White Baby Boom- A New Hope?

>>Be me, Blackpilled on the fate of the US
>>Don’t want kids because I don’t want to put them through what’s to come. Girlfriend agrees
>>Trumps gets elected 2016
>>Creates new Tax plan 2017
>>Literally over a dozen of my white friends (who I personally know) and their partners starting having children in the last 12 months.
>> start seeing a lot of pregnant women around
>>GF goes to see friends new born and she tells me she wants a family now
>>Mfw I don’t know what to do.
>>I’m giving the future a chance anons, imma say yes
Is the white Baby Boom a meme or reality. I’ve seen lots of friends who have mysteriously decided to start having a family now. My mom always said 2 is easier than 1 so I’ll be having at least 2. I live in Virginia btw. Any of other anons have any whitepill trends they’ve observed?

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Other urls found in this thread:


there will be no white baby boom

there will be a brown and black baby boom

beige horizon is here


Fuck off with the black pills leaf. Non white birth rates are plummeting.

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I will not have children until the deportations begin.

t. Calfornian

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consider the probability of receiving a 1-in-a-thousand post numeral right after 1-in-a-thousand post numeral. it’s literally 1 in a million

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There you go

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Fucking trips of truth

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its real, white births are now the majority in the US again


keep up the good work

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Holy trips
>wife is pregnant again
>wife's friend is pregnant
>neighbor's daughter is pregnant again
>multiple people on FB pregnant again
>4 women at work pregnant
>multiple random white women pregnant

What the fuck is going on?

>that Melania’s hand

Give it to me straight Magapedes, how bad does she cucks him?


Lol no they aren't. Hop in that oven for lying.

>tfw went from wanting no kids or marriage to planning on getting engaged to gf and having multiple kids
This is probably a meme but damn if I won't try to make it real

Snowfall user. Beautiful Snowfall

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Dropping massively

Just do it. Believe in America

My name is buck, I am here to fuck.

It's happening, friend, and I've never been happier.

All of the white people having kids are rural rednecks and suburban retards. We’re fucked. City whites aren’t reproducing.

The Democratic Party will die.

Great, just what we need: More boomers.

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lmao nice meme

>she wants a family now

Why are you considering having a child, if you both haven't even committed to your relationship. Unless you plan on marrying her, you're just setting up for a bad situation.

better make that baby in missionary position the whole time

... that’s a great point user we’ve been together for 4 years... you’ve given me something to think about.

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Why user?

City whites are leftist filth who need to be removed if they can’t get with the programme.

You don't know what to do? What the hell is wrong with you man, unless she's a roastie, knock that bitch up. Then work your ass off to ensure your kids have a great life.

Among the race and Hispanic-origin groups, GFR in 2016 ranged from 58.8 for non-Hispanic white women to 72.9 for non-Hispanic NHOPI women. For the remaining two largest race and Hispanic-origin groups, the rates were 63.3 for non-Hispanic black and 70.6 for Hispanic women.
>non hispanic white womens

Oh looks like Pol got btfo again. What a surprise.


Conservative Whites are all going to have loads of kids.
The selfish Whites will have bred themselves out of existence.

>>Before trump got elected and settled into office
You’re retarded user


shut up nigger

bullshit white births are skyrocketing I'm seeing white children everywhere

Why did you used a study from 2015 then dumb elephant poster?

Not the same person. Get the fuck out of here with your black pills

I’m seeing more white preggos but every time I see one I hope that she’s not carrying a shitlet

Trips user. Check out this fun graphic.

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Women won’t have children if they don’t see a future for them, women are really unimaginative too so they need basically ten thousand environmental signals telling them it’s time to have kids. trumps election and the massive culture shift is subconsciously telling white women, even shitlib women, that white families have a future again
even in cancer tier libshit Seattle I’m seeing lots of pregnants, my wife and I are talking about number two already
Feels good desu
Summers coming too so anons with pregnancy/feet fetish are about to have the time of their lives walking around in public

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>Just breed like rabbits, eliminate any financial stability, and cut your kids off at 18 out of necessity.
Why is this meme pushed? For 90% of people, this is a terrible idea. If my parents did this, we would have lived paycheck to paycheck. Instead, I got to have a very comfortable upbringing due to being an only child.

Two reasons.
1. You have to have a certain amount of kids to sustain or grow a population. It's more than one.
2. Most only children are fucked up. Not all but enough that it is statistically significant.

Just kys

It is stupid. Why do we need to grow the population? Don't have kids you can't afford to give a decent upbringing to.

This is a copy pasta.

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It literally isn’t

You've never lived in a majority non-white area. You'll find out why really fucking quickly if you do.

