What’s worse, single mothers or fathers?
Are single moms the enemy
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Single mothers are worse. I know a few women raised by single fathers and they're more Trad because the dad is super protective of them.
>Links image of a woman exploiting her child.
Gee I fucking wonder.
Single mothers. Without a father figure, your kids end up being failures in life. They have no direction, no support - the things that matter for making your way in life are provided by men. Women will give you comfort, but men will teach you how to carve your own path.
Without that male figure in the family, the children are doomed.
Women are deficient in everything. Including parenting.
>It's okay baby, let me kiss the boo-boo
>man the fuck up, pussy
HMM i wonder which will be better for a child in a cruel, brutal world?
>t. raised by a single mother
_HOW_ IS THIS Jow Forums RELATED!?!?!?!?!?!
>1 post by this ID
If I had to pick one, I'd much prefer single fathers.
Single Mothers without any competition whatsoever
You have said well. Can confirm for personal experience. Raised by a single mother and complete absence by a deadbeat father. Will probably commit suicide before I'm forty.
How much are these numbers being thrown out by the Single mother / nig nog overlap?
I love my mom even in death, and I realize that she made the choices she did for the well being of our small family. But I can't help but feel like I am much less capable than individuals raised by a loving couple. Unemployed at 23 too scared to talk to anyone to apply for jobs or anything. Just waiting for death right now, not upset about anything but why waste time playing a losing game when you do not have the know how or resources and are just going to be walked on. I'll just withdraw from society and hope I get cancer or something maybe I'll end up homeless and die of exposure. Love ya mom I do not have any hard feelings, I'm just tired and I don't think I can cut the mustard in this confusing world.
Jesus man talk to a therapist you sound majorly depressed.
If you feel listless in life, pick a goal and work towards it by breaking the large goal into a series of smaller achievable goals then knock them out one at at time.
If you're not that smart you could consider community college or a trade school while having a part-time job, don't pick bullshit choose something you feel confident you can picture yourself doing and that you think you can achieve like auto-mechanic (for example) then just work at it.
I know this is a movie but yeah good advice for life
But first an foremost talk to a therapist, depression isn't a joke and I know from personal experience that therapy helps
Single mothers have doomed humanity to ruin.
Yeah it's a disaster the Black community proves this.
Both have their pros and cons- while mothers are more nurturing and understanding, the fathers have this sense of helping and pushing the child achieve thier goals but i digress.
Now to answer you Q, single mothers are worse.
you gotta ride the tiger bro
Fuck people like this
single father makes you empty inside but okay outside
single mother makes you spoiled little rebel
t. broken home twice
Male children of single mothers tend to be faggots or criminals, females tend to be whores like mommy.
Single fathers tend to do a good job parenting.
Single parent households of both types are degenerate (unless the parent is a widow or widower.) but single mothers have the crime stats against them.
How the fuck would a woman know how to raise a boy to a man?
Then why is it that all the single mom boys grow up to become criminals?
are you me?
why don't you "men" step up to the plate and take responsibility?
Mothers are only good for the early stages.
Fathers raise much better kids.
>take responsibility for another man's actions
Ok, Jamal
>u mad white boi
For most of my childhood, I was raised by a single mom. During my teenage years, there was a stepfather around but he was very unauthoritative and not fatherly; he was more like a big brother.
My mother was oddly "fatherlike" in her expectations and behaviors. If I came to her with a problem, she would give me solutions and not tolerate any upset or emotional displays. If I came to her wanting emotional support (like a child generally does to their mothers), I would be met with reticence, annoyance, and ridicule. I wasn't allowed to want things like friends or relationships, only academic success or anything that would help me get into college.
However, she was also very feminine in her temper and emotional displays. She would fly off the handle at the slightest notion of "disrespect," and say things just to hurt you and make you shut up. She admits to doing this--to manipulating people and saying hurtful things just to make you do what she wants. She takes things that have nothing to do with personally. She is not very consistent in her responses.
I feel profoundly messy. I didn't have a nurturing mother figure and I didn't have a consistent, disciplined father figure. I can't accept any sort of physical contact or nurturing behaviors from women without my stomach turning. I seek out surrogate "father figures" anywhere I can.
My point is, the duality of the stereotypical mother and father is absolutely necessary to the development of a child.
Lots of the problems people have today can most likely be traced back to dysfunction in these archetypical roles.
They can be tolerated if they suck my cuck.
Despite a large amount of single mothers being black, white single mothers still only perform slightly better and that's because she can get temporary male figures for her child to look up to.
Single mothers are cancer.
Maybe without the single motherhood epedemic blacks might be able to get their shit together somewhat.
youre right with the own path thing, but if you arent retarded and dont blame your not dad for not being there you can accomplish everything you want, just like every person out there.
I was raised by a single mom via proxy (divorce) and she raised me to hate my father, despite my dad doing everything in his power to provide for me. Single mothers are spawns of satan, and I still have to love her because she is the only one I got. Now she is old and alone, depressed and addicted. I have to babysit her while I try to get my own life in order.
Find the church, or just spread your story. A lot of people can relate, and you can serve as a beacon of hope instead of hopelessness.
I always found it odd that in my US history courses, the book ended around 1970. This was the same time that divorce was normalized, and American culture began to wither to the rise of industrial Asia. While affected nearly half of my peers, we never once discussed what happened to the American family. That's what lead me to believe that the powers that be want this. The more divorces, the more laws need to be wrote, the more lawyers need to hired, and the more power the state has over the individual.
