It was all feminist empowerment, diversity and hamfisted female protagonists
I didn't even watch the conferences.
What went wrong ? E3 was Christmas day for the gamer community
It was all feminist empowerment, diversity and hamfisted female protagonists
I didn't even watch the conferences.
What went wrong ? E3 was Christmas day for the gamer community
Other urls found in this thread:
If you're unhappy, create something yourself. Be the change, user.
Gaming is dead in the west. Look toward Japan.
It would not suprise me that in the current political situation that they would ruin male hobbies such as videogames.
Great suggestion. If anyone is interested, Unreal Engine 4 is free and there are several tutorials on how to use it on YouTube for free.
Also funny how the humor and joy has basically left the entire medium like it had the fucking plague ever since the cancer has set in.
Anyone remember that Konami drug filled conference some years back, with so many memes and retarded shit...
Sekio shadows die twice
Ghost of sushi
Nioh 2
Cyberpunk 2077
Resident evil 2
Kingdom hearts 3
Death stranding
Ass Creed we WUz Greeks
I'm excited
e3 stopped being good when they no longer allowed the public to attend it
>What went wrong ? E3 was Christmas day for the gamer community
one word user:
they wont stop until they have total control of everything people use for entertainment to insure that their brainwashing runs deep.
Its a war and they know it but the rest of people dont so they use voting or other means to try and get rid of these rats which doesnt work since the entire system they have rigged, but having the illusion of choice is nice I guess.
he makes like one game every 10 years or so, sadly not that helpful.
these mofos took the only good thing we beta fags had left good . our gayming , they took it and ruined it .
Sadly not helpful how? What timeline are you living in? We're blessed to see him work on his magnum opus.
>da gaming community
Shut up loser
pretty sad when youre such an asshole that you cant even find a playmate online
Look the new assassins creed protagonist. We wuss greek heroes.
what a giant shitshow i hope ISIS bombs the E3 next year
Protest with your wallet. Once they see the giant loss of profits, everything will correct itself.
they are addicts, they literally cant stop
>Let's look at E3 to see what's new and fresh
say no one since decades.
savior of movie
I tried but the fucking faggots at Steam banned my game.
So make some cringe hype trailer and let the left cry and rant about it on social media for free advertising and then do some crowd fund bs to gather the money needed to deliver your game your way. Fuck steam kikes they'll take 30% off the top for nothing anyway.
Daily reminder: woman are things
This. Japs DGAF about Political Correctness.
Pic related. Based Hitler merchant from Let It Die.
Some of the games werent bad looking. Nintendo E3 is tomorrow though. Maybe they wont be as shitty.