Attached: come-with-me.png (929x583, 301K)

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I can’t tell what I’m supposed to look at in this image

body language fag

You don't need to tell, it's marked.

Kim guides.
Trump follows guidance.

Nothing new. Putin will get jealous.

Attached: Putin puhuu.jpg (660x390, 23K)

My dick is hard now.

meme flagged



Trump did this to Kim 3 or 4 times before Kim finally tried it back. It's almost like Trump was coaching the little fella.

So is this dominated also shill?

Attached: 1528766335513.png (549x453, 207K)

you got fucked Trump made history today and you leftist and your Odumbo didn't do SHIT HAHAHA

He wins

We can all agree Cuomo was dominated

Attached: IMG_6618.jpg (4032x3024, 1.74M)

>haha look at us two dictators having fun
>hey rocketman, let's go jerk each other off while Putin calls in

Your president is a huge retard

>North Korean cooties are the worst!

Attached: 4131F190-0A12-42AD-819B-95BCC38AE92A.gif (332x328, 1.11M)

The exact opposite.
> No, Darnold, You go first. These frash cubes scare me so.
>Sure thing, Rocketman. I've got these toads by the short-and-curlies all day, every day. Watch this.
> Go get 'em, Tiger!

You not a breeder, user?
Watching any pack of kids could reveal what behavior this is; no DSM required.
Trump is Lil' Kim's Hero.

>about to reunify the penninsula together
>hurr Trump a retard!

>Nice try CFR

Attached: Dominated.png (385x502, 242K)

K O R E A N ' D

this, we all saw it on the stage.


mason digs confirm that was true

This is getting pathetic.

>I'd be jealous too if my leader was a woman, oh wait...

now THATS how you dominate!

Two leaders of great nations doing what nobody thought possible. To make peace were once there was only hatred.

Merkel get off this board.

Trips of truth from best Korea.

exactly... Trump is the father Kim never had

Its kind of funny when you understand the principles behind this.
They are taught about body language.
Sometime their ego will kick in with a smile and they'll over do it and you can tell they had body language classes.

>great nations
stfu Kim

I'll be honest. You sound like a complete fucking retard. How old are you?

Attached: 1528392264565.jpg (1000x665, 223K)

It's all PR you drooling retard.

You disagree that the US is a great nation? Why?

Hello Kim, please give back your fake Brazilian Passport please.

That was a great summit, keep it up Kim.


your flag looks like the gay pride flag, fag.

>Dennis Rodman give a cope of "The Art of the Deal"
>Kim read it
>Now he uses Trump's tactics against him

Check em

Attached: 1504172683730.jpg (467x393, 39K)

Checked and checked

No it doesn't. Blobia is based.



i hope you aren't actually german.

You guys will get a Mcdonalds soon. I promise.

Sweet post
We're all gonna make it


If this keeps up, North Korea will unironically become best Korea. We've already been memeing it and we know what happens when we meme.

Hey dumbass, watch the entire video. Trump placed his hand on Kims back 1st, then Kim did the same, and then Trump placed his hand on Kims back again. Trump did it last you cuck, stop spreading FAKE NEWS

All living Germans, by definition, are retarded. Enjoy your self imposed dystopia. You'll be black and Muslim in one generation. Better go to the mosque and prep the bull for your wife and kids.

Kim personally hacked the election to get Trump elected confirmed!

lmao yes if you by history you mean the worst deal ever

Attached: 1443444417645.jpg (1000x1000, 713K)

I mean, sort of this. He definitely copied trump’s body language.

You libfuck basedgoys dont even know what winning looks like. Every attempt is cringe. Observe exhibit A: youtu.be/srkj63VBSHM
The 2018"fuck trump" awards hosted by pedophile robert de niro

S o y g o y s
M o. D = fags

God bless you

>well someone is sure pouty today huh?
>rough day champ? We can't all be winners I'm afraid.

Attached: 1527647560471.jpg (285x249, 8K)

He just wiped a nerve agent on Trump