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In Spain Soros won't pay

Let them in... I will compensate Italy with millions of euros.

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mfw in propaganda ads in Italy they literally have to put a giant NORMAL sign to brainwash people into believing that niggers are humans hence we should racemix

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We need to build low budget uboats and sink these ships.

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They are human being is, unironically, an aegument used by the left in Italy.

Why should I pay for this niggers?
They are human being
Why should I take the risk of having my people killed
They are human being.

> But they couldn't even look after their own country...

>These migrants will be STAPLED onto your white societies

Italy is full, fuck off.

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Can wait for the boat to do something one day

>could have drawn a dick
>make some zig zag lines
fucking shit

didnt know they had woman sea captains


we need to croudfund a huge tanker, collect all refugee boats out there and ship them all back to lybia.

That lack of solidarity is just sad
we should sink the boats all together, like a real Union and then colonize Africa again

Libya and Tunis are closer and they have loads of open space...

We need to start up a fire to unite
If countries don't awake nothing will change

countries can't wake up spaghetti, they are socio-political constructs, and people, they only wake up when holes to fuck and booze to drink runs out. So best bet is to find a way to interrupt the supply of booze and holes.

Illegal migrants need to go back and we need to show Africans it is a bad idea to get on a boat not welcome them.


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Just seen 3 niggers breaking a charity bin where people dump in clothes supposed to go to them too and pillaging it's content, they will sell them at their illegal market stands most likely
These are sure resources for us.

can some maritime user explain to me why they don't just turn off the engines and drift? I understand that they must correct their position from time to time but that graph is madness.

I this just an indication of how many times italy has changed their minds about letting them in?

(((Very Normal People)))

also interested

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Its because if they stopped in the Middle of the sea the niggers would realize they arent getting into italy and slaughter the (((crew))). So they pretend to be en route.

(((human beings)))

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All those poor doctors and lawyers, why won't anyone take these geniuses

Fuck off we're full

They are not people, they’re fucking invaders. Italy is doing the right thing by telling them to fuck off back to Africa, just wish more countries (preferably all white nations) would do the same.

Why are they so hellbent on putting them here? Spain is still in EU and has the same gibs as we do. Why is it so important for them? There is something weird that goes beyond the usual in this situation

Won't someone think of the children? The twenty-two-year-old children? How will they ever survive?

Let fur-less baboons in you cruel bastards!!

>they're human beings

Last I checked, human beings were capable of fending for themselves.

Its not the refugees per se, they want you to bend the knee. It’s a power game and the illegals are pawns in it.

>I this just an indication of how many times italy has changed their minds about letting them in?
We had 0 changes of mind, we said they won't port here and they won't.
They are just wasting time for God knows what reason.
The have been moving like that for almost 2 days, and almost a full day since Spain gave them the ok to port.

Probably no delivery of their cargo (slaves) to Italy -> no money from whoever is paying them.

Also pic related, do you believe in coincidence user?
>the ship #Aquarius is part of the fleet of Medecins sans Frontieres, owned by Bernard Kouchner, formen foreign minister of Sarkozy government, the one that blew up (oh, what a surprise) Gheddafi and that is financied by Soros with his Open Society Foundation

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First lie revealed, the pregnant women were 4 not 7 and and are on the way to Lampedusa.. let's see then how many children there are kek.. however the acquarius is heading to Spain now

Maybe. I just don't see the gain for them. It only pisses already pissed off people even more if they land.
I don't see how out refusal damages them so much, maybe because shipping them from Libya to Spain in more expensive so the ONGs need more money and thus can be less effective?

Aquarius now stopped, Sea-Watch 3 still wondering around north of the coast of Libya. If they are not going to Spain i think Malta is the only option

Send Them to Atlantis

At least one of the Mediterranean masterrace will strive... Good luck having niggers try to do quality shoes and wine...
Every right political movement is so shilled that it would only be in place in america unfortunately excluding austria... Have you seen the reaction everyone had when germany had his first national political movement early this year?? IT HAD 3 DAYS OF COVERAGE ON MEDIA... And its just a very small political group

in Italy there is a lot of people eating in them, the mafia make a lot of money with the EU funds for migrants

I know, but it seems illogical to make such a mess for this. Unless mafia is also inside the ONGs and maybe directly on the boats as well. The implications if that's true are quite shocking

yes for sure, look at mafia capitale thats their business now, better than drugs they said

>Spain is too far
>The sea is scary
>Let's just waste fuel and food drifting for two days over Malta
They are so much obvious that I'm surprised they weren't bombed already.

Stop viewing the problem as an humanitarian crisis.
The ONGs are a delivery service and migrants are a ware.
You don't pay the courier if he delivers your wares in another location, that's it.

The mafia is not that big this is a worldwide issue, but there is definitely someone behind it.
People traverse the Sahara by organized busses and stuff to get from Nigeria, Ghana etc to Libya.
Just look from where the donations to ONGs come from.

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>there is definitely someone behind it
Not somebody, everybody, from rent sharks over multi nationals to mafia and charities. It is the second big robbery of the tax payer in less then 10 years. The nogs are not their problem, they are the tax payers one

If you know a company that hires migrants, no matter the qualification, the boss is a traitor, no matter how small the business, no matter how racist he is in private, burning him and his property to ashes is fair game

Why do we have to use our ships to bring them to Spain? Can't the aquarius sail by itself?

