowing? They're going to put pressure on wages domestically by importing the same labour.

You don't need to have kids, you can go extinct for all they care, it'd be beneficial in some ways because they're stupid enough to just be slaves whereas some of you (barely any of you though) aren't. They'll work as serfs to support this system for the next few years as parasites do tend to think short-term.

They'll do the work and replace you and you'll just die out. You probably will just let it happen too. Oh sure you'll bitch a bit about the symptoms, but as long as you don't spot the cause it's fine.

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>as long as you don't spot the cause it's fine.

And how could you? They've been busily teaching any form of divisiveness they can find and inventing concepts to make you all fight each other, it's hilarious, you spend all of your time and energy swatting at these enhanced symptoms, clueless as to what the real cause is.

You didn't vote for Ross Perot, you didn't vote for Ron Paul, you did vote for Trump and I applaud that as a FUCK YOU to the establishment, you've at least started to spot that - but let's be honest - it's not enough.

You could still stop it now if you pushed for people to stop using fiat, stop using banks, pushed cryptos, PMs, debit-vaulting services, unionising on the basis of civics and consumption through rent strikes, mortgage strikes, debt strikes, tax strikes, consumer activism, etc.

However it's quite possible you won't. Thinking is hard, changing things is difficult - I don't know however, it's your choice, the solutions are there waiting and they're not hard once you spot it.

Attached: stop_using_fiat.jpg (907x605, 235K)

>once you spot it.

Which is what they fear most.

Forget the politicians, they're an irrelevancy. The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don't. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. They've long since bought and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the statehouses, the city halls. They've got the judges in their back pockets. And they own all the big media companies, so that they control just about all of the news and information you hear. They've got you by the balls. They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying to get what they want. Well, we know what they want; they want more for themselves and less for everybody else.

>But I'll tell you what they don't want. They don't want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They don't want well-informed, well-educated people capable of critical thinking. They're not interested in that. That doesn't help them. That's against their interests. They don't want people who are smart enough to sit around the kitchen table and figure out how badly they're getting fucked by a system that threw them overboard 30 fucking years ago.

You know what they want? Obedient workers people who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork but just dumb enough to passively accept all these increasingly shittier jobs with the lower pay, the longer hours, reduced benefits, the end of overtime and the vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect it. And, now, they're coming for your Social Security. They want your fucking retirement money. They want it back, so they can give it to their criminal friends on Wall Street. And you know something? They'll get it. They'll get it all, sooner or later, because they own this fucking place. It's a big club, and you ain't in it.

Attached: stop_using_fiat.png (940x788, 639K)

Finished - I'm off for a piss.

also from last thread:

some guy(s) has been burning up buildings in construction in #4 of pic related

and, #1 and #4 get complaints similar to the "Progressive Stack" to stop development, for example:
>not enough low-income units
>but historic buildings
>it's gonna ruin the local culture (of poor,crime-ridden areas)
>but gentrification
what kind of "historic buildings" do they mean?

a fucking LAUNDROMAT

Attached: rents.png (391x430, 40K)

im not reading all that stuff. pro tip, put some of those pics together and make less post but bigger once instead of fucking 50 with 3-4 rows only

bullshit, the dollar only survives through war in the middle east, see pic in >Crypto
also bullshit, goes up and down pretty much at random and thus is not reliable. you can make some quick bucks with it, but lose it even faster. its nothing to put your saving into for storage. and (((they))) push for cashless currencies for years if not decades already. crypto are merely the first step before it the government does it.

Attached: money owl.jpg (416x560, 68K)

Dollar survives because there will be literally no alternative in a bond market crisis and it will be a flight to safety option. It's less a question of it being a good thing so much as it being a necessary place to park money over the alternatives.

It's not random it's a fractal pattern following a logarithmic non-linear regression as a result of the pressure of a finite planet on a growth-based financial system where the only further growth is currently via information interconnectivity.

If you don't have some exposure to crypto now you're literally missing out on what's really going to have to be the alternative to pensions for - oh, I don't know - until 2030 at least.

