>When you sign away your only means of protection
>When you know you're on a clock until the choppers show up at your home
>When you know the whole world will let it happen
>When you sign away your only means of protection
>When you know you're on a clock until the choppers show up at your home
>When you know the whole world will let it happen
He didn't sign away any nukes kike. The agreement was just symbolic saying both countries would be on friendlier relations from now on.
>giving the norks a bunch a shit in exchange for relations that they can cut off after getting all the gibs, while still having nukes
I seriously hope you're bullshitting, because that's worse than anything Carter could have dreamed of
Is the Korean War over yet?
>t-trust me guys...
Imagine trusting America's word on anything.
There is an amnesty you fuck head. Its leaving the past to the past.
>trusting the same administration that tore up the last perfectly good deal with another opponent
If he gave up his nukes then he is the dumbest motherfucker alive
(((Freedom & Democracy)))
Coming soon to a theater near you
Kim knows fully well he'll get BOLTON'd if he actually signs his nukes away, at least I assume he's smart enough to sense a fucking pattern with the outright allusion to libya.
He's probably hoping Trump wants the good publicity enough that he'll give him gibs in exchange for some mealy mouthed denuclearizing pledges that don't amount to much a la the Iran deal
Tell that to Gaddafi
Its simple, they open to the world, they unify. Kim gets amnesty, norks get freedom+degeneracy+democracy+obesity, south korea gets a huge market out of thin air, south gets ports, south gets rare metals, norks get invesment, USA gets military bases meters away from mainland Chyna and Russya.
He'll be living in Malibu partying with Dennis and Charlie sheen within 6 months.
If only you knew how bad things really are
Man, JIDF didn't waste any time sending the shills out
Man dont buy Russian propaganda.
1. Gaddafi was a CIA operator
2. Gaddafi was given free card to do pretty anything in his nation, only two unbreakable rules
3. Gaddafi asks/ gets played Russia and China to directly attack the US dollar liquidity in the ME, its a failure and the Pentagon removes him
He could had swim on A1 pussies and gold. He could burned all the greens like Saudis on infrastructure... yet he goes against the one who give him power and worst of all giving two fucks about the rules.
Same goes with Hussein.
>actually wanting communist chinks to have nukes
Is this that nu-Jow Forums I've been hearing about?
Do we even know what they actually signed?
>Its simple, they open to the world, they unify. Kim gets amnesty
if you want my honest opinion I would say that would be the best outcome, but that assumes that A: Kim thinks it's better to live a cloistered life in retirement versus as absolute ruler of a state and B:why the North Korean state apparatus would go along with this. At the least the intelligence and security sections would get fucked sideways, and I don't see them just blanket amnestying all the upper echelon (they could but there would be blowback).
ironically right now the only party CRAVING for those nukes to still be operative are the South Korean government, why? Because once it merges it will make them a defacto nuclear power that China cant bully with sea appropriation
Maybe. Don't know what they signed until the press conference later.
I wouldn't hold out for an official peace treaty yet, since I would assume SK would be present for that. If what they signed is as big as Trump implied a peace treaty will probably be on the way though.
SK, like Japan could actually start making nukes very easily. They've been kept from doing so by the cajoling of the American government and assurances of American protection.
They really don't need NK nukes if they really wanted to go nuclear
> Saddam
> Gaddafi
> Asad
This fat kid either has got a massive cards up on his sleeves, or he's just plain stupid fatso. You can't trust the West. Period
If he signed away nukes that quickly that would mean he's either absolutely retarded or didn't read it and I doubt both.
if kim is like
this then we know its good
So nice to see a thread that's... about something.
Delusion. Look at the Oligarchs, you only need to be the owner of key industries or mining sites and you are a billionaire for generations-
Kim family and close officers will be given those properties I assume.
This is when PROPAGANDA get useful. South already humanized him not long ago. Its a process.
>a massive cards up on his sleeves
Like a nuclear warhead?
Trump would know Demoshits would plan on something like that so he will have some way to protect NK from demoshits from invading north korea and killing Kim.
American military bases in North Korea. We're never leaving Korea.
Rationalising your autism as if being leaf wasn't enough. Fuck off syrup cuck
If youre so smart juan, why are you not helping your country but instead you come to the fap nation known as pol.
