How bad is the race relations in america at the moment? if you get your US information from Jow Forums, twitter and CNN you would think a race war is about to happen
How bad is the race relations in america at the moment? if you get your US information from Jow Forums...
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There are really no relations because we avoid each other. there are really no relations because we avoid each other The whites live in the suburbs and the spics and knickers live in the ghettos .most of the violence in America is nigger on nigger or spic on spic.
There are instances of white people getting killed robbed and raped by these brown scum, but overall I feel pretty safe , because I don't live around them .
Don't you go to the same schools? In high school I can understand if its divided, but surely in college the people mix
"School" is just daycare for niggers. They all pass anyways..Whites and Asians still try to learn
We self segregate.
Nowhere near as bad as anybody on here would lead you to believe. You just have to use common sense and avoid the poorest most dangerous neighborhoods. Nobody wants to live next to Arabs, Nogs, or Poos, but we can at least be civil with each other
It’s so bad that’s its exceptable for college professors to go on anti white trirades without and recourse for the heads of their departments
So as this fellow white man
There is a race war, in Europe too.
It’s being waged with demographics and we are loosing
Here is life in White America. I'm sitting on my back porch drinking a beer,after making today's $. I'm just a dipshit but it's decent.
Colleges are mixed. White, Indian, Asian, Arabic, Jewish, Hispanic, Black. Meritocracy is generally encouraged in the managerial class. All races assimilate into the corporate monoculture.
>Using an Australian camera
Nice try, Aussie
It's all I can afford on my slave wage. Not a nigger around though.
bad, but not the almost race-war the media portrays it as.
America has always had a "complicated" relationship with race, founded on the principle of freedom for all men (but still had slaves); and in the 1900's the US mocked the older European powers for still having colonies (while annexing new territories to "promote democracy") don't listen to twitter, CNN or Fox, their goal is to create drama and sell ads, not inform the listener
It is a little bit different than most Euros imagine because the city planning from segregation still kind of functions. Even in cities which are 50% black, blacks stay on their side of town for the most part because they're likely to deal with cops if they don't. I lived in a city like that and never had any problems, aside from being on their side of town.
Obviously, Jow Forums and twitter make tensions appear as if a race war is about to happen, but people are just trying to live their lives for the most part and we interact peacefully. There is no shortage of crime in predominately black areas. The insular politics that social media, Hollywood, and universities promote make race relations worse of course because they inflate tensions, martyr and victimize blacks into taking on more extreme attitudes.
Most schools are legit segregated. Colleges are is when the mixing starts
(((They))) are setting up an engineered conflict.
In reality oustide of inner cities, I don't think it is bad at all
Very clear segregation but still there are coal burning trailer trash roasties. Tons of mexicans flooding in everywhere, even in rural areas.
My neighbors are White, Black, Hispanic, Asian and Marshalize and we all get along just fine. We're even friends.My grandchild is half El Salvadorian. Three quarters of the work force in construction here is South American working with north American rednecks. The racist in the field are the white people with the least education. The manipulation is obvious to US as well. We're all just people wanting to be happy and enjoy our families and friendships.
I kinda want the conflict to happen honestly.
Really depends where you live. I live in MA which is a blue fortress of sorts but everyone here is also really blue collar. Most people get along, niggers and spics are the primary racists, Boston is filled with hipsters and yuppies who try to be inclusive but most of the state doesn't give a shit. I grew up around nogs and spics, I'm originally from Europe. Usually it doesn't come up. As another user said people just stick with their own. I have some African friends, a couple Spanish friends but they act like me.
>Meritocracy is generally encouraged in the managerial class.
This is ENTIRELY untrue.
The people in charge of hiring look for obedient slaves and nothing more. Intellectual novelty is spurned in favor of ~diverse brown people~ with low IQs.
Old white guy here who smiles at everyone I meet. Have noticed significant hostility from POCs recently. Tension is in the air.
I pray for a race war every night. Literally, to God.
>the racists are uneducated rednecks......
