1/2 arab 1/8 black & 1/16 and damn well fucking proud of it

just a reminder theres nothing wrong with being black, brown olive or ((colored)) whites are just pissing themselves knowing there becoming outbreeded & will become a minority. BE PROUD. for all those mestizo, happas and quadroons JUST remember ur not the only ones! there are billions of mixed race countries (central asia, turkey, the middle east, north africa, south asia, south america) go there and dont further dillute ur non whiteness out. MONGRELS RULE 1/1.5 of THE FUCKING WORLD. move the fuck out of europe and america and instantly assimilate. BE PROUD you are ass raping the fucking whites. theres fucking 4 billion of us out there dont let them burden you with there white culture you have the best of both or 3 worlds. BROWN POWER

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You wonder why we are taught that we are mixed race so we dont find out and they dont find out there non caucasians.

BROWNs and blacks have been lied too. You wonder why whites are so friendly with the east asians?

Can whites be proud or just browns?

ITS POWER MONEY AND GREED, it has fuck all with races and is about putting the browns under the bus you see?

You can keep ur race mongrels should go back to there homeland.

please understand the difference between there and their. reading your posts gives me a fucking headache. fucking inbred.

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Why are horn of africans labled caucasians when there part black, why are north africans, middle easterners and west asians labled as white when there part black or part chinese.

but when ur a mullato or a mestizo from mexico. Wonder why is that?

Why are whites claiming that ethiopians were white. Because they a responsible for the birth of europeans.

WHY ARE THEY SAYING NORTH AFRICANS ARE WHITE when they were mestizos from day one. Because they conquered europe!


inspirantional. But i think hat we all know non europeans are mestizos.

who the fuck wants to be white? like you said we out number them 1000 to 1 and raping there kids. niggers chinks and kikes must go aswell as white.

why are 1/2 black 1/2 chinese or half south asians classed but us turks are mongrels too and we are called white. Its bullshit like this that makes me hate white people.

And You faggots call US mutts? Pathetic.

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Billions of you, and no sign of civilization on sight...lol

your a mongrel too. & Will never be truly accepted as white. Also we have look at turkey, and the middle east retard.



You didn't specify your 1/16. You're not making a good case for yourself here really

>10 posts by this ID
>trying this hard
Terrible b8 m8

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There are also much more flies flying around shit than owls and owls are much nicer than flies flying around shit.

im 3% amerindian 1% black and 3% middle eastern 4% central asian. Can i be on your guys side?

Im pretty sure white people since im a mutt and the one drop rule ofc.

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fag nigger

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You sound like the americans saying how much % of *insert european country* blood they have

>itt; subhumans who cant compete