Point is that it will make them a defacto nuclear power. Even if they sign a declunarization, they will keep the nukes for a while and therefore can stand up against Chinese fleet harassing local sea trade.
Also both Japan and SK lack the expertise of ICBMs, rocketry and so on. Leaving nukes aside, SK will have the human resource to build them.
The bigger losers are Russia and China.
>Kim family and close officers will be given those properties I assume.
and? the man and his family rule the entire fucking state, would he be happy with just controlling some currently major industries (this is NK my man, they are barely industrialized and desperate for industry and infrastructure at any rate).
>This is when PROPAGANDA get useful
Propaganda will do jack shit for your lower level cronies who are going to find themselves fucked sideways or out of power, they are going to be pissed unless they are utterly outnumbered, and the way the NK state is operated I wouldn't count on that
Or it would confirm the rumors about the Nork's nuclear program literally blowing up in their faces.
The Nork's testing site imploded on itself during their last confirmed test and the rumors out of the intel community over the last two months is that they lost the bulk of their nuclear weapons development program along with it. If true, they may literally not be in a position to continue developing nuclear weapons, and pushing for peace may be the only viable path forward for them.
It's almost point-for-point the setup for Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.
um no he just wants to live a few more months, can't blame him.
There might not be anymore charlie sheen in 6 momths, guy has GRIDS.
North Korea > than (((Tower)))
giving up his nukes will shorten his lifespan considerably unless he knows Mandarin and is willing to live in China (comfortably but still) for the rest of his life
>When you sign away your only means of protection
Absolutely no evidence he did anything at all.
And nukes are not his only means you fucking moron.
Trump is a moron and all his followers are complete fucking morons.
He to some extent is not only thinking about his ass but the regular NK slave. Remember he is a third generation dictatorship, he runs a monarchy more than a communist nation.
Trump gave him a door to kick the table.
He did what he had to do to retain power, now that a change is possible he will take it for the greater good of his people.
Even Jewish elite are fapping to this. How many places are empty of a central bank? They must be fighting right now of who will run the NK sovereign bonds.
Thanks to term limits we have to rely on future presidents to enforce the agreement. Kim knows this and is just betting that there will not be any more Donald Trumps in the White House going forward. USA needs to get rid of term limits and allow Trump to make America his kingdom.
He is a great man. Donny handles him like a little boy. I hope he will see that (or better both of them).
Kim > Don
If he ended is love for Israel and brought back NN I'd be on board with a Trump monarchy desu.
>I wish I was at home watching basketball
>This guy talks too much
>my gout hurts
The US must have gotten something on him for this to happen quickly... either that or he just thinks Trump would actually take him out.
the ultimate deal will be denuclearisation and open economy in exchange for assurances of respecting the regime and sanction relief and Trump will take it
>On 19 December 2003, Gaddafi announced that Libya would voluntarily eliminate all materials, equipment and programs that could lead to internationally proscribed weapons, including weapons of mass destruction and long-range ballistic missiles.
Less than a decade later there's a video on YT of him being sodomised with a bayonet thanks to the CIA. We all know what "assurances" from Jewmerica are worth.
You say that as if DPRK has something to lose. They're still an entrenched regime with one of the largest military on the planet and a fanatical citizenry. All that plus they will almost certainly have nuclear material stashed somewhere and they already know how the make the bomb.
They don't need testing facilities to be an effective nuclear deterrent, they could build a bomb again if somebody tried to invade.
America doesn’t give a fuck if your 3rd world shithole country trusts them. That’s why it’s called America.
And you know this... how?
Oh wait, you don't.
There were 3-4 items on that list, not just one "bffs 4evar OWO"
>Giving Norks...
They haven't even earned a reprieve on the sanctions you dumb cunt.
i fuckin hate peru
DPRK know that even without nukes they are not a country that be easily overwhelmed militarily. A north korean war would be hugely costly, essentially the vietnam war 2.0.
DPRK have the china card to play, no country can consider regime change through military means so long as china will support DPRK through funds, military equipment and personnel.
DPRK hasn't really lost anything with this deal. I'm guessing they'll still retain balistic missile capabilities, which is all they need to retain their regional player status.
full text
They will denuke, we will give them protection
>China BTFO