Why is interracial sex on every commercial

Pic related Sony's commercial where beaner gets BLACKED

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More like why is it always niggers? Did jews just choose the dumbest, most repulsive of them all to piss off all the rest of the goyim?

Is that a nigger for you? He looks like a tanned spaniard.

It's a great way for advertisers to show us which companies to avoid.

They think they're being progressive, and they get retweets telling them this is great.
But what they don't realise is the bulk of people don't buy into this bullshit but know not to say so publicly.
And more and more we are spending our dollars with companies who match our values.

Can you faggots quit acting outraged at every perceived slight that offends your precious feelings like a fat college feminist?

idgaf if they're both shitskins.

ever since the election they've been going into overdrive with interracial couples in every commercial. I'm a beaner and notice these things.

new specsavers advert in uk

Attached: specsavers.png (807x317, 294K)


But unironically


I'm not a spic or nigger, idgaf

I'm surprised black women aren't blowing up black twitter about this. It's always a nigger with a woman of another race.

He looks mulatto. The girl looks Mexican.

Fuck this nigger spam thread.

Just noticed they disabled the comments, there were dozens of comments calling out specsavers

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I think it's a case of black beans on pinto beans here

To get a host population to accept Mass Immigration/Cheap Labor from poor brown countries, you have to encourage inter racial everything and demonize mono racial anything. Huge profits are (((earned))) from MICL scheme.

Instant fight or flight response kicked in the moment the nigger got aggressive.

what did they say?

Enough of the population are retarded, why not go for the gold?

I saw one with a brown guy and a blond girl as a couple for an ISP commercial

Welcome to the genocide against our people.

I always see white men with non-white women.

A lot (((they))) comments and criticising the race mixing propaganda, and people saying they will never go to specsavers again.

She doesn’t look white to me...


It's practically bestiality at this point.

Because the soros propoganda machine is doing as much damage as it can before it is found out by normies.

he said beaner, the jews are keen to the nigger and white girl meme

It's just reflecting on reality, white women love when a big black muscular bull puts their giant cocks in them. There's more interracial dating/hookups than ever

Only in white countries you dirty racist lying fuck-face jew

Black men are usually taller, more confident, women know they have bigger dicks. And they're more masculine. No girl wants some pale feminine white boy, especially a blonde white boy. I'm gay but I have convinced many of my girlfriends that they should try a black guy, because I'm with one now and it's the best sex ever.A lot of women i know usually keep a black guy on the side. I'm gay so we do girl talk. It's 2018, and white boys are at home playing video games and not making an effort to start relationships. Black men are the definition of confidence, masculinity, and pleasure. White women won't and don't miss you.

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Why are you still watching the Talmudvision?

cool thanks.

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>tanned spaniard.
Schlomo, please

bro quit rising to obvious bait

Racemixing is NEVER good. Stop relativizing it, as if mixing with gooks was any better

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Because it's fucking 2018 and you're free to love anyone. Grow up.

Exactly correct

They want to remove the nogs

It's like when the savages sacrifice a virgin to King Kong

Did those gooks shaved half her face?




>Why is interracial sex on every commercial



I wish

Well all women love black men so no point on stopping at white ones only, more power to the black brothers.

It's almost comedic how demographically overrepresented blacks, particularly black men, are in commercials.

>implying you wouldn't go balls deep with the after

Thank God for modern science

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I didn’t buy color television to watch niggers.

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I got my dad to notice this phenomenon too.

Bc Jews dude

Absolutamente asqueroso.

I wish bro. The tv is the og brainwashing agent - the electric Jew in your living room. Kids don't shun multiculti ads- only woke folks even notice or object to them. Kids are being brainwashed to think that niggers are normal. And faggotry of course.

The revolution will start by killing every faggot kike at a cable network. At least that's where it should start. Every last person in the entertainment industry should hang. The kids will get the message.

Fuck off shill.

No kike

The nazi era has reverse and is the pendulum moving in the other way ,
Niggers represent the lowest form so its a message that could feel translated to nother minorities

No decent white women gives a nigger the time of day- don't believe the hype

Children aren't watching TV anymore. Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network know that. They focus their programming on digital media. Apps and their websites. That's why 90% of their schedule is Teen Titans Go!/Spongebob Squarepants.