I don't because my parents didn't have four kids. It is bad for the family and the kids to do that for 90% of families.

Wtf is going on in hawaii

spiritual connection. intention

>Why is this meme pushed?
Its not.
>don't have kids until you're 40, own a 300k$ house, and travelled to every country
And your parents failed.

it has something to do with the gigantic amount of asian immigrants I think

>Be me, Blackpilled on the fate of the US
>Don’t want kids because I don’t want to put them through what’s to come. Girlfriend agrees
Have kids.
Either they have a good life in a good future, and you made the right choice, or they have to live in the fat-left / corporatist dystopia, in which case both you and they should be proud, because you went down swinging instead of just accepting your fate and curling up in a corner waiting to die like a sick cat.

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You are being illogical.
You said initially why have (multiple) kids.
I gave you two reason, as a population, why people would want to have more kids.
Your response was we don't need to grow the population.
I asserted that you haven't lived in a majority non-white area, because if you did you would find out quickly why you want to maintain or grow a population.
You doubled down on having more than one kid

your parents have contributed to the decline of a white America. it's your duty to whites, America, and Europe to make it up by having at least six.

>My parents failed
Sure... I'm sure the parents who have four kids, throw them out on their 18th birthday, and make them get 80k in debt are the real success stories.

what about six kids by 6 dads with no job ever by any parent


don't give them another slave.

There's definitely a baby boom among white women. Unfortunately where I am in DC/Maryland, it's mostly with black men.

>I’m giving the future a chance anons, imma say yes
Good choice.


City (((whites)))

Hope the girlfriend wants 4-6. One can hope

I keep saying this to myself too

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>I am being illogical
No, I am not. I am saying that for the overwhelming majority of people, it is a very poor financial decision to have more than 1-2 kids.
>I asserted that you haven't lived in a majority non-white area, because if you did you would find out quickly why you want to maintain or grow a population.
What? You want to out breed non-whites? Good luck with that!

Wife is pregnant with my 3rd (a boy). You can do it, at least 3. 2 to replace you and your wife, and one to grow the race.

There needs to be a boom in general we gotta train the next generation to take care of the student loan debt the current young generation is generating.

Alt-Hype did a video about this.


Can we consider an idea for a moment?

>most immigrants are young, fertile, poor and uneducated
>millenials and Gen Z were too young and financially unstable to make babies
Now come 2016
>white America experiences economic and cultural revival
>white businesses, gentrification, insanely widespread gun culture
>millenials and Gen Z experience real life, gain jobs and education
>immigrant children end up (((educated))) or degenerate and cease being baby factories
>white kids finally realize what the true point of life is

I had a hard time finding niggers and spics last time I went to my local Virginia mall. The outlets are basically white ethnoshoppingcenters.

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clarification: outlets are outdoor fancy malls with J. Crews and the like. Malls are the large indoor spaces you go to Abercrombie at.


You can most certainly make moves at the goal of increasing birthrates while maintaining not shit standards of living. It requires planning and not living in LA or NYC, for starters. It also requires planning , execution and a strong memeset to counteract current memes of consumer spending, which is what really makes life ((((((((expensive))))))). Even with cost disease it can be done.
>Be me
>Paid off college debt by 22

yes sir.

Way more non-whites in Hawaii than whites.

I have the exact same infographic for the exact same year but the numbers are different. Something's fucky here dude.

Show it, it’s probably slightly different

In fact I think it's impossible that 3% of white women in Maine and Vermont are giving birth to mixed children, considering these states are 95% white. Someone's fucked with your graph I think

OP confirmed for triplets

>1 for mom
>1 for dad
>1 for the race

More than slightly different. Midwest and East Coast have much lower numbers

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Appears more accurate, thanks user

You ever hear your grandparents, parents, or a formerly poor person say "we were poor but we were happy."? You don't need a standard of living or even money to raise a family. I'd know. I didn't grow up in poverty but we were far from rich and damn did I love my childhood.

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No, most people can't. If you have four kids for the typical family, you should have a five bedroom house, daycare, health insurance, money for braces, money for college, vacation, and living expenses. That is "not shit" standard of living.

The bones of the browns and blacks will break beneath our boots.


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Wonder if leafs are just growing numb to all the constant btfo they get

>it is a very poor financial decision to have more than 1-2 kids.

white couples should be on as much welfare as they can get to have more white children. that money was put there by us for us, and if you don't spend it to make more white children, laquisha and juanita will.

what you are experiencing is called confirmation bias. you seem to have babies on your mind so youre noticing pregnancies and friends having babies more. this causes you to incorrectly assume they are statistically rising when they are not. let me guess, youre late 20s early 30s? completely normal, you just want a family. go start one.

