Big if true

Big if true

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Leftists are the worse. For the first time in decades the prople of NK may actually see an end to the virtual hell they suffer, and all leftists can thinj about is DDDDRRRUUUUMMMPPPPFFF. Where is there hippy kumbaya shit now?

These mother fuckers need to be shot in the street like dogs

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Trump is an amazing casino operator who always does well by his investors so why would i not take that deal

I'm interested in five failed casinos in Atlantic City. Can you provide the title deeds?

I feel more safe at night with NK having nukes than Israel.

>For the first time in decades the prople of NK may actually see an end to the virtual hell they suffer,
Where are you getting this? I haven't seen anything concerning their human rights violations being talked about anywhere

Nobody ACTUALLY thinks NK will denuclearize.....riiight?

Trump is the first president to meet with a North Korean leader. Liberals are liars. One North Korean telling a journalist “Yes, we are working on denuclearizing our military.” Isn’t the same as meeting with a president to official discuss it

Leftists will pray trump fails. Bitch and whine about everything thing he does. But when a dem wins again they will cry and plead that we all come together

yeah those are all lies. how fucking stupid do these faggots think we are? do they think we're literally 2 years old?

>when the trump derangement syndrome hits so hard that you would rather have kim glass the western seaboard than see trump bring peace to the korean peninsula

>only the president can negotiate sanctions.

The Taj in AC is THE best casino there lol

How many of them were made with the current leader of NK?

>These mother fuckers need to be shot in the street like dogs

I couldn't agree more to be honest family

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Also were any agreements signed and did any sitting president and his admin formally meet with NK? makes u think

You forgot the 1985 which is where I caught the bullshit. Clinton gave them centrifuge's in 94

>For the first time in decades
Actually, this is like the 100th time in the last 20 years

Lol how old was the current NK leader 1985? What a stupid statement. Time changes

They really hate this nuclear disarmament thing.

They used to be totally into it.

>Also were any agreements signed and did any sitting president and his admin formally meet with NK?

>Clinton gave them centrifuge's in 94
Yea these people will say anything bc no one in there sphere will question it.

Ummm when did this happen before yesterday? please enlighten me

This tweet is so fucking gay
Just because NK has backed away from previous pledges doesn't mean it isn't a positive thing that he is doing so again, and clearly since all of the previous pledges were made from Pyongyang, not from a Western nation while speaking directly with a Western leader, that clearly this case is a little bit different

Fake. They only talked that with the Bill the rapist in 94.

Most people know they're suffering because of tarrifs or restrictions placed on the country retard.

Sure, this isn’t the first time a US president meets with the amoral dictator of NK. It’s just the first time the left finds it so appalling and horrible.

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Name 1 other time in 20 years a North Korea leader committed to meeting on enemy soil to talk denuclearization.


Look at Trudeau and what happened to him after he backstabbed Trump.
I don't think Kim is as dumb as the king of the leafs

Trump discussed opening NK for trade and business, and said he looks forward to lifting sanctions when the time comes. That brings resources, wealth, and general prosperity to the people there.

They can be purchased at competitive rates and minimal down payment, I bet.

I'm fine with Kim having nukes

>So you are telling me Kim expressed desires to denuclearize several times during Obama's mandate and he didn't do shit?

The difference is that for over 2 years the American media has pitched trump as an evil warmonger just begging for any excuse to blow up the planet in nuclear war.

The threat of destruction was made real by the endless screaming leftists cunts who are terrified of trump and what he may do.

If it works out thank leftists for their irrational fears.

It had to come in handy sometime!

>try to end tyrant's regime
>get called asshole for talking to a tyrant
The fuckin' cheeto even said we'd just keep the sanctions on if NK does nothing
>these fuckin' people
I know I don't hate other races because I know what hate is, and I feel it for Leftists
I am growing to actually hate them
This is bad for my spirit
Hate is bad
>Lester Holt and NBC are actually being pretty balanced about it.

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True, but the beauty of Trump is he goes in balls-deep. Israel has been slowly boiling the frog for decades. What does Trump do? Start a fucking bonfire under the Talmudists. He already slapped Best Korea once for saying Pence has a square head or whatever, and he'll do it again if he thinks Kim is fucking with him. The goal is to draw Korea away from China because China is our greatest rival and greatest threat.

