Millennials Aren't Having Kids. Here's Why That's A Problem For Baby Boomer Real Estate & Retirement

>After 30-plus years in her career, Donna is counting down the months until retirement. She gleefully shares with me everything she has planned for when she can do whatever she wants, whenever she wants. But in the middle of her excitement, something turns her mood. She clenches her fists and asks me demandingly, “Where are my grandbabies?”

>Donna is not alone. While I can’t speak to her particular grandbaby-less predicament, I can say that her experience is part of a much bigger trend – one with serious implications for the Baby Boomers’ retirement plans.

Stop playing video games and go out and have kids, I need to pay my rent bucko.

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How are newborn babys gonna pay for real estate? Shouldnt the kids have been made 25years ago

Given the ever increasing life expectancy, boomers are going to be retired for at least 30 years and maybe more. So get to making those kids bucko

all gen Z men have a moral imperative to NEVER get a job and NEVER pay tax


100% agree


I don't even plan on getting married. At all, just waiting for my parents to pass on and I can live on their money and get the hell outta this shithole village.

Im most likely infertile like most western men

I'm a believer of eugenics and have shit genes so I won't be breeding even if I'm still able.

And it’s beautiful

We should be lucky they have none

How many times do you plan on posting this, shill?

>Millennials Aren't Having Kids.

did you try paying us, boomer retards?

30 year old boomers BTFO

I am 29 and own my own pizza place in New Jersey. I have a house, fuck hosteses. I'm still lonely tho...

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Don't worry there is a nigger or a street shitter who will pump out 15 kids before their uterus collapses from the strain to make up for you having no kids.


Why isn't this an option if the government knows we need more people for their ever-increasing-economies?

>muh 43rd JIDF psyop boomer thread today

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>Where are my grandbabies?

Gee, I wonder.

I tried having this discussion with my mother a few months back, it's like talking to a fucking wall. She talks all about how she was only making 2$ an hour when she started working and still came out on top, never taking into account the fact that not only is that like 12$ an hour nowadays, but the facts that she paid way less taxes and that rent was way fucking cheaper. Doesn't mention the fact that my dad who dropped out of school in 8th grade was making 15$ an hour working construction back then, which is the equivalent of 90$ an hour today. Boomers are completely out of touch with today's economic reality. They'll complain endlessly about how much gas and food cost nowadays while either living on their fat pensions or still working with the best jobs with high wages and advantages, with a fully paid house, never having to worry about rent, all while claiming the only reason the younger generations aren't better off is because they don't work hard enough.

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should be mandatory to have a family when you want to go in politics. wtf they are destroying the country because they have no offspring. macron is a fag btw.

>milennials face highest education costs/debt
>cost of living & cost of childcare continue to dramatically outpace wages
>the only milennials that can afford to raise children are those on government assistance or the top ~20% wage earners

The "stop eating out" is such a diversion anyway. The problem isn't the 5% we spend on eating out, it's the 60% we spend on rent.

It's about house upgrades and investments in real estate

When you are single or maybe living with your GF without kids you don't need a big house on the country side, you just rent in the city center.
American boomers have billions invested into the suburban McMansions and as more of them vacate the price will collapse if there aren't new families willing to take loans to fill the houses. Incidentally lot of the retirement plans rely on infinite house value increases

You already get tax credits on it, which you shouldn't, retard
Have fun getting replaced

Retards like this actually exist

You are not a man before you have a son.

Is this why you only hire girls?

why the fuck would I want to marry? I own my home, have a good job and zero fucking problems.
>get married
>have kids
>roastie I most likely marry will divorce me
>I lose my home and half of my money
>pay child support until I'm in my 50s
>retirement is fucked
>rest my entire life is fucked
50/50 chance that a marriage ends in divorce and that sky rockets the more sexual partners a woman has. I'm 34, I'm not finding any virgins and the chances of divorce sky rockets after a woman has more than 1 sexual partner. so I'm realistically looking at a 70-80% chance of divorce because most girls are well beyond 1 partner in high school.

feminism and antiquated divorce laws have made marriage too risky.

fuck this gay earth

No need to buy or rent a boomer's large house when you don't have kids.

Instead you rent or buy a condo financed by South American Drug Lords.

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>not getting engaged to an 18 year old QT virgin

>only in my mid-20's
>never known a world where housing is affordable
>never known a world where college is affordable
>never known a world where the ((global economy)) seemed stable
>never known a world where youth unemployment wasn't high

Why would young people possible care about boomers when they've left us this mess?

Why the fuck is Pizza over $15 when it's only like $2 in ingredients?

$70k/yr in a high tax state here, with 3 kids. $70k is shit-tier income here, btw. Life sucks 99% of the time but it’s possible.