I wish the best for you and your future endevours, hopefully finding a fine enough woman to raise a normal family with.
Just spend 2 minutes on Jow Forums if you want to see the defeated castrated result of over mothering and never being taught any skills.
>I have to babysit her while I try to get my own life in order.
No you don't, remind her she made the choices for where she is today.
its his family, she provided for him and in turn he should as well, its the right thing to do leddit. I know you despise the family structure, but off yourself, ingrate
What's worse is the society that made them. A lot of them genuinely tried their best.
They don't.
Depression is a self-reinforcing spiral of destructive thoughts. As a man, you can ignore feelings.
I dont know if you're still reading this thread but I mean this in the most non-meme way possible: look into getting a trade apprenticeship.
You'll get a job and you'll get the confidence that comes from working with your hands and earning money.
fuck you, i was raised by a single mom, you fucking pricks!
Are YOU man enough to raise Chad's children Jow Forums?
I would prefer they where killed, not fucked
Them being fucked leads to the problem in the first place
Why us this image so blurry?
How come 80% of divorce is instigated by the woman then? Cunt.
Because you are fucking degenerate phone fag.
the problem is.. the child needs to see how both sides of the mind works.
if they're only seeing their mothers side then they realize being a pussy is normal
>raising your son to be a real man and not a douche
>all males are men of wisdom
Umm, no. Your macho shit doesn't help amyone.
It depends - sometimes the single mom is decent and the dad is a piece of shit. My daughter is a single mom. She was trad minded. Was with her boyfriend for years and wanted to marry - was her only boyfriend/sex partner ever (still is). Got pregnant unintentionally. Boyfriend said he'd marry her. Ended up dumping her while she was pregnant. She had the child and has been a stellar mother, works and takes care of herself and the child. Dad sees child now and then, doesn't work, and is a deadbeat with child support.
She may be the exception, but she definitely doesn't fit your stereotype - which is the problem with stereotypes. You have to take people on an individual level.
>Comparing a human soul to food.
You sound bitter
hasn't every school shooter been raised by a single mom?
I'm the youngest of 4 and we were all raised by our mother only. I have no sense of what the fuck any of you pathetic basement duelers are talking about here. If you're going to blame your failures on your parents maybe you're too soft for anything in life already. Literally no one in my house turned gay or a failure, we are all doing great in life.
And now you are on the political board of a Vietnamese sock knitting website showing a meme flag like a complete faggot.
Maybe the husband cheated?
Maybe he was becoming an alcoholic?
great, now I am hungry...
>costa rica
>single mother
>not a failure
Maybe women are greedy cunts?
Thats not the case or 80% of men would cheat yet less than women do cheat.
virgins like you
If its and buts were candy and nuts.
Yeah, no.
Only after "no fault" divorce became a thing did that rate spike.
Disgisting phone posting roastie slag cunt.
if single moms knew what a good man looked like, they wouldn't be single moms.
Women are great at raising babies into children, but it takes a man to raise children into functional adults.
Single mothers are much worse because they raise stunted "adult" children.
Single mothers.
>literally unbelievable
That's what we get for having real, strong, cheap education. Gets our asses off the chair and helps us look for a purpose instead of bitching.
Think it's a failure? Don't be a single parent yourself then, fixed.
She looks hot but as you can tell she has such a shitty personality and attitude that the person who was with her couldn't help but divorce her
My bad, it's free education. Not cheap.
ahhhhh I want some maccas.
i've been to costa rica, its a shit hole, the only success is leaving it
single mothers are the cancer killing civilization, even if yours wasn't, and yours not being cancer is not a refutation
Most single moms do not act in a way that shows love to her kids really. They often suport the kid by working long hours and puting the kids into daycare that then they pay for by working more. It seems like they almost always drink and do other acts that make them less able to raise the kids. Often they are not able to handle it all on there own and this is why you can see the difference in kids with a single mom (they look worse and are often less healthy.
>. I wasn't allowed to want things like friends or relationships, only academic success or anything that would help me get into college
Sound psychotic desu
>single moms work
haha good joke
they live off child support and welfare
they still don't love their kids
Totally agree, lots of single mothers AND FATHERS are a fucking joke and their offspring are worse, oh and not only here but anywhere you step your foot on.
>Costa Rica is a shithole
lmao ok we got a great shithole all you muricans love, literally we have more gringos than Nicaraguans. But yeah I guess y'all muricans like shitholes, since you know, the US is in such GREAT shape. Try telling that in front of the mirror.
So you failed to teach your daughter how to properly judge a man's character. kys
>government services = free
rich boomers tend to be morons, and think going to foreign shitholes gives them culture and experience to brag about to other boomers
Not always, if the single mother is a nonmeme strong woman and she has male family members the kids grow up fine. Humans should be raised communally anyway, not just by a mother and a father
Rich people in general are like this. I've seen rich Millennials who are into traveling and taking pictures to show how worldly they are on their parents dime. In the Victorian and Edwardian era, traveling was a sign of wealth.
How many of these suicides are men raised by a single mother?
Simple really, Single mothers breed and raise lgbqt beta kids. Fact
Single fathers always raise their kids to be upstanding chads and Stacie
ohai wetback, halfnigger, spic, cholo, cholobean, beaner cunt asshole, i don't wanna show my flag because you all would start to ask me of how's going in rhodesia.
it isn't a fact, you retarded cunt, i was raised by a single mother and I hate every faggot in this room, including the ones posting anime and other furfaggotry, you're retarded if you think it's a "fact"
Hungry Jacks is better. Just had a whopper after work.
>human soul