IQs have started to fall by seven points per generation

>this explains all the virtue signal political correctness etc

>The fall, which equates to about seven points per generation, is believed to have begun with those born in 1975, according to the first authoritative study of the phenomenon.

>The drop in scores marks the end of a trend – known as the Flynn effect – which has seen average IQs rise for the past 60 to 70 years by roughly three points a decade.

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Well when smart people have 1-2 kids and stupid retards are government subsidized to have 12 you get dumysgenics.

Eat more fish.

Not enough sex. And I totally blame religion for this.

>import low IQ people
>average IQ drops

You could probably calculate the levels of immigration by using this data.

>birth rates correct, collapsing debt pyramid scheme, like everyone predicted
>import idiot shitskins who breed like rabbits to prop up debt pyramid scheme
>average iq obviously drops due to shitskins
>lets call it the flynn effect

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It's because whites stopped reproducing, nonwhites got imported in mass numbers, the lead from leaded gasoline fucked everything up

>IQs have started to fall by seven points per generation


This is a good one.

One of the biggest problems is students are NOT reading anymore. Reading 1 book a semester in a lit class is not enough.

Language is how we understand and connect to the world. Language is our perception of the world. If we have limited vocabulary, we see the world in a limited way.

There is also a dumbing down of language. Now there is a time and place for informal language, but look up a random interview of somebody in the 60s or 70s and see how eloquently they talked.

Of course this is just one factor, but I believe reading is one way to escape the chains of oppression. It is virtually free and can even help the poor "travel" and explore concepts beyond them.

Sure people can read online but the info is controlled. Books are not as controlled and can explore concepts on a deeper and more controversial level.

I knew it. Fucking millenials.

I actually calculated it and you’re right. Roughly -3 iq points per decade assuming third world immigrants are 15 iq points lower.


Did they take race into consideration? Mohamed is the most popular baby name in bongland these days. That could be a factor.

the flynn effect is the rise of IQ that has been observed for decades prior to the latest decline, retard.

more specifically, its because intelligent women are in education and dont reproduce, while dumb shits (of all races) breed like rabbits. Of course the effect is highest becauase intelligent whites arent breeding.

Adolescents using marijuana

Meant to reply to you. Try calculating it yourself, it’s amazing how correlated it is to the number of immigrants.

And what caused your stupidity?

Incredibly racist. I literally can't even.

>dood its natralll its uh plent

Thc directly effects the insular cortex and in particular the financial reward system


No you dumb nigger, the answer is niggers in traditionally white countries

kek what a reddit tier reply

You already established that you're stupid. How about you back up your spew with some facts?

because everything effects everybody the same way

Wouldn't know. I have never been on redit

good tunes, hadn't heard this in a long time

yfw you were born at approximately the peak IQ. We are not running out of oil, we are running out of brainpower.

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they're also a bunch of cousin f*ckers

That is the problem but I get it

Let's not forget this is when integration in schools became standardized.

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Lol : D

>mass immigration of more primitive people from the third world
>why are we getting retarded?

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40 immunization for infants before there immune system can handle it. Why else would Jow Forums exist in the first place.

the flynn effect was the definition that the future individual would be smarter than the past
by definition

This world should be purged from feelz people.

Good post. People here are to juvenile to understand though.

Imo iq drop in western countries has to do with immigration more than anything else...

IQs are also falling drastically in Norway and France. What could possibly explain this?

This is why we need a robust eugenics program. There should be a minimum level of intelligence required to procreate. Waivers could be granted for those who show competence through accomplishments. Otherwise, surgical sterilization.

and roasties having kids at 30


You can now claim objetively the superiority of patriarchy in the long run

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I imagine there is a correlation between the drop in IQ and the increase in Mexican migration. Just a hunch.

>This explains trump, and Alex Jones fans
>People who unironically believe in pizza gate should co to the camp
>Why tf are you linking the dailymail you mong

reddit spacing

good points though

as someone born in 1963 with a doctor administered infant IQ test score of 167 I see this very clearly every day. I cite specifically highway traffic . In driving around a major metropolitan area I see daily unnecessary traffic jams caused by operators failing to employ the basic simple strategies everyone is taught such as leaving at least three car lengths space between you and the car in front of you.
If everyone simply employed this discipline the road would be porous for traffic. If you;d only pass in the left lanes and not drive excessively slow in the right lane and never yield to merging traffic for any reason then without an object obstructing the flow highways would be able to handle the volume. So people are clearly substantially less able to employ even the simplest strategies to improve their circumstances . They probably don't even see it as a problem.

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It’s the niggers

Call Justine and cry together.

