Why are you not breeding?

why are you not breeding?
(assuming you have the option and aren't instantly rejected by all females)

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The females dun wanna have babies, and I ain't got the time or energy to tell them that they are insane, so I just say ok and move to the next.

The ones I met weren't worth it

Everyone in this country either has an IQ of 180 or is a professional hockey player.

I can't compete.

virgin incels

went through my parent's terrible divorce and i dont want to subject another human being to that kind of torment. and there are some weird genetic disorders in my family. i dont want to pass that on.

>incel cnn buzz word
smash nails into your own skull, you buzz wording liberal nigger.

>they're the losers not me
>implying women can are losers

here comes the incels

>The females dun wanna have babies
this is factually wrong. females have a biological clock that they can NOT go against.
do you even have a gf to wanna have babies with? I'm guessing no.

I'm a loser who lives at home and i'm a 5/10 at best which is basically unfuckable in the current dating game.

i dont want to accept the contemporary free independent women crap

then go after girls who haven't grown up in big cities.

thats the only kind of girls i "go after"
its not what i was talking about

too poor.

I'm a loser, so I just try to read and keep my mind busy instead of working about my loins. It works some of the time, other times it's really hard. Is what it is.

girls raised outside cities, who live in small places, aren't "contemporary free independent women"

I like not being poor, also kids give the State an open invitation into your life. Let the niggers breed, I don't care. This entire planet is a pile of shit anyway.

not what i was talking about
its how relationships today work, i jsut dont want to accept it

for example, for everything today you need womans acceptance, women work just like men do, everbody goes clubbing, everybody uses contraceptives and has maybe few kids, its illegal to properly raise your kids etc.

If you look statistics, you can see that the amount of old hags without children or just one retarded kid is on the rise.

I wanna have at least 5 children, and these free and empowered women wanna ride the dick-carousel.
Who am I to tell them they can't do that?

>everbody goes clubbing, everybody uses contraceptives
again, this is not the case with girls raised in small places.

>instantly rejected by all females
Do you think that the word "no" magically stops someone from fucking? It's like you've never heard of rape.

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I've bred twice. Reason I won't breed more right now is because greedy boomers would rather travel and was money on frivilities than help a young father and his wife make it in this crazy economy.

Gotta find a young wife

>I wanna have at least 5 children
and yet all you do is sit on your ass and not even LOOK for a woman who wants the same.

you want to be idle, and have a woman like that walk into you by chance.

yes it is
i live in a very small place (less than 100 people, closest town miles away 10k people top) and yes it fucking is hard

tell me, where are you looking for a wife? in clubs?

i am pretty sick so i have basically become a recluse :(

Because Im genetic for cancer and Alzheimer. I'd rather not pass my genes on.

Damn, when did you put GPS locator on me?
Besides, if you can read my first post, I said that I just move to the next one. Besides, it's not like my sperm is going to get bad any time soon, unlike female fertility.

i dont go clubbing, but 99% of people do

its not just that
women today fucking decide everything, you have to be equal and emancipated and shit, divorce whenever they please and do whatever they please, act however they please and you cant do shit

im a fucking lawyer and own a farm, why on earth would i want to fuck myself over like that when i have nothing to gain that way, only loss and frustration and compromise im not willing to take
fuck that shit

hog trash

t. 35 yo living w/ a 25 yo that cares fuckall abt having kids. She'll be moving out soon.

she wants to graduate first. honestly think 5 years I'll have little blonde haired green eyed white babies

Mental illness runs deep in both sides of my family, and I've got it as well. I have no intention of making a kid suffer through this.

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Because the multitude of risks that come with a single man starting a family are only worth taking if I truly care for and am attracted to the woman I'm with. None of the women I fancy could ever reciprocate, and it's not worth giving up my freedom for a troll.

either accept or deny my accusation. are you really pro-active in seeking a wife? are you looking in the right places? I think not.

>but 99% of people do
do not exaggerate to aid you in defeatism
>women today fucking decide everything
in media and in their fantasies, yes. but in reality, if she actually wants you to stick with her, no.
>would i want to fuck myself over
you have become materialistic. you can not be so selfish and be able to build a family.