My Dad was property manager before he was 35 with a 4 year degree in Business from a local college...

Now you have people with Masters and PhD from top 100 Universities unable to make more than $10 an hour.

70k is barely past shit when you're single. With kids, god help you.

outside of sex and having children the majority of women bring absolutely nothing of value to a relationship. sex as a currency has been totally devalued, it's virtually free thanks to slut apps. so I'm supposed to marry, walk on eggshells and hope I never piss off my wife or she'll leave and fuck up my life. risk everything just for kids. sorry but no.
I don't see this changing either because women will never realize their role or responsibility in this crisis.

I'm 34 now, I fucked up.

>all gen Z men have a moral imperative to NEVER get a job and NEVER pay tax

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I am too

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28 almost 29 here. I can still pull teen girls. You just need to get in shape. Not saying get ripped, just get slim yet strong-ish. They like someone who's stylish yet can be a "daddy"

33 year old boomer here. Waiting for that sweet property market crash once foreign investor tariffs, interest rate hikes and subsequent market correction sets in.

The most black pilling that that I ever did was work out how much money I'd have to put aside every month in order to match the state pension the boomers will get but I wont.

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>33 year old boomer here

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22 and making 60k in a relatively low cost of living area. It's pretty nice. How do I find my waifu? I'm saving over 1/3 my income yet still go on trips every month and waist a lot of money on alcohol. I make enough to settle down here but I'm too autistic to find a gf.

How the fuck are millenials supposed to even afford buying their own homes? The prices of apartments have gone trough the fucking roof, largely because dipshit investors decided that the primary purpose of houses and apartments was not to actually serve as affordable living spaces for people, but as secure financial assets whose prices will keep growing.

>33 year old boomer here

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>mfw the pension age gets pushed back

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Well..everything and anything counts as rape nowadays right?

I dont want to get arrested for simply talking to some woman im slightly attracted too. Even if its a false charge theres still the ACCUSED OF RAPE on my life record now that cant be erased.

Ive always wanted a family of my own but you cant get a decent career or job with that on your permanent record.

Everyone is into such weird shit nowadays i dont even wanna bother.

if I married an 18 qt it would make my job extremely awkward. 22-23 is probably the lowest I can go. post college girl is a guaranteed roastie.

isn't the UK's finances in terrible order?

thankfully Russia doesn't have shit for pensions, and no welfare, just state healthcarea and maternity capital (give money to families with 2 and 3 kids). but it looks like Putin is going to go on a big spending spree. hopefully he won't waste it all.

why isn't there more construction in the West? there's a lot of construction going on here, rent is actually getting cheaper.

Why the fuck wont you want a wife and kids ?
Find someone good and have strong and brave children instead of complaining like millennials and boomers

>worse quality of life at an earlier age due to fucked up processed food in society
>pension age pushed back

>teacher detected

lmao I see your point

>why isn't there more construction in the West?
Because it lowers the price of houses. Investors (aka banks) want housing prices to be high for two reasons:
>To serve as secure assets in which they can invest their capital.
>To force people to get loans so they can afford houses.

> Pretends to fuck his own employees
> In reality they laugh at their balding manlet boss who is too spineless to even fire them

Stupid decisions deserve stupid rewards

>as more of them vacate the price will collapse if there aren't new families willing to take loans to fill the houses
This is unironically the best thong that could happen to America. The housing market has been in dire need of correction for decades.

It's a bubble, things are only worth what people will pay. Prices are never higher than what the average person can afford, if you think they are then you either have less money than the average person or you don't realize that advertised prices are inflated and you have more bargaining power than you think

If the world wants to burn so badly, let it burn. Can't make someone have kids if they don't want to or can't afford to.

Me too. Can't wait to swoop in and buy some low cost properties. I'm saving about 10k a year not counting 401k, hopefully that's enough.

Well, the state will pay them to house refugee if we dont

If you want to spend more for better quality food then you're just spending the money that you could have saved for retirement

>70k is barely past shit when you're single
Have you considered moving out of Jew York?

I'd love to have kids. But it is illegal for me to homeschool my kids, so..

The only reason people can afford houses is because they take out loans to buy them.
It is precisely a bubble, only kept up by the access to affordable loans.
I will never take a fucking loan, as it feeds the banking kikes. The entire business of usury that is modern banking has to be destroyed.

but construction companies can make money off of building new houses...

>isn't the UK's finances in terrible order?
It's a fucking disaster, mate. Basically from 20 onwards you'll need to put 1/4 of your wage aside (assuming all things stay the same for simplicity), this is after half of it has already gone on just having a roof over your head.

The possibility of any worthwhile future for the current young is non-existent. Even the advice of The Richest Man in Babylon is worthless here. "Pay yourself 10% of your own wages" is chump change and will never give you enough to even get to the level of investment to multiply it.