They will throw them into the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth

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>five bedroom house
boarding rooms for boys and girls respectively
why is your wife working?
usually unnecessary
unnecessary if it's for a girl, if for a boy have him stay in state and work hard in hs so he ets grants and scholarships
day trips are a thing too
>living expenses
grow your own food, cut your own wood, cut unnecessary things out of your life
>health ins.
difficult to say with this one

also see

It wasn't put there by anybody it was created by debt if we got rid off social security and all forms of welfare it would be tough but it would literally fix every problem we have in the long run

I agree but old habits die hard.
People have done more with less throughout human history and can continue to do so.
And are you the face of only child success? Without bringing in the actual statistics of how fucked up most only kids are, what do you have to show for yourself that you think everyone needs to drop basic biology on its ass so they can spend unnecessary amounts of money?

You tend to be around people in a similar station of life as you. I'm single and don't know anyone who's pregnant

To be fair, women working is usually necessary in today's economy. If user has a killer job he can get away with it and his wife will love being around the kids most of the time. Still she deserves a break every now and then because we've all been raised spoiled.

My parents partially outsourced raising me to my older sisters who worked at Burger King, went to high school and had social lives in the meantime. Both parents worked erratic schedules since /nursing/ while cooking every night. I barely saw them during the week desu. When we had not time to cook I got my nourishment from Dominoes and Pizza Hut. We still love pizza.

Only vacations we took were one trip to Disneyland and family business trips to the homeland. Braces are usually unnecessary and I completely ignored it every time the dentist told us I needed them. Only if your kids teeth are mega fucked. If you're actually poor, then college will be subsidized by the gubmint. If not, your kids should be smart enough to manage their debt. For your sons it's good for networking and finding a career. For your daughters, it's mainly for their MRS degree. Raise them redpilled or fuck with their heads in such a way that they rebel against you by being conservative and you're in the clear from degeneracy.

Since we only had three bedrooms for a family of five, I shared beds with my family until the sisters went to college on their own merit. I never even saw the inside of a daycare. Still don't know what the inside of one looks like. Some days I walked to the bus stop in a worn-thin hoodie in the middle of winter because I didn't have a coat. My mom bought clothing two sizes too large so it wouldn't stop fitting in a year. I wore my shoes until they had holes in them. Things got better eventually and I'm in college now but I don't look at my early years like

>we were poor. My childhood sucked! I hate life!

Nope. I loved my childhood and look back on it fondly often.

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>tax plan gives you a small amount of money from your children's future taxes
>gives amazon billions
>gives the waltons billions
>oh great goi, time to have a baby

I literally cannot believe how many retards are excited that their parents and grandparents lobbed a trillion dollars in additional debt onto us as the current working demographic and future professional one. This was a one time last chance cash grab before we age into voting power, and I sincerely believe anyone of my own generation that supports it should be strung up a traitor.

Can you imagine being so cucked that you look at a stockmarket propped up by an impossible to justify economic scheme fueled by future debt, one existing for the sole purpose of boomers gutting the future since the present doesn't have enough resources to enable them.


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Most people can. But most people are afraid of taking any risks, so they prepare for years and years on end, and only then have babies, and spread this fucking misinfo around.
It's only recent in slavland that people plan kids. Everyone from my generation was the result of random sex, yet almost all of us had cool childhoods (some of us were beat up more often than others, lmao).

You left your meme flag on mate.
But yeah its good, I have 2 kids with my youngest born in feb. My wife was more red pilled than I was when we met 7 years ago.
I used to think like Hitler did at the beginning that only Zionist/shevik/nazi jews were the bad ones while my wife said 'the only good jew is a dead jew'.

enable them, and get excited about 10 years of a tax break that fights inflation and nothing more at the cost of EVERYTHING AFTER THAT?*

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Never underestimate how quickly women will flip from "never wanting children" to "p..p..please lets have children" when exposed to the babies of their friends.

>be me 5 years ago, 21, recently got gf
>she is the doesn't want children ever camp
>pretend I'm ok with it although I do want children
>not a problem though, because I know how easily women flip when exposed to "awww cute wittle baby :3"
>be fairly keen tenpin bowler
>plenty of mates around my age in the same competitions
>their wives/gfs watch us, we get our guy time, they have their girl time gossiping
>one couple has a child
>within 18 months, the partners, constantly being in the same space as a happy woman with small child for 3 hours a week causes the absolute "CLUCKENING"
>baby boom ensues
>start bringing gf along to bowling about a year go
>takes less than a month before she wants kids, plural
>veterans of the competition have 4, 5 and in one case 7 white children
>mfw a fucking meme sport will unironically save the white race

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