>(assuming you have the option and aren't instantly rejected by all females)
a very bold assumption

Most females are basic, and not complicated. The ones that are, aren't flirtatious in general. My fault for falling for the unpretentious, smart crazy girls early in life. My type evidently. Hard style of crazy to break.

Reminder that the only "power" women have is refusing you access to their holes.
There's also the illusion of power they are given by cucks who defend them for access to their holes

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Maybe, but as I implied before, I have a lot of time left to make babies.

>Reminder that the only "power" women have is refusing you access to their holes.
>I am so scared or being rejected that I have already given up without even trying.
pathetic incel

I don't want kids I just want as much pussy as I can possibly get

>I have a lot of time left to make babies.
with time, it only gets harder and you will have less time and energy to deal with it, and more excuses to delay it indefinitely.

do not fool yourself.

So this is the power of feminine arguing.

I want my kid to have a decent start. I'm not making enough dosh yet.

Their holes are the meaning of life and once upon a time men made sure women stayed in line so we had unlimited access to them

>do not exaggerate to aid you in defeatism
im not exaggerating, its like that, i dont care if you live in dutch protestant bible belt sheltered circlejerk ultrareligious community, but normal world functions like this whether you accept it or not
how the fuck am i a defeatist, not like breeding is my sole important goal in life, i have a pretty decent life otuside my sexuality
>in media and in their fantasies, yes. but in reality, if she actually wants you to stick with her, no.
i dont give a shit
you cant make a single decision in hosuehold if wife doesnt agree to it, she can divorce any time she fucking want
they dont care about raising a family and having children, they all want to be just like me, have a college job, be independent and mybe few kids down the road eventually in an emancipated relationship
i dont - period
>you have become materialistic. you can not be so selfish and be able to build a family.
if im wealthy doesnt mean im instantly materialistic

I'm twice the man you are fagget, calling everyone who BTFO's your weak argument "feminine" is not gonna mask your weakness.


fat ass who after preggo will be a whale, NO no and NO!

Start arguing anytime soiboi

>you cant make a single decision in hosuehold if wife doesnt agree to it, she can divorce any time she fucking want
are you scared to have a fight with a woman? are you scared of having to disagree with someone? are you scared of conflict? you sound like a soiboi millennial.

Is it acceptable to watch cute baby videos with a girl if the purpose is to make her want to have her own babies?

it's gay. a man doesn't do indirect manipulation.

I'm 30 years old and never have held hands with a girl because of social anxiety.

Babymaker are infamous creatures

i understand all that. theres so many things about family life that suck, yet so many people do it without thinking.

>too poor.

This at the time. Now comfy as fuck, but, older.

same :(

I'm still in University and I still live with my parents. I need to get a job and buy a house first. Fortunately I already have the traditional girlfriend part sorted out.

Ive come to hate white women and even if i could find a exception to the rule this is no environment for white kids to flourish anymore and i am not gonna waste my time on trying to raise a good kind only to have the state/media fucking him up

Girlfriend is infertile and we have fake children to take care of. We'd be shit parents anyways and don't make enough to support a child. Hold your applause, please. Your tax dollars will thank you.

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>we have fake children to take care of.
seek help.

Motherfucker, did you forget that YOU HAVE NEVER MET ME, EVER.
You don't know anything about me, but you keep projecting your own insecurities on me like I was the part of you witch controlled if YOU can have babies.

The fuck is wrong with you?

Too risky and the squeeze isn't worth the juice.

yet it seems I hit a nerve. just come clean fagget

>are you scared to have a fight with a woman
im not scared of almost anything, i nearly got killed almost due to my personality, how do you think i got into law in the first place
i dont want to fight a woman, why the fuck would i enter a relationship like that
maybe you would i dont want to

>are you scared of having to disagree with someone
no im not
however i want to be the boss in relationships i take
if i cant be that fuck them, if they want to be emancipated and make decisions together with their partner they can marry a man of the 21st century, im not
im a fairly religious, traditional country kid and well situated and i dont care about putting up with that shit
my life is pretty fine without women thank you very much, if i need someone ill just hire help

>you sound like a soiboi millennial
onions is food we only give to cattle where i live
pretty weird anyone would unironically eat it (tho i know a bit weird vegetarian chick whos into that stuff)

I can't find any good, attractive females who will breed with me.
I'm also slightly autistic and never initiate contact so I only meet girls about once every couple years, at which point I immediately act disinterested and distance myself from them as much as possible.