I love how this is producing all these tweets and predictions that will age really horribly within the next year and a half

>trump is an evil warmonger
>trump is an evil peacekeeper

Lmao @trumpfags and MAGApedes thinking that Trump is actually winning by giving every concession he can to Kim. Hey fuckheads, there's a big difference between the MOU stating that North Korea will "work toward complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula" and it stating that North Korea will give away its nukes like you faggots seem to think. Mattis must be having fucking conniptions over how weak Trump is in his negotiating and how he's so happy to give away every strong American position to order to appease fat little dictators.

The absolute state of Trump and his supporters lol.

kill jews

Fun fact: I'm a warmonger and hope peace is always a lie.

What concessions, specifically?

Beat me to it, but I don't expect much of an answer from Shitpost Island.

The problem is that most of Trump's supporters are uneducated rural white trash and their fat hick wives.. as long as these losers are allowed to vote they will elect trash like Trump.

>Except in none of these deals did the leader meet directly
>Never did they give back hostages just to get to the negotiating table
>Never did they not take money for this deal and get nothing in return, not even lowered sanctions
Hurr durr previous war mongering asshats fucked up the deals so therefore we should never try to help the people over there. Liberals make me fucking sick

Yeah, if you want a thread to die here ask for actual information.

Damn imagine if Trump gave North Korea 150 billion dollars

>Lester Holt
No lip nigger needs sent to gitmo for his participation in attempting to put down Trump during the debates.

You cunts would say that DRUMPF was going to destroy the pharmaceutical industry if he cured cancer, so trust me when I say that nobody gives one flying fuck what liberal retards say now.

You destroyed your own credibility long ago, and you're nothing but a joke that's run its course now. Which will be proven at Midterms as well as in 2020.

Trump certainly is trash.
Must be embarrassing for trash to be outperforming a bunch of Ivy League intellectuals.

>the virtual hell they suffer
>he believes in Western propaganda

1985? This jew is a fucking liar just like all the jews are. Into the oven he goes

Would he be a liar if he didn’t have five casinos?

>yeah those are all lies. how fucking stupid do these faggots think we are? do they think we're literally 2 years old?
Lemme break this down for ya.
The voter base for the left is dumb as a brick on actual things while being ultra-confident that they are literal geniuses.
Anyone over ~50 that is white and still voting dem is a lock for them and it doesn't matter
The brown horde is even dumber and will just repeat whatever they are told, hell, they don't even understand where to look it up or why to care. They just know that the people "in charge" told them a thing, so they should repeat it.
To the brown horde, the "people in charge" are the ones that let them flood in, and anyone else is simply a "mistake" that will be "corrected".
Your average sub-50 shitlib white that repeats any of this is basically just too dumb to understand any of what is going on and so full of white guilt that they actively refuse to question what their "heroes" tell them.

No way. Dogs are much, much better than leftists.

>North Korea

Fake and gay

Gradually, I began to hate them.

Still enjoying the rage to this day

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Yeah, but have you considered... REEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! ?

You'll learn to enjoy the hate, user.
You are here forever.

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Of course, he's a kike

>1 post by this ID

shit thread, shit lie, kys, faggot. no bump.

let's see what this was

You think they might have learned a lesson after spending twice as much on the presidential campaign and still losing.

Eventually they will learn, but until that day, you might say "I don't feel no ways tired" of winning.

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>reporters can negotiate anything in an official capacity also "REEEEEEEEEEEE"!!

of course it's a lie, but we need this lie to happen so we feel less guilty about glassing the place

Democrats are common core retards that have the recall of a lima bean. How many Presidents sat down with North Korea ever?

One. Donald J. Trump. Suck it OP.

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NICE!! That will shoah them drumpfhtards!!


I thought Clinton did?

I swear everyone on this board is literally retarded from sucking fluoride out of vaccines. They're probably buying time to finish making whatever the fuck else they need. The norks want to take South Korea hostage as leverage over the US. They probably should have gone with the Bolton strategy and just start fucking that fat little fucker up a while ago but who knows. Americans are so drunk with power that they're too stupid to know when they're being played.