IQ is unrelated to knowledge obtained and only varies slightly throughout your life as you become an adult.


i used to think this, but it ignores trailer trucks

Look at the south

It has an effect on whites

Being swamped in shitskins lowers your potential

It means teachers wasting their time holding the hands of dumb nonwhites kids instead of providing white kids with a decent education

It means employers and people in general having lower standards for themselves and others because they’re so fucking tired of dealing with literal subhumans dragging them down all the time

It means a destruction of thought provoking culture, because they have to appeal to this new retard demographic to make money

Humanity is diseased

I'm sure it has absolutely nothing to do with importing millions of migrants from low IQ countries and has everything to do with silly conspiracies like flouride in the water, lead in the air etc.

Stop distracting yourselves Jow Forums.
You know who is to blame.

If you let a fucking car have any decent space between you and them some other fucking pieces of shit will just fucking cut you off constantly and you’ll never fucking get anywhere

Everyone is so god damn selfish now too

>implying the Jews who ship in migrants wouldn’t happily sell the goyim toxic waste even if it means putting it in their water supply

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This and this /thread

>born in 1975

Just after 1965 haha.

>new car
>cruise control will follow behind cars automatically, hangs 4-5 car lengths behind
>people cut me off and the car slow down
>get passed again, and again and again
sucks famalam

1975 is when they started to import foreigners niggers borderline mentally retarded IQs bring down the nations IQ significantly. I would bet pure white genetics IQ are continuously rising but the mean IQ is falling because: Niggers

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remark about selfishness yet you imply you refuse to create more space when the space you have created is entered... you simply allow further space to arise... that's on you .. if everyone acted this way everyone could always find space to merge and change lanes so they can exit and not need to slow down to find space to change lanes...

You're totally correct, according to the study your IQ is lower, and you can't even. (Mathematics)

Americans are almost minority white and you didnt replace them with Asians. That is why your IQ is falling.

The study was in Norway, and the UK, I don't think it was in the U.S.A

You gotta have a little knowledge to do well on an IQ test.

Wait a second.

NORWAY says there is a huge problem that only eating fish can solve.

Hehehe, I knew all the kids were getting more and more stupid as time passed.

>Language is our perception of the world
t. constructionist faggot with no understanding of how language works

What you said but skiing instead of reading.

Just about the time mass immigration to the West began in some places...

Trailer trucks cannot go above 50, and must be in the slow lane

i'm not disagreeing about the other drivers, but common sense will not make the highways function better

there are two exchange ramps where i live, that back up for 5 miles everyday, due to trailer trucks having to go 30mph on them, and absolutely everyone needing to use that ramp

you must be retarded, sex affects life badly. Sex is overrated and a stereotype, you fucking leaden loser.

the pic related maybe will explain

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What a strange coincidence! I wonder what IQ trends would look like if broken down by race over time.

Says the rural suburban Trump supporting nazis retards. I'm so happy I live in a place where I'm represented by a POC LGBT activist and genders studies graduate - someone who actually cares about the common people!

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>common people

Unless you're white, male (cis, not trans), straight, white-leaning, business-oriented, or any number of other things.

Those people are everything that's wrong with society. Once the migrants start getting medical and engineering doctorates we'll invent a spaceships are fire you all into the sun - the white man's mortal enemy.

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Oh shit. A leaf. I guess I didn't even notice that. I can safely ignore you now, kike shill leaf.

What it is due to, is the mass importation of niggers and arabs and other assorted subhuman shitskins

typical racist - calling me a leaf

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>t. constructionist faggot with no understanding of how language works

This is just a known fact. Yeah, constructivism is a good philosophy, especially in education.

What are you even arguing?

Of course it will fall. if you increase lower end of normal deviation, the average will go down. Who is making 5-6 babies these days? Koko the ape or Peter of Svalbard?

Did they actually compare parent to child or are they just going by age groups?

You and your stunted perspective are everything that's wrong with humans.
You are dogshit, like the majority.

>Sure people can read online but the info is controlled.

Low IQ retard or shill detected. The Internet is the only gateway to books that are worth the read in the progress they can give.

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>me at 18
>129 IQ

>me at 26
>142 IQ

I refuse to stop growing.

Yes this is very true. True consciousness is birthed through the development of language that utilizes many metaphors. Reading is a great way to exercise your mind and expand your vocabulary. Try to read some "harder" books ok kids? Read Ouspensky or something of that sort

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Language is a powerful tool. It can elevate your consciousness, but it can also delude you further. Handle language with care. Simply reading a lot is not necessarily a good thing. It will trap you down.