Tbqh it´s a little different when it´s actual relationships.

Because black represent the highest form of opression (slavery) they are the moises breaking their chain and giving hope to the rest of subhumans, if nigger can the rest of can do too

Hmmm- why can't I comment on this???

Reminder not to buy belvita

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Children are most certainly still watching tv. I get your general point, but don't kid yourself. Four year olds aren't using the Internet - they can't type or read yet

Desu the vidya thing is very true, cuckposting aside. White men truly need to do more manly things, even when the woman is not around. Build, work out, go camping, go hunting, anything but sit at your ass and grow fat all day. Women WILL notice / talk about it.

stop giving money to any company that does this
starve your enemy

The worst thing is that everithing is a lie nor have power nor are fighting for their own legitimste interest
They are pawns in the hands of the kikes it doent matter how much retrate them as the ubermench simply they arent
Evything feel fake with inferior people reclaiming a little ego

>Oh excuse me I was just fucking this white woman also something something glasses
>look at all these cuck glasses you can pick from at our store

Go to their store and step on all their shitty glasses and laugh at them.

Most black men are in prison raping each other though.

BBC is a meme. I've been to the gym.

They have to be unusually large to male it into porn. No one wants to see them otherwise.

And no masculine guys don't win except in prison.

Successful guys get the girl.

9.5 white guy here

At least it's just a Mexican.

This. I've even seen commercial with an asian and black guy running a lot now.

To be honest the women looks like an octoroon to me.

Not sure this is really interracial sex. It's more like a women who's trying to avoid contaminating the white race any further.


Oh wow white male black female! Every now and then they mix it up!

who cares white women are fat and society sucks I would much rather just chill at home

they can enjoy the thots I guess

White men don't miss you coalburners either. Your children will be lower status than my children

Because your women want it because you failed them. White Women secretly desire a masculine alpha boot up their asses and THE WORD NO to settle down all of that hair-flicking "spirited pride" of theirs. You tucked in, knuckled under and retreated to yideo games. You abandoned them. Enjoy watching the consequences even if we tradwomen don't and can't. I've given up on you. Photo of Hitler and a large dildo, I'm good.

Man I bet you could shatter that jaw with a single punch

lefties love to put their nigger pets anywhere

nothing to see here, goy

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Do you remember the commercials better?

try losing weight


I went and saw oceans 8 last night (don't judge I just like going to the cinema) and there was about 20 instances where I saw interracial couples in the film. EVERY single one was black male-white female. They're getting so fucking blatant. The culmination of the movie was her getting the one Chad white guy locked up in prison.

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just returned from a trip to burgerland and the tv is literally nothing but interracial propaganda from commerical to news to tv shows its shoved in your face all the time

I remember not to buy those products/services anymore

it is common knowledge that every white person has black bff now.
every family is now interracial.
blacks and whites like to do everything together.

some things i find hilarious are when they put blacks where they would never be.
some granola bar has a commercial with a black chick kayaking by herself and a soul brotha hiking in a canyon

seriously, every mixed commercial I see, always with a black dude

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literally everything from the last few years has been to piss off whites into a civil war.

imdb deleted all of the good reviews

Seconded. Used to think burgers obesession with BMWF couples being overrepresented in media was just a meme resulting from low self-esteem and autism.

Went there last summer... It is litterally everywhere on tv and print media despite the fact how little you see of it in real life.

Question to burgers. Have normies noticed this and how do they react?

why are there so little white guy/black woman mixes in adverts?

Myself and most everyone I know, hasn't watched TV or movies in years. It's blatantly obvious what they are trying to do and it's disgusting.

Thats a Dominican with a Colombian.

>tast the aids

>Why is interracial sex on every commercial
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, subdued sheep. They make up 0.01% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Why people are afraid of the facts about the Jews:

Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:

Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:

The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:

Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:

The full history of Jewish subversion in the west:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

The Jewish role in the porn industry:

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Oh look, a soon to be single mother.
Not buying overpriced Sony shit boxes.