1, nothing wrong with me

Because I'm poor as shit.

>i dont want to fight a woman, why the fuck would i enter a relationship like that
people will always have disagreements. if you are going to avoid relationships because of the chance of disagreement, you are mentally a child.

Because I don't have the option and I'm instantly rejected by all females.

i own a lot of cats and horses jsut like a lot of people i know
it doesnt automatically mean youre some kind of a lonely weirdo

ok then im a child i guess

You continue to project your own insecurities to a person who does not even live in the same country as you.

Cause my kids will be subjected to propaganda that will ultimately turn them against me... all paid with my own cash. No thanks.

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>i own a lot of cats and horses jsut like a lot of people i know
I meant the huge collection of baby dolls:

you cant even homeschool them legally and theres not catholic school of my choice in my country

if I'm not telling you the truth, then tell me, but don't deflect it with anger because you're butthurt I figured you out.

Better to die with honor than live without

so what
women keept them from sentimentality since when they were kids
youd know that if you every met a woman

>you have become materialistic. you can not be so selfish and be able to build a family.

Oh what fucking Rot. The LAST thing we need is men getting married in the western world with it's divorce industry raping men of their assets, and telling them when they can see THEIR kids.

Utterly unacceptable for anyone to think otherwise.

>men have to waste time looking , while women sit comfy and wait
Fuck off

>females don't want to have babies
Doesn't enter into the equation. They want to bareback though.
Just leave the contraception up to the chick and she'll screw it up. Simple.
I had three babies in one calendar year.
I'm highly suggestible when I'm fucking, and if I hear the word 'cum' I cum.
So when I was doing these chicks and they started to say "Don't cum we've no protection" they got as far as 'cum'.

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Wife and I can’t afford having children yet, that’s why.

Because girls these days are more tedious than ever to deal with.

I'm not a 10/10, but I'm not ugly. I have a great job and I'm going places, I graduated at the top of my class, I'm physically fit, arrogant as all of that may seem. And yet? I get treated by dirt by girls, even ugly ones, because this is the Tinder generation. Unless you look like Brad Pitt or you have a large network of friends, getting a girlfriend is harder than ever. I was told by the internet that if I got my shit together, everything would just fall into place, but that hasn't happened either. Women rule the world, and they're going to get more and more powerful as most men realise that even working themselves to death just to prove themselves to the world isn't even enough. So like, why bother?

Men are disposable and not respected in today's society, especially if you're white, and it's only ever going to get worse. Might as well not even try to get a girlfriend. I worked my ass off for years and I'm not closer to getting a girlfriend than I was when I was living as a NEET.

even now a chunk of family land and assets will go to my sister who will get married and transfer them to another family just like that
and my family doesnt care the slightest, im some kind of an evil weirdo when i complain

Can I legit get some tips how to stealth seed? We're kinda young and age didn't want kids yet but I know she wouldn't get an abortion. What do?

I was only 19/20 as well. THREE fuggin babies in one year. Imagine the state my head was in?

Actually ever sense I abandoned and rejected leftist thinking and social conditioning, my success with women has greatly increased.

You must be one of the greatest inseminators of our time!

yeah, that's the reason. KeK, like you have a choice in the matter. KYS

dont take the black pill. Even if all you can do is have white kids, your still helping our race and cause. Dont lose faith brother, hail victory!

>Just mindlessly make babies in a society which practically hates and indoctrinates white children dude lmao

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Dont get a divorce

>evil weirdo when i complain

YES. This is so weird, isn't it? I've always found that women are freely allowed to bitch or complain about stuff to get their needs met. But a man who does it needs to grow a pair.

>why are you not breeding?
Oldfag here. Five kids aged 5-17. If you aren't reproducing, and you're over 30, you're a failure as a man

I've been trying for years, but they're putting chemicals in the water that turn the freakin frogs gay/sterilize people

i'm rejected by everyone except old chicks and fatties, so what's the point

>genetic: my kids would be mentally retarded with autism
>parenting: I would be a terrible father
>finance: as if I could afford that shit, especially since we're on our way to a trudeau-induced hyperinflation
>preference: I'm not even going to have a gf, I prefer my own company

sorry dad