4 people are working on these torrents. the first one managed but got his ass shoahed before sharing post. The second managed too but he's learning how to open the files (pic related) The other two are downloading for backup
This shit is unironically a year+ old stop being a retard
Adam Anderson
Go fuck yourself and spam some blacked threads you insufferable kike.
Nolan Scott
I'm in but it's tight...
Nathaniel Harris
free cheese pizza
Jose Harris
Stupid shill. Go die now.
Joseph Jones
It's nothing... they lied from time to time and deliver nothing.
James Walker
jesus, bittorrent needs update? will someone please grab before they are scrubbed
Carter Hall
Ian Torres
thank you
Gabriel Garcia
I think those insurance files were release 5 years ago and we just find out the passwords now (which in the reddit case 1 year ago)
Joseph Foster
>It's a year old retards. Why don't you listen to me after I said this for the 95th time Fuck off you inbred mongrel. You linger on these threads like a fuckin Gypo who lies conveniently beside ATM machines
Connor Kelly
checked, i'll have them by tonight (EST) and post whatever i find
Elijah Gomez
Friendly reminder that this is what the George Webb shill crew do every time they show up and fail to create a lasting larp. The most memorable time was when he rehosted the guccifer 2 files and claimed they were encrypted Seth Rich emails. They weren't even encrypted.
These retards are a fucking joke.
Anthony Butler
Isaiah Long
Also the Webb crew just do AMAs, this is us trying to access REAL FILES.
Aiden Walker
I had a copy of that and found a couple of trojan installers within it
Parker Richardson
What did guccifer 2 have to do with him?
Fucking kys.
Hunter Wright
Bumping purely because people shilling hard against it. Suck a dick.
Jose Turner
Guccifer 2? That was a democrat LARP. Why even bring up Guccifer 2?
Joseph Foster
Joshua Foster
Nobody's buying it, George. Maybe stick to bomb threats.
Reminder that WL and Assange deleted the most compromising pre-McCann emails from the Podesta leaks. Fuck them and fuck the nigger spooks that spawned them.
Ryan Myers
Also, could Julian Assange be QAnon?
Angel White
I'm shit at It so I can't tell. The second lad managed to download the files. (pic related)
You know the way you got people revising history by saying things like Einstein's wife did all the science? Well apparently you find the exact same situation in Assange's case. His wife did all the hacking and he was just a dummy for distraction.... okay I'm going to bed
Ryan Cook
>Podesta's Password was:Password
No it wasnt.
Kayden Hill
John Stewart
why does it take so long?
Oliver Stewart
Because it's running tens of thousands of calculations a second to decrypt a shitload of data.
Ryan Morales
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Q & fbianon. The revelations are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of memetical physics most of the predictions will go over a typical Jow Forumsack's head. There's also fbianon's insider outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from spirit cooking literature, for instance. The boomers understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these revelations, to realise that they're not just based- they say something deep about KEK. As a consequence people who dislike Q & fbianon truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, Q's existential tripcode which itself is a cryptic reference to Trump's American epic "The Art of the Deal". I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as fbianon's genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Q & fbianon tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 redpills of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid
Adrian Gomez
yeay, spam bots are here
Kayden Foster
How do i start this process?
Nicholas Flores
1. check 2. check 3. check 4. check . .
5. check 6. definitely lower 7. no offense taken
Anthony Torres
is there any way to get "USA-Secret-Patents-List-1948-to-2009.aes256 (54.1 GB)" ?
Jack Hill
Not to be rude, but if you have to ask that question you probably shouldn't be opening the files.
Kayden Bailey
Eli Ross
A Jow Forumsack downloaded the files... passwords don't work
Luis Adams
if this was something, an user would already have posted it.
calling larp
Colton Phillips
I'm serious (If this shit isn't a LARP). If the files legitimately contain high-level information that could actually risk national security, you better be sure your OPSEC is tighter than a butthole holding back a torrent of shitstew, because the authorities WILL find you and WILL silence you.
Ethan Martin
Oh you mean like op before deciding that a year old larp is super duper important and real?
Hudson Turner
uhhhhhh guess im fucked
Carson Davis
that's what the shills want you to think, I'll see for myself
Parker Murphy
couldn't just store the files offline? as in unplugging the disk i downloaded it to
Leo Brooks
Get your wikileaks news and info from @wikileaks on twitter, not larpers on Jow Forums.
yes it was.... make like a leaf and blow away McFly
Aiden Martin
Sure, that's called an airgap. But unless you downloaded the files through Tor and a VPN or two, then spying parties know exactly where your file was downloaded to, and can still easily track you down if they wanted to. Now you're safe because the files are encrypted, but if they were decrypted, you could be at risk.
Eli Kelly
the glow is real
John Clark
I just downloaded torrent A, tried the password listed, it doesn't work.
John Bailey
I'm going with this whole password shitstew being a LARP, but show us a screenshot of the failed decryption because I don't trust leafs.
Cooper Carter
Have you tried ciphering the password through the blockchain using Julian's original pgp key?