As to you not reading it, you don't have to - believing that being a nazi is a good idea and being generally disruptive and willing to hurl bricks at police is good enough.

We can't all be policy makers can we? But some of us have to actually think about how we offer something better as you inevitably start to destroy it because it's becoming intolerable.


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FYI - not saying there won't have to be some sort of new Bretton Woods by around 2020/2021 - but the dollar will benefit in the short term relatively to all others.

>Dollar survives because there will be literally no alternative in a bond market crisis and it will be a flight to safety option. It's less a question of it being a good thing so much as it being a necessary place to park money over the alternatives.
it will not survive an absolute crash. if you want to invest in something do it in goods. buy gold, or other metals, when shit goes down tobacco always is worth a lot, food etc. dollar is literally just paper given the worth because people believe it has worth. once people get behind how its utterly useless it will lose all its worth.

>It's not random it's a fractal pattern following a logarithmic non-linear regression as a result of the pressure of a finite planet on a growth-based financial system where the only further growth is currently via information interconnectivity.
yet for the single person its pretty random, since you can never tell if people will keep buying or selling it. its just a gamble that can crash just as fast as it builds up, and overnight all your savings may be gone. have fun with that.

yeah, have fun trying to sustain a corrupt economic system that works on exploiting the population and keeping it in the dark about how it all works. that is noble of you. you cant just reset the system to 0 and expect it to go down another way than this time, 0 becomes 1, 1 becomes 2, 2 eventually becomes 100 again. you need to crash the system as a whole and need to create something new that isnt complete bullshit

Attached: Ford banking.png (1220x686, 226K)

As long as shit is fine in 10 years me and my kids should be okay.

hance is why i'm doing some big spends on esseincails and shit
I'm renting because my shit show of a single boomer mum left me with fucking nothing

So i'm gonna build up with crpto and investments on retirement homes and daycare centers

Unlike Other GenX i plan on weathering this shit.
I might also invest in funnels and schools
because shit is going to explode in the 2020's

>when shit goes down tobacco always is worth a lot, food etc.

You'll be wasting a lot of time, effort and potentially money if you're stockpiling tins of food and tobacco for a mad max situation, that's not going to happen.

>gold, or other metals

Highest gold could go once a genuine bond crisis starts to happen (these rumblings with Italy are part of it - non-repayment of debts, etc, but it's only once the average person is starting to doubt the financial system / integrity of pensions they'll care about this, again 2020 / 2021) is $5k and you'd be silly to hold onto it up to there. Silver about $35 - or much higher if you hold onto it past 2024 as alternative energy starts to become more and more necessary to sustain alternative models for growth due to public demand.

>overnight all your savings may be gone

You'd be risk-taking to put more than 5% of what they have in crypto but silly not to have any exposure to it. £200 in the safest bets today would be about £400,000 in 15 years.

Long term bets are safe, short term is dangerous.

>yeah, have fun trying to sustain a corrupt economic system that works on exploiting the population and keeping it in the dark about how it all works.
>keeping it in the dark about how it all works.

I'm not keeping you in the dark you just can't be bothered to read it even though I've drawn you little pictures. You're right however it does have to change.

>crash the system as a whole and need to create something new that isnt complete bullshit

Wrong. As I said the system is symbio-parasitic, you can't pull the parasite out without killing yourself. It's as though it were a parasite which integrated itself into your body and destroyed / replaced the function of some of your primary organs. You can't pull it out without developing a parallel set of primary organs to sustain you after you remove it.

To just "crash it" would be stupid.

Attached: symbio-parasite.jpg (720x320, 21K)

>you can't pull the parasite out without killing yourself

"Too Big To Fail" remember?

>As long as shit is fine in 10 years me and my kids should be okay.

2028 will have another recession just like 2020 however you'll have a great time up to 2032/2033, after that who knows - hopefully things will be much better, but they'll definitely be different politically.

But everything will be fine and there's actually plenty of cause for optimism, it's just there's not necessarily going to be a lot of cause for optimism for the proponents of the status quo / "elites".

True. Let us hope so.