How about the racists are the uneducated. Pretending niggers and chinks and spiccolis aren't racist doesn't make it real.
In the 1980s, in the same 50% black city it was uncommon to have more than one or two blacks at this high school in the white part of town. These are their demographics as of now.
Much better than when King Nigger Obama was around. Sambo has gone back to eating KFC and downing 40's of King Cobra.
That’s because nigs are nogs
only thing I've noticed at work is that there are a hellava lot more nigs being sent in by the temp service and almost zero spics
nigs wash out faster than the spics used to but at least they speak english
I was watching the Singapore meet up last night and it crossed my mind for a second that Obama was president for 8 years. Felt like a really bad dream user.
I’m hesitant to say that nigs speak english considering its almost as hard to understand them as the spics.
Case and point: Cardi B and most street nogs
Colleges are certainly less divided, as you'd expect, but aside from the politics (which are not relevant if you're not studying humanities), there aren't problems like there would be in high-school or grade school.
White trash piss me off so much. Townies are nice though. They are somehow just as dirty as white trash but without all the attitude and some skills.
not bad. economic tensions are worse.
This is a half-truth and you know it. The most racist are the least educated, but they are most certainly not only white. Everybody is racist, including your spic family and neighbors. It's also in the south with the most rednecks where actual diversity and coexistence is the highest. The most liberal places in the country are ironically the most segregated.
At my Uni a few years ago this 45 year old African man bitch slapped a nig in the classroom repeatedly for acting like a nig.
And he did. He whooped him like his daughter.
compared to trying to speak to a wetback spic?
I'll take the nig, and their music isn't half as crap as the oompa loompa shit the spics play
oompa loompa shit...thats funny as fuck lol.
dirt goblin music is either absolute cancer or very catchy
so where does this 'this was a nice neighborhood until nigger came in here' meme fit in?
I am a faggot
Look up the (((Fair))) Housing Act
It feels like an uneasy peace. As long as you stay out of the ghettos you won't get slammed with anti whiteness from blacks. People talk about normie things like police violence against blacks but your average person doesn't get physically hurt by racial violence from either side.
e.g. Los Angeles is completely segregated by race.
be honest, even the catchy shit is absolute cancer
remember the macarena? big 90s hit about a hoe who fucked her boyfriend's two best friends while he was out of town? yeah, catchy, but fucking cancer...most music is these days...
I was in the South last month, everything seemed pretty normal. Stayed a few nights in the hood in New Orleans, some parts were run down so the place looked a bit like a rap video or a scene from Straight Outta Compton but we had no trouble from the actual people at any point, they were all fine. Nobody glaring at you and going "WHATCHU LOOKIN AT WHITEBOY"
I can't even remember the last time I saw someone who wasn't white.
French Quarter isn't the hood Irish boi
we dont talk to them, we dont look at them, we dont go near them
then they start moving into your neighborhood and then we start leaving
I envy you so fucking much.
But if you’re in real life america you’d realize most people aren’t on twitter to be brainwashed on the social justice bullshit the liberals push
Being a white guy in LA is really good because all ethnic girls have some degree of white fever. If you are attractive at all you're gonna do really well. The problem is there are relatively few white women here. A lot of them look about 3/4 white because they're mixed with Mexican or Armenian.
If I were in a straight up spic neighborhood in east LA and there were no other races except spics I would feel on edge. The same thing also applied to a nigger neighborhood like Oakland. But if I'm in the hood and I see it's a diverse group of people around I feel fine. Plenty of seedy white people are stumbling around here with no problems. Asian people have never started shit with me, although the FOBs and their language annoy me sometimes.
LA is definitely segregated for the most part, although there are a lot of mixed raced marriages too. Overwhelmingly the most common pairing is a White onions boy with an Asian woman followed by Black man White coal burner.
I don't really give a fuck about the plight of niggers, spics and kikes. What pisses me off, are these white goy race traitors that hate themselves to the extent that would have me and my kin enslaved for their own feelings of moral superiority.