Well we know one thing for certain. The captain of that ship is a woman.


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Eh, I mean the common people are anything but gaining from it.
Wages are deflating, less welfare because we need to pay for them and most importantly way more criminality.
I get your point though.

They can but seems they are not willing to.
They require a little, friendly, push.


I have an idea. Since niggers want to live on Italian soil so bad, why not trade for the niggers land? Within a short time of trading places the formerly nigger infested lands would become a wealthy utopia, only problem is the niggers would suddenly insist on coming back.
On second though nothing changes, sink the fucking boats.

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The next 1000 niggers wave has already been authorized to disembark in Catania


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That's because our own military took them, it's not an ONG.

Why don't we just gas them?

>Can't the aquarius sail by itself?
2 meters "waves"(nothing for something like the Aquarius) are too much for the chickenshit NGO "captain".

Great men of Jow Forums, we need your help to stop these nigger transporting boats!
Become a human torpedo today, and kill a nigger!

>can some maritime user explain to me why they don't just turn off the engines and drift?
Possibly because they want to give the niggers on board, which are de facto paying costumers, the impression that they are indeed heading to the destination they paid for. Most of the volunteers on board might be dense retarded ideologically minded leftists, but I bet at least someone among those in charge on that ship knows the real nature of niggers far too well, and should rumors spread that they're not actually heading for Italy God knows how they might react.

>I this just an indication of how many times italy has changed their minds about letting them in?
The government has never changed stance since it first denied them access. Speculating, I'd say they're hanging outside Italian waters buying time waiting for something (running short on supplies or fuel, bad weather, etc) to happen so they can ask for permission to dock on the premise that this new impelling emergency has nothing to do with the migrants. At least that's what I'd do if I were them.

can't wait for the migrants in this boat to chimp out because it's taking too long and kill the NGOs members

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Good, you're learning.

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we should become pirates and steal/destroy those ships

>we refused docking to this ship
>just today our military has up 900+ shitskins from the coast of Africa

Well fucking done Salvini.

kek it's so obvious!

If they are on an italian military ship, even in international waters, you cant' send them back.
Italy was already fined for it years ago by the European court of (((human rights)))
It will require another approach, for now we are fixing the NGO problem

The italian orthodox church takes position in favour of Salvini and bashes catholic newspapers who criticized him.

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By letting the coast guard rescuing some nogs they can't fine us but at the same time we'll bring all the nogs from NGOs to EU so they'll finally understand that we have to stop them in Africa.

based meluzzi

Aquarius was recently resupplied by the nos aries, an Italian ship.

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We have phone transcripts where criminals said "migrants are more profitable than drugs"


fucking sink the cunts with a torpedo, and hang the politicians who invited them in.

When will you learn, Eurobros. There's only one way to stop this shit. We did it - you can do it too

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Africans aren't people.

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I’m a lighter skinned human being... can I get a free ride in Italy, too?


Anyone else log into jewbook today just to see friends of friends spazzing out? Good times

>More profitable than drugs
Obviously the risk is insured by the tax payer with 100% and no legal obligation to share profits or repay the insurer
>Audio files
Got any links, never heard of that story

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Matteo "My plans are nefarious for the nogs on Aquarius" Salvini
Matteo "Thwart The Jew, Gas the boat crew" Salvini
Matteo "If your skin is black, you need to go back" Salvini
Matteo "If they're brown turn them round" Salvini
Matteo "Refugees in distress? I could care less" Salvini
Matteo "I veto your shipment of cultural enrichment" Salvini
Matteo "Bring a nig and I'll throw him straight into the brig" Salvini
Matteo "sorry George Soros no Docks for your Moros" Salvini
Matteo "Sinking Aquarius? Hilarious" Salvini
Matteo "All Niggers at Sea head for Tripoli" Salvini
Matteo "Punic wars on nigger whores" Salvini
Matteo "Are You a Nig-Nogger? To Davy Jones's Locker" Salvinii
Matteo "No Kebab, just Linguini" Salvini
Matteo "Refugees? Drown them in the sea" Salvini
Matteo "Send Nigger Ship back to Africa" Salvini
Matteo "Torpedos for Sea Watch negros" Salvini
Matteo "pulling all triggers with boats full of niggers" Salvini
Matteo "Doctors with borders" Salvini
Matteo "Some ships are big, some are small, but dictatorships are the best ships of all" Salvini
Matteo "if the crew is brown let them drown" Salvini
Matteo “Marine Melanin” Salvini
Matteo "Under The Deep Sea" Salvini
Matteo "We ain't paid to mix with Spades" Salvini
Matteo "If he comes from Libya, kick him in the tibia" Salvini
Matteo "Salve"ini
Matteo "Blacks and browns get hung upside down" Salvini
Matteo "Skin not white? Shot on sight" Salvini
Matteo "Burnt Brownies" Salvini
Matteo "Fortress Europa" Salvini
Matteo "Port's Closed Due To AIDS" Salvini
Matteo "how many niggers can i KO" Salvini
Matteo "make niggers meet the bottom of the sea, to Poseidon I make this plea"
Matteo "Turn Bix Nood to Fish Food" Salvini
Matteo "Boil Em Like Linguini" Salvini

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Only the Aquarius worth more than 15 million euros

>Matteo "If he comes from Libya, kick him in the tibia" Salvini

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It was your choice dammit.

The navies should open fire on invader boats and then riddle the bodies with bullets