20 year old Gen Z living in my car to save money here, saving every cent I can get my hands on to buy the fuck up when the market tanks.
Rent is the biggest fucking scam in history, the cheapest food I can buy lets me use a bathroom, and I try to eat at least once a day anyway so that's no issue, laundromats are cheap as fuck and I only need to do my washing once every month, and casual gym membership is $2 per entry, that covers showers.
Even if I went to the gym every fucking day to shower, that's only $60 a month, compare that to $200 a week for rent.
Rent is the biggest fucking scam on earth, save your money niggers.

True, but what will you live off of? And aren't we spoiled thinking this way? As shit as it is now, previous generations often faced war and some famine, low tech boring lives.

Yes, but again, new houses means that the demand for the existing ones goes down, meaning that their prices get lower which hurts the banks.
Banks are the masters of western liberal democracies. Nothing that hurts them is tolerated.

Why do you think they are importing so many immigrants nowadays? It's certainly not for their skills, it's because the entire economy from housing to national debt absolutely depends on the population growing and if the millennials are not going to do it, the the Slavs and Africans are.


haha yup. I also work with a lot of 30+ single women who would make my job absolute hell.

when is that going to happen?
fellow mid-thirties boomer here

>having to spend more money on better food
Cooking, have you heard of it?

No, there isn't more construction because it's still usually a lot cheaper to buy a house than to build one.

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I meant the national debt etc

considered van-dwelling?

banks don't build houses. construction crews do.

except brown people are a tax on the economy. funny how internet nerds realize this, but the most powerful people in the world don't.

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for an equivalent house? no, even with labor, it's still cheaper to build. and construction workers don't make that much money. and raw materials are cheap as fuck.

As shit as it is now, previous generations often faced war and some famine, low tech boring lives
all of which led to more fulfilling and meaningful lives

>you don't realize that advertised prices are inflated and you have more bargaining power than you think
Went to buy a car last year, $24k starting, I added $6k of extras, bringing it up to $30,000.
I was happy with the price, but didn't want to sign on the day. They basically said "You know we can do cheaper, right? You're supposed to think this is too much."
I asked them what they'd sell it for, with the extras, and they said $23k. Lol'd my ass off. Still bought elsewhere tho.

>I meant the national debt etc
2 trillion last time I checked.

Why does pol have a problem with this economic reality. Have kids so they don't import people.

>banks don't build houses. construction crews do.

Who do you think finances the construction crews?

Lending power is calculated based on a person's ability to make repayments. Loans are built into the financial system, and no one has an inherent unfair advantage ie two people with the same income and assets have equal borrowing power. Since you're probably around the average income, you're at no disadvantage since a vast majority of homebuyers have average income (hence average). The affordability of loans is a product of interest rates which is in turn a product of how much money the government prints, which is a product of inflation (a measure of economic health). If you eliminated home loans, then it would completely change the economy, and you will find that homes will be exactly as affordable when your wage is slashed to basically nothing (since you'll need less money to live people will just pay you less).

burgerland, it's totally legal. the upper midwest has a lot of people of Scandinavian decent.

They'd import people anyway, just with a different excuse for doing so.

except wages are determined by labor supply

He charges that because he can, commie

reduce the risk associated with having children and people will.

Nigger, I don't WANT to take loans, because I detest this entire economic system and want it to burn down.

Private banks must be abolished and their control of the currency must be brought firmly under the domain of the state and state alone, so that the capital increase gained from usury based loaning goes directly into the state budget, and not private hands.

>considered van-dwelling?
Yes, but my car is more comfy, and I liek it.
It's my home, as per .
I'm trying to rip out some of the seats to give me a little more room, but as is, I'm happy.
(If I didn't already have it tho, a van would be perfect)
But my car is so inconspicuous that I can park it anywhere and no-one ever bothers me.

>the zog acting in good faith

>American boomers have billions invested into the suburban McMansions and as more of them vacate the price will collapse if there aren't new families willing to take loans to fill the houses.

Those properties will just get bought up by rich chinese. We've already seen this exact scenario happen in Canada. Millennials will never see affordable real estate in their lifetimes.

As Europoors, I understand neither of you understand how a market works. There needs to be profit incentive for new houses to be built. It's not cheap to build a new house. There are ton of regulations and many permits you have to get, artificially driving the cost up. Plenty of new houses are built, my home town has probably double the houses it did when I was a kid, that's because lots of people have been moving there. This drives the demand for housing up, driving the price up. So it becomes profitable to build new homes. Somewhere like NYC you can't just go buy a plot of land and slap houses on it. Real estate is extremely expensive because you have to build up. So of course housing is going to be a lot more expensive.