Why do weak men even speak? They are held to the same regard as women on serious matters.

this. if obama did that, there’d be a national day of kumbayaying

Seriously? I won't ridicule you because I am feeling nice, but no. She did not.

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>to be honest family

How many times did their leader come meet in person outside his country like this for the talk?

Im 26 and your post answered a lot of my questions thank you

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She = Bill Clinton

>virtual hell
they’re playing minecraft at some insanely hard level?

Off of the top of my head there is:
- The annulling of joint-exercises in and around the Korean Peninsula with S. Korea.
- Trump turning away from the White House plan for de-nuclearization (Specifically Bolton's vision of rapid de-nuclearization in favour of Pyongyang's indefinite and certainly not concrete vision of what that means)
- His concession that war games were deliberately "provocative" to Pyongyang rather than legitimate defensive posturing by Seoul.
- "At some point, I want to bring our soldiers back from South Korea" - Trump abdicating the role of America as an ally in South Korea, one of the US's staunchest allies.

I mean, compared to every other President, Trump has extracted very little from North Korea in terms of concessions. If Trump were this kind of Real Politik god like his supporters say, and some kind of alpha male winner, why would he so willingly (it was kind of pandering and desperate really) offer SO much to North Korea, in exchange for just some verbal promises? Reeks of desperation and poor judgement to me.

Also, who the fuck do you think really wins in this you fucking faggots? Look beyond the Korean Peninsula, and you will see China absolutely gleeful about the possibility of the US dropping its South Korean defence commitments.

Those are just some examples that relate to Korea. There are plenty more, cunt.

Do tell...

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Bill Clinton is a man last time I checked.


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Yet when the Obama and Iran denuclearization peace treaty they believed that Iran would denuclearize. Even though the Iran’s kept saying they wouldn’t.

Sometimes you just gotta be the bigger man and stop the global cock swinging that's been going on for decades.

Not who you're replying to, but I have considered that. I think it's appropriate considering the circumstances.

B-but having all Leftis debate moderators is Democracy in action, user!

Same way they hated how races were getting along when non-whites were still a minority, so they came up with identity politics, they only care about keeping the dynamic oppressed-oppressor alive so they stay in power.

>Bill Clinton suggested unilateral talks with NK
>Trump literally holds unilateral talks with NK
And somehow Trump actually accomplishing what many other “beloved” presidents merely suggested is a bad thing..

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That's obvious. The expression "shot in the street like dogs" carries the implicit subtext that it's *rabid* dogs. Otherwise no civilized person would want to shoot them.

Leftists, like rabid dogs, have a disease, and that disease is leftism. Like dogs, we wouldn't countenance shooting them if they were infected, but they are and it has to be done.

Nig if Jew

>If Trump were this kind of Real Politik god like his supporters say, and some kind of alpha male winner, why would he so willingly (it was kind of pandering and desperate really) offer SO much to North Korea, in exchange for just some verbal promises? Reeks of desperation and poor judgement to me.
To be fair he could always change his mind and pull a 180 back to war footing overnight, which is what I suspect he'll do if he feels he's been lied to because Trump takes those things as a personal slight. Really the Norks developing economically and starting to receive western investment and get a tiny little taste of western goods and lifestyle is a bigger threat to China than any amount of soldiers in the peninsula could ever be.

t. angry pedophile

I seriously doubt they had the nuke since 1985, and US has fucked them over multiple times over the years because of rep/dem change in power.


you’re trying so hard. The only actual concession was a stupid war game which happens every year, and you listed it twice. North Korea agreed to disarmament, but a one hour meeting obviously wasn’t enough to discuss the specifics. The possibility of bringing soldiers home is something that would happen after the tensions cooled down a lot

It is true, but it seems like nowadays Kim is interested in selling some valuable minerals to SKs, and China is interested in American troops leaving the peninsula so it can keep crawling around the region, which means they will be slightly more likely to keep their word. Maybe not dismantle their missiles, but I could see them dismantling the warheads.


So much this. This is going to be a huge portion of 2020 fuel.

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